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Modi faces no political costs for suffering he causes. He’s just like Iran’s Ali Khamenei

It astounds many that Modi didn’t even acknowledge the migrant crisis or the loss of jobs in his Atmanirbhar Bharat speech. And yet there is no anger with him.

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If he was a normal politician, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity would have reached its nadir by now. Two out of three working Indians, according to a survey, have lost their jobs owing to the ham-fisted lockdown he declared on 24 March. The government has failed spectacularly to address a migrant crisis festering for over two months. Half of Indian households have reduced their number of meals since the lockdown. Yet, astonishingly, there seems to be no anger with Modi, who seems as popular as ever.

It astounds many that when Modi addressed the nation on 12 May, he didn’t acknowledge the migrant crisis even once, let alone offer empathy. He didn’t acknowledge the unprecedented loss of jobs, chronic shortage of essentials, nor the atmosphere of sheer desperation. Just like he didn’t acknowledge the massive destruction to livelihoods caused by demonetisation in 2016, a disaster no other political leader would have survived.

How does Modi face no political costs for the suffering he, in large part, causes? And how does he not come across as arrogant, out of touch, or simply cruel to most people, even as he consciously ignores their suffering?

Modi confounds normal political analysis because his appeal isn’t merely political. The appeal of Modi is quasi-religious, that of a messianic figure. Like M.K. Gandhi, Modi represents what political scientist Morris Jones referred to as the ‘saintly idiom’ of Indian politics. He is the self-described ‘fakir’, unattached to family and material possessions, who is here to lead India not just politically, but also socially, morally and spiritually. This is why he generates not mere following, but devotion. And this devotion is immune to the performance of the government he leads.

Also read: Why the Modi government gets away with lies, and how the opposition could change that

People’s suffering a trial of faith in Modi

When you are suffering, you don’t sack the messiah, much like you don’t sack God. You redouble your faith, because God tells you your suffering is for a higher cause, the thorny path towards salvation that only God can lead you to. The one time Modi mentioned the suffering of daily wage workers, he termed it as ‘tapasya’ (penance) —suffering for a higher cause, just like he had described his demonetisation move as “yagna against corruption”. When he extended the first lockdown on 14 April, he used the same spiritually imbued terms, calling for ‘tyag’ (sacrifice) and ‘tapasya’. Gandhi told people that India will achieve freedom through sacrifice and self-purification, which was the basis of satyagraha. Modi tells people he will build a ‘self-reliant nation’ — Atmanirbhar Bharat — on their sacrifices and penance.

This is why he began his speech with invocations of India’s ancient greatness. Modi is a messiah in a certain moral universe. In this universe, India was great, then we had “1200 years of slavery”, in his words (which includes the ‘slave mentality of post-Independence period’), until Modi arrived to lead us back to greatness. The coronavirus is not a crisis that calls for damage mitigation, the framework in which other world leaders place their measures; it is an ‘opportunity’ to fulfil his vision of regenerating India into a great nation.

But he requires unconditional faith. In this framework, the suffering of people is a trial of faith, similar to demonetisation. The faith of the people in the nation, and in the leadership of Modi. It is not unreasonable that many desperate people will cling on to this faith, which gives meaning to their suffering, rather than succumbing to total despair. Modi calls on them to transcend the banal, and increasingly wretched, existence, and be part of something bigger than themselves. Suffering strengthens faith, not weakens it, because that’s when you need it most.

This faith was recently consecrated with rituals, the thali and diya spectacles, participated in by tens of millions of people. Modi also administered seven vows to people, which included ‘taking care of elderly’, ‘taking care of poor people’, and ‘being compassionate to your workers’. Meanwhile, he also released his own animated videos doing yoga, viewed by millions of people. Through these measures, he was reinforcing his claim to the social, moral and spiritual leadership of India.

Also read: Covid lockdown has ended only opposition politics in India. BJP’s shop is very much open

Relief measures are personal benevolence 

Modi similarly packages his speeches with the aura of revelation. Unlike other democratic leaders, who are understandably communicating almost every day in the midst of a crisis, Modi communicates once every few weeks. He makes people wait for the new revelation, which is why he announces his appearance a day or two in advance. The gap is filled with wild speculation, with people airing their wishes and hopes, like prayers to an unpredictable deity.

Then he appears, at the appointed time. His speeches are part sermonising, part commandments. Often nestled in the midst is a big announcement, which is designed to shock or dazzle. The stimulus package, which was announced soberly as a crisis mitigation measure by other world leaders, was revealed by Modi like Sathya Sai Baba spitting out the golden egg. ‘Rs 20 lakh crore’, Modi kept repeating, wanting to mesmerise his audience with the scale of the package. He didn’t call it the ‘Modi package’ (those nomenclatures are left for a fawning media), but that’s how he presented it, as personal benevolence to the people, larger than they could have imagined.

“Modi’s package is equal to/bigger than the economy of Pakistan,” his missionaries on social media and mainstream media screamed out. The actual fiscal package, it turns out, would only amount to a few lakh crores, underwhelming by the standards of other countries or even India’s needs, consisting mostly of government secured loans and paying off government dues. It is an old trick that he had perfected during his days in Gujarat, when he rattled off staggering figures of lakhs of crores of investment in Vibrant Gujarat summits, which were actually MoUs seldom realised on the ground. But Modi, like religious men, only speaks in grand, symbolic terms.

Also read: Modi got all the credit for lockdown. Now, he wants states to share risk of unlocking India

Ministers may be accountable, Modi isn’t

The mundane work of crafting policies to realise his vision of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ was left to finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman. The reason Modi does not announce any policies or goes into specific details, is because he doesn’t want to be judged for those policies, but for his vision. When the policies fall short of expectations, his ministers take the fall for the shortcomings and failures. When migrants are charged for train tickets, it is the fault of railways minister Piyush Goyal. Even Right-wing supporters are critical of Nirmala Sitharaman, just like they were with her predecessor Arun Jaitley, for not just failing them but also failing Modi. Modi’s ministers are human and fallible, and therefore accountable, in contrast to the infallible and unaccountable demi-God figure of Modi.

Modi has staked a position for himself akin to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei. Another divinely guided, infallible leader, who has the final say over all government measures, sets the political direction of the country, embodies and enunciates the moral values of the nation, but is above political accountability for government failures, which rests with the elected officials subordinate to him. Modi occasionally earns democratic legitimacy at the ballot, but between elections, it is this transcendental legitimacy that makes him above press conferences, above transparency, above all the constraining and scrutinising procedures of democracy that he nonchalantly ignores, with popular acquiescence.

He ignores the plight of the migrants and the poor because he can’t admit to any faults or weaknesses or oversight. The core of his quasi-religious appeal is that he can never be wrong. Even if you don’t understand his plans, you trust him. In fact, it’s better if you don’t understand his plans because it deepens his mystique, the inaccessible ambiguity that characterise religious leaders. Which is why he is so miserly with actual communication, thriving instead on uplifting sermons. Even when spelling out government plans, Modi prefers alliterations and hands out acronyms to people like chantable mantras. His offerings are not only vague but come with no timeline of delivery. You just have to keep the faith.

Also read: Foolish to think Hindus who voted Modi twice will shift due to threat to Muslim citizenship

Hindus’ religion is at core

This quasi-religious appeal of Modi has been enabled by decades of propaganda by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). This propaganda has used Hindus’ religion to establish a cult of “national worship”, to delegitimise dissent, establish it as blasphemy, and excommunicate BJP-RSS’ opponents from the moral-national community as ‘anti-nationals’. Modi has inserted himself into this mythical, religious conception of India as the national messiah, with willing acceptance from large sections of the people.

The result is a democracy that faces a catastrophic crisis under a leader holding near absolute power, with no apparent accountability to respond to reality. In the real world, our economy, which was already reeling under demonetisation and GST, has suffered a devastating blow whose effects might last decades. Hunger deaths have already been reported and perhaps more are going unreported. But, have some of that opium of the new national faith, and we are steadily marching towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’. If Modi is indeed a false prophet, he has certainly glittered the path to hell in the most glorious light.

The author is a research associate at the Centre for Policy Research, Delhi. Views are personal.

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  1. तुम लोग जितनी मर्जी लिखो.. तुम और तुम्हरे जैसे पाठक नकट्टे हो.. कितनी बार इस व्यक्ति ने आपको धूल चटाई है.. लेकिन तुम फिर वही घिसा पीटा राग अलापते रहो… ये राष्ट्र इस ऋषि के साथ है क्यूंकि ये ऋषि सत्य के साथ है… और सत्य कभी पराजित नहीं हो सकता है.

    • अगला ऋषि उत्तर प्रदेश में योगी के रूप में तैयार हो रहा है.. इन कांग्रेस समर्थित लिबरल सेक्युलर और जेहादी माफिया से टक्कर के लिए.

    • असीम अली
      तुम नहीं बताओगे लेकिन मैं बताता हूँ कि तुम एक सुन्नी मुस्लिम हो
      तुमने बड़ी चालाकी से अपने सबसे बड़े target मोदी को तो blame किया ही, शिया लीडर खमेनी को भी बुरा बता दिया
      कभी पाकिस्तान की दमनकारी नीतियों, तुर्की में चल रहे सेक्यूलरिज्म की हत्या के बारे में भी लिखो
      इतना भयंकर कभी ISIS के खिलाफ नहीं लिखा होगा
      और एक बात बताओ, सऊदी का किंग सलमान क्या खमेनी से ज्यादा लोकतांत्रिक है?

  2. Idiot asim,how can u compare khamanai to any other leader,how can u (idiot) understand a khamanai (genius leader)

    • Correct
      A Sunni Blaming Modi by cleverly blaming not only the prime target Modi but also shia leader Khomeini. Can the author write about blaming Turkey’s diversions from secular ethos or Khomeini is more despotic than King Salman of Saudi
      I m sure u have never written so viciously against ISIS

  3. Laughable reasons to frame Modi for everything. Author is biased by default and must be the part of manufacturing machinery of congress-secular-liberal mafia, frustrated and desperate to regain the lost paradise.

    • Correct
      A Sunni Blaming Modi by cleverly blaming not only the prime target Modi but also shia leader Khomeini. Can the author write about blaming Turkey’s diversions from secular ethos or Khomeini is more despotic than King Salman of Saudi

  4. It is disheartening to see that the mega package announced by the government is not meaningful for the people who are suffering.
    1. Covid patients being charged huge sums for treatment. Patients have to pay huge sums to get them treated in any hospital now. For examples, in Gujarat, patients have to pay Rs.9000-23000 per day for an ICU bed and Rs.4000-9000 for a ward. (Check the link: Similar is the case in other states too, except few like Kerala. What an injustice is it? This amount can’t be even afforded by the upper middle class. Think about the case of people who are poor. Is it not the first priority of the government to take care of covid patients?
    2. Migrants who are travelling back are being charged for their travel. People have to pay more than usual to take the trains which have been arranged to transport migrants to their native states. ( ). While government says it pays 85% of the bill, people have to pay the normal fare +Rs.50 extra. Can’t 1% of the 20lakh crore be used to transport them free of cost? Should it not be the priority of the government to provide free travel to labors who do not have money and returning home.
    3. Forceful PAID quarantine: People returning to states like Karnataka has been put on paid quarantine costing Rs.900 to Rs.4500 per day ( Should the government not use some part of 20L crore to pay such bills for people who are returning without jobs and without money?
    4. Huge repartition charges from abroad. People have to pay huge charges to return from abroad whether they are travelling in Air India or a naval ship. ( ). Many people have lost their jobs and are returning home. Not all are well to do, many work as laborers in foreign countries. Is it the not the priority of the government to save their people abroad without charging them in their difficult times? A similar exercise by the Indian government is 1990 airlifted 1.7Lakh Indians from Kuwait without any charges.
    5. Job loss, no money, starvation: Lakhs of laborers across India without jobs are walking back to their native places. They do not have money or food to eat., can’t afford to board a train or truck. Some good Samaritans and NGOs are trying to help them on the way, but there is a limit to what they can do. Is it not the priority of the government to help such people who would starve to death?
    While government has announced a mega package, which may help economy in the long run, immediate priorities are completely ignored. Irrespective of political affiliations, people and Government needs to wake-up to the reality.

    • Mr Shaji Chacko: You bring many excellent points to the fore. Sadly, this callous, insensitive government led by an authoritarain man with little compassion for the poor has ignored them so far.

      Each and very one of the 5 points you raise above should have been raised by the advisers to the PM.

      Point 4, where you mention the costs of repatriation being claimed from the evacuees themselves throws this government’s efforts into sharp contrast with then PM VP Singh government’s evacuation of Indians from the Gulf in 1990. Air India conducted 500 flights over a 2 month period to get all Indian workers out of the Gulf – the world’s largest evacuation to date.

      Former Ambassador K.P. Fabian’s article* in the Madras Courier** is worth reading.

      Please do write more often Mr Shaji Chacko – there is such a dearth of inputs from God’s own country people in these bhakth-infested columns … !!!

      ** Also Published in Malayalam in the Malayala Manorama

      • And u must mention that post VP Singh -Chandrasekhar government, India fell into the biggest economic crisis ever

        • Mr Sanjeev Sehrawat: Thanks for the response.

          The economic crisis you refer to may have been precipitated in the post VP Singh era in terms of its timing. But that crisis was gestating for a long time and cannot be pinned on VP Singh’s decisions per se. Fact is, by the 80s and 90s, the lack of economic viability of the centralised planned economy model was becoming evident in many parts of the world and India was no exception. It was the failure of the command economy systems of countries like India, the USSR, Argentina, Poland, Romania and many E.European countries that soon manifested themselves in drastic changes in politics and economy. Not a one-off expense item like evacuations. I will categorically refute your claim that money spent on evacuation of Indians stranded in the Gulf in the 1990s was the root cause for India’s economic woes.

          But since you talk of economic crises and link them – and very rightly I would add – to the decisions of governments in power, you should now apply that same paradigm to the current government and the many economic disasters that it has manufactured. And these are disasters and destruction visited upon the people, particularly the poor and people in the informal sector of the economy.

          Start with demonetisation and the consequent destruction of the informal economy, a bungled GST implementation, the Rafale scam, the unaffordable white elephant of a bullet train project, the usage of RBI profits to plug the massive holes in the budget, purchase of 2 yes 2- expensive Boeing 777 aircraft for VIP travel to the tune of USD 1.18 Billions, the collapse of the lucrative leather industry and the beef export industries etc. etc. to name a few. And these are decisions that were taken by the authoritarian, know-everything Modi government against the advice of world class economists like Raghuram Rajan, Urjit Patel, Amartya Sen, Jagdish Bhajwati, etc. etc.

          Wonder what you have to say to this Modi made mess Mr Sehrawat.

          • It’s been a long time I m talking to a sane person
            I m not defending Modi as the Janata dal government I was criticising, bjp was a part of that government at that time as a coalition partner
            See brother, you are playing well a role of opposition party
            Do you really think demonetisation was ill intended, would cash economy continue to be a curse for this country for centuries. U may criticize this for want of criticising Modi, but I still support demonstration. It’s true that its implementation was not good but in the long term we have to head towards cashless economy. Otherwise our country will remain haven for money laundering, hawala, tax evasion and cash funded crime, even terrorism. Cashless economy is not an easy task. It will take decades. But it will benefit India.
            GST. Are you joking bro. Is GST really bad thing. Don’t try to be on wrong side. It’s having hiccups now but it will benefit in long run. First half of your reply shows that u r not a person who doesn’t know it. GST is now an international standard. It’s the anomaly of our economy that is facing problems, like an ill person faces sour prescription to be healthy again
            Your other criticisms also don’t hold ground. Now u will say that I m wrong and the issues are real. No man, like the current crisis. Modi is not a God. Even America has succumbed to this virus. No doubt, Modi has his own share of failures. But cursing Modi for everything makes him far stronger. States are also responsible. Decisions are well thought out and federalism is at its peak as every lock down was extended after consulting Chief Ministers in transparent manner.
            Brother, the problem is that you don’t have any worthwhile opposition. You can’t say no. As no alternative to Modi has been produced successively by the opposition.
            I remember I supported Manmohan when he defended nuclear deal with USA in 2008. I voted for him. But I was in all opposition to his puppet government.
            Think of national interest. You r talking about mess. Yes there is a mess. But it is far less than created earlier by successive governments . And I’m sure that it will be less messier than now slowly but steadily
            India is getting essential surgeries. Surely, there are woes, but if we don’t do it now, posterity will blame us for not acting now. We have missed many trains of opportunities. But don’t try to derail it now

        • Mr Sanjeev Sehrawat: Again, thanks very much for your sane, sober response Sir. It is always a delight to discuss facts with an educated man like you who does not resort to indulging in knee-jerk, jingoistic abuses shorn of substance.

          I will restrict myself to the 2 things you mention here – demonetisation (I will abbreviate this to DM) and GST. And let us stick to economics. I will strive to use simple, easy to understand economics, devoid of jargon. Indeed economics that any chaiwala would be able to grasp – regardless of whether or not he graduated from Delhi University !

          During one of the very first lectures in economics that I had when I was a student, the professor mentioned a few fundamental tenets of economics:

          1: When you deploy a policy measure and target a specific group – either to privilege this group or to punish the group – then, you must also study its effects on groups that are NOT targeted.

          2: When you deploy a punitive or privileging measure targeting a specific group, you must try to understand, not just the immediate effects of the measure, but also its long term effects.

          Applying this to PM Modi’s demonetisation.


          Let us assume that 10% of Indians i.e. 130 million Indians out of a population of 1.3 billions held black money. This is the target group that the Modi government went after.

          But tell me Mr Sehrawat, did not the other 90% who were utterly innocent suffer? Any guesses as to who suffered the most of these 2 groups? How many of the rich black money wallas died whilst waiting in bank queues? Did you see Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Gautam Adani or any of the 500 + Indians named in the Panama Papers* list of people with overseas funds stand in bank queues to change notes? How many of the 1200 Indians who were in the HSBC list of Indian with Swiss assets compiled by Herve Falciani** stand in queues?

          As regards your defence of DM using the weak, limp excuses compiled by PM Modi, mostly as an afterthought were mere rubbish.
          – Terrorism: Cannot be stopped by DM, the Chinese (not the Pakistanis) who print fake notes would quickly have started making the new notes;
          – Hawala: This system has existed for about 1300 years and it cannot be stopped. it has traditionally served a legitimate banking need in many rural, unbanked communities in India and developing countries. Indeed, many countries, recognising the banking needs of their populations now allow a form of hawala. Examples would be M-Pesa in Kenya and Paga in Nigeria.
          – Tax Evasion: Cannot be tackled by DM

          Indeed, exactly as Dr Raghuram Rajan predicted, Indians had found ways to launder their black money – for a fee – and get it back to the RBI and nearly 98% of the notes came back to the RBI. Indian DM helped black money wallas to whitewash their money !!!! Whilst some might say that the tax base increased, but that happens as more people enter the labour force. Indeed, tax revenues have NOT increased as GDP as increased.

          But then, PM Modi, like President Trump, surrounds himself, not by world-class economists like Dr Rajan but by RSS apparatchiks and yes-men.

          As someone said:

          “To kill the few crocodiles in the pond, the pond was drained but sadly, all the fish in the pond died. But the crocodiles got away as they can live in water and on land” !!!!

          Demonetisation reminds me of that.


          Once bitten, twice shy. By now, black money holders would have redoubled their efforts to get their money out of India or keep it in more safer forms. I do not have figures, but anecdotally, capital flight from India has increased. Sadly, instead of collecting money from foreign accounts and putting 15 lac Rs in the accounts of Indians as candidate Modi promised*** before being elected, he has inadvertently increased money leaving India !

          Today, India’s foolish demonetisation is being taught in economics classes as an example of perverse policymaking that hurts the weakest.

          Excellent in theory. But the GST idea, like demonetisation, does not build upon an understanding of the Indian economy with its small formal sector and its large informal sector. The vast informal sector which employs 82% of Indians consists of the millions of maids, dhobis, auto-drivers, waiters, farm hands, coolies, cooks etc. etc. This sector is the very backbone of the Indian economy and is more capable of absorbing the many Indians entering the labour force. It consists of myriads of single person and 4-5 person outfits producing many goods and services.

          Indeed, in the informal sector, the average firm size is 2 employees. As an example, in the middle class flats in Madras where my parents live, they have an “ironing service”. Every morning a lady collects the clothes and takes it down to the road where her husband does the ironing using a coal operated iron. This elderly couple who live on the pavement also look after their granddaughter whose parents were no more. How they hell can they make the necessary investments in IT infra-structure to be able to file forms etc. for GST compliance? In fact, they are semi-literate, do not use electricity, do not have bank accounts and live hand to mouth. And there are millions of such small family firms all over India. Onerous GST requirements, perversely, force many such firms to remain in the informal sector.

          None of these massive Modi-made missteps have made any impact on the man’s popularity. And bhakths regard that as vindication of the man’s decisions. But let us not forget that Adolf Hitler too was immensely popular, right to the end of the Third Reich; Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines who unabashedly sends death squads to the slums to kill the poor is popular; Donald Trump, despite prescribing Dettol to cure COVID might get re-elected.

          Which makes me conclude:

          “Charisma is not the same as competence”




          • You have studied socialism and communism well brother. And your knowledge is also very good.
            I would like to mention my arguments, though weaker than yours given the current state of affairs in our country.
            Our country has missed industrial and technological revolutions. We have to build modern state with best international practices as we have to transcend many intermediate level stages of development to become a world power. We have to hurry to be a part of development revolution. And we can do it as we did with information & technology revolution.
            Second thing is that top level decisions may be wrong, but are not ill-intended. It’s a general public perception.
            See my friend, our country has to bear some pains and evils of capitalist mode of development, some regional and individual income disparities. We have failed with socialistic pattern of development, so let’s give ourselves the other choice. It’s not the best but necessary evil. But social and economic changes are conspicuous.
            At last, I agree to disagree with you. And your views are not avoidable but worth reckoning. But we have to go ahead with the idea of development that has been the most successful. We can’t afford to invent wheel again. We have to follow the well tested path of development. This is going to stay. You can lobby to better application of this, but cannot avoid it. This is the truth of now. You named it bhakti, but many can tell you the same.
            My name is Sanjeev Sehrawat, my whats app number is 9411552239. It was good to talk to you. If you feel like, u can message me on the number.

  5. Since social media posts show no more defence of Modi pouring in as it used to be there is certainly a fault line developing in the last one week which needs to be verified. I hope that the writer is not part of the bandwagon trying to manufacture consent for Modi. I do not expect the Print to be a party to, the project of manufacturing consent for Modi.

  6. Khomeini doesnt have political cost because khomeini isnt a politician, Iran parliament is publicly elected.
    Name of author reflects the hate filled hindu phobic mindset. Comparing with khomeini, the man who saved syria and iraq from ISIS. The same khomeini who is supported by 50 million indian shias.
    If modi is raising voice for right of minorities in pakistan and bangladesh who are butchered like cattle, and raped if they dont convert to Islam, what is the issue in this. Hindus Shias Sikhs Ahmedias all are entitled for human right

    • मुझे अपना कमैंट या उत्तर हिंदी में लिखना अच्छा लगेगा और में कहूँगा कि *लेखक महोदय केवल अपनी भड़ास इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से निकालने का प्रयत्न कर रहे हैं और उनके पालतू पाठक रही सही कसर पूरी कर रहे हैं। अच्छा मंच है उन लोगों के लिए जिनका केवल एक उद्देश्य है कि कैसे भी इस एक व्यक्ति की नकारात्मक तस्वीर पेश करो।
      ठीक है लगे रहो।

  7. This is nothing but an attempt to whitewash the abject failure of all the other political parties and ideologies in India. The author argues that somehow it is the due to flaws in the psyche of the people of our great country (i.e. half a billion people are somehow retarded – especially of a particular religion) that someone like Modi came to power and remains there.
    But maybe there is a simpler explanation – Modi came to power on the back of extreme disaffection of the people of the country and though he did not really deliver on his promises in his first term, he won his second term due to the lack of a credible alternative who could take the country forward.
    The clearest evidence is that the Kejriwal voter in Delhi assembly is the same one who votes Modi in parliament (despite them often being at each others’ throat) – ever wondered why?
    I would strongly recommend that those on the left and even center spend some time on introspection and self-correction rather that look for answers outside for their current state.

  8. If you want to compare, Modi should be compared with Mohammed.
    Just like Mohammed has sway over Muslims despite all his flaws, Modi too has sway over Hindus.
    if you can’t explain why Mohammad is revered by most of the Muslims even after 1400 years and violent idealogy, You will never be able to explain the charisma of Modi.

    • Mr/Ms Carryminati: The charisma and image of Modi have been carefully crafted and sculpted by the American PR and lobbyist firm APCO*. APCO has under its tutelage a wide array of dictators and thugs whose images the firm burnishes – for a hefty fee.

      Ever since CM Modi used the firm APCO to promote its Vibrant Gujarat** scheme, he has been a regular client of the firm. APCO helped create the Modi hologram during the 2014 election and has created much of the image and illusions that Indians have about PM Modi. APCO has utterly no scruples and some of its dubious activities*** include:

      Lobbying for the dictator of Turkmenistan Nursultan Nazarbayev
      Lobbying on behalf of cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris in its efforts to prevent the passage of laws that curbed smoking as a health hazard
      Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha

      Your comparison of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed with Hindutva’s Politician über alles Modi is an apples to oranges comparison. The former is a religious figure and adherents of a religion do not question the flaws of their own religious figures. Karl Marx’s statement:

      “Religion is the opiate of the masses”

      holds true when it comes to all religions.

      It is the prerogative of the adherents of a particular religion to decide how they wish to treat their own long dead religious figures. But a living, democratically elected political leader such as PM Modi respect all Indians, and not just the ones that voted for him. Modi fails that requirement.


      ** ref:

      *** ref:

    • Befitting response.
      These same Alis, Barkhas, Ravishs and socalled appeased seculars would have after Modi if lock-down was not imposed or delayed, drawing a similarity to what some are doing with Trump’s decision to not lock-down America. This way or that way, these crying machines will do the best of their political-purpose i.e. crying and shedding crocodile’s tears. Had the lock-down was not imposed, today after two months, there would have been millions of infected people, lacs of them getting died in their homes, outside hospitals or even roads -without any medical help available.
      Today they are blaming Modi government for the exodus of migrant workers from states and are silent about the failure of some of the head of the states! Many sates like Maharashtra, Delhi, Punjab, West Bengal, Kerala, etc. have reached economical superiority because of skilled and mostly semi-skilled/unskilled workers from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, etc. They owe the success and sustenance of day-to-day life & business due to these migrant workers only, but when it came to support them at the time of crisis, they turned a blind eye?
      I’m amused with these congress- left-liberals and so-called seculars always that why these are always open to train their guns on Modi & BJP? One answer which I find is that over the seven decades of non-BJP rule, these people have been the biggest beneficiaries of the pro-dynasty rule of appeasement by congress party. The never-ending plights of workers, farmers, poors, women, hindu majority and rich-poor divide of the society, is their “curs of governance” to this nation. When the people of India, frustrated with this powerful mafia reacted angrily in 2014 and believing in Narendra Modi and re-imposing their confidence again in 2019, this mafia is owe-struck. For the Battle-2014, these all evil forces are now getting aligned against Modi – to bring their Achhe Din again. Modi, being a pro-people and pro-Bharat leader, is not alone and today he has a resoundingly huge army of supporters from all walks of society.

  9. An article by cynic retard. The author has chosen to be a cynic and ignore words like reforms in digital India, jan dhan accounts, no middlemen, same day transfer of money, opposition creating migrant confusion etx.

    Nobody accepts strict teachers while they are in tenure. They accept them only after they leave school.. The agriculture reforms announced now will have a deep impact in times to come.

    But Cynics remain cynics with full fake news shit. This article only highlights the kind of losers who wrote this article.

      • Partly because it would be stuck in a political quagmire. I dont think people realize the BJP in itself has lot of politics, even though Modi has power. His hands are more tied than it appears, his silence is not because of autocracy but because he is stuck within his own party and RSS background. Same plays out with other aspects. In normal times different lobbies will want different things, pushing a reform for one sector is much harder. same with regard to labor laws.

        Right now migrant crisis is causing people return more to rural india. No one can interfere with major reforms for it.

    • Deeps: You claim”

      “An article by cynic retard”

      Care to make public the evaluations of your own shrink before calling others a retard?

    • Mr Shan Kumar: And what exactly was the conditon of the economy under the Modi regime, even before COVID struck ? Healthy and wealthy thanks to this Delhi University graduate and RSS man’s Hindutva take on the economy?

      The state of the economy today, when compared to the situation in 2014 when Modi took over the reins of power from Dr Manmohan Singh is nothing short of ABYSMAL. And the wrecking of the Indian economy was a Modi made process. And not entirely surprising given the man’s authoritarian streak.

      So stop being a naïve bhakth and learn to differentiate between substance and spin.

  10. If all the people criticising this article are real. I mean they are not a part of world famous bjp it cell, den dis country is in reall mess. Because somewhere i was thinking that the educated ones will now understand something out of all the things happening right now. But you know its good for the people that they dont have the little common sense required to understand the article. Knowing the reality can be depressing. I havent slept properly in months. I realised everything said in this article during my free time in lockdown. It started with knowing about the reality of air strikes and the truth of all the evils modi has done just unfolded in front of my eyes. Only god can save this country. Ram ji to be precise.

  11. Just go through the comments here and you would realise how relevant the article is. People are so dumb that whatever happens to this great country for the worse these people will go on worshipping their god.

    • An outstanding comment Mr/Ms Telugu Warrior !

      The problem with India’s middle classes is precisely what you say ” ..whatever happens to this great country for the worse these people will go on worshipping their god. ..”

      But equally dangerous is the fact that in the eyes of the bhakths, this Gujarati God is so perfect that he never makes mistakes, must never be held accountable and never be questioned. And any criticism is banned making you an anti-national in the eyes of the brainwashed bhakth. And even when PM Modi makes serious and ir-reparable mistakes, the bhakth will never blame the architect of the mistake but everyone else.

      Indeed, when PM Modi realised that demonetisation was a fiasco of gargantuan proportions, the PM slyly retreated and left flunkeys like Arun Jaitley (RIP), Nirmala Sitharaman and others face the impossible task of defending his harebrained idea. Demonetisation, followed by an equally botched GST decimated the informal economy which employs 82% of India’s labour. It crippled the farm sector, wiped off the savings that many housewives had squirrelled away for a rainy day, and adversely affected ALL sectors of the economy. And all the while, the real sharks in the BJP were tipped off in advance and managed to spirit away their ill-gained assets. Yet the middle-classes who did not suffer much would defend this foolish scheme tooth and nail.

      This Modi bhakthi reminds one of the devotees of that charlatan “Swami” Nithyananda who are in such awe of their guru that they would buy any nonsense dished out by him. Thus, when the “Swami” says that he was able to delay sunrise* by 40 minutes, you can see his devotees applauding ! Something similar is taking place with the middle-class devotees on the Modi cult as well.

      Whilst the antics of a Nithyananda can be laughed away, the mistakes of a Prime Minister have grave consequences for the nation and its citizens. India will pay a heavy price for not only for not holding the Modi government responsible for its actions but also for preventing people from criticising and asking it legitimate questions about its abysmal track record on almost all fronts.


    • Stop being so smug about appearing progressive and rational.If they worship what’s your problem even if you have what you will do?

  12. Perfect depiction of modi’s charisma in present indian society.But day by day illusion is going to be faded. Charisma without delivery is bound to last, bound to end.,and this is visible now .Very soon you will be found to analysing the fall of Messiaha.

    • Mr Sk Sahu: Whilst I agree fully with your assessment of the poor delivery, indeed abysmal delivery record of the Modi government, I am afraid you are a tad too optimistic about the fall of the Messiah. Remember, even when Germany was in ruins, Hitler’s charisma was intact and even children volunteered to fight for the Führer and the Third Reich. The message that the Jew is the enemy and was the cause of Germany’s problems had been sold and was fully endorsed by the German people.

      Something similar is at work in India too. The Muslim is now the scapegoat for all of India’s Modi made problems.The Hindu middle classes and even the poor have fully bought into that message. They will vote for Modi even if they go hungry because of his policies. You see that taking place in the US as well. Donald Trump swore that he would remove Obamacare, the act that gave medical coverage to the many uninsured Americans. He also gave the impression that he espoused the cause of the poor white man and played the white identity card. Thus, one witnessed that many poor white Americans who were dependent on Obamacare nonetheless voted for Trump. In effect signing their own death warrants. In a BBC interview I happened to see, a coal miner and his wife whose medical bills were to the tune of USD 6000/month but were covered by Obamacare still voted for Trump ! They knew that they were certain to lose coverage for vital drugs and yet they were more concerned about their white identity and saw Trump as a protector of that identity.

      Exactly the same thing is at work in India. Modi plays the persecuted Hindu card and gets votes despite wrecking the economy. As French diplomat Joseph de Maistres (1753-1821) said:

      “Every nation gets the government it deserves”

      • Its sad to see a comment in such bad faith. Nation is of people, people in power don’t define nation. Jews in Germany didn’t deserve Hitler, and so didn’t most Germans. The number of WWII deaths should tell you that.

        And this is exactly the problem with false equivalencies prevalent in media and amongst liberals today. You polarize moderate people who are the majority in the country.

        Much of south india and eastern india has voted for independent parties- do they deserve this? Stop considering that Delhi and UP and that belt are the nation. If people were given sensible choices they would reconsider. Some of the best handling of situation is by Kerala and Odisha. Odisha government is an interesting one, BJD has decent relation BJP, remains popular and well trusted by people. BJD is not like Congress (Nehru version anyway) in its philosophy, and it originally rejected the kind of caste/minority politics common in the UPs/Delhis/ and alike.. Odisha has hindu leanings, but is communally calm.

        But even in odisha, intolerence is little more than earlier (see Jayanta Mahapatra). Why is it so? Because just as RSS talked about hindu-hindu, you all stood up with anger but instead of channelling it at RSS you channelled it at people (calling them “bhakts”, ridiculing their practices related to cows). You can keep finger pointing at Modi. Blame people for voting for him. But many people who voted for BJP were those who were tired of caste-ist, minority pandering politics along with inefficient politics. And our lords in congress refuse to realize it.

        Minorities need protection but push it too far, you have a problem. We ultimately need both Gandhi and Ambedkar. The poona pact saga in 1930s and Gandhi’s stance on it chafes communities, but had political wisdom- it rings loudly today in context of all forms of minorities. If liberals in India could put themselves in the conservative communities shoes (which is what Gandhi did) instead of holding themselves at a higher plane, they would understand better that pointing fingers at most BJP supporters is a form of hatred.

        • Mr/Ms qwerty123: Thanks for your response.

          Whilst I thoroughly appreciate the sane, moderate tone in your comment, I find the statement:

          “Minorities need protection but push it too far, you have a problem”

          extremely disturbing.

          Shouldn’t minorities be protected 100% ? And when exactly is asking for the right to live in peace tantamount to “pushing too far”?

          In a place like India rife with caste, class, language and religious differences, there are minorities just about everywhere. Or at the very least, a wily politician can suddenly make someone a minority as targets to be dealt with violently. In the 60s and 70s, Hitler admirer Bal Thackeray targeted the “kaala madrasi” minority in Bombay before moving on to other minorities like Muslims, Biharis and then to North Indians. I still remember from my childhood in Madras that relatives working in Bombay would shudder in fear at the very mention of the name Thackeray. Interestingly, when the Jain community in Bombay tried to ban the sale of meat during Jain festivals, the Shiv Sena warned them ominously “Muslims can go to Pakistan, where will you go?”

          Likewise, in 1984 another group viz. Sikhs became minorities that were soon the target of some of the most horrific violence seen in India until CM Modi upped the ante with his 2002 Godhra pogroms. Indeed, PM Rajiv Gandhi pooh-poohed the carnage against Sikhs exclaiming “When a great tree falls, the earth shakes”. So tell me please – what did the ordinary Sikhs of Delhi do that you would term “pushing it too far” ?

          As regards your analogy with Gandhi’s stance in the Poona Pact of 1932, well, I am afraid I do not agree with Gandhiji’s view. You endorse Gandhii but to cite historian Suparna Gooptu*:

          “While Ambedkar preferred a rights-based approach, Gandhi’s approach was through faith and spirituality. “Unlike Ambedkar, Gandhi felt that any exploitative relationship could be rectified only when the exploiter had a change of heart. So he worked with upper castes to change their mindset,”.

          So tell me Sir/Madam: Do you think that a change of heart from the likes of rabble-rouser Adityanath, Godse worshipper Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, garlander of murderous gaurakshaks Minister Jayant Sinha, tweeter of hate Tejaswi Surya is what minorities in India should hope for? And get lynched until said change of heart occurs?


          • Thanks for the moderate response as well.

            My point is for india to be balanced, we can have our views on Ambedkar and Gandhi’s views, but we need them both. Because Gandhi was more attuned to realities in india, and, he looked to reform it internally. Gandhi was not against equal rights, he just didn’t want separate provisions (and there are scholars who disagree about it, but thats in a way the point). To me Ambedkar’s views lack foresight and harden the boundaries between groups. And evidence is India for you: constitution was based on Ambedkar not on Gandhi’s principle. Progress has been made but its like we lost a core piece of the puzzle by politicizing minority issues.

            I suppose my statement on “pushing protection too far” was more intended to be “pushing it to point of favoritism”. And this is fiction but politics is a game of perceptions, reality often hardly matters as you yourself raise about Modi. You need to have laws protecting minorities, but if you make campaigns revolve around them, it is natural to get concerned as a majority. I grew up in UP, I heard Dalit politics everywhere. No one said a word about the poor brahmin, they exist. This is why I disagree with American Democrats too. I am a woman, and it shouldn’t be a factor. It will empower me more to compete in equal terrains- we need to create those terrains but we don’t need more. Otherwise I think we would never feel that we got where we are because we deserve it. Others will view us the same way.

            So yes, Modi govt is failing at protecting minorities. We have to vote them out. But lets remember that 35% of Indians voted for BJP in 2019 elections, and of these many are likely to be more moderate hindus who, probably don’t care for hindutva politics, but want to get away from what they have experienced with Congress type politics. We give them no options, but by pointing fingers at them, force them to harden has hindus.

          • Ms qwerty123: Another, admirable, measured response. I deeply appreciate getting the rare opportunity to debate in these columns as opposed to joining a puerile slanging match. Merci beaucoup !

            On the Gandhian vs. Ambedkarian approach to bringing about change, I am afraid that while both have their “use cases”, they both have their limitations as well. Passively expecting an oppressor to have a change of heart and stop his oppressive behaviour is simply wishful thinking. That paradigm would also mean that both the timing and the degree of relief from oppression is at the hands of the oppressor. Thus, the US Civil Rights movements, the fight against apartheid in South Africa, the Ambedkarian movements to win respect and equality for Dalits, tribal rights struggles in India, women’s struggles in India to be safe in public spaces in India etc. etc. reflect the fact that unless the oppressed party resorts to using political and/or economic pressure, they will continue to remain subjugated.

            For instance, in the Kingdom of Travancore, Kerala, lower caste women were expected to pay a “breast tax” if they wished to cover their breasts in front of an upper caste man – practice that prevailed until as late as 1924. Tax collectors visited the homes of lower caste women, evaluated the size of their breasts by groping at them and then levied taxes.That perverted, demeaning and misogynistic practice did not disappear because the upper castes came to their right senses in true Gandhian fashion. It was stopped because of agitations.

            I am reminded of the quote from the American write Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) who said:

            “Freedom cannot be bestowed — it must be achieved”

            Thus even in the Indian context, Gandhian methods have their limitations.

            Looking forward to more informed debates with you.

            PS: This is a response to your response to me dated 21st May 2020, 1:15 pm

  13. Please do not compare Modi with Gandhi. Gandhi’s appeal was to common man because he walked with them, lived with them, led by example. He was one of the people, traditional but ever improving. People don’t think Modi is a messianic figure- people are not as easily fooled as you think they are.

    The main reason for everything happening in India, is the failure of Congress to find a system to have plurality within the party, that all political idealogy is defined by one family. If Modi is all that you say, Gandhi family is our a kingdom with king passing the crown to the son. People are not clueless, they can see that the only way to get to leadership in congress is by bootlicking this family: no good leader will do that. They do not like segregationist politics; and want us to ignore caste and religion than make it a feature everywhere. Lets keep in mind that majority of India is not the group that you hear loudly: it is silent, because it hates the dynasty as well as the autocrat.

    And please prove me wrong by giving us a strong opposition that we can actually vote for, so this can actually be tested. One cannot vote for congress in good conscience when they can’t even realize that it was important for them to take steps to ensure Scindia remained in the party and they retained MP for the health of democracy. It would have been better to cower to his demands than to let him go.

    Get Amarinder Singh into the core congress group even if you don’t like him. Start building a campaign around him now. If you don’t think he is a good alternative, then find someone. Otherwise, the only reason people will now switch to Gandhi family led Congress is if Modi disastrously fails, at a scale much bigger than now. Then Congress party can pick up the crown from dirt and put it on Rahul’s head. Because after all, how can we even think about anyone else?

  14. As far as my concern is put out, Hindus deserve Modi to save them from charring liberals and leftist. You speaks of blasphemy, however once not realise that this very Hindus who believes in Vasudev kutumbukum are the one safeguarding and helping rising of minorities with leaps and bounds. Hindu preaches Modi godlike because after generations of penance in hell fire Hindus finally have a leader who believes their upliftment. You said Modi is beyond accountability, on the other hand you give into to the sense of entitlement of one family who almost devalued all the Hindu faith and deities since independence. Bro you lost in your own rhetoric. Thumbs down for you.

  15. Leaders are not chosen out of the blue. People compare leaders and chose who they believe is the best. For Modi, there is no other comparable leader in India. Congress party doesn’t allow any person other than a person from the family to become its top leader. All other parties are regional. Even of Modi is making mistakes, is there any other leader in the country who can do it better? at least not Rahul Gandhi or Congress. As long as Rahul is leading congress directly or indirectly Modi will be leading India.

    Author is a researcher in a well known institute but still don’t understand these simple dynamics. When I see people like this author, I get doubt whether our country is recruiting right people for research

    • Bro pls be worry a little about wheather government is recruiting right people for making policies for us. A near illiterate in handling one of the biggest economy.

  16. Just went through the comments. Many are hurt because the great ..modi.. is compared to Khamenei, others are hurt because modi is compared to great .. Khamenei.. . Sure, no one wants to understand the article speaks truth(apart from the figures in the beginning).
    It is frightening to see mob mentality have influenced every aspect of our lives, Even internet

  17. Your biased approach clearly stems when you equate Modi as quasi-religious phenomenon. His appeal comes not from being a staunch Hindu but the great work ethics of his selfless clean persona which is focussed on India and not monitising his family. Problem with JNU elitists, English liberals, and particular media is that he does not give you free AirIndia foriegn rides and you including congress party and others who worked on doles for poor as my baap attitude cannot fathom the changed equation of selfless service where common man feels impowered. Keep on hunting in dark for Modi sure is new light

    • Modi’s persona came into limelight after 2002 Gujarat riots. RSS and BJP of hindu kathra mein hein and projection of Modi as saviour of hindu sure supports Modi quasi religious persona

  18. this is a Ridiculous headline with no substantiation in the entire piece to do with the analogy. Overall a very superfluous piece with more conjectures than substance, pure sensationalist headlining without substance or evidence

  19. I read your article with interest and you have done your research Mr. Ali. We have some thinking to do as a nation. We need to think what kind of leader we want as a nation. We have to hold our prime minister accountable. I was reading some of the reader comments and frankly it’s scary! I cannot believe that we have become a nation where we cannot have opposing views. Never thought I would say it but to me that’s worse than corruption!
    Be safe and keep writing. Maybe a young person will be inspired and throw all this hindu-muslim shit out with the garbage. We are all citizens. Period.

  20. One can sense the bias and prejudice in author, all through the article. Most of the inferences do not take into consideration any other possibility than “evil-modi” prospect. Any leadership has achievements and failures. Recounting only failures clearly shows this bias.

    I was expecting to see a more logical and unbiased article!

  21. What a represent your foolishness !! ” bahut maja aaya aapki buddhi ko padh kar”
    seriously ! did you comparing modi with Khamenei !!?!
    what you know about Khamenei ? please published a at least 3 page of A3 size papers on your ‘bulshit’ media
    Bhai jaan eid me to thodi rahem karo
    why are you can’t forget or at least stop your false propaganda during pandemic ?
    “inshaniyat se thik hai, khuda vast rahem karo bhaijaan”
    Khuda Hafiz

  22. The headline has messed up with which is otherwise a good article. Infact, author did have the option of making the same good analysis of Modi government actions & policies without dragging Ay. Ali Khamieni at all to make a point of Modi being looked as a messiah in the indian political discourse. Even if that was to give a context, then it could have been done without making it the headline of the article.

  23. Actually Modi is the saviour.He has saved you and your ilk Asim Ali from ethnic cleansing by Corona virus.The entire 20 crore islamic community have been saved by this act of lockdown by Modi.Otherwise,the venemous virus would have taken away the majority of islam in India .Even now,majority patients are your brothers and sisters.Instead of being grateful to him for his action,you are cursing him.Gratefulness is not in your blood.No doubt.

  24. Well written explaining the supreme leader and his hindutva spiritual followers.
    Hope we south indians can get out of this hopeless mess ass quickly possible.

  25. Asim,

    Which speeches did you hear?

    We heard PM requested with folded hands that even though everyone is going to face a lot of trouble with food and work, still please adhere to lockdown for your own safety, your family and for all the people around you.

    It is you who is making a statement that PM expressed no regret or did not apologize. It looks like your propaganda just because you have a mouthpiece under the garb of journalism. Unfair! Not at all balanced journalism!

  26. Vomiting more haterate like the Author like Asim Ali & score of Authors of The Print resolve & makes Hindus to vote only & only Modi & none any others. Mr Asim Ali pl Write more & more Articles to ensure Modi gets more than 400 seats in 2024.

  27. The author himself is prejudiced and has lost his mental balance by seeing Modi as prime minister, the whole article proves how tense the author is going through

  28. People of certain community commenting on Modi almost feels like ‘conflict of interest’ nowadays. Pata hi hai kya likhenge.

  29. clearly , i am really happy to read some post like this… we all know wht is happening bt cant describe it .. there are too many bhakts around who even wont let u speak against it and declare u as a corrupt or anti national. we are all surrounded by this negative energy now. news channels and social media are letting it happen all because of the foolish public whose minds are totally controlled by modi. simply its time for the real destruction of india not by the govt bt by the public ourselves.

  30. India is one country where you can speak freely against the PM who has done more than other PMs combined and still walk away scott free, but one finger on any Muslim leads to a riot but Sadhus can get killed. It’s one country where Kashmiris can pelt stones at the Indian army, but bangladeshi muslims can waltz into a temple to hack a sadhu to death but a maulana walks free despite anti india lectures. People like our esteemed author here should be arrested and thrown into a solitary confinement.

  31. Every citizen is responsible for growth of his country .
    Every things are clear black and white
    All people irrespective of any status have plan to survive . Govt only support it .
    There are more than 500 MP In parliament more then 200 in Rajya sabha thousands of MLA and millions of political workers and millions are govt servent working in various dept if all of them work honestly we become covid free in 15 days .
    we have manpower , money and talent but not sincerity towards nation even media is biased . They must show only positive things not negative things .
    Points for improvement welcome .
    India need only real and positive approach by every citizens not be parasite on country and people . Give oppourtunities of work to people in safe and clean envoinment . and all positive things by covid to be maintained Positive effects are disease are less accident are less people stay in home with family no junk food clean envoinment amd a chance to make new India

  32. The islamic propaganda machinery at its best…what is there to acknowledge..he has so many times talked about those issues ..and as a leader u have to be positive and show positiveness to people…the fact that people are not angry with him for the reasons u r making …shows maturity of common man who doesn’t look at everything with prejudice like you do

  33. Am i even a mild bit surprised that the author of this venomous analysis masquerading as criticism is done by a MUSLIM. Believe me i hadn’t read the byline before reading the article but reading halfway through i was curious and lo!! i thought Muslims n Leftists can never be satisfied….they are a bunch of bitter souls whose only character is complaining, fretting and blaming.

  34. Well, the comments were much better than the article itself. Helped me understand the delusion prevailing much better. I’m pretty sure the author must be reading this, and even he can’t deny that the idea of his article was more accurately displayed in comments rather than in the article itself. Great read.

    • Yeah not everyone is enlightened , unbiased and rational like you and the author .Please excuse their ignorance as they are “gullible” and can’t reason out things like you.
      Salute Kaisa intellectual comment likhta hai tu.

  35. Have to wait some more time to know what is the truth . Be it supporters of modi or anti modi.
    As the saying goes
    “A nation lives or dies depends on the way it’s leaders takes care of it.”

  36. The strength of India and Indians is Spirituality. In every activity there is spiritual touch. Our life style is spiritual. Life minus spirituality – Hopeless/useless. If Divine touch is there all is possible. So, our beloved PM believes in Indian Core Values. He gives spiritual touch to evErything. Spirituality is at the core of every India. That is why epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata are part of our life.

    • …And governance itself is a quest to spirituality by the supreme leader of Modi.
      By the way why the heck we remain democracy and do election.
      India is doomed because of Hindians.

  37. It’s written by Ali. Well as expected your intentions in the article appearing just like another Peaceful community person.

  38. Completely biased and unethical reporting. Shame on this kind of reporter/writer and the media for putting up false propaganda.

  39. This article is the perfect example of the effects of the ‘Modi derangement syndrome’. The author, upon witnessing the overwhelming, enduring mass popularity of a democratic leader, chooses to create a convoluted narrative of mass hypnosis and emotional manipulation, instead of considering the simpler explanation that he might actually be an effective leader who’s positively impacted those who support him.
    Sad what blind hatred can do to seemingly intelligent people.

  40. Before reading I checked writers twitter wall and found I should ignore this article. We should always prefer stories from neutral reporter.

  41. Keep on finding ways to hate Modi. Why keep on writing against Hindus and Hindus.Damn if you do and damn if you don’t.Such articles subconsciously hurts a normal Hindu who feels wronged for so long.Keep on attributing a Hindu angle to everything and you will eventually see that even a normal and really secular Hindu will lose his secularity

  42. Dear Asim Ali, you lost the plot the moment you started comparing Modi with Khamenei. Also, why this title to an article that barely has anything about Khamnei? Just to attract more readers? The good bits in the article is lost by your utterly nonsense comparison. Please be a little aware of things before setting out to write whatever comes to mind. Are you seriously an academic at Policy research? Wow, such standards.

  43. You publish such biased articles and then want people to support your journalism?
    Please ask the writer of this article or Pakistan to support you then.

    As an Indian citizen, I don’t stand with thePrint.

    • Mr Rahul Gupta. You may be an Indian citizen, but your attitude to free speech is very Pakistani !

      Pakistan – which seems to have inspired you no end- has no free press and therefore no democracy. For instance, in Pakistan, you cannot criticise the military and the mullahs regardless of the atrocities they perpetrate on citizens. And regardless of the fact that they take Pakistan backwards to mediaeval times, the mullahs in particular enjoy wide support.

      Likewise, in Pakistan, you can be accused of blasphemy i.e. insulting the Prophet at the drop of a skull cap ! The mere allegation of this “offence” will get you lynched. The Pakistani courts won’t protect you, your lawyers would get death threats and you go to prison.

      Similar circumstances have been imported to India, thanks to people like you Mr Rahul Gupta. Like the Pakistanis, your and your Hindutva ilk will brook no criticism of Prophet Modi however politely and cogently such criticism is argued. As the comments from many of you fellow online gaurakshak brethren show, you would even want to ban the Print. But your grand, mullah controlled mind is still unable to counter the arguments in this article – you will merely resort to hurling epithets such as “biased article” “Pakistan support”, anti-national and so on.

      Very Pakistani Mr Rahul Gupta ! You will fit in well in Pakistan !

      • But there is a problem mah lord if he goes to Pakistan he will killed as Hindus are Kufr according to Quran written by greatest warlord Prophet .Please apply your rational mind in finding a solution to this.It will be a boon for ignorant fools like us.

        • Yeah exactly that is why he is trying to make u understand that dont make this nation a second pakistan. A little bit of common sense is all that you need by brother. I repeat a little bit. And yes that blindfold on your eyes. I was one of you, few months back. So i know the process.

          • First as per your liberal arguments you should find solution to “root cause” of this issue which is used to defend terrorist, criminals ,journalist who in name of free speech attack Hindu belief systems but if same methods are used against them they get irritated which is quite natural.You people never questioned this system when congress was there I guess you were enjoying some one else misery.Honestly it gives a sadistic kind of fun to see this.India law and order and mah lords can’t fulfill basic duties of proving safety and security but has all the time to interfere and poke in other people beliefs system in name of rationality and so called scientific temper.India’s family system which this assholes attack in name of progressive ideas make up for all this misgovernance and failure of system.The system is there just to collect hafta like a bhai’s but at least they provide protection unlike indian state and mah lords constitution.The Indian system changes and provides security as per who is in power it’s just a sham.

          • Excellent response Mr Kamal Bansal !

            The last thing the world needs is a country that regards Pakistan as a template and creates a Hindu replica of that mullah & military mismanaged failed state. A Hindu Musharraff will not be any better than a Pakistani Musharraf – even if the former speaks Gujarati !

          • what excellent response you didn’t provide any solution only secular jumla.Give some solution for example how will india state provide protection against Islam theocracy.If India becomes demographic Muslim majority will Hindus have to give up on culture And their identity.Currently Indian constitution provides minority status to Muslim even in places where they are demographic majority.Indian state can’t govern or enforce rules of contitution that what’s the use of law.Hindus don’t have social political militiary organisation to protect them like happened in case of Kashmir pandits.This are legitimate hard problems which need to addressed instead of going on with goody goody secularism.

    • This article is unbiased and now india will suffer due to people like you who can’t even take criticism.
      Criticism is a pillar of democracy and if you want dictatorship you can go to your pakistan.
      Btw 20 lakh cr jumla is also proved now and sc is refusing cbi to transfer probe in arnabs fake fir to protect him. Wake up from your shell your modiji is a terrorist

    • You go and hate him as you like and keep advocating for this article no problem.But please never ever expect us to go in your way.


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