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HomeOpinionIndia’s Fingers have come under Chinese boots. Denial won’t help us

India’s Fingers have come under Chinese boots. Denial won’t help us

The Modi government and the military have gone into ‘denial’ about loss of territory, attributing the present situation to differing perceptions about the LAC.

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The situation in eastern Ladakh at the face-off points between Indian Army and the PLA–Pangong Tso, Hot Springs and Galwan river–remains unchanged from what I wrote in my last column in ThePrint. By now, the additional formations that would have been inducted by both sides to cater to escalation and further operations as per respective operational strategies, would have fully acclimatised to operate in these high-altitude regions.

Officially, both sides have been restrained in their statements and reiterated faith in diplomacy. Defence minister Rajnath Singh has said that diplomatic and military-level talks as per existing border management mechanism are in progress. While harping on “differing perceptions” about the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Singh said the Chinese presence along the LAC was in “achhi khasi sankhya (sizeable numbers). Major General-level talks have been conducted on 2 June and Lieutenant General-level, that is, talks at the level of Corps Commanders, are scheduled on 6 June.

China now has an upper hand in talks

Having seized the initiative by securing approximately 40-60 square km of Indian territory in three different areas, China will be negotiating from a position of strength and will try to impose unacceptable conditions–no further development of border infrastructure on the Indian side–to restore status quo on its own terms. If diplomacy fails, China has come prepared for a border skirmish or a limited war.

India’s task is cut out. It has to ensure that status quo ante 1 April, 2020 prevails for quasi sanctification of the “un-demarcated” LAC, so that China does not advance similar claims in future to gain tactical advantage and embarrass/humiliate India at will. If it cannot be done diplomatically, then it must be done by force. However, rather than evolving a clear strategy and broadly sharing it with the nation, the Narendra Modi government and the military have gone into ‘denial’ about any loss of territory, attributing the present situation to differing perceptions about the LAC.

Some journalists and activists are also busy peddling their interpretation of the alignment of the LAC to prove that no territory has been seized by China. A perception is being built for diplomatic acquiescence. What else does China want? We are playing into its hands.

I explain the ground situation in the three areas where loss of territory has taken place and analyse the dangers of justifying the loss to “differing perceptions of the LAC”.

Also read: ‘Unprecedented’ — India, China deploy Lt Gen-rank army officers to solve border row

Pattern of defence in Ladakh

The term LAC is not demarcated through a formal agreement, either side can vary in its perception. And this has remained the case despite the numerous confidence building agreements signed since 1993, and two informal summits. Out of the 857-km-long border in Ladakh, only 368 km is international border (IB) and the rest of the 489 km is the LAC. This was the line reached by China in 1962, which is exactly as per its 1960 claim line.

It is a treacherous high-altitude terrain with the valley height being 14,000 – 15,000 ft and hill features being at heights of 16,000-18,000 ft. The main defences cannot be physically located along the LAC because the terrain is not tactically suitable. These are located on the Ladakh Range, Pangong Range, along Shyok River and in the Depsang plains. The distance to the LAC varies from 10 to 80 km, depending upon the terrain. The main defences are manned by the Army and the LAC is secured by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP). The security of the vast spaces ahead of the main defences is ensured by covering elements deployed at selected places, mechanised forces and by physical/electronic surveillance. The ITBP posts are along the routes of ingress and in disputed areas, but are not continuous like we have on the IB in plains.

There are vast gaps between the ITBP posts along the LAC. There are areas where the ITBP posts are well short of the LAC due to lack of infrastructure. To defend the entire length of the LAC, in strength and man, the main defences, as we do at the LoC, we will require at least 4-5 divisions instead of just one that is committed now. Even in the present pattern, the ITBP strength has to increase tenfold to effectively cover the entire length along the LAC.

Also read: Not Pangong or Galwan, why India must worry about Hotsprings-Gogra region most

Pangong sector

Image 1 | Annotated Google Earth image of the situation in Pangong Tso Sector

The map shown above is at slight variation from the one in my last column based on fresh inputs.

Some journalists are misinterpreting the ‘Fingers’ north of Pangong Tso to justify the denial of loss of territory. The annotated satellite image of Google Earth above gives the correct location of the Fingers and the territory lost. In 1962, we were holding the area up to Sirijap. This was captured by the PLA in 1962 and consequently the LAC runs west of it at Finger 8, on to Ane La pass. The PLA post with a jetty (in pic above) is located east of Sirijap. Till 2011, our ITBP post was located well to the rear at Phobrang. The Chinese Claim Line is up to Finger 4. ITBP patrolled up to Finger 8 and the PLA up to Finger 4.

In 2013 – 2014 we developed a road to Finger 3 and Ane La pass. The ITBP established a new post near Finger 3 in 2013. The PLA patrols started blocking our patrols between Finger 4 and 8. The Chinese considered the establishment of the post at Finger 3 a violation of border management agreements. The frequent patrol blocking by either side led to a violent scuffle on 15 August 2017 and thereafter jostling by patrols became common. The PLA post remained at Sirijap and no post was established between Finger 4 and 8. Our patrols continued to patrol upto Finger 8.

In end April and beginning May this year, the PLA moved in regular troops and physically secured the area between Finger 4 and Finger 8 and now sits on top of Finger 4 . As per my assessment, based on my experience and media reports, the PLA has secured the entire area from Finger 8 to Finger 4, a distance of 8 km, and are overlooking our ITBP post between Finger 4 and Finger 3. It has also secured the heights along Fingers 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 up to height of 4,500 – 5,000 meters ie 4-5 km to the north. Total area secured by the PLA is 35-40 square km. The PLA has deployed one or two battalions to defend the area as marked (on Image 1) with one or two battalions as reserve at Sirijap.

Also read: India, China need to break stalemate, greater challenges ahead: Former envoy Ashok Kantha

Galwan sector

Image 2 | Annotated Google Map showing the situation in Galwan River

In Galwan sector, the PLA has secured the heights north and south of the Galwan river with. The PLA seems to have come across the LAC for 2-3 km in the valley and then climbed up the heights. It is also possible that it climbed the heights from China’s side of the valley and then moved along the heights westwards up to 3-4 km. What matters in mountains/ high-altitude is the control of the heights. The valleys become untenable when surrounding heights are with the enemy.

It is likely that the PLA has secured the heights with two battalions with one held as reserve at the LAC.

For the apologists of the “differing perceptions” who have theories to deny loss of territory, it is pertinent to point out that there are no differing perceptions about the LAC along the Galwan River. The intrusion here is deliberate to threaten the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie (DS-DBO) Road and prevent us from defending it by securing the Galwan valley and the heights north and south of the river.

Also read: Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

Hot Springs

Image 3 | Google Earth image showing the situation at Hot Springs

As per my assessment, at  Hot Springs/Gogra, the PLA with nearly a battalion has almost surrounded the post and effectively denied the approach to Kongka La pass, which lies on the LAC but is not held by us. The aim here is to prevent road construction by India to the Kongka La pass. At Hot Springs and Kongka La, which is 4-5 km away from Hot Springs, there is no “differing perception” about the LAC.

Also read: Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

Playing into the hands of the Chinese

The justification of “differing perceptions” is just playing into the hands of the Chinese. We are very clear about the alignment of the LAC as we have cremated/buried our comrades who were killed in action in 1962. China stopped exactly on its claim line of 1960 and our rear posts were located on this line during the ’62 War. It is the Chinese claim line that has been changing since 1950.

It should be clear to the discerning reader that to be in denial and acquiesce to explain the loss of territory to “differing perceptions” will open pandora’s box, and in future, result in loss of more territory, possibly at Chumar, Demchok, Fukche, Kailash Range, Hot Springs, along the Shyok River and in Depsang Plains. Who knows China may apply the same logic at Tawang in the near future?

China cannot be allowed to get away with usurping Indian territories like it has done till now. This confrontation must end with status quo ante 1 April, 2020 and sanctification of the LAC with formal exchange of maps. Major Shaitan Singh, PVC and Major (later Lt Col) Dhan Singh Thapa, PVC who defended Rezang La and Sirijap in 1962 and 3,000 of our soldiers who were killed in action would be very unhappy in Valhalla. They died fighting in areas that lie along the current LAC. It would be a shame if we now acquiesce to give up those areas without firing a shot using the fig leaf of “differing perceptions”.

No wonder the Chinese military strategist and philosopher Sun Tzu said some 2,500 years ago: “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”

Lt Gen H S Panag PVSM, AVSM (R) served in the Indian Army for 40 years. He was GOC in C Northern Command and Central Command. Post-retirement, he was Member of Armed Forces Tribunal. Views are personal.

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  1. Excellent Piece General Sahib …
    Speaks volumes about ur military acumen and command over strategic ramifications. U were able to see it coming from a distance and the events till today prove that u were absolutely on the dot.

  2. India under Modi has become hostile and it needs such lessons from every neighbor not only China. India has border disputes with all of its neighbors as it is occupying forcefully their territories. India last year revoked the special status of disputed Kashmir territory; this decision will haunt India forever and now China should take back all of Ladakh in India’s control under Chinese control.

  3. Let this be very clear that India has breached not just territorial sovereignty of Pakistan but also China. For the years, India threatened and coerced Pakistan with its covert and overt military options but China being superior to India in every aspect has given befitting response to Indian actions. Those actions were contrary to the international law and this time one mighty power had guts to shun India’s illegal occupation of Kashmir territory.

  4. Just a matter of confusion who all are called bhakts? This implies we can categorize people as bhakts, (which apparently gives a feeling of devotion towards some cause) and non bhakts, who could be anything…may be bhakts of some other regime/individuals/parties etc. but as it appears, they won’t like to be called bhakts or clearly accept their devotion for some other political set up. Are they selected through some defined criteria, including UPSC examination unlike so called bhakts? Are non bhakts as per above classification are those who actually wish that present Govt should go and make the way for the brilliant guys like RG, MV, AY, MSY, LPY etc, who shall be able to tide over the crisis and do real wonders etc? Or some other better alternative is there in the mind. If so it must be stated clearly so that our countrymen should start thinking and supporting such ideas and endeavors.

    Anyhow…let it be as it is but the interest of nation is supreme. Like any other country, including our rogue western neighbour, we need to show solidarity towards our nation, the present Govt/political regime and should avoid criticizing our own nation/community every now and then. In the time of difficulty we need to strengthen the hands of our rulers so that they could confidently face the challenges thrown before the country.

    • The Rulers should also not wash dirty linen about previous regimes in foreign countries. Does any other Leader of a Country do it abroad..

  5. Anger and intolerance in the words of sanghis and chaddiwalas in the comment column are the enemies of sequential deductive reasoning applied by the author for the inference that India lost the territory .They are letting themselves get swallowed by the great chewing complacency .Their outburst of vanity and complacency is so directly contrary to the bitter facts in Ladakh .These sanghis hate to see the facts for justifying their icon Modi .Modi and army dropped the ball whereas bhakths entered a period of self glory and closed their eyes to the conspicuous facts .When Modi loses in all fronts domestic and international through his botched up operations his blind sycophants are searching for new and more intricate explanations to to explain away defeat . Hell on them

  6. The theory of ” denial mode” is true in all probability. The bakths in the media are ever fond of portraying Muddy G as the omnipotent messiah of Mother India. Their portrayal of Modi as strong and invincible has been gobbled up by the gullible and communal cow dung worms in large parts of India which is the essence of his survival against all odds. The task in this case is taken up by Rahul Kanwal Et al of India Today dishing out stories like how the elephant is staring down the dragon. It is highly probable that India is silently acquisecing to the loss of territory fully conscious that it cannot stand up to the dragon militarily. The government is cleverly using its captive and pliant media to hide the facts and lull the nation into a false sense of security.

  7. This is not about congress or BJP. It’s just that our current government is hiding few real facts of LAC because believe me anything is possible but satellite images never lie check out the latest images at google. As there were no tourists at Pangong lake this summer because of lockdown so without civilians it was easy for China to move forward with its plannings because otherwise India would have used shield of civilians at UN and other key points. So China just took advantage of that point and entered into our territory to mount pressure on India over various points. As China don’t want it’s manufacturing units shifting to India so China wanted to show the world that it’s more stable and stronger than India. China also wanted to stop US’s growing relations with India and they also wanted to stop our improving infrastructure along Ladakh and eastern India they can do so because you guys just go and check the difference between India army and China army. They have 4 times the budget of our Indian army. As Rafale fighters are on order the best we have are Su30 MKI. Have you seen real figures of Su30 it’s a fighter with low power engines and lots of problems with reliability not even 50% of them are available at any moment given, did you know titanium nozzles of this plane needed to be replaced after every 500 hrs plus China also have same Su30 fighters but they use them as secondary outdated fighters. Just check what China have, they have J20 a fighter of fifth generation with stealth technology. India can’t have 5th generation fighter for next 5-10 years. Do you know China even have train connectivity to this Ladakh region so they can move heavy artillery to this area within a short period of time. How far our large cities from LAC just few hundred K.m they don’t have any major city for around thousands of k.m from LAC. Our GDP is shrinking from last 1 year and theirs is growing. Look at the difference we have a GDP of $2 trillion and they have GDP of $13 trillion more than 6 times of our GDP. So we can talk as much as we want but we have to accept this fact that we have to do lots of work to catch-up with China maybe for next 20 years.

    • China is such a great nation- but Mr Brar, chinese citizens don’t have the guts to say anything like this about their great nation in media. Indians can only downplay their beloved country in media. What we indians get by figuring the shortcomings of our country in media? Every country in this world has some or the other shortcomings but instead of showing this in media, keep it to urself. Our country has many good things also that u can say about.

      • The Rulers should also not wash dirty linen about previous regimes in foreign countries. Does any other Leader of a Country do it abroad..

      • So why Nehru and Krishna Menon were exposed when we ceded territory and lost the War by Politicians from Jan Sangh,Journalists like Kuldeep Nayar K R Mankekar Gen. Thorat etc. We are living in a Democracy where people are supreme should not we know our gains and losses strengths and weaknesses. You want to brush it under the carpet. Do you mean to say in these days of instant Satellite images the World will not come to know about these things.

  8. Dear Indians

    This guy is not telling the truth and is very misleading. Chinese PLA’s routine is from Finger 2 to Finger 6. At Finger 6, there’s a Chinese base for decades and no more base ahead. There’s also Chinese built road starting from Finger 4 to F8. At Finger 2, There’s an Indian base (Maybe they moved to F4 recently). Indian ITBP patrols from F1 to F4, butnever went beyond F4. Also Chinese Army only patrol between May and November because of climate. When Chinese Army start partroling in May, they are surprised to find out that Idian ITBP patrols on Chinese built roads between F4 to F6, which never happened before. Chinese army then start partroling to F2 as they used to causing this conflict. it’s redicious to ask China to fall back to April status as there was no patrol in April and Chinese army were only stationed in F6 at that time. So going back to April means to ask China to stay in F6. How come China accept this requirement??? By providing misleading information and raise up Indian patriotism is a political trick and is not helping.

    Don’t ask me why I know this because this area on Chinese side is open to public and everybody knows if you’v been there.

  9. Japan is Very good ally of India and also a enemy of China. Just go and check what Japan time says they told that China has moved into Indian territory and built new fortified posts in new territory. They were doing this planning from many months.

  10. This is not about congress or BJP. It’s just that our current government is hiding few real facts of LAC because believe me anything is possible but satellite images never lie check out the latest images at google. As there were no tourists at Pangong lake this summer because of lockdown so without civilians it was easy for China to move forward with its plannings because otherwise India would have used shield of civilians at UN and other key points. So China just took advantage of that point and entered into our territory to mount pressure on India over various points. As China don’t want it’s manufacturing units shifting to India so China wanted to show the world that it’s more stable and stronger than India. China also wanted to stop US’s growing relations with India and they also wanted to stop our improving infrastructure along Ladakh and eastern India they can do so because you guys just go and check the difference between India army and China army. They have 4 times the budget of our Indian army. As Rafale fighters are on order the best we have are Su30 MKI. Have you seen real figures of Su30 it’s a fighter with low power engines and lots of problems with reliability not even 50% of them are available at any moment given, did you know titanium nozzles of this plane needed to be replaced after every 500 hrs plus China also have same Su30 fighters but they use them as secondary outdated fighters. Just check what China have, they have J20 a fighter of fifth generation with stealth technology. India can’t have 5th generation fighter for next 5-10 years. Do you know China even have train connectivity to this Ladakh region so they can move heavy artillery to this area within a short period of time. How far our large cities from LAC just few hundred K.m they don’t have any major city for around thousands of k.m from LAC. Our GDP is shrinking from last 1 year and theirs is growing. Look at the difference we have a GDP of $2 trillion and they have GDP of $13 trillion more than 6 times of our GDP. So we can talk as much as we want but we have to accept this fact that we have to do lots of work to catch-up with China maybe for next 20 years.

    • Dear Indian friends:

      would like to point out some mistakes:

      1. This guy is not telling the truth and is very misleading. Chinese PLA’s routine is from Finger 2 to Finger 6. At Finger 6, there’s a Chinese base for decades and no more base ahead. There’s also Chinese built road starting from Finger 4 to F8. At Finger 2, There’s an Indian base (Maybe they moved to F4 recently). Indian ITBP patrols from F1 to F4, butnever went beyond F4. Also Chinese Army only patrol between May and November because of climate. When Chinese Army start partroling in May, they are surprised to find out that Idian ITBP patrols on Chinese built roads between F4 to F6, which never happened before. Chinese army then start partroling to F2 as they used to causing this conflict. it’s redicious to ask China to fall back to April status as there was no patrol in April and Chinese army were only stationed in F6 at that time. So going back to April means to ask China to stay in F6. How come China accept this requirement??? By providing misleading information and raise up Indian patriotism is a political trick and is not helping. Don’t ask me why I know this because this area on Chinese side is open to public and everybody knows if you’ve been there.

      2. China put very little military force in this border area. maybe only one tens of the Indian military. China’s most military is in the south and east coast because all invitations to China in history were from these sides. Frankly speaking, I don’t think China is preparing for a war with India. China improves its infrastructure in Tibetan’s remote area not because he is doing war preparation but because Tibet has become one of the poorest provinces in China. if you see the density of toll expressways (to each town) and high-speed railways (to each city) in east East Chinese provinces you will probably have an idea of what is the gap between them and Tibet.

      3. China is having trade wars with the US and may prepare a war with Taiwan. Remember China has just recovered from the Wuhan virus. i don’t think China has the energy to revoke in the Indian border.

      • You’ve literally given no proof or even slight evidence to substantiate your claim while denying a guy who has shown satellite images for profs. Do you really expect anyone to believe you? CCP has been doing the same thing to Indonesia, Vietnam in south China sea, and to Japan in East, and now it thinks it can step up the heat in Indo-China border too. Hell, you’re imposing trade barriers on Australians just because they asked for an investigation. It’s visible to everyone who is the bully here. Go and feed this propoganda to the mainland Chinese and maybe before this century ends, they will forget about Tianmen Square, cause Hong Kong definitely won’t.

  11. Modi is the worst prime minister India ever had or will ever have ,I think it’s time India should elect a Muslim prime minister as muslims or more than happy to die for something they love whereas modi and Amit shah love only money and power .the truth is we cant find Pakistan or China either as we are fighting with Congress and any one agamodi government. Today we lot to china and we are bending on our knees let’s not hide truth because modi government has no guts to fight china .

  12. Did not expect from Print such an article. The headline says it all, as if ,we are happy as to what has happened, if at all true I have full faith in our army and the leadership and am sure our army will not take it low. The tone of the article is that everything was good till 2013 when this gentleman was perhaps in the office. Such article comming with such a headline from such a senior person is sad and not expected. If a new boss joins he finds every thing bad with his predecessor and converse by the one who has left the office.

  13. General Panag a traitor and slave of Congress and China, here indirectly supporting his masters. A true communists can never support his county and that is what General Panag is doing here in this article. His whole family is AAP supporter, now you can understand clearly what is motto of behind writing this nonsense article. Indeed such kind of people should be kicked out from this nation

      • Let us be very honest with ourselves and with Bharat Mata. Let us not run an Atma Nirbhar Bharata Campaign and ‘Boycott Chinese Campaign’ and at the same time keep giving contracts to the Chinese businesses. The entire ‘Boycott Chinese’ campaign can best be run by just focussing on the Politicians and bureaucrats, who are solely responsible for the inundation of India with Chinese products. Let us be honest and focus our campaign on the politicians and bureaucrats. Forget the lay people, they will buy only if you allow import. Tie the hands of the customs officials with strict oral orders and not those of the Army officers and soldiers in the border posts.
        Our Army lives are being brutally snatched while we are playing ‘Trade’ and ‘Monopoly’ with the Chinese businesses. China and Pakistan are alike. Good we do not play cricket with Pakistan. Hypocrisy that our politicians and bureaucrats play ‘Trade’ and ‘Monopoly’ with China while they kill our soldiers treacherously based on negotiations by puppets of corrupt civilians. Let us stop fully protected dramatized visits of politicians and bureaucrats to the border posts. Let us send them unprotected. Let us also learn to honestly feed our Army well in the border areas with good food. Send the politicians and bureaucrats unprotected to the border before they sign contracts with Chinese companies.
        How are we different from other political parties? I am sorry, I am a true patriot brought up in Military Environment and my blood boils at the loss of Indian Soldiers at borders. I do not want to gain anything from corrupt Politicians or Bureaucrats and so I am brutally honest.

    • So why Nehru and Krishna Menon were exposed when we ceded territory and lost the War by Politicians from Jan Sangh,Journalists like Kuldeep Nayar K R Mankekar Gen. Thorat etc. We are living in a Democracy where people are supreme should not we know our gains and losses strengths and weaknesses. You want to brush it under the carpet. Do you mean to say in these days of instant Satellite images the World will not come to know about these things.

  14. As commented earlier by someone, we hope that we don’t have to see “Ek tha India” because of some traitors and useless scums who live on charities and are eating up , dividing and hell bent on breaking our great country internally. We have full faith in our leadeship and our Indian Army. Jai Hind. Vande Mataram, Jai Jawan. May India rise exponentially.

  15. Over decades the Congress has created corruption as their agenda which resulted in Indian youth struggle for buying a 1 BHK flat as their ambition and they lost everything including patriotism in this hard-work. They are least bothered about what happens to our country as well . Some elder say British rule was better than our Independence. If China takes over land of India non is bothered except the son of the soil Hindus. Rest all are outsiders/ encroachers. illegal occupant equal to Chinese attackers.
    Jai jawan . Jai Hind. Vande matram. Bharat Mata ki Jai.

    • Every Tom Dick Harry accuses Congress when their god father modi occupying pm post for six years and doing nothing except blunder..

  16. I worked in armed forces for 15 years..patriotism and loyality is at best below the rank of brigadier only..after that all political appointment is made..his article is so prejudiced and one per his article ..Chinese side is all prepared..what about Indian side..are they sitting quietly and playing ludo..India lost only in 1962 because of Nehru and Krishna Menon…after that in every war ..India placed itself in upper hand position

  17. Funny retired man is hired by communist party of India and Italian amma to glorifying China. Such persons live and take advantage in I dia and work for China and Pakistan.

  18. Funny retired man is hired by communist party of India and Italian amma to glorifying China. Truth is zero perc ent. Such persons live and take advantage in I dia and work for China and Pakistan.

  19. The far more difficult operation for Indian army to maintain troops, supply lines & sending frequent patrol expeditions on the treacherous Karakoram mountain range & beyond than it is for the Chinese army that can advance from the Tibetan plains has conveniently been forgotten by the author.

    He also conveniently omits any background information like why we face problematic border issues with China on two fronts (Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh). If Nehru had negotiated border settlements with Chinese in the late 1950s (they had been very eager to do it then), we would have had no problem with borders in Arunachal Pradesh since then Chinese PM Zhou Enlai had already agreed to forfeit Arunachal in exchange for some territory in Aksai Chin & abide by the McMahon line. Even in Akasai Chin, the Chinese may have agreed to limit their claim till the Sinkiang-Lhasa road they had built in 1957.

    But alas, chronic border issues with China have been added to the problems we face with Pakistan now, in addition to a Sino-Pak pact aimed against India. Every government in power will have to keep contending with “Himalayan blunders” created by Nehru!

    • Nehru shoud be stripped of the Bharat Ratna he conveniently gave himself!! This womanizer did not have any votes even from congress to lead India!! This British Mulla stooge was given undue importance & posts he least deserved!! He served the interests of Islamic Pakistan & created Chinese problems for India!!

    • It’s true. China has no interest in lands like Aksai Chin. I really don’t understand is why India took Tawang and surrounding areas. Tawang is the birthplace of Tibetan’s 6th Dalai Lama. I think Nehru accepted Dalai Lama and this was a really bad idea. Tawang has nothing to do with India. there’s no other reason India should keep it. China expressed its willing repeatedly that China is willing to exchange Akasi Chin with Tawang but being rejected several times. China even had no actions towards Indian eat Sikimm. taking territory from Brithish isn’t a good idea as British was very good at drawing lines on maps not on reality. I think Nehru was proud because Indian recovered Guoa not long time ago. So he thought by force could settle land problems with China. China showed enough kindness as after the war, China even fall back 20 km lost contact with indian army.

      In a word, Nerhu created this Chinese problem to India and also created this Tawang problems to China.

  20. Modi government is very good at hiding its failures. It successful in the past 6 years doing that. Modi’s 56 inch chest thumps only against small countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. But when it comes to China, he starts begging other countries like USA, Russia etc. China has occupied the Galwan valley and its nearby area. That is a fact. Modi can’t do anything now. Now he has to find new ways to hide his failure and once again fool the people of India. We the people of India deserve to suffer because we elected such a coward prime minister.

    • Modi is not coward. He is a true patriotic and will not allow Chinese aggression like they did it in 1962. Modi won’t allow India to succumb to Chinese tactics. You have no trust on Modi and our jawans, maybe you are a traitor or anti national or a communist sympathizer.

  21. Our Modi Ji is the best prime minister ever we have . He will not leave even an inch of land to chinese. we have powerful military too. we are sure we will be victorious over them.

    • These are hollow emotions dear. I believe in print articles. China can destroy India with sway of wand. How many Indians use Chinese goods. Modi wants to do but can’t do anything

  22. Such pathetic and fact less article…..
    Afterall he is hired by Print… He has to please Italian grandmother also….
    These Congressis and their Chamchas are digging thier own graves…

  23. LOL..This so called general is a sold out NDTV & ISI Sleeper Cell operative along with Ajai Shukla..Both of them criticised Indian Army for its anti-terror operations in Kashmir & calling terrorists as “Civilians & innocent Son of retired teacher”..Rofl..The Pakistani Army “Green Book” & Magazine “Al-Hilal” clearly names this general as “true honest armyman” are many Indian Army Generals who have clearly exposed the biased narrative of this ISI agent in disguise !!

    • When will we get rid of these China planted communists, western planted leftists & Jihadi traitors in Hindu-stan is the QUESTION!!

  24. I am from Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir. As I write this I’m reminded of just how lucky we got with US intervening in 1999 during Kargil War. Otherwise it would just have been part of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. 21 years later, it seems we won’t be second time lucky. China has siezed 60 Sq. kms of land, even as the keyboard fighters in India push very hard the narrative suggesting “all is well.” This narrative is also being parroted by many media outlets at it suits very well to the government and the ruling party. They don’t even need to come forward to explain the situation or its response.

    China is not Pakistan and India knows it very well. That’s why Indian government has reserved all the “surgical strike” rhetoric for Pakistan, and just to whip the passions of its electorate back home. When it comes to China, India, more particularly, the ruling BJP is a lame duck. They take refuge in dialogue and diplomacy.

    To cut to the chase, India has lost a considerable part of its geography in Ladakh. All because of its poor decisions related to Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir last year and peddling of farcical “development” narrative.

    • Lol, first of all when u wrote kargil war was ended by USA, I recognized your hidden bias towards pakistan or failed terrorist country for that matter….And as long as concerns about China, well what will happen only time will tell

    • Frankly speaking as a Chinese I don’t think China would take your land and your people as its distinguished different from us. For Xinjiang it’s already a headache to China how come China willing to take a place with other ethnic groups speaking another language??????

  25. We can’t be so ignorant, It’s not about Congress or BJP, but all about securing Indian borders, while current regime was busy murdering democracy, suppressing activist, opposition misusing all intelligence agencies resources China took advantage and occupied indian territories, in short government never focused on securing boarders….

  26. Puppets of Congress have always a new story to come up with. Statements like Salman who is definitely not an Indian and Col Alok Astana who might have enjoyed the service is definitely not a patriot. Shame on you


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