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Mayday, Mayday — How Modi govt led India into a perfect storm

Triumphalism, premature declaration of victory meant no one checked if India had enough vaccines, oxygen, remdesivir, bringing us back to a crisis where we need foreign aid after four decades.

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The timing of the headline of this column on 1 May is purely coincidental. It isn’t meant to be some kind of a play on words either. It is, unfortunately, the best description of the state of distress India is in. It’s calling out to all major nations for assistance, from oxygen to N-95 masks, to oximeters and vaccines. And when these arrive by the giant cargo-plane load, we have central cabinet ministers tweeting in joy. Until a few weeks back, they’d be dismissing any suggestion of the ‘new’ India seeking foreign aid with contempt.

We aren’t scoring a point. We can’t afford to. We are all in it together. It is, in fact, to be welcomed that the government is open to foreign aid in such a colossal national emergency, and is also seeking it.

The European Union and the UK have both said they are responding to requests from India. The UK’s assistance is coming from its Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and the US’ from USAID. Modi government’s ministers are hailing these as shining examples of shared values, friendship and so on. We learnt this growing up in our humble small-town homes that when your kitchen runs out of sugar, you are not ashamed of borrowing a cup-full from the neighbour. As the neighbour might in need.

Our situation is a little bit worse than a household running out of sugar. When both Imran Khan and Xi Jinping rise generously to offer assistance, you know you are in a bind. If you read between their lines, one is telling us we aren’t such a big power compared to it that we pretended to be. The other, patronisingly, is showing us our place in the region.

Especially as, at the same time, it also calls a meeting of the subcontinent’s foreign ministers to discuss mutual cooperation. Subtext is Covid assistance.

The message to our immediate neighbourhood, which India protectively seeks as its own zone of influence, is that we know how you all need help with your Covid counter-measures. Don’t count on India. At this point it is India that needs help from the world.

What China means to say is, see, India cannot even ship the vaccine doses and pharmaceuticals you ordered earlier. Of course, it was said that the meeting was open to India’s foreign minister too. That was just some unsubtle turning of the knife. That’s the reason we say, no harm seeking assistance from your friends and saying grateful thanks when your adversaries are sneering. In perfectly nice and decent diplomatic jargon.

Also Read: As Modi govt faces up to Covid disaster, BJP learns a tough truth — the virus doesn’t vote

What are we then arguing about?

Here is a proposition. While offering help to another country in need requires a big heart, it equally needs one to seek it. That level of humility cannot come from a closed mind. Because then you’d be a North Korean, Cuban or the current Venezuelan regime. And yet, if we can have such a large heart and an open mind when in a murderous quagmire, would it have hurt if we had displayed some of it earlier? Particularly when we were declaring victory over the virus and declaring ourselves the ‘Vaccine Guru’.

The prime minister told the world that India was its pharmacy when less than 1.5 per cent of our population was vaccinated. I would welcome letting Serum Institute of India (SII), our largest vaccine manufacturer, fulfil its contracted foreign orders, or even our government gifting some to friendly nations and talk about ‘Vaccine Maitri’ (friendship).

Large nations should do those things. But only if those large nations also look within and ensure they’d not be out in the world market looking for the same thing they gifted away. Do you give away a katori of sugar to your neighbour if that is all you have left?

Once again, this isn’t so much a lament about the fact that we sent away a little over 6 crore doses that would have come handy now when our vaccination centres are logging desultory, pedestrian daily numbers.

Another 6 crore, for a population like ours, would have cushioned us for a couple more weeks if a real vaccination drive, of the kind India needs right now, begins. But, the fact that we kept sending these away while not placing orders with our two brilliant domestic companies to scale up production and keep stockpiling for domestic needs, underlines terrible over-confidence.

We know that placing these orders in advance would need faster price negotiations, maybe that margin price of Rs 150 or about $2, when the UN was apparently paying $3, was seen to be a big political win. Also, an order of the necessary volumes would have required payment of sizeable advances and run the risk of audit trouble later. Those are things bureaucracies worry about. Not a leader who came to power on the promise of cutting through these.

What we have right now is a self-created perfect storm. We have this algebraically confusing differential pricing where the Centre pays one price and the states another. I’d have no argument with what price the private sector charges or pays as long as enough doses are available with the government.

Second, there is the age-group based policy and pricing confusion and distinction. Third, the Centre has had to finally pay the sizeable advances the two manufacturers had asked for much earlier. If only this decision was taken in time. And, finally, after all this, there aren’t enough doses. While the programme gets opened to all adult age groups this May Day, most states won’t have enough to provide their share for the doses.

How perfectly does it echo the familiar old story of the man in a village caught stealing onions? He was held guilty by the panchayat and given a choice of eating a hundred onions or shoe-beatings. He chose the onions first, gave up after ten, the shoe-beatings next, quit after ten, went back to onions, and so on until he ended up having both.

Also Read: There’s a need to hold up a mirror to Modi govt on Covid management, and this is the picture

Trickle-down economics never worked, President Joe Biden said in his address to the joint session of Congress earlier this week. He also tweeted that economics would now grow bottom up and middle out. There will be many sharp, and smart voices countering it, with equally sound intellectual arguments. It’s an eternal debate in political economies.

But one area where the trickle-down effect can’t be contested is leadership. Leadership trickles top down. And the more successful the leader, stronger this downpour. Triumphalism, premature declaration of victory goes straight into the heads of the teams also.

That’s why nobody checks if you have enough vaccines, oxygen, remdesivir, even paracetamol in store or not. Because there isn’t one major country in the world where the virus hasn’t returned with a second wave. Everybody celebrates victory, and refuses to see the signs of trouble as they emerge.

Delhi’s test positivity rates didn’t go from a ‘goodbye Covid’ 0.23 per cent to 32 per cent overnight. This kept growing over four weeks until it exploded. Nobody woke up. The top leadership was busy winning elections and dissing federal counterparts just when India needed unity and consolidation. The headiness trickled down.

Not even the explosion in Kerala and Maharashtra woke anybody up. It was seen as a problem of two distant states. If we were hoping that our state boundaries will protect us from a virus that treats the oceans with contempt, we were setting ourselves up for slaughter. And, bringing India back to a crisis where it needs foreign aid after four decades.

Of course, that still doesn’t mean our triumphalism has subsided yet. If it were so, we won’t embarrass ourselves again by using our top diplomats to complain about foreign media coverage of the gravity of this crisis, what brought us here, while we seek and accept help in the same crisis, from the same countries.

Also Read: Modi’s India loves global praise, but turns angry Vishwaguru at slightest criticism


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  1. There is a proverb ” Nothing succeeds like Success”. Series of election wins have turned the head of ruling party. Over-confidence led to arrogance and complacency. Monumental failure to handle Covid crisis and unbearable human tragedy can only be phrased as ” Nothing fails like failure”.

  2. I totally agree with your displaying the facts on your post…. Many of Indian fellow are still blinded by the false propaganda and duel nature of current modi govt which promote hatred in communities, hiding the actual data, threatening the media outlets with dire warnings, Pressurising the independent body’s to run for elections to gain power over certain states.. In return nobody should ask them for their failures to curb covid deaths, poor health care system… Harr cheez k leye to Nehru aur indira Gandhi to responsible nhi h na.. They are the ones in power for past 7 yrs plus see what all rubbish they have done already.. Wake up indiaa

  3. Media and opposition parties trying to find opportunities to blame the government instead of being united and to address the issue. Pathetic opposition and paid media

  4. Wathi, criticism ngakta afaba suggestiondi amata toude lurba matamda mateng pumnamak pinagdbani ok

  5. Hi Shekhar Gupta,
    I have read many of your articles.
    It is understandable you are biased and freedom.of speech allows you that.
    When will you start thinking from a larger country’s.perspective with responsible journalism instead of just political overtones in your articles. Coming from NDTV is very much understandable…. What would you have done as a leader?
    I am not trying to say

    • As a leader, one should have banned large gatherings regardless of possible electoral outcomes, not bandied a premature victory, listen to experts and prepare for an inevitable second and third wave of the epidemic.

  6. Anti Modi Journalist , hand in glove with Parnav Roy NDTV & Congress stooge.

    Its Pandemic , which could be controlled with Social behaviour & adequate Health infrastructure.

    Has Modi Govt has closed Hospitals since 2014 , did not allowed private companies to set up Hospitals……No

    That means Health infrastructure was in Bad shape since 1950………and no one cared to improve it.

    Social Behaviour…….it is Modiji as PM who made people aware of Swacch Bharat. On his appeal Kumbh was shelved. On his appeal in 2020 . Complete India saluted Health workers.

    Foriegn Aid…….. India also gave crores of Vaccine to diffrent Countries Free on Humantarian ground. So what if other countries are helping us with Medical equipment.

    Its Congressi mindset people who are looting the patients thru expensive Ambulance , Oxygen Cylinders , medicines.

    • What was he doing in WB. Wasn’t it his responsibility as a PM to be more concerned about COVID rather than a victory in a state. BJP is getting in to the same arrogance which swiped congress out.
      No Neta is ready to admit the mistake. With position comes responsibility, you cant only take credit when things are okay and leave it to others when things are bad

  7. I went through a lot of comments. Looks like you don’t have much of a good reputation. Also I didn’t hear indian media shouting warning before pandemic. You see it’s way easy to discuss what went wrong, but the critisism will be welcome when we come out of this trouble. At present with all the crisis, you sound like a complaining baby and nothing more than that. Store your journalist mind for few more months and let’s finish the fight. Till then hang on tight or simply help each and every one you can.

  8. Till date I have seen only outside teeth of elephant and regular viewer of cut the clutter but as Shekhar Gupta like people got the Chance to dimanise Government, they have started in unpresidented way Through The Print and shown his real teeth. I have seeing from last 1 month, he continiously using his media presence for creating negativity and hatred. I suffered in Covid and admitted in Government facility for 10 days, you never except such a service from Government authority. I will Give 9/10 to Government. But people like you elephant in room come out and see, Indians are not fool and we don’t expect greater governmental responce than present from any of other party including your favourite Rahul Gandhi. Stop such malacious writting, and do just gernalisum which people expect from you.

  9. This is disgusting !!
    I can’t believe in this strom instead of making articles to build people’s hope many publishers are jsut posting negativity and people are losing hope beacause of you guys.
    Ohh this is not your fault, you people need to post this sh*t cause of the fundings.

    • If only words could prevent someone’s life, then maybe yes.
      Right now its chaos and complete collapse of Healthcare and administrative system

  10. Rubbish…India is not in the midst.of. a financial situation …it is a pandemic which if not stopped here can create a huge death wave globally
    So if countries are coming forward to help India it is meant to save India and themselves . My two cents….smell the coffee….and learn to be Indian first….we will be back to where we belong shortly…very shortly…and all this aid will be repaid with interest. And idiots like you will continue to whine with your spineless agenda

    • And where do you think we really belong? A country that can’t provide basic medical facility liked oxygen to its ill citizens?

  11. Paid article by a corrupt journalist.

    It is a well known fact that ‘The Print’ and Shekhar Gupta are no great fans of the PM. They keep trying to find opportunity everytime, even during a pandemic, to malign and run down the PM, knowing fully well that they are not going to succeed. People are aware of the agenda of ‘The Print’ and media of their likes and also journalist like Shekhar Guptaji. They have not been able to digest the fact that Modi has been democratically elected as the PM of the country, not once but twice. I really feel pity for SG, who is not going to succeed in creating a false narrative about the pandemic, vaccine etc. this time around. India stands strong with the PM in fighting Covid and we are definitely going to win.
    Jai Hind!

  12. SG has touched on a painful theme : false pride goes before a fall. Without naming it, it is Hindutva Hindu pride; others do not have that issue.

    Yes, India instilled a policy of not accepting foreign aid, 40 years ago under Congress rule. But it had to be recanted during Hindu nationalist rule !

    In 2019, the UAE offered the Kerala govt. flood relief and Modi blocked it. Hence, it is a valid question for Keralans and other Indians to ask what made the change now ? Who reduced India to this helplessness ?

    Yes, Pakistan and China have offered to help, and you feel they are sneering. But that is bound to be the case when you were strutting around like you are a world power and showing off Hindu supremacy. India’s international rise was actually during MMS’s first term, when India was clocking 10% growth, but he was always low key, he never boasted. The recent respect for India (after the early Nehru period), even in Pakistan, was coincident with MMS and even APJ Abdul Kalam. They created respect for India not by boasting but letting the bat speak for itself.

    And it is not just Pak and China that are sneering now, so are the Australians and western papers. No doubt they have sympathy for the plight of Indians, but they all say Modi govt. is responsible for irresponsible behaviour. Nobody likes vain, boastful people, everybody is happy at their fall. Even Israeli newspapers say the same (see Haaretz article : ‘Modi is Guilty of Mass Negligent Slaughter in India.’ ).

    The bhakts are of course enraged with the bad publicity India and their godman is receiving, and in their frustration, they blame the media and demand positivity. They are of course culprits and partners in enabling the rule of criminals and demagogues.

    The actual problem is more than Modi. The failure can be traced to Hindutva ideology and its trappings. That is what the media needs to discuss. Instead of pointing out that India has reached this low point due to Modi, you need to explain it sank to the bottom of Third World nations in many measures of development – due to Hindutva ideology.

    Even if one leaves aside Modi’s personal, murderous record, the demonetisation scam, CAA-NRC, and farmers bill, and just considers his engagement on Covid, from the outset I could see the Hindutva ideology skewed the govt. response, unlike in any other nation. If we call recall, Covid was seen as a golden opportunity to attack and defame Muslims. Even Israelis did not have such an approach. In other countries, like UK or NZ, they engaged with all communities and persuaded them to cooperate. If you threaten people, they will not cooperate.

    The entire BJP press engaged in the anti Muslim tirade at the start of Covid, and Modi kept silent – till the UAE started deporting Modi’s bhakts who got carried away with the Hindutva propaganda against Muslims. After the Tablighi episode, Modi encouraged Vedic mumbo jumbo – clapping utensils to let off vibrations to scare off the virus, and lighting lamps. One past president of the IMA even said the vibrations triggered a quantum mechanical effect in the universe which undermined the virus ! It was teaching people to show awareness of their Hinduness, and not awareness of how Covid is spread. There is a video of Modi’s bhakts lighting lamps and banging utensils in balconies in the UAE; they were actually showing off their Hinduness. After that, there followed a period of ministers and BJP MPs promoting Covid papad and go mutra. Harsh Vardhan released the charlatan Baba Ramdev’s Coronil as a cure. Ramdev had initially claimed WHO had approved it, but WHO denied it. After this came, the unplanned lockdown and ‘migrant’ labour suffered misery. This was shown round the world. Then when the vaccine came, thanks to foreign technology, the BJP used that to show off. Modi proudly told WHO that India had exported more vaccine than it had used. He declared we are the vaccine guru and had saved the world. His bhakths started writing how we were unselfish unlike the western countries. So now you need the same countries (who you were running down earlier) to help. And as SG says, when the foreign deliveries come, the BJP will be ticking that as an accomplishment ! The shameless hyper nationalist Arnob says the positive news is the whole world is standing with India ! Likewise bhakts are writing that due to Modi’s international standing, the rest of the world is forced to help India !

    Hindutva has sunk India so low that we are lying in the gutter and saying the whole world admires us. Arundhati Roy has written Hindutva taught ‘vote as a Hindu, die as a disposable’. The shame of India is not corona, it is Hindutva.

  13. Print is only have agenda to create anti-national sentiments. You take bribes from China and puke all the time

  14. Shekhar it is true that our country is in terrible health crisis and Modi Govt has erred on many account but your column express your personal biases more then the facts. Not expected from a journalist of your stature.

  15. Disagree…..this nation and its people are always giver and less takers…..nicely said about sugar story however even if we get one spoon of sugar from our neighbour, while returning we send, one +one = two spoon of sugar…. we never forget our unwritten liabilities……this a country and its people always pray to God ” Lokha Samastha Sukhinobhavandu” (whole world and it’s leaving and non leaving things must stay perfect and healthy)….. People need to work together in current situation instead of criticizing against anyone as noone is perfect……Please try to contribute and try to educate ten people on Covid protocol every day instead of sending wrong messages to society…… Do not worry we will return everything before next Perfect Storm……

  16. This is time is for finding and suggesting.a solutions..not for fault finding … The long term and prudent solution is vaccination…making more vaccine factories and complete the full vaccination in six months instead of 12 to 18 months… complete in six months is not a impossible target..but we need to have. Audacious goal..the MH haffkine vaccine production is a step in right direction but the vaccine plant needs to be expedited and we not sure what this is waiting should track vaccine production and deployment real time and report .. that would be a part of the solution here

  17. Shekhar: Isn’t the same, shameless “triumphalism, premature declaration of victory” and chest thumping that you engaged in, when you wrote this piece here in The Print as well as on Twitter, “India isn’t having a picnic. But our drains aren’t choked with bodies, hospitals aren’t out of beds, nor crematoriums & graveyards out of wood or space. Too good to be true? Bring data if you disagree. Unless you think you’re god”? Here’s the link, if you have forgotten your own piece. Read it, and judge for yourself your own integrity, if you haven’t sold your soul already.

  18. Where those straegic analyst were before 2nd. wave of pandemic.
    It is a failure that non of the world bodies anticipated this mutant and it’s severity of spreading infection.
    But I definitely agree that unitedly we will conquored the war with present leadership and help from international community.

  19. Shekar ji where was your concern when govt was begging to take vaccine
    U Liberal journalists and intelligentsia spread fear and made it crumble now u blame govt
    Some on ypu rogues..

  20. Great topic… “Mayday, Mayday — How Modi govt led India into a perfect storm”.. With the help of Presstitutes like you… ??

  21. the print said no covid 2nd wave in January
    now they are blaming central hahahaha
    central government already sent notice to chattishgarh and maharashtra for 2nd wave ..
    every party leaders and rakesh tikait and farmers are to blamed

  22. Come on SG we know your affiliations , when he was fighting alone last year, you and your cronies were making fun of him for Thali and Diya , he not only succeeded but got you vaccine in time, even then they said Hum vaccine nahin lagwayenge , so called farmers were gathering at Delhi borders in huge numbers , you and your friends instigated them . Is the whole responsibility lies on him then what for your State Govts are meant , AR this hour when whole nation is fighting you are only busy finding faults

  23. I think not only Modi but every leader are to be blamed..
    if u blame modi only then let the cg control the covid and state government will enjoy cupcakes and chai

  24. Information in today’s era needs to be fact based and not opinion based. Print as media is much needed but with correction that they put things Fairly. Many items above are rightly put across, and my biggest frustration on nda is, passing blames to state govt now, when they see things miss managed centrally

    Problem with india is , congress is absolutely no no anymore for state of national level and BJP has not proved much except heavy hand for implementation. So what’s the choice left.

    I see our country moving towards situation like many latin American countries. Scary

  25. It’s not only a failure of Central govt but also failure of all the state govts. Unfortunately in our country for politicians every calamity is a new opportunity to earn funds. So, whenever crisis like this happens there will always be a distress call in the end Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

  26. Iam reading your news from past 6 months …you are always blaming the present government and nothing else …I think you don’t have any other work other than targeting and narrating a false story which is not acceptable
    Below you are requesting for donations and monetary to run your business…but at the same time you are blaming government for taking international help
    Shame on you
    In this pandemic time suggest something else or Shut your business and sit in home

  27. This Newspaper is definitely a part of sleeper cell as someone rightly pointed out. Always offering platform to anti national voices. What to say of pseudo intellectual anti national journalists like SG. As if State Governments are there to only to grease people like SG to write such articles. State Governments have first responsibility towards their people. What about that? Don’t they have resources and mind of their own? Who prepared for this eventuality all these months gone by. The don key that you are SG. You are not intelligent enough to brainwash even the common man. A rickshaw puller in many places can have better reasoning than the likes of SG and RG. The time calls for joint efforts which you d..on keys do not have to contribute to. People like you and media like this should be thrashed with ch…ppals.

  28. Not.a time to find faults..and demotivate the admin further .. this is a time to find suggest that we win this war and come out of it quickly… vaccination vaccination vaccination..why is the media not asking questions that what are we doing to expedite vaccination…are we building more vaccine factories..what happened to the haffkine project..MH has the approval from the centre..where is the factory stuck now…how can we expedite vaccine to the people at low risk…why vaccination is not happening at housing society level. These are the questions to be asked now.

  29. Supreme court should put modi, shsh, yogi, election commissioner, all CM in 01 year rigorous punishment in tihar jail

  30. Shekhar ji,
    Please let us know truthfully how you would have written this article had you been the coyote or kitchen cabinet of the PM enjoying free foreign trips and perks! Please come out from Lutyens and be happy with the ‘nationally’ lesser evil. (People like me fear the Italian mafia in India and the Gazwa-e-Hind).

  31. It is heartening to note that Mr. Shekhar Gupta is at his job of critisizing Modi , the job assigned to him by anti-modi paymasters for which he is suppose to keep aside his experience of at least 50- 60 years as observer and overseer of Indian politics and the way of working of Indian administrative apparatus.

    why to forget “we the people of India ” are not surprised when China invades and the capture the area ” where not a blade of grass grows ” , or a PM whose Election is set aside imprisons lakhs of political opponens over-nightand where PM says only 15 paisa in a Rupee is most probable destination in welfare state of India. After getting formal independence from colonial power country and party (Congree ) is saddled gleefully with a dynasty which overrun every institution and for decades and runs the country s government in a line of succession which even Babar , the founder of Mughal regime had not contemplated while he was crossing the Hindukush mountain ranges.

    For decades the dynastic governments run the government as ” mayee -Baap sarkaar ” and set up some small infrastructure – Roads , hospitals, schools , colleges , Universities . medical colleges hospitals, are some how made in limited numbers as show -pieces , not keeping in view the enormous requirements of billion -plus population . And when that dynastic Government is removed by the people they release their army of retainers to criticize any person Be it Modi or X,Y,Z for doing his job after so many constraints and legacy problems.
    Had any one in fraternity of know-all journalists had made forecast of so much devasting second wave of Corona where every fifth victim requires oxygen support ? During normal days earlier, say one in 40-50 patients required oxygen support and suddenly 20 % of in- patients required it , it is bound to create a problem for any one , Be it any person other than Modi. The current wave of Corona can be mitigated by following strict restraints by all citizens . Come up with practical solutions that can work in short time.

    Not journalists , but members of BJP parliamentary party can remove Modi and Mr.Shekhar or any other journalist knows it very well that , those honorable members are never going to oblige him/them . We the voter of India will decide in 2024 keeping in view the over all performance of five-ten years and not of only for the month of April May 2021. We compare also with our past-masters which we rejected twice not far ago. .

  32. How can you be biased and make Modi and his goverence responsible for everything that happens….being a responsible media house you should ensure and educate people to follow guidelines and ensure protective protocols are maintained…rather the words and the statements used only shows how biased you are towards this democratically elected government and also shows the hateredness that you want to create about this government.Plz change this and let’s all stay responsible towards our actions plz.

  33. Your claim to be with the country in these stressful times would have been accepted, if and only if you had said a few words of appreciation, when our country was helping other countries…. Remember every country that has come forward to help us today was helped by India in last 8 Months… Your srticl sseemsvas if all this is happening because of your journalism….comeon

  34. Absurd news, when Modiji took initiative and imposed lockdownblast year the covid was controlled. When he left the individual states to take charge, the pandemic went out of control

  35. The article though sheds light on certain correct facts and it seems to put the complete blame on the central government.

    The fact the Opposition parties were also canvassing with big rallies in all rhe states is being ignored.

    The fact that the state governments have a larger role to play in preparing the health infrastructure.
    Availability of more than sufficient oxygen in state like Kerala is credited to the state government and leadership.
    Absence is the responsibility and mistake of the Central government.

    On the issue of vaccinations no one highlighted and made a big news item of how the raw materials for making vaccinations was not coming in since early 2021.
    Yes our companies are unable to keep their commitment to international governments but for reasons beyond their control.

    Also the fact that no media house raised any alarms or highlighted the non preparedness of the governments and the infrastructure.
    They did not fulfill their responsibility and did not do any kind of investigative journalism to highlight the same.

    We as a society failed.
    The leaders are expected to show the way.
    But if they dont and we still do something then we can put the complete blame on them.

  36. All coment were from peacefulls, librandus, leftistand zihad lover.
    Population was the biggest ever enemy of and in coming future it will remain same.

  37. Totally exposed the hidden agenda. INDIA sent vaccines to everyone in need. Started own vaccine production. Added 100000 beds. Amd is still managing the sitiation pretty well considering the complex population of our INDIA. Our fatalities will obviously be higher coz of our huge population. U cant compare INDIA with any other country. And it is also common sense that nothing can be scaled up overnight. Yet we have managed quite well on most fronts. Right from PPE kits to ventilators. It is the misfortune of our country that we have in our country some great thinkers and well wishers who are playing a different agenda. But this article exposes the Agenda clearly for all to see. Thanks.

  38. They say a wise man learns from others’ mistakes, a fool learns from his own. Only Modi never learns. His constant desire to seek credit is his biggest weakness. He claims victory prematurely and refuses to acknowledge anybody else’s contribution which exposes his absolute lack of understanding of governance and international relations.. Time and again, be it demonetization or GST, Dokalan or the Ladakh intrusion by the Chinese, he has had to eat humble pie by claiming victory to soon. Only difference being that this time it has come with the blood of over two hundred thousand and counting lives.

  39. In first lockdown spell, the self proclaim Victorer group put the reason for lockdown is ( nearly 6 to 8 months) required to develop the required medical infrastructure to face the future consequences. Where does it? What the group is done these period which erases million peoples basic life means. We can understand the status of their preparedness by these way like the proverb “Oru paanai sotRuku oru soRu padham ” Not only this alone for their entire administration

  40. I think The print needs to find a life…. No matter what to write to shout we r with Modi and BJP. So divert your energies in something constructive to the nation instead of causing tension among people during such difficult times.

  41. All the while when The Print was busy spreading that the so called “sanghi” vaccine was not needed and that Indians have natural immunity and how vaccinating mass population can cause great harm , there were people who were really working for the humanity.Time would answer your propagandist reheutorics Mr.Shekhar Gupta, you know the most interesting thing with time is that it passes.. it’s bad time for lot of Indians but yes india will stand and fight back strongly an dthat will be a tight slap to the faces of vulture faced journalists like you. I know tum tab v propaganda hi chalaoge per koi baat nahi tumhe satchitananda ki prapti ho yehi iccha hai.. Jai Sri Ram

  42. Going for the kill, it’s pretty obvious… Bharkha Dutt, Rana, Sardesai, Guha ,Thapar and Host of anti Modi media walas waiting in the wings… It’s a golden opportunity . All of you did not raise a finger at China for spreading the virus. You did not comment on various World leaders when their respective Countries were struggling with second wave and third wave and so many deaths especially in US with better health facilities. But Modi should go. We thought SG is slightly better. No Sir he is part of band wagon.

  43. Right from the start he is the Prime Minister , He did mistake to every indian by demonitisation, by abrogation of article 370 for Kashmiris which is the only muslim state of india , NCR, CCA lastly violating rules of law and order by political rally etc etc . He will be remembered as the most mistaken Prime Minister of india that indian have it all .

  44. Yesterday Rohit Sardana made this world a little better by dying. We hope Arnab Goswami, Navika Kumar, Rahul Shivshankar, Rajat Sharma, Sudhir Chaudhary, Anjana Om Kashyap, Rahul Kanwal, Shekhar Gupta, and many others of their kind, follow the suit.

  45. Stop spreading the propoganda to malign Narendra modi.If there is no corona wave in the neighbouring countries of india then how could corona is having a affair with India.It is serious issue to look into.Young India please have look at it.


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