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Reactions to my resignation from BJP should worry Modi more than my viral post

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The rise and fall in support for PM Modi will prove a lesson for all Indian politicians in humility, culture and the futility of trying to feed manufactured narratives to the Indian voters.

The reasons I highlighted in my surprisingly viral post on resigning from the BJP constitute my heartfelt feelings on where the party has gone wrong, but I always knew it would be politicised. That is a risk I was willing to take to let people know that criticism of this government is acceptable, and that we must not surrender our abilities of critical thinking at the altar of any political ideology or rhetoric.

Indians have come to expect that politicians and people involved in politics only resign for personal benefit. They either resign to get a cushier position elsewhere, or because they’ve had a personal spat within their party and want a way out. But, sometimes, there are people who can afford to take a principled stance. I just happen to be privileged enough to not have to bury my convictions.

As a lot of people had predicted, journalists and politicians jumped onto whatever I wrote and used it for their own purpose. Some web portals reproduced my Medium post alongside a picture of me with my former boss, Ram Madhav, the BJP general secretary.

That was entirely unintentional and happened because I had told journalists to take my picture from my Facebook account, and some of them happened to choose that one. For this, I owe Ram Madhav a huge apology. There are great people within the BJP and he is definitely one of them. He has been a voice of reason even at the peril of his own politics, and will continue to be an inspirational leader for India.

The other major correction required is that a lot of journalists labelled me a BJP leader — I clearly am no such thing. I was a member of the party and worked on campaigns as a consultant and data analyst.

Some former colleagues of mine have also decided to take the same route I talk against in my post and attack me personally. They’ve levelled juvenile allegations like I was an “intern” working under them or that I was never a member of the BJP. My only recommendation to them would be to read the post and work on correcting the flaws in the party — these personal attacks won’t work forever.

There are a lot of great people in the BJP and at India Foundation who are committed to making India a better place. I also have friends in the Congress who are equally committed to the national cause. This is a statement very few people have the privilege of making in this polarised political climate.

What I am against is this culture that has taken over our political landscape in recent years. The previous governments in India achieved a lot of great things and they also failed in a lot of ways. Criticism of the failures is deserved, but we must also be willing to acknowledge the successes.

The reactions I received from the voting public are phenomenally supportive and positive. This should worry Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah much more than the post itself.

To make a claim as arrogant as “nothing happened in the last 70 years”, and to claim that all the development we see around us is a result of the last four years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s brilliance is to make a mockery of public discourse.

The reactions I received from the voting public are phenomenally supportive and positive. This should worry Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah much more than the post itself.

The vast majority of people responded with resounding support for the points raised in the article and several messaged me privately on how disillusioned they were with the party. Most of these people were former supporters who really believed in PM Modi’s promise of a better India. They’ve lost this faith not just because of the work the government is failing to do, but also because of the arrogance with which the BJP disregards genuine concerns, crushes dissent and peddles propaganda. The tide seems to be turning and a defeat for the BJP juggernaut seems inevitable in the upcoming elections.

The rise and fall in support for PM Modi will prove to be a lesson for all politicians in India in humility, culture and the futility of trying to feed manufactured narratives to the Indian voters. It’s my hope that they’ll all take these lessons to heart.

Shivam Shankar Singh handled data analytics for the BJP’s poll campaigns in the northeast, is a 2015-16 Legislative Assistants to Members of Parliament (LAMP) Fellow, and an alumnus of University of Michigan, where he studied economics.

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  1. Lol.. all these so called.Modi supporters now suddenly find Ra Ga is a better candidate
    Congress is paying well so I did not surprise of this sudden change
    There. Are more than 50 MPs of BJP think same way because they did not get a chance to make money in Modi raj. A person like RA Ga is better than Modi. Lol.. yes u will get money by Congress. U can never be like relatives of Modi who never come out public claiming that they r relative of a PM CM.

    • Absolutely perfect Arjun. The author is more of a businessman and can not be a nationalist in any way. Lots of things to mention…but this essence is enough

  2. I fully approve every word of the article. The political discourse has now become impossible without being insulted, abusive language, and being called Anti-national. Now, if you favour BJP you are OK otherwise, you are good for nothing who so ever you may be.No room for dissent. Only psycophancy galore.
    We had several PM and Modi is one of them. They are trying to say that he is Superman type PM. which he is not.
    BJP is an Indian political party but they want to say BJP = India. If your not supporting BJP you are not an Indian worse you are anti national and deserve to be deported to Pakistan!!

  3. Its natural tendency… to resist a change. We tolerated inefficiencies of politicians n burocrats for more than six decades n want all good to happen in very short span. Its like we always carry illness over long period but when it comes to curing we expect it overnight which never happens. Yes we do know current Govt does have limitations however efforts are being done for course corrections.. so its going to Pain always.

  4. Modi has made an attempt. And it takes a lot of risk, political will and courage. Nothing is perfect. Everything takes several attempts. And there is no other way.

    Modi has proved his administrative abilities in Gujarat and has risen through the ranks there. While we never miss on painting a overly negative perspective on him it is worth remembering that a lot of courage is needed for what he is doing. If you make an attempt at understanding how complex it is to drive political will at that level, you’d appreciate what has been achieved in such a short time.

    Which political party doesn’t sell promises? Do you understand what it takes to appeal to multitude of factions to build a majority? India is an extremely complex eco system.

    Give them some space. And if other political parties have taken 50+ years and don’t have much to show, I’d say give them some time. A lot of steps the current government is taking are in the right direction and with good intentions.

  5. This is a report from the heart of a nationalist. Pls form a citizens forum for citizens to share their views fearlessly.

  6. In India you can’t please everyone and if you do it would be disastrous for country in long run. Government in majority has to put Nation first than petty politics.After all how many of us are willing to put Nation first than their vested interest. Time to have two party system in India so that government works for Nation and not for coffers of vested people.

  7. I voted for Modi…but NEVER again.He is making our country a “Hindu Pakistan”…The sooner we get rid of him the better for our country.My only fear is…Who after Modi.There are many many intelligent people in the congress like Shashi Tharoor,Scindia, and ofcourse MMS but the Dynasts will never let them Rise….What a Pity.

    • Don’t worry dear. Then Soon you will find it is actually coming Pakistani hindusthan. Useless hindus and irrelevent citizen of India like you are destroying the nation and you think the person from outside of india who don’t know adcd of Indian tradition will work in favour of it?

  8. Nothing very unlikely has taken place. Some larger truths have come open and naturally irked many, maybe you like. People carry theirs conceived ambitions and turn the coat seeing the upcoming time. A conman can always contrive a clue for his course of action-true or false. Some Sinhas have left their footprints of frustration for not able to quench their thirsts of ambitions. I really don’t know who you are but seem to be one of the people with so called personal principle- the preference for power.

  9. Mr SSS, Many Modi blind supporters will not like your article, if there are crores of supporters of modi there are also crores who dislike him. Do not feel bad about the adverse comments. Very few people have courage to write openly about Modi who is boasting of 56 inch chest and thinks that he is very powerful. You have shown the courage.

  10. Your article is well researched full of
    Facts and I agree with every word of it.
    Modi is a great feku and disgusting PM he talks too much and talks shit he is a marketing manager of bjp and indulges in cheap publicity for own benefits. He behaves like a dictator. Abusing opposition is his great hobby. Foreign tour his first priority, he behaves like deaf and dumb and blind on the problems of India. It is high time Opposition parties come together and throw bjp and eccentric Modi out. Modi is so arrogant that he is not going to change. He has enjoyed for the past four years. Petrol and diesel price, Delhi stalemate are the best example of his dictatorship and how he ignorez people n their problems.

  11. Kudos to Shivam. Being a journalist and editor of a small English daily from Assam, i had supported Modi from the last year of UPA rule, then the first two years his rule as prime minister. Many people were astonished at my about turn as i was then a vociferous communist. But then I realised Modi is only all talk and no action. And I lost faith in him. There are millions of people like me who once followed Modi but now disillusioned. Beneath his benevolent eloquency with which he sways the masses is a ramrod ready to strike at the heart of Indian democracy.

  12. Dear Writer,
    Why you bother that much? You are not interested in continuing with the party just leave it..? If it’s KARMA of BJP leave it. Why do you want to beat same drum, who ever may be paying you better package just join them. Yeah One more thing DO NOT THINK YOU MADE MODI PM. It’s he Karma & Rajyoga he is sitting there. One more Prashant Kishore..? All the best.

  13. Mr.SSS is very much immature in politics. With this one letter Modi ji will be worried ? There are crores and crores are behind him .U better go to AAP or Congis.A very suitable palace for u.

  14. Wao, what a realistic sincere views.

    All parties are machines to administrate India to survive and progress.

    Congress succeeded but the performance reduced due to wear and tear.

    BJP marketed themself well but proved it is not upto the standard to perform.

    AAP is a newly designed one could not market and got time to prove its performance but have shown very good performance in short period, even though it did not get proper power supply.

    Indians got power to analyse the same and hope will prove it in 2019.

  15. I also hope voters at large realise that they are taken for ride through the mechanics of manufactured narratives and falsehoods for discrediting good work done before emergence of Modi Shah duo on National scene.

  16. shivam shankar singh thank god that you have resigned. i heartly congratulate you for this brake decision and i request you to do not support this government and PRIME MINISTER MODI. people like you do not deserve to support PM. thank you and join a nice party like congress which will fill your agenda of politics

  17. Modi and his gang of haughty politicians led by Amit Shah are here to destroy the last vestiges of democratic credentials of the country for ever. They not only never did anything to help the people of India after Modi came to power, but did everything possible to harass all the Indians too, thro petroleum product pricing, GST, demonetisation, amendment of labor laws etc.. India is fast becoming a graveyard of democracy under the grip of a totalitarian PM and his ruthless associates.

    • those are attempts at improving status quo. what we often miss is that all this takes political will and courage. please don’t overlook that.

  18. I think this writeup need’s independent prudence and transperency rather than a ploy of political 2019..value of this writeup is eroded without being neutral. .I think print is trying too hard to work against PM Modi and it is not going to work for sure. .

  19. Prof PK Sharma,Freelance Journalist, Barnala(Punjab)

    Mr. Shivam Shankar Singh has infact called a spade a spade, a brick a brick !
    Truth is always bitter !
    He should not at all worry about the reactions !
    In a democracy, there is freedom of expression ! The blind followers will have to
    hog the lime light by putting forward lame and irrational explanations in defence !
    They will all be parroting party line of defence as the BJP panelists on various TV
    Channels are supposed to do !
    The write-up without any doubt is awakening and eye-opening for the masses but
    naturally very sleep disturbing and tremoring for the BJP already in panic owing to
    day to day unfavourable developments on one or the other front !
    Shivam too has been instrumental in adding to the woes and worries of the ruling
    Bharatiya Janata Party by stating the facts!

    Prof PK Sharma,Freelance Journalist
    Pom Anm Nest,Barnala(Punjab)

    • They are indeed,the termites in wood-work.You can throw out the party in
      power after say 5 yrs.But what do you
      with termites who continue till they are 60 or even beyond!

  20. मोती राज भारतीय इतिहास का
    सबसे काला अध्याय।

  21. Binay well said. Shivam only spoke the truth….& what is wrong with that…if we know the truth about ourselves we can go on a course correction for our own good….in this case the party’s good

  22. A large majority of India lives outside of Social media. They are concerned about their basic needs and they trust Modi. Modi is a humble politician who has not forgotten his roots. Contrast this with others who are hankering for power as if it is their birthright (hint, dynasty). If Modi is not successful, no other PM will take the risk of radical reforms for next 50+ years.

    • Yes indeed. The vast majority of people are concerned about their basic needs. Which they see that this government has not been able to fulfill at all. As a matter of fact, the common folk and working masses have seen for themselves, that Modi and his govt has failed on every scheme targeted at the common man. Only the big Corporates and Multinationals have gained significantly. Farmers are worse off than ever before, industry is in the dumps, manufacturing and services losing out – MSMEs finished. Health and education in ruins. Modi’s bluff has been called my friend. Not once but a number of times. Now all that remains is bombastic jumlas.

  23. There is no leader today of the stature and ability of Modi. Disgruntlement is only natural and normal for various reasons. Leaders must listen to the people and rise up to their expectations. That does not mean that one person with his views can represent the voice of the people. Today support on media is available for all kinds of people and views.

  24. Nobody should think that party running is by him. I think that you have some over confidence.If you are in party that’s your wish and you out of party that’s your wish.Dont think that if you are out everybody will out and you in everyone will. It’s foolishness.

  25. Very true, they are loosing good people from BJP because of arrogance and the way of working that is undemocratic. It is very obvious, that PM and Party president are working for someone else who have vested interest. Ideology cannot be forcefully sent to people’s throat. that is autocracy.

  26. IF What ever has been written about the BJP headed by PM Modi , Amit Shah and co for implementation of their Policies , Promises and Assurance to the People of our Nation , Achievement and Total Failures.

    A simple Question BJP had Deployed over 30000 core team to Build the brand BJP people from Media , Publicity group , Journalist , and Hand picked Presenters.

    Where is this Flock Today ?????
    What is their Current Status ???
    What was the strength of your Team. ?

    Ramdev Too vouched he is On Cordial Terms with Gandhi Family.

    Every one remembers His Allegations in 2013 till 2016.
    Why are we listening to Chinese Whispers ? From Loads of Corporates too.

    Who is pushing whom off the Cliff.
    RSS , VHP , Amit Shah , Aditya nath Yogi or Nitin Gadkari.

  27. Modi came to power after giving such promises which can never be fulfilled in life time.e.g. rs 15 lakhs per person after bringing blk money from abroad,Demonitisayion will stop corruption ,2 crores jobs every year ,roof for every CV citizens ,but instead BJP/RSS brought hatred ,trolls,lynching and what not,He belied the hopes of people and took them for a ride.Just to safeguard Modi ,hired paid hindu goons can kill .

  28. Indians should stop being in awe of Modi. He’s a bullshitter, a faker and an enemy of India’s progress and growth. Make him resign immediately. Stop giving him media coverage.

    I will never accept him as my Prime Minister. There have been far more qualified people who have occupied that office compared to him.

    I’m no Rahul Gandhi supporter but I cannot accept Modi’s lies, exaggerations and misleading nonsense which he spouts at his rallies. Are Indian people lobotimized to give this man their votes again and again?

  29. True! It is a good lesson for the Indian politicians on humility, culture and the futility of trying to feed manufactured narratives to the Indian voters. I also hope they realize that and walk that path.


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