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HomeOpinionArnab Goswami's attack continues. Rahul, Priyanka, where’s your ‘enough is enough’ moment?

Arnab Goswami’s attack continues. Rahul, Priyanka, where’s your ‘enough is enough’ moment?

Arnab’s attack on Sonia is valid only if it is political. But by referring to her as ‘Italy wali Sonia Gandhi’ he has committed defamation.

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There’s a man whose theatrics include maligning your mother instead of plainly “questioning” her. Arnab Goswami is trampling over the dignity of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, the mother of Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, and he’s doing it for TRPs.

It’s time to let the instinctive drive take over and become protective as a son, a daughter, and as the children of a family ravaged by assassinations and unwarranted criticisms.

Where’s your “enough is enough” moment, Rahul and Priyanka? If you’re not apologetic about your mother Sonia Gandhi being Italian and Christian, then it’s time you set some things straight by legally holding Arnab Goswami accountable for demonising your mother using baseless and false assumptions.

People say that those who forgave their father’s assassins would barely go all out to fight against someone who is insulting their mother on national TV on a whim. A part of it does make sense. But the fact that the killers of Rajiv Gandhi were punished and found guilty of their crime ensured that justice was served. Sonia Gandhi today, is facing one of the most vicious character assassinations. And the perpetrator has not been found guilty, yet.

Also read: Arnab divides Twitter, KTR is mad at Rahul Kanwal & Gowhar Geelani’s latest story

‘Italy wali Sonia Gandhi’

Arnab Goswami’s attack on Sonia Gandhi is valid only if it is political. But the minute you start referring to her as “Italy wali Sonia Gandhi” (Sonia Gandhi from Italy), who is sending reports to Italy of getting Hindu sadhus (sages) killed in India, is when you commit defamation. And this is defamation of a diabolical kind. He is not only attacking Sonia Gandhi for her former nationality but also her religion – Christianity. In fact, it’s disastrous even diplomatically, since Arnab claims that Italy will be lauding Sonia Gandhi for getting Hindu sadhus killed.

Yes, the Congress party and its youthful dynamic leaders can heap insults on Arnab. Or as Arnab has claimed, they can smear and attack his car with ink. But do you think any of this will have any effect on a person who has made a mockery of journalism?

If Arnab called himself a spokesperson of a political party and said what he said, most of us would not be outraged. Politics isn’t ever polite. But to run a channel as an editor-in-chief and defame people publicly is now turning into a dangerous trend that can spell anarchy in the near future in our country. Media should not be allowed to run trials where they name and shame people on fake assumptions. It’s legally punishable to do so.

Also read: If Uddhav Thackeray bows before Arnab Goswami’s dare, he will only weaken himself before BJP

Gandhis must go legal

So how do we end this? By taking legal recourse. One that is purposeful and not just to intimidate. In fact, fighting legally in a democratic India, whose citizen Sonia Gandhi became in 1983 will not only set an example for the others who have a propensity for spewing hate against the Gandhis, especially Sonia, but also reinstate the faith of any person who has taken up citizenship of India that they are as equal and have the same rights as any person born in India. And they don’t have to suck up to the government to be respected, since it’s the Constitution of India that has awarded them these rights. Not the government of the day.

This is the good fight that Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra need to fight. It will not only be personal, for their mother, but it will also be a message to the world and the people of India. It will convey loudly and clearly that anyone who chooses to become a citizen of India will be given dignity.

Also read: Arnab Goswami wants total lockdown to continue, ABP News lauds Yogi’s ‘UP Model’

Arnab’s jibe turns CAA on its head

What many people, especially those rooting for Arnab Goswami, are failing to see is that the entire premise of giving Indian citizenship to Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Parsis, Jains and Buddhists from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh under the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) has been discredited by Arnab Goswami today. Why? When people from these communities will become citizens of India, is Arnab going to shout his lungs out by calling such people Pakistanis, Afghanis and Bangladeshis, like he does for ‘Antonia Maino’ by calling her “Itlay wali” all the time?

Will he be accusing people of being spies and traitors? What’s the whole point of giving citizenship if all you want to do is mock them and tell them they still have allegiance to their former nationalities? Ironically, the CAA is born out of the same Citizenship Act 1955 under which Sonia Gandhi got her citizenship.

Sonia Gandhi is Antonia Maino and to talk disparagingly about her identity should be legally taken up in a court. Arnab Goswami is resorting to bullying for TRPs. And this old trick has worked for far too long. The only spanner in this toxic competitiveness is a legal case that will hold him accountable for his actions.

But a violent recourse, as alleged by Goswami, will make the Congress party stoop to a level that’s not only petty but one that undermines its own vision of seeing India as a country that believes in the Constitution and rule of law.

The author is a political observer and writer. Views are personal.

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  1. Shame on you a garbage media trying to instigate communal propaganda as a Congi mouthpiece trying to defame a true patriotic journalist who is doing yeoman service to the nation by exposing the dynastic plunderers, remnants of whom are still involved in playing dirty politics. Yes, enough is enough, correct yourself before you Print

  2. The murderous attack on Arnab Goswami and his wife is condemnable. Is the Congress President behind it??? I don’t know. Should this attack be investigated?? Yes; but the Mumbai Police is OPENLY covering up this case. Hence, a CBI investigation is required.

    Why should the  Congress President not be investigated?? In fact the Congress President was arrested, indicted and is OUT ON BAIL in the criminal fraud National Herald case!!! Even her name is fake!!! Can a National Opposition party become a Mafia party?? Is the Congress and it’s President above the law??

    In Maharashtra, the Congress is in goverment and so is NOT ALLOWING an investigation into the Mafia type murderous assault on Arnab Goswami. Now the Maharashtra Government has approached the Supreme Court to close down Arnab Goswami’s Republic TV News Channel !!! The Republic is the largest viewership news channel in India!!!! This is the most blatant and subversive subjugation of democracy and press freedom, only done by brutal dictatators. This type of trampling of the press only occurs in African dictatorships. What does the  Congress President have to hide??

  3. The writer seems very much worrisome about sonia and wants her to file a case,ofcourse she is welcome to do so no body stopped her, but allowing congress men to attack Arnab and his wife at Arnab and advising Congress to file cases in the states ruled by the congress clearly indicates that Sonia is worried .None of the congress top leader has questioned Arnab or condemned till date .

  4. Indian must ask Arnab do he has dare to ask PM about the development. We Indians want development only. Congress is no more a party. Sonia is not PM. I challenge Arnab to ask report card of development from PM. I know he will not do so.
    I as a Indian do not want to know origin of Sonia Gandhi and Akshay Kumar. I am poor I need school, hospitals. I need equal rights for both rich and poor. I do not want aggressive reporting. I want sensible reporting. I need development, security for my children. These politician befool us so that we don’t question them about development. I request all the Indians to ask your leaders to answer the questions on development. Then Hindu Muslim will end. There is only two religion in india poor and rich. Recite one word development. When they say previous Govt do this then kindly answer Congress is out of power due to their misdeeds. Now show your report card. Then all evils will end. Mob lynching, riots will end. If we keep on busy in listening previous government fails on this front or that front. Then present Government will not work. Development is our motto. Religion is most personally issue. Don’t ask my religion. Give me development. Then this country will improve.

    • (1)Arnab is not the issue,
      (2)lynching of innocent 70 year old 35 yearold sadhus and the driver in a state governed by congress is THeREAL ISSUE.
      (3)Sonia Gandhi was only needed to condemn the attack on innocent sadhus and driver.
      (4)But she chose to remain silent while in previous cases of lynchings of minority people she made max noise.
      (5)Sonia Gandhi displayed her communal mind set by her selective silence on lynching in state governed by her party.

    • Very genuinely raised question. However, how can a son who is enjoying all the luxurious lifestyle provided by his father raise the objection of unjust means of resources accumulation of his father.

  5. You are an Arabi Zainab for us and so are rooting for Italian Sonia…both of you are invaders for us and pls don’t talk about Indian constitution but worry about saudia arabia becos soon they are going to lynch all non burkha women in India and abroad.

  6. What is defamatory about calling someone Italian? She IS an Italian.
    The family should be taken action against, for using the Gandhi surname for playing with nationalist sentiments. No one in their bloodline is a Gandhi.
    If The Print wants to survive, it should go focus on more pressing issues on the grassroot level.

  7. Thanks Sikander .. A good suggestion to implicate these two kids and keep engaged in legal pursuits so that social media, Country and Gov in general find a kind of relief from wasting their energies on Gandhi Vadra parivar

  8. That is exactly the question. Why doesn’t Mrs.Sonia Gandhi’s family take it up legally? And, haven’t they passed derogatory remarks on the prime minister of India? Freedom of expression is not the prerogative of one section and denied to the other section. During Delhi riots the social media platforms were full of select visuals where Muslim brethren were subject to attack and harassment. Here, in Tamil Nadu a whole lot of (pseudo) intellectuals decry Mr.Modi and Hinduism in the worst possible manner, day in and day out. When you report it to Facebook team pat comes the reply that it is not deragatory by their standards. Muslim brethren are safer here than anywhere else in the globe. when this being hte case, who is fanning communal frenzy by crying hoarse that this country is not safe for Muslims under the BJP rtegime? And, what about the focal point of Mr.Arnab Goswami’s argument. As the leader of the opposition party is it not the bounden duty of Mrs.Sonia Gandhi to condemn the lynching of 70 year old sadhu in the Palghar incident? Why is she keeping quiet? Why people like her do not choose to say anything about it? Why didn’t a significant section of hte media report it when they are all too eager to highlight such incidents where the victim happens to be of the minority community and are too quick to call it communal? As amedia person it is the bounden duty of Mr.Arnab Goswami to report the incident and raise several valid questions regarding the black out of the incident. And, to resort to violence attacking him is shameful indeed and to be condemned downright. but, we see Congress men celebrating it. Sickening.

    • Palghar lynching is not communal.
      The incident is not blackedout, several members are arrested. Make some research.
      If you consider Arnab serious then you will give info like above.

  9. Maligned the mother? She is not maligned but truth spoken, when congis or leftist media kept calling NAMO with names as hitler, nazi etc..was not it something diplomatically disastrous? When yogi adityanath an indian born who changed his name to something he represents, u people kept calling him by his old name, was he felt offended and did he attack anyone? If you are ashamed of your past which in this case is true, he just said sonia gandhi birth name, you took it as an offense, should have a check on your own inferiority complex than blaming anyone or attacking anyone..

  10. Million of Indians great and proud parents children have married to non indian national. And our so called biased society have expected it. And parents feel proud saying our son lives in xy country and for married to xy nationality women. Just because it’s Sonia Gandhi . Daughter in law of biggest political family We aren’t expecting this. She lost her husband here , she could have easily packed and bags billions of Money and never returned to india. Despite she chose to give her life to this nation and we still doubt she is a coward as mentioned by our most educated and talented journalists Arnab Goswami.

    • She should have done that. But didn’t. Because she thought she or her children could become PM one day (she came very close),the post she thinks rightfully belongs to their family.

      The loot this family has carried from this country so big that she wanted to protect the loot.

  11. Zainab – You guys have to ignore this sycophant. More you write about this moron, more he gets publicity. I can also see there’s increase in numbers of online Sonia sympathizers,which will only increase her popularity.
    But giving a religious angle certainly will further divide the people.

  12. I agree that congress party should fight Arnab Goswami in court, but to hire goons to attack him is terrorism of the highest degree. By this coward act of congress Arnab is getting more sympathy. Further I totally agree with Arnab when he says why is Sonia silent on the palghar lynching of sadhus issue. If it was from the minority community she would have been in the forefront to attack Modi government.

    • Only Arnab said he was attacked and they were sent by Congress Leaders.
      Do u believe in that nonsense though?

      Palghar lynching is not communal, why you people refuse to do a little research.?

  13. Arnab is no longer a journalist but a thug. His histrionics have gone on for to long and he should be fired, charged and sued by the Ghandi’s for his remarks that are clearly lies!

  14. You use the words fascist, Nazi and Hitler everyday. And you are melting down that someone is asking questions to your goddess? Sonia is an italian who has no idea about India. Shame on the likes of you who have licking her feet for decades. The uprising has just begun. The ecosystem that you built cannot protect you any longer.

  15. Violent recourse?Who says. It is spin. False flag. Staged by Goswamy. No opposition leader will authorise such stupid acy

  16. Take legal recourse? Which era are you living in, Shama? Don’t you realise the judiciary is one of the most compromised of our once-noble institutions? Even as you read this, Arnab has already received a 3-week protection from arrest, and there’s a bar on filing any more FIRs against him. Better still, the apex court has already laid out a protection plan for him by providing unsolicited advice to take anticipatory bail. Would you still suggest R and P file a defamation?

    • You had Ave no faith in judiciary because the it is not working as you like. You blam EVM when BJP wins .you do not say anything when BJP loss election. You call modi hitler . You call murder of pahlu Khan as communal and mob lynching but keep mum on Palghar.

        • What’s communal. Simply an incident involving two communities. How do you say that an incident between Hindus and
          Christians is not communal..It is between Dalits converted to Christians /communists against Hindus.
          Pl. Donot promote falsehood and litany.

  17. Tu ou keep on ranting. It makes no difference. And did Arnab accuse or call names to any members of your family ? Why are you being so hysterical ? Arnab has correctly asked her a simple question as to whether she condemns the murder of these 3 men which included two sadhus, or not ? Is it wrong to ask her or question her. She cries when terrorists are killed in Batla House encounter, she cries communalism when any other person is killed even in a non BJP state and puts the blame straight on the BJP then why is she silent when three people are killed with her state controlled police virtually handing over the sadhus to the lunch mob ? What if the lynched person were someone from your family and Arnab then questioned the silence of Sonia ? Would you react in the same way ? And if the congress can refer to Yogi Adityanath as Ajay Singh Bisht then why is that calling Sonia as Antonio Maino rankles you, bugs you ? Fact is Sonia is exposed before the nation like never before. More and more people today are coming to know of her true character. She is not commenting on this, neither are your favourite Raul Vinci and Bianca. Why ? Because there is something larger than what meets the eye. Possibly a religious conversion angle. And Arnab has cleverly drawn her into this debate knowing well that she has no answer. Her hypocricy has been completely exposed. The upcoming younger generation needs to know this that they have been long ruled by a vicious family who have spread their net of ecosystem in lal spheres of society, looted this country, supported conversions, made grossly irresponsible aar paar ki laadai kinds of speeches at Shaheenbaug, looted lands of poor farmers and are embroiled in huge corruption cases, encourages conversions and to top it all like the Sicilian mafia it physically attacks anyone who dares to speak against the family. Arnab was lucky to survive the attack on his life. He has lived to tell another tale. This is the true character of this family. You and the scores of journos who owe their livelihood to this corrupt family can try whatever possible. Remember this is not the seventies when Indira Gandhi trampled on the constitution and people meekly gave in. Now we have courageous independent mediamen who care two hoots for this family’s reputation and for whom the integrity to their profession and their nation comes first. Then there is also social media where lies of this family and it’s vast eco system is also being exposed. So you pour scorn on him everyday through your columns and as Arnab challenged Sonia saying bring it on….he will continue to expose this family with the support of millions of people who love their country more than anything else and are not willing to sell their souls.

  18. Koi nahi, jiske upar 100 se jyada corruption ka case hai… uska kya izzat aur kya defamation. Her mother carries her Italian name. It should be probed how she could have dual citizenship which is not allowed in India.
    Multiple times mother and son have hidden their forgery terming to be slip of pen.
    Sonia Gandhi is a President of a political party and a Christian. Hindus Saints have been killed by Christian Missionary/ tribals converted into Christianity and she is silent.
    She weeps for Batla house but not for Hindu saints. Arnab raised the right question. All Hindus are with Arnab. Make no mistake, it is not 84 and we are not a minority in the country.
    All cases against Gandhi family should be placed on fast track and immediate action should be taken against looters of our country.

  19. Is it not true that Sonia Gandhi is from Italy?

    I think, that was the truth. That’s why even Sharad Power and other big Congress leaders refused to accept her as Congress chief and left Congress.

  20. Is the Print now working as defense counsel for the Gandhis? Where is the much talked about “journalistic ethics” when you so passionately invest in the hatred for one tv anchor and his channel??

    Those who preach – shouldnt preach from glass houses.

  21. ZAINAB u r a khangress chamcha.why is sonia gandhi afraid of her real name.Modi doesn’t shy away from revealing his chaiwallah image.

  22. No comment, by any reader, on a day old article is a profound comment in itself on the irrelevance of the family mentioned in the article and the political understanding of its author who finds the leaders of Congress “youthful and dynamic”.

  23. Don’t know about them. We have reached that point. Please, for the love of the god, please stop contributing to ThePRINT. We would be very grateful.

  24. Why do you even listen to him. Ignore him and just be indifferent, the more publicity he gets by way of articles like this he will continue to bark.

  25. We fervently pray that the Gandhi siblings take the advice of this moron, and sue Arnab. The humiliation that they will have to suffer is worth the wait. Sonia’s name is Milano, and she is a Italian Indian, just like Afro-Americans, Indo-Canadians, Indo-British, understood bird brain? So where is the libel?

  26. This isn’t the standard of journalism that India expects in times like these. This article is more divisive than the television news and quite honestly it makes one wonder if Congress/any other political party is paying for these articles.

    Where is the tolerance of speech and expression now, that the free press talks about?

    As far as character assassination is concerned, where is the free press when the PM of the country is called a terrorist? Why isn’t the media outraged about this too? Or is it because the PM is a Hindu, part of a majority led government that takes pride in Hinduism and quite rightly so? I would like to see the reaction if an Owaisi is called a terrorist.

    How have we become a country of bigots and double standards?

  27. Dear Print,

    Please have some guts & dare to call Sonia by her former name ‘Antonia Maino’ & then print your news.
    Let’s See, how tollerant this Congress party really is.?

  28. Typical Muslim and Congress lover article.Youth wing members of Congress party attacked Arnab which you think was deserved?We live in Democracy unlike Pakistan or Bangladesh where your masters are. Not a single article from Shekar Gupta or The Print condemning attack on Arnab? Typical Congress lovers.Suddenly Rahul and Priyanka become son and daughter and can say wherever they want?Rahul said young people will hit Modiji with lathe’s and that seems is OK?Get your act on the right track because Modiji will be back third time.We will take of journalists like you who are engaged in not reporting whats on the ground reality.

  29. Sir whatever you wrote above, I completely agree with the facts you mentioned against Arnab Goswami, I personally think the defamation which is diabolical in nature should be seen as a violation on the note of free speech and expressing your opinion when you’re editor-in-chief of such media organisation, but one point I want to address is this same nature of intolerant views were expressed against against the top BJP personnel when in power or not, sometimes they were too disgraceful and we witness them today when members from congress and numerous opposition party exhibit their remarks against the prime minister publicly which are full of contempt, sir I understand criticism against the body in power always guides and put a check on power but then it should be balanced for all.
    Thank you, if you’ve read this.

  30. Dimwit writer again showed her ignorance (as expected) by comparing Italy with Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan with respect to CAA. No, calling Sonia Gandhi Italian doesn’t undermine the persecuted people coming from those three Muslim majority countries. Stop spreading falsehood.l!!.

  31. So, while accusing him of behaving like a spokesperson for BJP. you write an article as if you’re the spokesperson for INC. ??‍♂️

    Nobody from the party itself could’ve pulled these claims. ?

  32. Who is the author of this article ? Zainab Sikandar? The lady doesn’t have any credibility getting slammed on twitter almost everytime she comments. Why? Because she runs alongside an agenda, agenda particularly includes hating hindus, encouraging muslims to attack hindus by any means and she does so very successfully because she gets the materials provided by sources be it prints itself or by her political masters.
    Coming back to arnab goswami, lets be honest with one thing his way of journalism can be rated way up than all of you put together. People loves him for who he is, his way of telling the truth is what India needed right now. India dosen’t need u guys.
    And to talk about antonia maino, let me know what wrong does arnab hv stated? There is nothing as far as I can see. She was born in Italy and spent a big part of her adulthood in there. So whats wrong in it it somebody says “ITALY WALI SONIA” ? Yes she is & she should be proud of it.
    What if arnab questioned her about her mum over the Palghar lynching case? Have u forgot that how she cries after Batla House Encounter when photos were showed to her? It is in public domain. Can u deny? Why she chose to remain silent then on Palghar incident? Because she have that agenda of her party’s old trick to appease a particular set of community. She can cry for days, why? Because dreaded terrorists were eliminated inside Batla house but cannot speak anything against the lynching of Hindu Saints. That itself states about the mindset of congress and their allies and also the media houses who keeps praising them directly or indirectly, becomes advisors of Rahul Gandhi without an invitation.

    (Zainab) u just get it straight that India isn’t changing but has changed and you’re feeling the heat. The most ignored community has stood up now and will fight for their right and the best part is that u already knew u’re outnumbered.

    Coming back to arnab. Catch him if you can. Majority backs him, he is loved all across the country and few FIR’s will never going to stop him from what he does. He is by far best in the business.


    • Arnab is no different than your idiotic filthy mindset. You only see muslim name and make a conclusion. You are Patel and certainly a coward gujju.

  33. Dimwit writer again showed her ignorance (as expected) by comparing Italy with Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan with respect to CAA. No, calling Sonia Gandhi Italian doesn’t undermine the persecuted people coming from those three Muslim majority countries. Stop spreading falsehood.l!!

  34. Ohhh, this is a website run by Congress cronies, so couldn’t expect an unbiased opinion. Wasn’t she born in Italy? Is she ashamed of her Italian descent? Calling her by her original name, why is she ashamed?


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