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Poke fun at taali, thaali, diya and mombatti all you want. Modi couldn’t care less

Modi knows who he needs to speak to, who he should toss, who he can address in kind. People accuse him of infantilising his voters, but it’s a winning strategy.

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The wretched coronavirus story overshadows everything else in the news environment, and it is not about to go away any time soon.

But you know what, I am done with it. At least for this week. Give me my old-fashioned politics any time. But then, much of politics, barring the odd barb traded here and there, is also under suspended animation.

Therefore, we seek refuge in politics with a touch of coronavirus. On how Narendra Modi has handled the messaging on the biggest challenge of his public life. Let us begin with the messenger in him.

He has a gift none of his eight predecessors, from Manmohan Singh to Rajiv Gandhi, had: Being able to speak directly and convincingly to a large enough section of Indians who will take his word for gospel, and his order like a papal bull.

He is more than a worthy rival to Indira Gandhi on his ability to read the popular mind, especially that of his voters. No surprise that he has chosen to do all the messaging of his government by himself. He makes a bunch of statements, some platitudes, some shrewd nudges, and the rest then dutifully take over.

Within the hour of his finishing a speech, or even a half-speech like this Friday morning for the Sunday ‘9 minutes at 9 pm’ event, his entire cabinet, top party functionaries, social media warriors, RSS and BJP-linked intellectuals, all start tweeting passages from it.

In fact, after each of his four speeches to us in the coronavirus season, you could collate almost the entire text by just adding up the tweets of these key handles. When he speaks, they echo him, and nothing else. It ensures the ‘purity’ of the message. Everybody speaks in his voice.

That sorted, we come to the message itself, and how it has kept its central thread but changed in nuance. Helped along, of course, by his belief that no matter what he says or does, a critical mass of his people, and his core voters — which is a lot of voters — will believe him anyway. And even if he messes up, as with demonetisation, they will forgive him. Imagine what effect would it have had when he went on air with his Mann Ki Baat last Sunday and apologised to the country’s poor for “inconveniencing them”. Tens of crores of hearts would have melted immediately.

Also read: Why ‘family elder’ Modi, and not aggressive Amit Shah, is govt’s face in Covid-19 fight

Next, he will almost never say what he is going to do for you. Run your mind over his most significant speeches, and definitely the last four: Two addresses to the nation, then Mann Ki Baat, and Friday morning’s short ‘diya jalao’ message. Instead of telling people what he will do for them, he tells them what he wants them to do for themselves, and him.

From Swachh Bharat to withdrawal of LPG subsidy to the better-off, to demonetisation and now Covid-19, through all the other initiatives he has unveiled, he has invariably asked people to do something. Immediately, it makes them feel wanted, and responsible. Who doesn’t enjoy being taken seriously, and that too by such a powerful leader? He’s got the gift of seeking a sacrifice from people and pleasing them, instead of dispensing favours.

In these coronavirus speeches, he has done exactly this. In the first one, he said that he was going to ask them for a few weeks of their lives. But left it there. It was like a little inoculation to sensitise public opinion for what was coming.

He asked for a day’s Janata Curfew, which some of us had noted immediately was like a dry-run for a longer lockdown. He also asked for clapping and cheering for doctors, medical personnel, police and others providing essential services. He spiced it up with the idea of ringing of bells and clanging of thalis. You can laugh at this as much as you wish.

Can you, at the same time, discount that tens of millions across the country did exactly that, and ended up grateful for it? If at all, too many of them overdid it, for loudness as well as time, scaring poor birds and animals. The virus, in any case, isn’t even a fully live being, so it can’t be bothered with noise. Narendra Modi had neither promised, nor delivered anything. The people, if anything, had over-delivered on his call.

There is a pattern to Modi’s ‘apologies’ too. There was one in a speech in Goa when demonetisation had thrown the country into chaos; in a suitably choked voice, he said, give me 50 days. Just 50 days. If any fault is found in my intentions or my actions, I am willing to suffer any punishment given by the country. Of course, who would punish a leader for such ‘humility’?

Demonetisation was a blunder comparable with Mao’s assault on China’s sparrows. But here was such a powerful prime minister taking such a big risk — obviously with good intentions — and asking you to endure a little bit of suffering for his and the nation’s sake.

The Mann Ki Baat apology on coronavirus was more nuanced. He wasn’t saying sorry for a mess he might have created, but for the inconvenience unleashed by such a bold step, ‘to save India from annihilation by corona’. Please note that there wasn’t a mention of the migrant labourers’ exodus and crisis.

So, three lessons: First, Narendra Modi promises you nothing in his messaging. Second, he always asks you to do something for him and, thereby, the nation. And third, that he never regrets anything he has done. Never. Never a word like, I know we could have done this better.

Also read: Modi’s 9-min candle plan Sunday: Needless spectacle or much-needed motivation for Indians?

The fourth lesson is the most important denominator of his style. That he knows who he needs to speak to, who he should toss, and who he can’t ignore but can address in kind.

Translated, this means his critics, the commentariat, the so-called liberal upper crust and elites, will ridicule him for the juvenility of his ideas. There will be hundreds of memes and funny social media mentions about ‘taali and thaali’, ‘diya and mombatti’ and so on. He couldn’t care less. That is not the audience he is addressing.

The other audience he isn’t addressing but can’t ignore is the poor. He gets his majorities because they vote for him. But they do not control the discourse. Plus, the poor are smart, politically irreverential, and more questioning. Why risk it with them? The middle-class voter isn’t any of this and she sets the agenda. If she was more questioning, why would she be out on her ‘balcony’ with a thaali or a candle?

For the poor, Modi’s outreach is through direct and efficient delivery: Cash, LPG, toilets, housing, and there must be more to come. The message is not needed when money can work. His direct delivery of benefits to the poor has been phenomenally better and less leaky than anything in the past.

A criticism we hear, and in fact express often, is that Modi is infantilising India’s people. How else do you describe this taali, thaali, diya, mombatti, go-corona-go and other stuff we feel embarrassed about? But you know what, Modi knows who we are. Or, why would we rush out on the streets with thaalichimtas and bands celebrating the humiliating retreat of corona? We even circulated WhatsApp links believing that this mass clanging would kill the virus. On Friday, an eminent doctor, a former head of the Indian Medical Association no less, spoke some mumbo jumbo about how the diyamombattis would empower our ACE2 receptors to crush coronavirus into chutney.

This obviously went too far for him too. In his next speech, therefore, he made a strong pitch against superstition. In Friday morning’s, he brought in caution on people herding together on balconies and streets, reminding them of the need for social distancing.

Anyone who says he can read Modi’s mind is either a liar (most likely) or an avatar of Einstein. See this from where Modi sits. If I were to see this, here is what I’d say: Oops! These people are infants. But obedient infants. Every now and then, they might go too far in their zeal to obey, but I can caution them.

Modi is winning. Why should he be complaining? Or bothering with usual suspects accusing him of infantilising his voters when they are happy being just that: Obedient infants?

Also read: NRC to GST – How Modi & Amit Shah create Anxiety Raj and still win elections


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  1. Facts:

    PM Modis govt was in talk with Word Health Organization (WHO) on January 7 & 8 about this pandemic based on parliament questions & answer and his govt was fully aware of the situation. PM Modi’s also govt completely ignored of various ALERTS, WARNINGS and ADIVISES by WHO and COUNSELS & SUGGESTIONS by opposition leaders.
    1. January 7-8 Discussions with WHO about coronavirus
    2. January 31 WHO declares coronavirus global health emergency
    3. February 5 Coronavirus: Window of opportunity to act as per WHO
    4. February 12 Starting from Feb 12 onwards (March 3, 5 etc.) opposition leaders are asking PM
    Modi govt to prepare for tsunami of coronavirus cases in India
    5. March 11 WHO officially declared the coronavirus as a global pandemic.

    We all know event managements like March 22 and now April 5 are also late.


    PM Modi govt DID NOT PLAN or ALLOCATE resources or COLLOBRATE with states. PM Mod doesn’t care because he is trying to show that he is part of the solution while opposition parties are problem. He has also made sure that message of political opposition and civil society & activists and alert media doesn’t get through.


    PM Modi is like a software developer who leaves bug/faults in the software application while developing. When bug is discovered then he tries to solve this and become a hero and make his job secure. But when he cannot solve it then he passes responsibility of fixing it to others and indirectly puts the blame.


    In the case of pandemic PM Modi’s natural inclination is to responsibility to the states. PM Modi will be the first to take credit and put blame on others. Now we have PM Modi as savior. He becomes even more popular and people trust him more when in reality his policies and actions have harmed very people who love and trust him. And the cycle is repeated with next event or crisis.

    • Reality: 1. India has one of the lowest per capita infection rates in the world (even if you inflate the existing infection numbers by 10 fold). 2. Thankfully, the number of deaths is still in double digits. Now it is probably possible to hide mass infections, but, in a frenzied reporting culture we have, it is impossible to hide deaths.

      Key questions : The success we have had until now in controlling the virus has just magically happened? Was India randomly lucky that the virus just bypassed the country?

      PS: the software analogy is incredibly naive. It assumes “the buyers” are idiots. Doesn’t quite work that way. Neither in business life nor in Indian politics. Suggestion – stop being a coder and try to see the bigger picture.

  2. May be this task is to identify which areas are with the government and which will defy the lockdown and accordingly take better actions to make lockdown successful.
    I believe in near future we will see paramilitary or army controlling such areas as police is overpowered in such areas.

  3. Mr SG, can you imagine India facing such crisis as this under the uninspiring leadership of say Manmohan SIngh, or IK Gujral, or Developers Gowda? IN india, our lives are dispensable. Someone else would have risked deaths for saving economy. Deaths can always be explained away, as in the case of deaths due to hunger during Manmohan Singh’s time. Modi has risked his political future in handling this pandemic. Allow him some harmless theatrics.

  4. This is the time to be creative and if we are saving energy for 9 minutes then I couldn’t care less if there is a Hitler requesting, let’s do something positive instead seating doing nothing but criticising like some people does all of their life, I feel sorry for them.

  5. It is disgusting how long Shekhar Gupta wants to hang out his piece in top spot. It is narcissism of some kind. The truth is that he wants to be on the right side of Modi ji, and lots of Modi bhaktas are roped in to castigate him for nothing, pretending that he has REBELLED AGAINST Modi ji, while in reality he has only been doing chamchagiri, albeit obliquely. But boss, nothing is oblique enough for some readers like me. There is an old song of Iqbal Bano : PAAYAL MEIN GEET HAIN CHHAM-CHHAM KE// TOOH LAAKH CHALE RI GORI THAMM-THAMM KE!

    • SG’s articles are always confused, he does not have a clear stand on anything. It is not clear where he stands on Modi. He accepts demonetisation is a failure. That should be the end of the story. But then he seems to see virtue in Modi with this ‘There was one in a speech in Goa when demonetisation had thrown the country into chaos; in a suitably choked voice, he said, give me 50 days. Just 50 days. If any fault is found in my intentions or my actions, I am willing to suffer any punishment given by the country. Of course, who would punish a leader for such ‘humility’?’. Apparently, the public accepted it, and SG seems to be saying so does he ! He says Modi said it in a suitably choked voice ; ‘suitably’ means it was faked, then what merit does SG see in it, he should highlight and condemn it. SG has missed out the real cause for Modi’s appeal and his messaging method : communalism. It comes out at election time. SG is one of these people who wants to be in the Hindutva camp, but also be accepted amongst liberals. Hence, the lack of clarity or position in his writing.


    • SG is the type who wants to have one foot in Hindutva fascism, and the other in liberalism. Hence, his confused articles.

      It seems he knows intelligent people will poke fun at taali, thaali, diya and mombatti, and he himself is intelligent enough to know it is nonsensical. But since Modi couldn’t care less and has devotees who endorse everything he says, then there must be some merit in Modi and taali, thaali, diya and mombatti. This is SG’s convoluted logic. Modi has encouraged the mob to decide who to lynch, who is national, who is anti-national. Like that science and medicine will also be decided by the mob.

      • Problem with SG is – – though I don’t know him personally but have surely watched him many times on “walk the talk” of NDTV to be able to form a sketchy opinion – – that he is basically a nice guy. So he finds it difficult to put his foot down and call a spade a spade. Because passing a conclusive judgment does require some amount of rudeness. Or, on the other hand, it perhaps is his survival trick to not rub absolutely anyone abrasively. But if that is the case, then he is lacking in quality to be called a “senior journalist”.

        • That is a plausible alternative view. He is too nice a guy to hurt people’s feelings by calling a spade a spade; that is, say the truth about Modi. Or as I said, he is someone who wants to be with Hindutva or has some sympathy for it, but wants to be in the liberal camp as well, as he is aware Hindutva is not respectable and is associated with louts and lynch mobs. I have come across such people as well.

  6. Poor old journalists what else can be done other than cribbing and finding fault with everyone. hope wisdom prevails….

  7. Clapping and lighting is not solution at present time. Our people will be expecting a good government activity. Modi ji please understand for our country situation. So many people must need for normal life. …. please understand…..

  8. “When things are bad, there will be sudden pause; When your men stop, look at you, no one will speak.
    They will just look at you and ask for leadership. Their courage is ebbing;
    You must make it flow back, and it is not easy, you will never have felt more alone in your life”
    Field Marshal William Slim

    Here, what is said is more important than who said it.

    Col KL Viswanathan

  9. Shekhar writes very well. But then, Modi is all we have. He may make mistakes ( demonetization) but people trust him and forgive. That is more than you can say of any other opposition leader , notably the infant dynast. And this is a poor country with a massive population and lack of resorces and economy takes a long time to evolve. Sometimes somebody with good intentions is a good enough reason to invite support.

  10. Lives of 1 billion risked by allowing international arrivals till march 22nd although first case came to light on Jan 30th.

    His capability is questionable, he is not talking on PPE and testing.

    Every Indian should question, if you don’t ?then ..pls don’t expect anything except thalli and light…lastly Corona.

    Regarding nizamuddin, pls ask the PM on who gave the permission?

    • Thank god we are not having Congi rule otherwise we should have new mask scams and other scams in this difficult times too.

    • Don’t light diyas. One diya is good enough! And why in the world do you think you have to follow sharia laws if you don’t light diyas?

  11. Modi is disciple of Great Adhyatmik Guru Sri Sri Sri Dada Kondkeji Maharaj !!!!!!
    On 5th of April 2020 at 0900 pm for 9 minutes entire India will recite the mantra given by the Guruji having prophesy of Corona virus !!!!!
    OM ANDHERI RAAT ME DIYA HINDUSTAN KE HAATH ME !!!!! Jay ho Guru-Shishya ki !!!!!
    Dhanya Bhag Hamare Jo Aap Gujarat Se Delhi
    Padhare !!!!!

    • Well, i would think that by now you must have cottoned on to the fact that folks around you always have an inkling of what your expression shall necessarily entail, and that they don’t really care for the tenor of your critique, exactly the way they would react should some Pakiatan replace you nationality and all. You know, right that , should a war commence everyone would expect you to join the Pakistani ranks ?

  12. After so many decades we got people’s choice prime minister what he says he says in good intension and who ever want to fallow it’s left to them please don’t oppse each and everything

  13. I do not agree with it at all, when WHO and top businesses delegates are appreaciating Indian PM efforts on fighting with COVID 19, who the hell is THE PRINT to write like this about him, I believe THE PRINT is paid by congress or communist or some anti BJP people.
    Almighty Allah is with PM Modi and sent him to protect the Bharat

    • The Print’s investors include Ratan Tata, NR Narayanamurthy, Nandan Nilekani and Kiran Mazumdar Shaw – All communist.

  14. I do not agree with it at all, when WHO and top businesses delegates are appreaciating Indian PM efforts on fighting with COVID 19, who the hell is THE PRINT to write like this about him, I believe THE PRINT is paid by congress or communist or some anti BJP people.
    Almighty Allah is with PM Modi..
    Almighty Allah sent him to protect the Bharat

  15. One hundred percent agree to what you argued, Shekhar sahab We are country of Mati Brashta people , a country with corrupt minded people. And guess what, Modi is terribly successful in convincing common voters that, only the monetary malpractice is the only and the ultimate form of corruption . So hardly anybody bothers what Modi says and want his voters to do. Rather they are more than happy to follow.
    Till date, Modi has struck the right cord, that too perfectly. Time and technology is with him. and like you rightly said ,in messaging he is more powerful and effective than any previous PM except Indira Gandhi. But the major difference is Indira Gandhi hardly used religion and anti Muslim plank to woo and capture her voters.
    But truth remains , at the moment, Modi is on the top, what ever intellectuals wish or thinks, chances are, he will rule minds for years to come. But, sad part is, these successful mind games, will cost this democracy dearly. In any case, today, Vivekbuddhi is hard to find and his followers hardly qualify for a responsible citizens of this democratic country… nothing matters to them, except Modi. We are in dangerous time. For sure.

    • Rightly analyzed views.
      Surveys ( of people’s opinion) by media show that almost 70 % of population don’t use or apply their minds before they act on any information. They are taken for a ride easily by emotions.
      About 30% of population apply their mind and analyze any information in right direction.
      These 30% people get very badly trolled and face the brunt of the remaining.

      (Absence of Scientific temper is the reason)

      • Do you , sweet cheeks , tested positive for Corona ?
        No. Why are you restricting your normal buisness to stay confined within the four walls of your room ? You aren’t not afflicted.
        Determent is , sans anomalism, in perpetuum, the choicest passage, especially when at stake are your physical or spiritual lives.
        Capisce ?

  16. The great pity for India is that as long as the present PM remains messianic in the eyes of a large number of people, problems for India’s economy and democratic vitality will remain. We have a messianic religion practiced in our western neighborhood, results remain unimpressive. Sadly, that is perhaps India’s destiny as well. Unquestioning eulogising is okay for the dead – for living society it sounds the death knell.

  17. Grt language wasted in presumptive irrational, illogical arguments without substance.
    Hatred toward Modi has left the some journalist (sic!!) write like child making tantrum.

  18. Having read the comments above with due diligence, there are A few random thoughts that crossed my mind, which I wish to share with the audience. I am apolitical, no taking sides here, please!!
    The situation : Nobody in their wildest nightmares could have imagined the world in this awful situation in the space of a few months, as it is currently in!! Not Trump, not Modi, not even the crystal – ball gazing Congress. Thousands dying, world and Indian economy on the verge of collapse, mass redundancy, food and essential items shortages, you name it, you have it!!!
    Aftermath : When Modi ordered a lockdown, he reiterated that all essential services, grocery shops, pharmacies etc, will remain open. Please remember that here is a man, sitting in Delhi, addressing 130 crore people, over 31 states and UTs, over the length and breadth of India. After the chief executive gives the orders, it is upto the states and their Chief Executives (CM) s to implement that order, keeping in mind the day – to – day welfare of the people in their own states. India is a federal country, with the states having sufficient administrative powers to implement decisions, for the wellbeing of the people. Heve these CMs been able to implement the measures that were necessary? I regret to say, NO!! The states immediately closed state borders, even restricting the flow of goods and essential commodities into the state. What we’re they thinking, are they not responsible, mass – elected leaders, whose job it is to guide people through a crisis? Is it that Modi is the single people – elected leader in the country, and it is entirely his responsibility to deliver, while the rest of the state leaders are a bunch of wide – eyed naive children, who have no experience in administration and planning? If they can engineer political downfalls and constitutional crisis in different states of the Union, then they should jolly well be capable enough, to engineer the welfare and well-being of citizens of their respective states, is it not? If Modi should go for imposing lockdown over India to stop the spread of the virus, they should also go for being downright inadequate, inadept and incompetent, for not being able to think proactively, for not being able to plan ahead, on how to deal with the forthcoming situation!!
    The administrative babus go one step further. In their over – zealous attitude to please their political masters, they are the people solely responsible, for getting India into this crying situation of need and shortages, due to their lack of wisdom. Are we pointing a finger at them?
    It is very easy to blame Modi, but as commentator Mr Goutam Das pointed out earlier in the comments, how would any other political leader, from the ruling party to the opposition, handle this situation differently? Mrs Sonia Gandhi made a wise comment that lockdown was necessary, but not well-implemented. Smart observation, but could she, in all her best judgment, offer any roadmap to Modi, on how to handle the administrative roadblocks, which have resulted from the lockdown!! So is it not very easy to criticize, but very difficult to be proactive, and lead from the front, and taking all the punches of criticism, on the chin!!
    Yes, Modi is leading 130 crore Indians, and if we do not have the basic sense of wearing a mask when out in public, of holding weddings and psuedo religious – political events, attending parties and what have you, then Modi has to hold the hands of these 130 crore Indians, and guide them to their destiny, for good or for worse!! After all, every infant needs a parent, do they not?

    • Ap bhi pogo khelne ki advice dene walo me se ho ,chalo kam se kam ap prime minister ko ek insan ke naate to samjha varna log to unhe kuch aur hi samjhte h…

    • We knew about this early as Jan and when the first few cases showed, up the Kerala government started scanning, tracking and quarantining people, so the central government’s defense of being taken by surprise as an excuse for the shoddily rolled out lockdown isn’t very flattering. Modi’s incompetence at administration is on display.

    • It’s the not about the lock down – it’s about the 4 hour notice for a complete halt. More or when you get 72 hours notice for some activities that are irrelevant to contain this epidemic. One cannot have a foolproof plan when dealing with an unprecedented situation, but you can always plan ahead to minimize the pain. Again if I am raising question on certain aspects of the plan, I am not against any individual – planning and implementation is a collective responsibility. But the way things have been shaped up by the current ruling disposition that everything – plan / action is only done by one man and all that is not right currently were done by others. So naturally all criticisms are pointed to this one particular man.

  19. It is surprising to see that a senior Journalist like SG is unaware of or is simply ignoring , the changes which have occured during last twenty years in world , in the every thing that matters for the journalists to write upon. Let me list out some of them. {1} Politics is not what it used to be in sixties to nineties. Earlier voters were impressionable . They had to depend upon media– may be independent or sponsored -but today there are different varieties — print, audio, video , Tvs, Internet , Social media. Consumption of media output has gone up exponentially. No one can force fake narrative as gospel truth. Affiliations, Bent of mind and propensity to project the biased views can not be hidden by writing against the persons you dislike , by claiming to be respostary of all previous knowledge and projecting past era villains as incarnation of Godhood.
    { 2} India is no longer a poor country. Some statistics claim poverty level has been reduced to 27 % .May not be correct. add 10% more to it. Event than more than 60 % indians ,income wise, are in lowest middle class, middle-middle class, upper middle class and rich — { Rich are — of all varieties earning more than Rs. 1.5 million per years }. All these classes of persons are educated, IT, savvy, Informed , unimpressionable by any sponsored writings . They constitute the two-third majority of population. . You may not agree , but many will agree— in three fourth of India— they see m
    Modi as their leader. They do not find him corrupt or lacking patriotism, Many of those above fifty years in age can vouch for and see change in way India is being governed today , how india responds to external threats as compared with early times and regimes. This give Modi an edge. So any criticism of Modi wanes in air.
    {3} Even the figures of World wide Corona pandemic–prevalence and deaths — and Indian figurestill date , also contain some message — whether Modi and his advisers understood the threat. Deliberated on ways to mitigate its impact. Whether till date they succeeded or not statistics don t lie. Keep in view the availability and standards of health facilities in india and developed countries of Europe, USA, See how general public, Health sector manpower resources has been motivated to meet unprecedented challenge of virus.
    It is time when the world,and India, is fighting a war with invisible powerful enemy. come out with constructive suggestions . We all know tomorrow may be more difficult for economy. But Humanity will win. India will . All economies will bounce back. If some journalist are obsessed with modi, then I am not afraid to write –MODI WILL WIN.

    • Agree hundred percent me who have just crossed fifty and have the privileges of Good education and income know how this country was governed so far. Finally we are an assertive nation. People like us running a small company or leading a team know how difficult it is to make things happen. Leaders set the stage and it’s for the chain below to implement the vision Times have changed and old media journalists are struggling to adapt to the changed order They continue to believe in themselves as influences and know all experts Thanks to Google knowledge has become all pervasive.

  20. At last, someone has the righteous courage to point out that the emperor is naked. Gupta has hit the nail on the head. I doff my hat to him. Modi is fit for the mediocre masses of India. His gimmicks make the whole world laugh at him. He has relegated himself to being a butt of ridicule. I pity on Indians to have such an uncultured and unrefined PM. But then, don’t they deserve him? Fools always prefer fools. Don’t they?

    • Good for you to assume you being not a mediocre. Im an influential person and i’m not going to light a candle but rest assured that the mediocre people elected pm won’t allow its people to die like your fantasy land usa is doing saying 100000 people will die. but money is more important to us so no strict measures.

      • My dear man,
        Ummm.. Ever come across a thing called statistics.. Look this up… Total death due to cardiac issues in the US.. 56 thousand per month… Total death due to coronavirus 8.3 thousand per month… Stop drinking cool aid… Think for yourself

  21. See, all of you haters, we patriotic Indians wanted a strong in corrupt leader and we got it in modoji. For India’s sake we have a strong bold management, that’s all that matters. As for the people sacrificing, that’s the only way for India to attaint Developed world status. The Indian mentality gas to reform a lot
    Thank you Modoji and thank you patriotic Indians.

    • Buddy, you are the definition of hate.. Look are your ID… Let’s start with that… It proudly proclaims your difference from one community and one community only.. Such extreme form of hate is called xenophobia
      ..let’s then move to your post… You claim that Indian mentality has to reform and that sacrifice is what will make us great and that is this bold management… Hah.. Really.. Sending migrant labor home without any preparations… Without any support is management…..bravo… Sacrifice will make us a developed nation.. Seriously… Where are you getting these pearls of wisdom.. From your wazoo…

  22. Modi is nothing more than an actor and fake compared to some of India’s past “all encompassing leaders”. The country will rue him for the disastrous way he is leading the country to ruination. He may have political acumen, but sorely lacks in mental and statesmen type visionary acumen.

  23. वो ठीक है, पर फोटो हमारे भुजबळ साहब की क्यों लगाई आपने।
    Please Google it…

  24. PM Modi has controlled the #Chinesevirus to a population of around 70 countries. This was despite the fact that the health industry scenario is not that good. You shall never acknowledge the good Mr Modi did for India. The author will not hold guilty the #Nizaamuddin bio terrorist for increasing the numbers when India had commendedly controlled the number

  25. “Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Who said these famous lines? Off course, Sir Winston Churchill on 4th June, 1940, when the UK was in a hopeless situation. After delivering the famous speech, Churchill said to his colleague “And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that’s bloody well all we’ve got!” So we’re these words not a gimmick and empty rhetoric? Sure, they were. But they did serve a purpose. Howsoever grim a situation could be, never lose hope; because if we lose hope all is lost. A section of the people may be having differing opinions and doubts. Modi is not perfect. Still he is the PM, and we are fighting a war. The’ Diya Jalao’ call may be a gimmick, but it can serve the purpose of lifting morale of millions of Indians. Needless to add that after the second world war was won, Churchill lost his post following a surprise defeat in the elections. So to conclude, political differences should be forgotten when we are in the mist of a fierce war against a deadly and virulent enemy.

  26. It will take ages for our self proclaimed intellectuals and liberals to understand Modi’s direct communication with the masses. We go gaga when we see on international TV how people in countries like Italy, Spain etc cheer for corona warriers from their balconies, but sniff their nose when done in India. Candle light marches etc observed in many places on various issues, including by our JNU, Jamia. types. Liberals cheer it, but when Modi appeals for it, they ridicule. But the fact is such apparently symbolic gestures help keep the moral of populace high. Just realize, the small appeal by Modi has engaged both supporters and opposed in hours of analysis, keeping them engaged from the monotony of lockdown.

  27. I thought Shekhar Gupta was a wise man. Alas, after reading this it appears, he only knows how to chew English words. We have a situation at hand; an unprecedented calamity which can blow out of proportion and here you have a man writing and nit picking on methods which can reinforce only known an effective measure; SOCIAL DISTANCING by lock down.
    Some time I wonder, yes, we do need imbeciles to appreciate wisdom.

  28. As an implication, do you think attacking Modi on his policy positions, and associated missteps would also backfire? The opposition did none of these in the last general election, but do they have an alternate playbook?

  29. Like any good actor, he knows how to play with the emotions of his audience.. but he’s coming across as just that – fake!

    I once met a Modi voter who couldn’t understand a word of Hindi.. he said that he didn’t know what the speeches were about, but that it sounded like it was something great! That just sums up what this article says, regarding both the PM and his audience.

    A country where superstition and blind beliefs are the norm, is perfect for a man like Modi.. he can do stuff for himself, while packaging it as something for you. Two things help.. one is the efficient, corruption free last mile delivery of services (as mentioned) coupled with the lack of it earlier.. and a pliant media backed by a hate-spewing IT cell.

    Of course, beside the andh bhakth brigade the poor also backed him.. but in his handling of the virus, he has let them down.. they are the ones suffering the most.. time will tell if it’ll cost him.

    But there’s no denying that the biggest factor in his success is religion.. would Modi have been successful ìf his name was Mohammed?!!!

  30. This lobby’s heartburn is warming my heart. What this cabal does not get is the importance of national morale and solidarity in a time of difficulty. For the Marxists, even the idea of a nation is anathema. People like SG will continue to suffer from Modi derangement syndrome. Let them wallow in their own misery.

  31. Modiji is doing his work , just discussed future course with states through VC with state cms , is there any doubt about it.
    All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. These are extra curricular activities. We also need some activities from time to time to beat librandus with. Look what’s going on.

  32. When sometime in the future, and there will be one, an evaluation of this period in Indian history will be done, people will compare these actions to the comment by a well known epistemologist …when we say that there is scientific knowledge, we mean knowledge only as courtesy…No one is harking back to the Popperian view that scientific theories need to be tested under the harshest of rules and hence they should remain suppositions or conjectures but this mind numbing, gut wrenching descent into rejection of the most benign form of scientific realism is marking a new level.

  33. What a leader Modi is!!! Even Modi-haters are writing why he wins and grudgingly accept why he is so popular. Just like Modi doesn’t care for the liberal-media, his followers (obedient infants, as abused by Shekhar Gupta) also don’t care.

  34. ”Poke fun at taali, thaali, diya and mombatti all you want. Modi couldn’t care less”
    Boris Johnson has followed Modi and made it a weekly ritual in UK.

    • Because no one knows the controlled press, the edited news and false data that is the ONLY thing people know of what is allowed to go out as news and info! It is just like his wife. Modi says nahin hai then she does not exist. Modi says no corona as we pray as a nation and no corona has entered, then all folks believe it though they see people dying from it! Modi medicine is hate and divide! Modi distraction is best plates on the streets and expose ourselves in crowds to the deadly disease and pretend we are safe as we are Bharati’s ,Real truth is people are dying, no one cares least of all Modi, migrant workers are suffering and walking to go back to family! Modi does not care! All he does is spread hatred for non Hindus! I am a Hindu and I ask each Hindu- what is it you do that defines you as a Hindu? Do you meditate? Do you do Sandhyavandan 4x a day? Do you know what is Hindu? It is Himsa se dur! Do you know your scriptures? No!! All one who pretends to be is a Hindu who hates non Hindus. Thanks to Modi the hatred spreads. He is the WORST PM of India and a bloody self centered rat of a human!! Keep roaming the world Modi, chai sab ko Pilao! Bus chai wallah to vahi rahega ! Chalo chai aa Gaya, 4 baj gay honge! !!

      • The Prime Minister, the CEO, is talking to the people on HR stuff.
        Interesting and important.

        Equally important though is a clearer picture of long term vision, actual steps taken, an acknowledgement of mistakes made and lessons learned, an appeal to all religious leaders to talk sense into their followers…

        Will this happen ever ?

  35. chill??high bp..hypertension ho jaega…u r making him.more famous n important by discussing about him!!!He is the first person to create history in politics world wide…
    “U are not working right,if u dont have rivals”thats sufficient for our pm

  36. Point well made. The only issue is why can’t all the Pappus of this world learn where to hit Modi and where not. When Kejriwal can get this lesson and reap rich dividends, what is stopping our Pappu party?

  37. I just do not agree with the writer, except for the fact that Modi is an excellent orator. Like DMK honchos in Tamil Nadu, Modi could mesmerize people with his power of delivery. But in a country of our size and diversity with teeming people BPL, mere oratory will not succeed in the long run. What will succeed is how many people are satisfied with their bread and butter issues. . Happiness comes with economic prosperity. Whither our Economy, Mr Sekar? If economy fails, political system collapses. Some people can be fooled some time. All people cannot be fooled all the time. Frankly speaking, this government gives an unmistakable impression that is going bankrupt. It is not able to share what it owes to state governments from GST collections, compelling some of them to defer payment on account of salary ad allowances to its own employees, a thing never happened in the history of Independent India. Have you noticed its mindless pursuit of low interest regime: it has drastically slashed the interest rates on FDs and TDs in post office, despite the fact that there has never been an established co-relation between low interest regime and industrial expansion or greater employment opportunities. The plain truth is that this government does not have money – it is getting pauperized. This pauperization began with the Demo which shrank the economy and thus shrank the opportunities for the people. The botched up GST killed the MSMEs and thus killed the jobs at the bottom of the pyramid, accentuating the burden of poverty among the most vulnerable section of the people. Senior Journalists like you must capture the mood of the people correctly. The mood is not the one you are portraying. It is different. Lock down is absolutely essential – but should have been ordered with proper planning and consultation. The preemptory closure of a country of our size, with 85% of the work force being daily wagers, is a colossal blunder, which is wrecking colossal damage not only to the economic fabric of the country but also the social ethos – with cascading consequences. Mr Sekar, we do not want your philosophical treatment of events – which is boring and does not add to our knowledge – but write with insight based on inside information ( news behind the news) – that will be more enlightening. If not, please give up writing, for God’s sake.
    a k pattabiraman, Chennai

  38. Brilliant analysis of PM Modi’s style of functioning.Let journalists and high society ridicule him, he knows exactly what he is doing.No one connects with people the way he does.I dread to think what manmohan Singh would have said on an occasion like this.His flat monotone would have conveyed nothing.If lighting Diyas can unite people who are under tremendous pressure to keep normal life going and if it is superstition, mumbo-jumbo, so be it!

    • If you sit in your ivory tower and light divas when corona hits you please let us know. We are not that fortunate. Our dryas are within us as we go to work and try to keep two meals for our children while also trying to pay bills and educate them. My sick neighbor got no help and died. We watched as cannot expose ourselves. But no meds no testing and divas is the speech from a useless PM. Please remember as you light your divas, to not go to the doc when you get sick and give up that privilege you have. We don’t have that. No one cares in the neighborhood docs who are isolating themselves and hospitals are sending our sick home saying they have nothing to help with. This is because of the PMs lack of any action and his hands are bloody!

      • If you want to know about steps taken and future plan then do listen health secretary. He does press conference everyday

  39. It’s my opinion modi is not a good pm it’s totally false and fascist extremist hindu mind that’s why when he give idea about further its make fun

    • Extremist Hindu minds bother you but extremist Islamic minds do not. It is this selective outrage which gives birth to Islamophobia.

      • Really? No extreme should be there. But the world shuns terrorist Jihadis as that is known. But as a Hindu I am himSA se dUr! Why am I terrorizing non Hindus as a pm?? What does it say of this PM? There is nothing Hindu in his hateful thoughts words and deeds. That is what people are asking. Let us presume Muslims are jihadis. They never claimed to be peaceful dharmic souls as we, the righteous Hindus do!!

        • Parul, this is a wake up call for not to continue with communalism. You know the fruit of bad karma ? India has to pay for backing Modi’s wickedness in deaths and a shattered economy. Taali, thalli, dia and mombatti are not going to save you.

    • Dear Zahir,
      I know Muslims will find it difficult to accept Modi .So u cannot be an exception..He is the best PM of India.

    • Yes, unless there is appeasement for a community who enjoyed all these years. And look what damages this community does in containing corona virus.

    • Its not all COVID -19 in India, it is COVID-786. You guys and your blind extremists orthodox religion will always have problems with other religions (kafirs) as you guys are not peace lovers and you want to make this nation islamic state. If you have courage then justify those muslim men’s act of spitting on police and doctors and put off their pant in front of nurses and female doctors.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more! Modi has done NOTHING to arrest corona virus, done nothing to test when 8500 tests can be done in a day and not even 90 are being done, has not given a hoot to prevent spread in the poorest of the poor with simple medical tents with one doc even to isolate anyone out of a small juggi room so that the rest of the occupants stay safe! Nor has Modi cared to publish true numbers. It is all about Modi and how he looks internationally! Not surprising as he is just PM of Gujarat and his small mind is as small as that one selfish state. Need water for Gujarat, get it from MO, Need revenue for Gujarat, spend hoards on a cricket stadium, want to show Bharati history, show BAPs temples built with black money in the past few decades only across the world and forget the real India! He is a dictator and suppressor. Defeating Congress may be his only shining light and that is the only legacy he will take out with him. He is full of hate, believes in division, has no love for the poor and cares not a hoot for India or Indians. Now that covid-19 has spread with nothing done, he turns to astrology and tries to be a hero by lip service to foreign nations – let’s fight corona together!! Really? Again all about pretending and getting international limelight! He is THE VIRUS!! The most useless of humans to be around! God help India!!

    • You are correct. SG’s articles are always confused. He knows the educated ridicule Modi, he even knows they are correct, but his argument is Modi is getting what he wants from an uneducated, unsophisticated class, and that is what counts in the end. That is what counts for getting power in India. In SG’s four principles of Modi’s messaging success, he forgets the most important : stoking Hindu communalism and resentment against Muslims. That is the key winning card, which the other parties don’t have. It wins Modi elections, gives him and the BJP power and money. The economy, healthcare and education sink but he has followers busy with NRC and riots. SG has not spotted that – or he pretends not to see. SG is the type of Hindu who wants to have one foot in fascism, and the other in liberalism. Hence, his confused articles.

      • @rasgolla. Modi supporters are not only uneducated unsophisticated types, because basic fight in India is between Mandal & Kamandal.

        • Modi himself is uneducated – he has a forged Masters degree, no teacher recalls teaching him, no student remembers studying with him.

          By way of encouraging innovation, he once told students to come up with a stove to make tea, with sewer gas ! Absolute jahil !

    • See, all of you haters, we patriotic Indians wanted a strong in corrupt leader and we got it in modoji. For India’s sake we have a strong bold management, that’s all that matters. As for the people sacrificing, that’s the only way for India to attaint Developed world status. The Indian mentality gas to reform a lot
      Thank you Modoji and thank you patriotic Indians.

    • Response to Zahir…..

      If you donot like what Modi is doing in India…. why are you not going to Pakistan/BanglaDesh… a nation “carved out” of Bharat FOR, BY, OF MUSLIMS…. IN 1947… REMEMBER …..???







      • Why we should go to Pakistan or Bangladesh it is a democratic country every one have their views like in your view modi is hero n Congress is villain you have money to buy MLA ‘s of MP but not to spend on country when there is a virus affecting our country their is media which spoke what modiji want to speak did you saw any Muslim spitting on police why they would spread virus if their is a virus in the form of modi n amit Shah what modiji have done to Muslim first say any one thing which benefit muslim now it has become common to bjp to make a religious fight of Muslim n Hindu just don’t think as Hindu think as indian n think as gandhi

    • Those who do not know management of masses make such immature n infant like comments! These r communalinds n do not know what is n who is good for them! They like them to be used n their religion used for party’s benefits without giving anything for last 60 years, they were kept poor, uneducated n depressed n suppressed under the burden of many unethical practices! But still people feel happy to criticise the one who practices n preaches ” Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas sir Sabka Vishvas!

  40. It is so difficult for many to accept that here is one individual who has the interest of the poor and dis advantaged in mind. Gimmicks or not, he can keep people engaged and has the courage of carrying out what he believes is the best way forward. So for once, please allow him to do what he thinks is best ; there is no past experience for any leader on such critical issues, allow him to take one day at a time. Just because we look for patterns in thoughts, don’t expect this from someone who works differently.

  41. Better to use that 9 minutes to make masks for your self and other needy people around you. Kindly dont waste your time.

    • Why only in those 9 minutes, you could do it anytime you want by sitting inside your home.
      Stop complaining about those 9 minutes, they have been requested from us for a good cause!

    • Unfortunately, we have a lot of time with us right now. No harm in using 9 minutes of those in the way our PM says

  42. if someone commits a murder n doesnt hv a guilt..u cant change such persons mind..if u r not ready to accept that u hv done any mistake..u cant argue with such person..nor can we hv any hope from such person..such people can never learn frm past mistakes n keep doing such mistakes again n again..demonitisation, gst, rbi emergency fund withdrawal, interference in court judgements, interference in rbi matters, thali thoko, diya jalao types jumlas, 15 lakh, black money, 2 crore jobs..nothing delivered..still we hv some expectation?

  43. Modi is scaling new heights of the position of indispensability. No media person worth his salt can tolerate it being played out with such fanfare real time!

    • Print, not Quint. Unlike the British, you don’t seem to be waiting for the sun to set before pouring yourself a drink


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