Monday, May 20, 2024

Topic: subscriberwrites

SubscriberWrites: Will AI overtake us shortly?

According to recent data, the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone every day. In the future, they might spend these hours on AI conversations.

SubscriberWrites: End Electoral bondage, not just Electoral bonds

Sortition, not the Electoral-Bond-Scheme will eradicate corruption

SubscriberWrites: The low-hanging fruits of India that demand solution

Land title and real owners must be digitised. Ready Reckoner rate of land should be at par with prevailing market rate to curb black money parking in land.

SubscriberWrites: The hypocrisy in western democracies

The 'consensus' of the liberal brigade is that any regulation of the media must come from within, not from the government.

SubscriberWrites: Subsidies for citizens: A critical examination

The subsidy, a mere blip in his financial landscape, doesn’t sway his entrepreneurial zeal. But herein lies the paradox: those who need it least benefit the most.

SubscriberWrites: Life and leadership lessons from Shivaji Maharaj

Shivaji Maharaj demonstrated exceptional tenacity and adaptability in the face of hardship.

SubscriberWrites: Grassroots tribe on a mission for Afghan peace

The Ahmadzai tribe is very educated, each member holding dual degrees and affiliations with the international community. They are known for their sound presentation and speaking skills.

SubscriberWrites: The powerful effect of storytelling on civilizations

Local folklore have always been a primal form of communication within limited geographies and are timeless links to ancient traditions, legends, archetypes, myths, and symbols.

SubscriberWrites: Massive statehood protests are taking over Ladakh

Although Ladakh has historically seen rallies against statehood and the constitutional protection of its identity, this is perhaps the largest such event to occur in the region since 2019.

SubscriberWrites: The change I would like to see in electoral system

We need to design a system which combines the U.S style presidential system and proportional representation system.

On Camera

What’s geopolitical recession? World seems to be heading for one

The long-term rise of China and the 'Global South', combined with a decline of European and Japanese economic power is driving a fundamental shift.

With defence push, India looks to capture markets in Africa beyond western Indian Ocean

India’s defence sector is trying to penetrate the African market. But with China already extending significant influence, India must now play catch-up.      

Abki baar 90 paar for Congress? Why even 30 more seats will ruffle BJP

Discussion about outcome of Lok Sabha polls continues to boil in cauldron of expectations only from BJP. Now reverse this equation, what if we asked about the performance of the 'loser'?