Monday, May 20, 2024
TopicDigital lending apps

Topic: digital lending apps

Digital lending has got a bad rap, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

With predatory digital lending practices drawing attention, it’s crucial to look at the funding and regulatory environment within which the sector operates.

Huge interest rates, sneaky T&Cs, threat calls — how loan apps are trapping Indians despite crackdown

India’s lending space is a toxic cocktail of financially unsavvy customers, predatory loan apps, and not enough oversight. Here are five stories.

Govt’s ban on loan apps: Data theft, tax evasion, extortion & fraud charges behind move

The Centre Monday blocked around 138 betting and 94 loan apps. However, there is no official word yet on exactly how many apps have been banned, which ones, and why.

‘Like fraud, usurious’ — digital lending apps in spotlight for high interest rates & fees

Industry data show that economically weaker borrowers are being forced to take loans, due to personal or work-related circumstances, at rates well above what they can afford.

On Camera

Phase 5 is crunch time for BJP—UP will boost INDIA, Maharashtra will clear up real vs fake

Just like Phase 3, in this round too, the NDA stands to lose ground due to the sheer number of seats it had won the last time — 39 of the 49 seats, of which the BJP alone had won 32.

What’s geopolitical recession? World seems to be heading for one

The long-term rise of China and the 'Global South', combined with a decline of European and Japanese economic power is driving a fundamental shift.

With defence push, India looks to capture markets in Africa beyond western Indian Ocean

India’s defence sector is trying to penetrate the African market. But with China already extending significant influence, India must now play catch-up.      

Abki baar 90 paar for Congress? Why even 30 more seats will ruffle BJP

Discussion about outcome of Lok Sabha polls continues to boil in cauldron of expectations only from BJP. Now reverse this equation, what if we asked about the performance of the 'loser'?