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HomeOpinionWhat Imran Khan is doing to Pakistani school textbooks even Zia-ul-Haq didn’t

What Imran Khan is doing to Pakistani school textbooks even Zia-ul-Haq didn’t

The huge volume of religious material the proposed Single National Curriculum contains beats all previous version’s in Pakistan’s history.

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Be prepared, Pakistan! Imran Khan’s government is poised to inflict damage upon this country’s education system in a manner never seen before. Its so-called Single National Curriculum (SNC) hides systemic changes going far deeper than the ones conceived and executed by the extremist regime of Gen Zia-ul-Haq. Implementation is scheduled for 2021.

At first glance a uniform national curriculum is hugely attractive. Some see it striking a lethal blow at the abominable education apartheid that has wracked Pakistan from day one. By the year, a widening gap has separated beneficiaries of elite private education from those crippled by bad public schooling. So what could be better than the rich child and the poor child studying the same subjects from the same books and being judged by the same standards?

But this morally attractive idea has been hijacked, corrupted, mutilated and beaten out of shape by those near-sighted persons now holding Pakistan’s future in their hands, and who, like their boss, kowtow to the madressah establishment. Prime Minister Khan was widely criticised in 2016-17 for making huge grants to madressahs of the late Maulana Samiul Haq, self-professed father of the Taliban who was murdered by an associate in mysterious circumstances.

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As yet only SNC plans for Class I-V are public. But the huge volume of religious material they contain beats all curriculums in Pakistan’s history. A column-by-column comparison with two major madressah systems — Tanzeemul Madaris and Rabtaul Madaris — reveals a shocking fact. Ordinary schools will henceforth impose more rote learning than even these madressahs. Normal schoolteachers being under-equipped religiously, SNC calls for summoning an army of madressah-educated holy men — hafiz’s and qaris — as paid teachers inside schools. How this will affect the general ambiance and the safety of students is an open question.

The push for a uniform national curriculum idea derives from three flawed assumptions:

First: It is false that quality differences between Pakistan’s various education streams stem from pursuing different curricula. When teaching any secular subject such as geography, social studies or science, all streams have to cover the same topics. While details and emphases obviously differ, each must deal with exactly seven continents and water being H2O.

Instead, learning differentials arise because students experience very different teaching methods and are evaluated using entirely different criteria. So, for example, a local examination board will typically ask a mathematics student to name the inventor of logarithms whereas an ‘O’-level student must actually use logarithms to solve some problem. The modern world expects students to reason their way through a question, not parrot facts.

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Second: It is false that a hefty dose of piety will somehow equalise students of Aitchison College and your run-of-the-mill neighbourhood school. The legendary Mahmood and Ayyaz prayed in the same suff (prayer line) and established a commonality without ending their master-slave relationship. Similarly, rich and poor schools will remain worlds apart unless equalised through school infrastructure, well-trained teachers, high quality textbooks and internet access. How the needed resources will be generated is anybody’s guess. Under the PTI, defence is the only sector seeing increases instead of cuts.

Third: It is false that school systems belonging to the modern world can be brought onto the same page as madressahs. Modern education rests squarely upon critical thinking, and success/failure is determined in relation to problem solving and worldly knowledge. Madressah education goals are important but different. They seek a more religiously observant student and a better life after death. Understandably, critical thinking is unwelcome.

While some madressahs now teach secular subjects like English, science and computers, this comes after much arm-twisting. Soon after 9/11, madressahs were spotlighted as terrorist breeding grounds. Musharraf’s government, beholden as it was to America, ordered them to teach secular subjects. Most rejected this outright but others were successfully pressurised. However, madressahs teach secular and religious subjects identically; reasoning is sparse and authoritarianism dominates.

While the new Class I-V SNC document also discusses secular subjects, much of this is pointless tinkering with the minutiae of teaching English, general knowledge, general science, mathematics and social studies. They are not accompanied by plausible plans for how the necessary intellectual or physical resources will be garnered and the plans implemented.

Still bigger changes are around the corner. The Punjab government has made teaching of the Holy Quran compulsory at the college and university level. Without passing the required examination no student will be able to get a BA, BSc, BE, ME, MA, MSc, MPhil, PhD or medical degree. Even the Zia regime did not have such blanket requirements. To get a university teaching job in the 1980s, you had to name all the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and recite some difficult religious passages such as Dua-i-Qunoot. Still, students could get degrees without that. That option is now closed.

Starkly inferior to their counterparts in Iran, India and Bangladesh, Pakistani students perform poorly in all international science and mathematics competitions. Better achievers are invariably from the elite ‘O’-/‘A’-level stream. More worrying is that most students are unable to express themselves coherently and grammatically in any language, whether Urdu or English. They have stopped reading books.

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Significantly, as yet the PTI’s new education regime is mum on how it will advance its goal of closing a huge skill deficit. So poor is the present quality of technical and vocational institutes that private employers must totally retrain the graduates. That’s why private-sector industrial growth is small and entire state enterprises, such as PIA and Pakistan Steel Mills, have collapsed. Pakistan’s space programme flopped but Iran has just put a military satellite into orbit and India is well on the way to Mars.

Empowered by the 18th Amendment, Pakistan’s provinces should vigorously resist the regressive plan being thrust upon the nation by ideologues that have usurped power in Islamabad. Else Pakistan will end up as the laughing stock of South Asia, left behind even by Arab countries. Pakistan’s greatest need — and its single greatest failure — is its tragic failure to impart essential life skills to its citizens. To move ahead, the priority should be to educate rather than score political points.

Pervez Hoodbhoy teaches physics in Lahore and Islamabad. Views are personal.

The article was first published in Dawn.

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  1. He seems to be a dinosaur of British colonial legacy and a representative of the elite society of Pakistan. In this article it appears he’s trying to appease his western masters and critics of Imran Khan. Without criticizing the move, which is to remove discrimination in the education system, he could have suggested better ways to improve the proposal. Can this guy give am example where in western developed countries or China, Russia etc there are different education systems for different category of people. India, Bangladesh etc should follow this example and unify their education systems to SSC, HSC levels to give every child an equal opportunity irrespective of social background. Though this will not establish a perfect system but has to go through a long process of trial and error to get rid of colonial legacy of almost 200 years. I appreciate the move and hope improvement will follow with wise thinkings and opening eyes to the achievements of those countries who excels in this area. The idea of the colonial conservatives and elites should be ignored who has no inputs to improve the conditions of the poor, rather to carry on with the mantle of their colonial masters to rule over these people, either in the name of so called democracy, hereditary family rule, and let the general people linger in stupidity and darkness. Thanks.

  2. Some good points but most objections are void and do not make sense. Pervez’s opinions are not held by the majority.

  3. writer he is totaly fake story he isbtaking personla revange with imran nothing going to happen with relgious but he is doing well job lyk poor and rich ppl study in same schkl same like eurpn country this man wring false stroy i donot agree even 1 words with this man

  4. Very depressing statement educated to uneducated statement are you willing to stand in court that you not destroying by supporting courruption corrupted education system in Pakistan over 70 years, lie dowword low education cheating in courses all teacher have to go for examination to pass and have teaching license including molvi need degree to teach Islamic school. It is only to make public better education strong knowledge.

  5. The writer of this article… Is in question in himself.. As an athiest he cannot comprehend the values of studies under Islamic umbrella…

    He should go back in history to know and understand contributions of Islamic scholars, doctors and scientists to this education system.. Intead of propagating his negative thoughts as traitor

  6. Stop the media campaign against Pakistan. People are not stupid to understand your discriminatory and full of hate analysis against muslims and particularly are a Hindu extremist and Zionist people and have only one agenda to spread hatred among people.You are the enemy of peace on this planet.So stop your nonsense analysis and stupid news.

  7. This article is absolutely true, and fascinating. I am purely shocked to see so much truth on a news article as now a days most of the reporters are scared of writing the truth as the one who write the truth are either kidnapped or are either killed by “accident”. Whoever is the author of this article i give you a salute for having the guts to write the truth and not being biased ?

  8. Honestly, if the writer is happy writing this. Let him be. I am amazed to read all the illogical opinions presented by the writer. Let me give a little brief of how Pakistani education system is.. the graduates don’t suffer at all. They are delivering their services to all the nations on the similar level as India is. You can easily see engineers, IT professionals, doctors in every corner of the world and no country trains them except Pakistan. They get hired with the qualification they hold from Pakistan. Pakistan is the 4th largest country in terms of providing freelancing services in the world. Better check facts before writing.
    I think the writer is confused with corruption and education system. Yes, corruption is there and its not just Pakistan its everywhere… How about we talk about AirIndia if you are considering PIA . Corruption lead to the demise of national institutions but this doesn’t mean the people are not skillfull.

  9. Its our education system and we are proud to learn more religouse subjects…. Make your daddy happy is easy!

  10. India beat Madressah War drums on daily basis against Pakistan. And now when Imran Khan finally moving ahead to fix it going against these Mullah Mafias, you are out selling yourself.

  11. Pakistan is Islamic country and Imran will do according to constitution of Pakistan. You are burning in hostility of Pakistan and happiness and prosperity of Pakistan doesn’t feel good to you. Curse upon you and your third class piece of writing

  12. Paid writer, have no idea why Imran is bringing one unified system, which is to kill diffeent class system in the society and to give same chance to poor for getting selected for higher education, job etc.
    These paid writers not only give biased information but also damage their country’s reputation.

  13. This whole article is not more than shit. The source fountain of modern technologies and science is subjected to the ancient Muslim researchers wather it is spece, medical , physics, mathematics. All modern welfare states are based on Islamic theme and theory. Again Muslims can rule the world only and only by following what Islam says in a true leder n spirit, Muslims declined only and only because of betrayal from the diven theory of Beautiful ISLAM.

  14. It seems a job is there for the journalist because this journalist doesn’t wants to work more.Those Muslims who fear Islam and doesn’t have of fear ALLAH are known as non-Muslims pupits.

  15. Well in my opinion, people can do with more religion in their lives. I don’t think that we should consider being wealthy or more skilled in worldly activities as a measure of success. Sure make your lives easier but do not abandon your faith and principles to do so

  16. Absolute rubbish. Echoing Hindutva sentiments the article is written by a confused and an extremist writer to please his lordships across the border.

  17. I don’t understand what’s wrong with him. He is so biased and against islamic culture and our children should know about our prophet and his kindness what’s wrong with it. If you teach physics then you should know how many inventions muslims scholar made through studying Quran.

  18. Can you even read a post by pervez hoodbhoy?
    “HOODBHOYISM” extreme liberal an atheist by belief system..Kindly apply research before circulating and spreading this propaganda warfare.

    Yeh 2 NATION THEORY ko reject kerty hain or quaid e.azam.ko.Secular sabit kerny.mein Mary ja rahy hain or saath Allama Iqbal ko qoami shair bhi nahi manaty.

  19. This writer seems to have some kind of mental disorder.He never talks positive about pakistan and islam.Who cares about the nonsense he is talking about, we have to care for those millions of pakistanis who want this change.We are no more a colony where we had classes (rich class,middle class,lower class and poor class)but an independent islamic country where everyone has to be equal and accountable.

  20. They don’t call Imran Khan the good looking Mullah for nothing . Many including myself had high hopes when he came into power bow ever these hopes were dashed when he fired one the best economists in the world (Atif Mian) due to pressure from right wing religious extremists – even his ex-wife Jemima blaster him for this! . Imran Khan has done many U turns and will continue to do so as he is frightened to stand up to extremists – my opinion of him is that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing

  21. “How this will affect the general ambiance and the safety of students is an open question.”
    Never read a more classist and supremest statement. Reeks of looking down on your own country men and having a superiority complex. Shame.

  22. Critical thinking is not discouraged in the madarssah system.

    It is not all rote learning. Bias and discriminating of science vs arts has always been there, but as the world is evolving let’s learn to live with mutual respect. Co exist while acknowledging differences in opinion.

    In the Quran multiple ayah implore one to ponder upon the signs in the universe, observe creation and travel the land to seek ibrat from past civilizations.

  23. Excellent comment karan. This guy is void of any information of the current realities going on in the world. This month’s most ill-informed and ill-researched I’ve read thus far. Pathetic.

  24. Your cries and pain indicate that whatever Imran Khan is doing, is best for Pakistan. Before objecting the educational reforms by Khan, suggest Indian Govt to build toilets for half of your population who even don’t have the place to s…t.

  25. “recite some difficult religious passages such as Dua-i-Qunoot”. All Muslims know this passage because it has to be recited in the fifth prayer of the day each day and you are calling it difficulr? Come on now.

  26. I read few lines and I my guess is that he did not like Imran Khans actions. Imran khan is PM he can do what he needs to do for his country opinion writer should not interface or over think on Imran’s actions.

  27. Stupidy of the writter. Who even dont know that one educational system with european and islamic teaching together is must for pakistan. Otherwise there are almost 40% children’s are studing in islamic madrasas only and they are unable to compete with others & can be a extremist. So main stream them with one educational system is only option, there no way arround yet.

  28. Alhamdulillah Imran Khan Govt doing very well. You should discuss “How to save yourself from CHINA” rather than discussing on Pakistan’s school system.
    Save yourself from China for Pakistan …
    Because if China left behind anything, MUST REMEMBER PAKISTAN WILL PUT YOU ONLY IN SCHOOL SYLLABUSES “There was an Endia, who tried to bark on Pakistan but nothing on the earth left as Pakistan responds”

  29. The thing is, what Imran Khan has done is what Pakistan needs. Equality. And in case everyone has forgotten a simple historic fact That Pakistan got its independence because Muslims who were struggling as a minority in the subcontinent wanted a free country to practice Islam with all their heart. Our ancestors didn’t go through all that trouble so that we could forget the blood and sacrifice of the martyrs and turn our country into a secular, “westernized” country. Why is it so hard to believe that as Muslims living in an Independent Islamic Country why we just Can’t have Religious freedom in education. Our religion is peaceful, respectful and factual. It teaches all that which scientific studies can’t. It builds up our character. It teaches us from right to wrong, something which science absolutely can’t. The world is already going downhill but we can atleast try to be more peaceful and understanding and not uncultured like what this blog is insinuating.

  30. I can feel your pain Hoodbhoy. The hate of islam inside you is in each word of your article. But you keep doing what you doing and Allah has his own plans. And only things happened by Allah will.
    It is very important to get religious education for our kids. I totally support that.

  31. Unified schooling and curricular system prevails all over the developed countries. All residdual colonial administrations favour 3 tire curriculum so that richer class can go for western level education and finally settle elsewhere with pumped thefts. While the poorer through midrasha system can finally merge with or contributing to taliban philosophy, the larger part can remain weakly literate. It is important to start from somewhere.
    If I. Khan’s intension can be judged, nation should remain watchful so that design weaknesses does not make all wrong.But vehemently protesting against unified schooling at the beginning without enough proof is tantamount to grief of vested corner on abolishment of of century long curses.

  32. Pakistan’s present regime if it is making earnest efforts to educate the children will succeed. If not, any progress will go down the drain. Pakistan should avoid bloated defense budgets and spend more on health and education.

  33. This article is full of crap and false Indian propaganda.
    Imran Khan is doing great for the country for the first time in history.

  34. I had tremendous respect for Pervaiz Hoodboy before reading this article. This is so full of shit and faulty assumption. Each line has an extreme bias written all over it. Even the logics given do not hold true.

  35. Whole article makes no sense and the writer is too dumb to make his own point. Being drunk in the sense of ignorance, he is just jotting down his memories with no facts at all. Such a shame!!

  36. As mentioned by Karan a very anti Pakistani article . The fact is India is changing it own history and making India victories when the opposite happen ..the syllabus has also changed to reflect this …

  37. I think the writer needs to research his/her content properly. Posting his opinions and blaming it on the government. Check the past history of Pakistan education system and compare it to now. Huge difference. And Imran Khan is taking the country to right direction bit a lot of hurdles.

  38. Poor analysis…. biased!
    IK approach reflects majority’s demand.. What else is good for an Islamic state than an educational curricula.

  39. Pessimistic writer or we also can say a hopeless secular columnist he is. Or may an atheist or Anti-Islamic mind wrote this.

  40. Dear Writer,
    You are an extremist and raci*st. You termed students “madnessah educated Holy men” and indicated they pose a threat to security. Absolutely shameful and pathetic of this paper to publish you. I am going to report you again


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