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HomeOpinionPakistan military won’t take budget cuts easily, even for Covid. So this...

Pakistan military won’t take budget cuts easily, even for Covid. So this man has been hired

A lot of Pakistan’s defence budget may get redirected in the post-Covid era, but army isn’t going to let go. It now eyes revocation of a constitutional amendment.

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Like every crisis, Covid-19 will bring its set of challenges and opportunities. For starters, the guns-versus-butter debate may be back on the table.

With the overall size of the world economy shrinking, leaders will have to decide how much they are willing to spend on real security of citizens in the form of health and personal development versus traditional military security. How Pakistan calibrates these priorities will be telling. Despite the need for A lot of its defence budget to get redirected in the post-Covid-19 era, this will not be allowed. As it eyes the revocation of a controversial constitutional amendment that stands in the way of the military getting more resources, a recent move that everyone is watching in Pakistan is the appointment of a former ISPR official to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s media management team.

Military unlikely to rethink budget

Count it as an indirect blessing but the pandemic may just have put a brake on an incessant arms race between India and Pakistan. Although New Delhi signed arms deals during the pandemic, an aggressive military modernisation may not be possible.

This situation should not appear as a worry since the entire region finds itself in a similar situation. Pakistan, for instance, doesn’t have too many options despite getting a debt relief of US $1.38 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These resources will mostly get diverted to Islamabad paying its burgeoning external debt of US $112 billion. Pakistan’s GDP growth rate had plummeted before the coronavirus outbreak from 5.7 per cent in FY 2017-18 to 2.4 per cent in FY 2019-20. Such figures do not seem to have made any dent in Islamabad’s security paradigm that continues to be tied to military security. In fact, soon after the outbreak, the government announced a supplementary grant of Pakistan Rs 11.48 billion for the China-Pakistan Security Force–South, Rs 468.2 million to the Special Communication Organisation, and Rs 90.45 million for the Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

However, the fact remains that according to the IMF predictions, Pakistan’s GDP growth rate will further reduce by -1.5 per cent in FY 2020-21. This means that Islamabad will have to strategise to balance its budget or divert resources to development areas. The military does not seem inclined to take the hard step of rethinking its budget. Though DG ISPR Babar Iftikhar claimed that the army would not claim the extra allowance it is paid for domestic deployment under Article 245 of the 1973 Constitution, the organisation is not about to give up more of its share. It’s certainly eyeing revocation of the 18th Amendment to the constitution, which was passed in 2010 to give greater financial autonomy to the provinces.

Notwithstanding the lack of capacity of provinces to manage money and general mismanagement, autonomy had its benefits. For example, according to a detailed study on expenditure in the health sector, all provinces had increased spending under this head.

Also read: I now speak for Pakistan army. And unlike Ghafoor, my actions speak louder than my tweets

Bajwa is the man for the job

But the military is deeply bothered because the federal government has lesser resources to give to the armed forces. Sources claim that one of the final battles between Ishaq Dar, the finance minister of the previous government and the army chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, was regarding funds. Dar could not give more because the funds were with the provinces. Bajwa also spoke publicly against the 18thAmendment, equating it with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s six points in the early 1970s.

Not surprisingly, the former DG ISPR, Lt General (retd) Asim Bajwa, has been brought back to play a more central role in media management for Imran Khan. But the retired general is certainly not being brought in to explain why there is a shortage of ventilators or masks in different parts of the country, or that the lockdown has been extended. Some believe that the general’s role will be to manage opinion as the above-mentioned constitutional amendment is got rid of.

Asim Bajwa will probably pull out all the tricks he used as the army’s media Tsar – from soft to direct coercion, stopping newspapers from printing certain news and even columns from dissenting voices or those that don’t fit the bill, creating and managing a team of social media warriors, bribing media people and much more. The retired general was very effective in building a tall image of an otherwise dwarf-like army chief, General Raheel Sharif, and in the process, enormously expanding the military’s media wing to the degree that it was noticed and appreciated by people from across the border. In 2019, India’s Lt General (retd) Ata Hasnain, speaking at the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, praised the ISPR’s ability to manipulate information.

Also read: Global lockdown and Covid crisis haven’t stopped Pakistan from its anti-India agenda

Motivation requires hefty package

The new media team is likely to ensure that things are calm at the political and societal front while the 18th Amendment is gotten rid of. This will probably be termed as fighting a hybrid-war, a concept increasingly popular in the army. Any opinion in favour of provincial autonomy will be presented as propaganda war against the state, something that the former DG ISPR is adept in. The opposition parties are already weak to the extent that no voice was raised about Asim Bajwa’s appointment who also holds the charge as the head of the CPEC Authority with a hefty pay. The silence from both the main opposition parties indicate what lies in the future – more silence as a strategic change is brought about.

Moreover, good media management will be required as the military battles other financial needs of the state. The Army GHQ understands that its personal needs are well taken care of. The state land is appropriated systemically to ensure that by the time an officer gets promoted from the rank of a major to a three-star general, he has about a dozen properties. Every promotion, war course and performance is rewarded materially. A Corps Commander’s net value in property terms is approximately Pakistan Rs 1 billion (calculation based on value of properties that a general gets starting from rank of a major to a 3-star). The army chief’s is even higher. The more ambitious generals try to find other means to maximise benefits. For instance, Lt General Javed Iqbal Awan was involved in espionage for which he was awarded rigorous life imprisonment. According to sources in military accounts, the Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (JCSC), General Zubair Hayat ensured a hefty compensation of millions of rupees to be added to his monthly pension for life at the two key key position he served. Over the years, the relationship between the officer cadre and national security has become extremely transactional. To motivate for better performance or to keep national secrets requires a hefty resource package.

However, these personal benefits are meant as a motivator rather than any contribution in fulfilling the military’s actual institutional needs. Though in these conditions, the threat level between India and Pakistan will remain manageable and low, the need for military modernisation remains.

Also read: Covid blurs distinction between war and peace as soldiers worldwide fight the third army

Covid is time for restraint

Besides the search for a fifth-generation fighter aircraft, Pakistan has bought military equipment from China, Italy, Russia and Turkey. But the imports only comprise limited major weapons systems and have reduced by over 30 per cent as compared to 2010. The military could cater to its needs by reducing wastage that can be calculated at anything between 20-30 per cent.

Nonetheless, the Army GHQ does not seem to be in a mood to rethink its options. While the army may opt for the most obvious method of silencing dissent, the attention that Covid-19 will bring to military expenditure cannot be avoided. A friend, whom I would normally consider apolitical, was most upset at the navy’s recent missile test. Hence, in the post-Covid age, more visible acts of self-restraint and sacrifice will be required even from the most powerful of institutions.

The author is a research associate at SOAS, London and author of Military Inc. She tweets as: @iamthedrifter. Views are personal.

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  1. Siddiqa knows everything about Pakistan while living in London but she couldn’t see the weight she has gained over the years.

  2. In a way its good pakistan using most of its budget in Army.
    Frankly, India-pakistan will not hv direct war…they will fight proxy war or small scale fire exchange.
    But biggest gsin to India n issue eith pakistan is, they are spending lot more compare to its GDP, there external dept are increasing and economy is almost down with growth rate below 3%.
    Pakistan people are not have long term sight how this loans and economy is going to hurt them.
    In long run, there external dept will be so high that other countries will dictate there terms n eill run pakistan. And those country will manipulate n will loot pakistan resources in name to dept payment.
    So as indian, i am happy pakistan using most if budget on defense and slowly cutting down there roots.
    India on other hand…are on offensive n keeping pressure in Pak army so they use max budget and countrys economy goes down…..well played India

  3. This amol guy is really mad on Pakistan… Well nations feed the armies and for good cause…. I won’t question why India does too coz its what nations do as per their own needs and requirements. Pakistan army is not perfect but it is professional and it has and always will be serving nation… Those who are now putting question mark on pak army being professional should have been seen when they were weeping after capture of abhinandan…. Indians should concentrate on their own country which is consuming itself with fascist mentality of hate…

    • Damn man u r sick and filled with filthy mentality from head to toe. U r just like an ass which has their eyes covered with the blinds…n the worst part is u literally dont want to see the truth.

  4. Somehow all these anti Army citizens never refuse Army’s help during earthquakes, floods and civil disorders. And they certainly have no idea of the war capability of our enemies. Pak Armed Forces are world class and highly commended by countries where our Army serves as UN Peacekeeping forces. Sad that Army will have to save you as well in case of next war.

  5. The author is a pakistani origion living in London. Hates Pakistan Army to the extant that she wrote a book just to defame this glorious institution . False allegations have been against General Officers for financial gains. There is a system of welfare from a sepoy to a general, which gives financial benefits to every soldier. Pakistan Army a very powerful force srounded by enimies all around, is a unique army who is keeping an enemy 3 times more power full with its military budget 6 times. Author as usuall forgot to mention this aspect. Author mentioned the pension of General Zubair Hayat also forgot to tell us about his daring stance against Israel. These are always opposite winds who take you to the Zenith of skies and same is the case, where an author is throwing mud just for few dollars.

  6. Good to see burning asses of randians . Funny to see how our enemy praises our ISPR for its effective role in defeating randians in hybrid war and have so much pain for Pakistani people ( Army utilizing max budget). So if the enemies are bursting in tears that means we are moving in right direction. Hail Bajwa doctrine.

  7. Paky army is top heavy for every one captain there is Lieutenant General … could be said reverse or inverted pyramid

  8. All these things are 1000 times true. Every Paki general is a billionaire at retirement. Check the FBR records. But no one can dare to ask them to give their due taxes. It is so amusing to read about greedy and dwarf character Raheel Sharif who grabbed the most expensive plot so far. Rest of the generals were rightly jealous of him.

  9. All these things are 1000 times true. Every Paki general is a billionaire at retirement. Check the FBR records. But no one can dare to ask them to give their due taxes. It is so amusing to read about greedy and dwarf character Raheel Sharif who grabbed the most expensive plot so far. Rest of the generals were rightly jealous of him.

  10. The writer possesses a strong hatred for Pakistan and its Armed Forces. Therefore, her words carry no weight. Actually, she is serving her foreign masters by writing such articles. But she should remember, Pakistan is for ever and its Armed Forces are its true saviours. Pakistan is our Mother and no sane pakistani can betray it less spineless people like the unluckey writer…thats all !!!

  11. Looks like PORKI ispr let loose it’s key board filthy warriors to open their gutter mouth???
    Damn, one woman made all these guys so much triggered

  12. Looks like all comments are moderated and unwanted ones (the one against military) are conveniently deleted.

    What’s the use of publishing a article, when you can’t appreciate views and accept facts.

    • You must mention Uighur Muslims in China, and Sindhis, Balochi, Pakhtun, Pakistan occupied Kashmir… all religious minorities in Pakistan are being tortured and Pakistan government and army turns a blind eye. In fact they are hand in glove with the perpetrators!!!

  13. Enjoy a lot while reading the after article reading (comments) a true picture of hybrid war, the army are doing what they wants at the expense of “bloody civilian”. They don’t care. They managed it every time. Worryingly this time they will not crashes the hard earned victory of the mighty 18th amendment easily doing so required many time greater startegy than the already done and interestingly by then it will be end it utter failure of the so called modern empowered and advanced institution. ……

    • So, stupids like you get away an author rather a traitor who stabs back against Pak Miliary. She is paid for this.

  14. What have fascist RSS Hindustan got in common with Hitler’s Nazi people (Nasti people)? The Swastika! The last time fascists presented a Swastika flag a World War erupted and who got whipped? The Nasti Nazi fascists – the same fate awaits those impotent Hindutiva nation on our western border so Mr RSS Hindu just give us the reason and our flag is going to fly all over Our ‘old land’ that we once ruled and longs for our return to bring civilisation and peace back.

    • Hahaha….You ruled nothing…Your are a coward who ran back from India during partition and made a filth called Pakistan….yup nazi were defeated cuz they were killing innocent Jews….similar to pakis who are killing minority Hindus, Sikhs, Christians in their country….And Pakis will face the same fate of a nazi non the less

    • Lol…Paki, wake up from your day dream and take a bath in a nallah that flows infront of your home…..This type of thinking made you loose west Pakistan aka Now Bangladesh…Let me remind you,
      Your salwar kamiz paki army was the one who defeated and surrendered with in 13 days in 1971….What kind of coward bunch you guys are???
      Peshawar is rulled by marathas until British came
      Lahore was rulled by Sikhs until British came
      You got a good land and made that a shit hole due to the britishers….but now there are no British in south Asia…so DON’T GIVE US A REASON TO TAKE BACK WHICH IS RIGHTFULLY OURS a.k.a AKHAND BHARAT….and flush you Islamic filths into gutter….then PAKISTAN WILL BE RENAMED AS BHARAT AND CIVILITY WILL RETURN TO THE LAND

      • You Indians really know nothing. Whatever your media tells you, you all accept that blindly. You’re such a fool

      • You Indians really know nothing. Whatever your media tells you, you all accept that blindly. You’re such a fool

  15. The article by Ms Siddqa as usual is just suppositions conjecture and speculations betraying her dislike for the armed forces.
    Such articles are really not worth publishing

  16. Should we put an ear to this writer ?… Why pakistan doesn’t cancel such person nationality who are crystal clear Non state persons.

    • Yes, and should give citizenship to Osama, Dawood, international fugitives, drug dealers.

      There is no place for intellectuals in Pak. The moment you speak truth your voice will be crushed, you will be publically declared Gaddar, your family members will be killed and all sort of witch Hunt start against you.

      What do you think, who does this? Author is answering the same thing. Would you like to try? Give it a try and you will taste the Pak military. Hope, then your views will be different.

  17. This is a bitter reality and we are stuck in this situation that we need those generals we know they are sucking our economy like leaches but do we have a choice
    One side foreign powers especially India striving hard to destabilize us and on the other side our generals are sucking our economy
    I think this is the fate of this nation

    • Destabilizing Pakistan is a last thing India wants. India is relax and really not concerned what happens to Pakistan.

      As in the case of Bangladesh, Mayanmar – I dua isn’t concerned at all.

      May be one day ISIS may claims pak territory, isn’t under anybody’s control. This is called self inflicted trouble.

    • India is not trying to destabilize you. This is false propaganda by Pakistani army to brainwash Pakistani public so that it can justify huge military expenditure. India has no interest in Pakistan. Just stop sending terrorists to kill Indians.

  18. India walo aao aur maro in laalchi faujion ko. 2 haftay mein hathiar Dal dein ge. Yeh DHA Bana rahe Hain Jung k liye tayyar Nahi. Ye Bahadur bhi bas apni awam k agay hi Hain. 4 jungein har chuke hain.

  19. Pasthuns will destroy Pakistan army. The army has treated pasthuns very badly and now when the Pakistani situation is weakest we will strike hard on this corrupt set up.

    • Pashtuns uprising is just a corner away.
      The moment Pashtuns thinks beyond Manjhoor Pashtin (Pak Gandhi/Mandela), Pak army will have difficult time to contain the catastrophe in Balochistan and areas bordereing Afganistan (including Sindh where do many refugees are settled.

      Pashtuns needs to get rid of this Punjabi hegemony. Punjabi army is creating havoc in Afganistan as well. Fight for your right, fight for your dignity, and fight for your motherland.

    • Being useless, you must not be having any other work to do as well. So, better educate yourself and appreciate if someone is teaching you for free.

  20. I read article twice. Still could not understand what is point of view. If asim Bajwa is hired to request army for.cut off its budget then it’s useless move. He is retired and have no weitage for doing so. 1 b property to each core commander is also fake information. If it was true then entire Pakistan would love to join army. Just wastage of time I did.

    • It’s a close club to share benefits. Do you think, such close club will easily allow outsiders to join and be beneficiary.

      Try it, chance is you will fail unless you know someone or have capacity to bribe.

      And yes, you need to be Punjabi more often so that you can be licensed to crush/butcher/kidnapp Balochis, Sindhis (MQM), Pashtuns, Gilgitis.

      What say brother?

    • Jaha aag hoti hai wohi dua hota hai.

      What do you think ISPR does. It’s a factory if fake news, propoganda, and fabricated narratives. I know, now you will say – ISPR is a NGO.

  21. After going through this article I have started thinking that, if winery and distilleries can make sanitizers then the newspaper agencies can make toilet papers of the paper used…
    Atleast it would serve the purpose but not such write ups

    • Yes, correct. Failed students use their copies for toilet purpose only. Grow up, learn more, think beyond Hamid Gul. You are not what you are thinking, world very well understands difference between idiots and sane.

    • I think you are Pashtun
      shame on you you are taking the side of
      anti Pashtun army
      did you forget that what they do with us in last 70 years
      please think about it
      and do be angry just put a look of history of
      70 years of Pakistan what they done with pashtuns ?
      I am sure If you think sincerely you
      will change your opinion about this anti Pashtun and cruel army

  22. He is appointed, also to promote revert the 18th constitutional amendments to transfer the revenue collection from proviences to federal collection agencies that is easy to take funds from Islamabad instead from each provinces.

  23. For a real independent Pakistan as visualised by the founder QaideAzam we need to replace this Pseudo democracy based on colonial act of 1935 by three conspirators as described by Mian Allah Nawaz ex Chief Justice LHC in his book, How can we Survive? by presidential system of France or Turkey through referendum. That will cut down the big dole out to so called public representatives and operational system also needs to be redone as per demands of independent army instead of colonial structure

    • Sounds good as long as it becomes more civilized. Irrespective of the structure, you will find military everywhere. That president more often will be military personnel only.

      Don’t compare France presidential system, France is too evolved and civilized democracy to compare with. If donkeys participate in referendum, you can imagine the outcome.

      In short, even after 70 years of Independence, it is still messed up and even more than 1947.

  24. India is the third largest spender on military beating Russia….what if these media outlets should focus on their own country instead of pak. When it comes to budget PA utilizes funding in best possible way. While IA still lack basic goods, their impotency level lead them to only blame policy like jihadis,launchpad etc. In reality nothing exist.

    • Who is Hafiz Sayeed then and why he is been designated international terrorist.

      India simply killing whatever dirt is coming across the boarder. As far as military budget is concerned, India’s GDP itself is too high, hence, their military budget. Pakistan is selling its land in north and down south (Gwadar) to China and India is difiantly protecting its boarder with China and Pak with as much restraint as possible.

      If decides to india up the ante, Pak isn’t in position to handle it. However, looks like India don’t want to put hands in dirt.

  25. Garbage, absolute waste of time.
    The writers lacks common sense and basic understanding of the issues out there but it is obvious that the B…h has been well paid for the job. Worst creature

    • It can’t be like that what you believe only should be true or correct. There is lot to it, you yourself don’t know that military is the only reason of poverty (simple law of economics- liquidity is required at the hands of consumer). If shark (military) eats up a major chunk, you’ve no choice but to send your kinds to that stinky madarssa… the same time Military personnel sending their kids to military schools ( English medium) or simply send them abroad. Can’t you see divide. Military has become a team of goons for common cause to loot country at the pretext if fake threat. Who will attack Pak and in return what will be their gain? Nothing……may be just that they will move closer to ISiS or Hakkani.

      So, so called virtual attacker shouldn’t be that dumb to get a raw deal after winning a battle.

  26. We can just pray for a time when state institutions being in their limits play a sympathetic positive role in favour of a common pakistani.

    • Agree with you. Believe me there is no threat. The threat is been made up to make Pakistanis deliberately insecure generations after generations.

      They kept society jahil / gawar so that they can’t think beyond India. Believe me, India is very very happy loosing Pakistan as who would have loved to handle this garbage.

      It’s another story, India would have made enormous growth of Pak occupied territory including Afghanistan.

  27. India and Pakistan should come closer and should friendly atmosphere to tackle the situation either facing pendamic or economic war against western countries inatead of encouraging the western policy of divide and rule

    • Great! Nice thought brother. Unfortunately, that’s (friendship) not pakistan’s prime agenda. Prime agenda is to sale fake enmity to its public and loot the country.

      Just imagine, on SAARC meeting organized by India to fight Covid, pak rep talking about Kashmir. Looks like Pakistanis are infected with Kashmir virus., While West is enjoying the war / conflict.

  28. Great article. Army is slowly creeping into the Pakistani government. And driver is of course the shrinking budget. Let’s see how it pans out.

  29. No country will empower an army, starving its own people. Why is Pakistan refuses to be a soverign and self reliant country, developing its own resources. Only a very small section of the Pakistanis are doing well. Of course, they well connected to political people. No country can be powerful with borrowed money. Army swalling up the lion’s share, leaving the other sectors to wither away is initself is destroying one’s own country. In the mean time the nouce is made louder and louder pleading the world for debt waiver. A paronoid Pakistan must find an anti dote to recover from the unwarranted obsession of India, if ot wants to preserve its sovereignty. The recovery will help Pakistan to recuperate and recover its lost glory days with the satisfaction and hapiness of a liberated country.

    • And what is the reason for India to have huge Army which has no moral and civilized rules to operate military forces which is evident from their senseless firing on innocent civilian population across LOC with Pakistan. It is your wish to suggest Pakistan what to do. Pakistan is highly capable of doing good for herself. Such gutter like people Aysha Siddiqa will rot in pain by seeing Pakistan prospering under a patriot, truly Pakistani visionary Prime Minister like Imran Khan. We are thankful to Allah the Almighty for getting rid of goof , Nawaz Sharif and all his boot lickers. They be destroyed and ruined. All rascals nothing less. The writer of article will meet her fate Inn Shaa Allah.

    • You can make fun of others when you don’t know anything of the subject. Fail student you are……learn little more ……. and see what world thinks about Pak military.

  30. Bla bla bla bla. And what about so called civilian supermacy???!!!!! Their expenditure on election???? A huge amount!!!!! And enjoyment of public properties and tax after a MNA MPA!!!! Politicians enjoy resources like they were their father property???? Army give blood but civil drink blood. Now you decide 18% budget goes to army and the rest goes to pockets of our so called civil theif

    • Bang on. No denial about military – civilian (democratic govt) Nexus. All are looting the country to the hilt. Sold parts to China in North and down south ( Gwadar).

      Is it a Riyasat-e-Madina? Please answer.

    • Just because someone lives in different part of the world and not in Jannat called Pakistan, doesn’t mean they don’t understand this military corporation game.

      Just imagine 20 crores living in Pakistan, are so hypnotized by injection of religion given by Dr. Jinnah that they are not understanding till date that at the pretext of protecting Pakistan from nobody, they are looting the nation.

      Open your brain boy.

  31. He is a retired person. He is civilian now, someone to tell this clown writer who is so obsessed with her ego that he cannot see the reality. 4-5 retired Lieutenant Generals are in PML (‘N), many in PPP but she cant see. Her masters are paying her only for writing against army. Lowest paid army in the region is giving cut in their pay amid corona chaos. How much is she paying as charity. She neither Aisha not Siddiqa.

    • Hey brother, seems you are less informed. How come majors and generals of this lowest paid army have plush properties in Europe, Canada, Australia, UAE, Dubai, Saudi, etc. Kids of these in service or retired both majors and generals studies in swanky and costly foreign universities. Some of them are citizens of these countries.

      So, don’t try to attract unneccessary sympathy. Fact of matters remains is, through military spending and American aid in dollars and now Chinese money – these military folks have milked Pakistan……leaving not the one last one in they lune, but, the whole line itself in lurch.

      Ideally, there is no threat from anywhere. Indian threat is a hoax, false and made up to justify these hefty allowances. In raality, what Pakistan needs is spend is 20% on education and 20% on healthcare- then you will see Riyasat-e-Madina in reality.

      Can you push for that my friend?

  32. Military budgets is a phenomenon in any type of government today.. In emergency public sentiment is behind it. The real fighters are frontline soldiers to mid level operational officers, majors or colonals. Then, all along is the bureaucracy, whether military or civil. Governments are dependent.on them. Only a strong leader can make a difference. In idle times there are .active public projects to deploy disciplined oldiers and officers motivated to serve. PAK. Army needs he skills of Ziaulhaque despite religious controversy. You have strategic military partnership with China that has enormous military resources. They got the best out of this country and still dependent on Pakistan. So for military spending, put under paliamentary review for every rupee. Support the poor soldiers who leave orphans behind. INDIA is having the same problem with the chunk going to arms purchases. Pakistan cannot match that, nor a war any longer an option for both. Covid 19 is good opportunity to get to the table. * Typos….

    • Well said brother. India & Pakistan, both are socially challenged. With never ending Poverty, military purchases does make a headlines. Pak can’t match India, based simply on size of their respective economies – India 3+ trillion dollars economy. Contrasting to Pak India spends less than 7% on military.

      China is an opportunist country, they are good with Pak as long as their purpose is met…..and the clear purpose is strategic access to Indian ocean… a process it will slowly but steadily eat up Pakistan. The country with ever increasing debt of 112 billion dollar, really don’t know how it will become Riyasat-e-Madina. So, Riyasat-e-Military is practical enough and should be acceptable to all Pakistanis – for whom Jinnah dreamt of this corrupt and terrorists.

      So, three factions of Pak are clearly identifiable- military, civil govt, and terror-outfits. ISI & ISPR being service centre to each of these. If Jinnah would be alive, would hv definitely committed suicide – thinking that what a monsterous country he has founded.

  33. Just gossips… A retired general cannot do anything. Even the topic of the news shows that no need to read this garbage.

    • Absolutely correct. By not reading useful things Pakistan is in this state. It’s a country meant for rulers – it can be military, it can be civil govt or terrorists ( read Hafiz Sayeed or that Rahman). Rulers are supposed to rule, that’s it. Where is progress, development, education, literacy, modern outlook, employment, industries, and healthcare? Hardly matters. All rulers (including majors & gerenals) have properties in Europe, Canada, Australia, Saudi, Dubai, UAE. Whose money is this?

      In summary, fools hv no future than to just getting ruled in the name of religion. Jinnah remained only on walls.

  34. 1 million indian army imposed on 8million Kashmiris. Doing nothing but serious human rights violations including killings of innocents and rape. The coward army with the most suicidal cases is occupying basic human rights. Committing serious crimes.

    • You need to learn things seriously. Don’t spit the venom that ISPR’s propoganda machinary injected you.

      First talk about human rights of Balochis, Sindhis, Gilgitis, Pashtuns, Muhajirs and then comment on Kashmir.

      Internet access is a human right, but, attack planned by Pak army, Lashkat-e-Tayyaba, Indian Mujahideen, etc. is a reality and world knows that. It’s like the most natorious kid wants a ball so that he can hit other players with the same ball.

      Believe me, naPak will not get that ball.

      • Amol I am pretty sure that you are an indian cyber warfare master who is trying to betray Pakistanis through rotten comments. But sorry you won’t succeede.

    • She is highly biased and seems anti Pakistan/anti Army agent. I donot know what Army has done to her that instead of making some useful contribution for Pakistani people, she has only one agenda. I suggest she should go to occupied Kashmir, face the music herself or enjoy and then comment on Pak Army.

      • And yes, in Kashmir, only guests from across the border (or those infected by those guests) are banged. So, you are right there.

    • Oh, is it? Why don’t you apprise us of the situation… seems to be more knowledgeable ( by following Hamid Gul) ……. believe me even if 1% of this article is true, Allah will punish you.

  35. A totally biased analysis by a person who is a proven anti military establishment track record…..

    So as per her record she has tried to twist everything information into an anti military debate ……
    Hence a useless document = product of a biased mind

    • Do you mean, people are fool to write this? Something which affects ( as in Corona) us, we definitely voice that out (do you remember, how frightened you use to take that injection, when you were kid). Same way, Pak military is troubling many nations at the moment.

      Don’t worry, anti-viral dote is on its way.

  36. Wow what a news, why so panic if the Asim Bajwa sab has been appointed, is there something to with his Last job Ex DGISPR? WELL LET ME TELL YOU, Pakistan Army department has itself offered a highest funds to deal with this Pandemic situation. Don’t you know?

  37. All speculations. Last year they do not ask for increase in budget. I’m sure this year too, they will not take it. I don’t know, why such peoples always coming out with some thing against Pakistan Military. Probably it didn’t allow any presence of their proxies or their lackeys in the country.
    Nobody is speaking against India who has increased it’s defense budget. That is why they are giving Rs. 500 per month per family. Whereas we gave Rs. 12000.
    Now should I assume that it is Indian Military which has it’s say in increase in the defense budget. I would certainly like to hear something from this author on this.
    I won’t get any reply from her. We know she is on the payroll of anti Pakistan forces

    • Hello friend,
      First thing, there is no comparison between Pakistani military and Hindustani military. Hindustani military personnel across ranks won’t afford to own properties in Canada, UK, Australia, UAE, Dubai, Saudi,etc….but, Pakistan majors & gerenals do. Hindustani military personnel is only entitled to a decent pension, that’s it.

      Whereas, Pakistani military is a ruling corporation that manufacturers, sales commodities to it’s citizens, gives its military on hire to other nations (America, Saudi, Turkeys, Yemen, etc), kills citizens, kills media folks, have an excellent joint venture with all terror outfits in the region. In addition, there is no denial that Pakistan have had so many military regimes. It has killed Bhutto, is after life of Musharraf and Sharif.

      So, in summary it has all those features of gangsters group, which thrives on religious sentiments.

      Please reply in denial with facts.

  38. What’s ridiculous is that so many such articles have been written recently and much more analysis on the same subject is being presented on YouTube but not a single author or analyst can point out exactly what part of the 18th Amendment the army wants to get rid of. Not even the venerable Ms. Ayesha Siddiqa is technically aware of any section of the 18th Amendment that the military hates. Just a band wagon effect and we are lead to believe that we should not question the Intellectual journalists though they cant prove what they are saying.

    • Looks like, people are idiots who write such fantacies about pakistan’s Holy Grail – Military. They don’t know who killed Bhutto, they don’t know who committed genocide of innocent Bangladeshis, almost after life of Musharraf & Sharif, Sheltered Osama, and recently got IK onboard. Unneccesarily, malign good boy image of innocent army.

      They simply don’t know that Army is either found in mosques or their contonments and have nothing to do with terrorists and killing of Pakistani citizens. Unneccesarily, people shout – “ye jo dahaishatgardi hai eske piche vardi hai”.

      Poor military personnel are so poor that they all owns properties abroad and acres of land in Pakistan.

      Keep defending the undefendable.

  39. As the newspaper is a pro Indian and criticising Pakistan to the eye of the world as the Indians simply can’t see a stronger Pakistan next to it. She forget that Pakistan does not have much resources but the World Happiness Index Ranked its nation twice as Happy that of Indians. Pakistan Zindabad

    • You will end your life comparing Pak with India…..and Indiana give it a damn. Not necessarily that everything that is anti-pakistan is pro-Indian.

      Believe me, India hasn’t created military regimes in Pak (it’s pak military’s own design and faulty/sham democracy that Pak have) and is least interested what happens there.

      India generally have so many other important things to do like fixing it’s toilets.

      So, there are enough forces internally within Pak which can damage itself. Pak don’t need India to damage it.

  40. Time for India to go on the offensive.

    India should strategically attack all military targets at the border and within Pakistan to keep the pot simmering while staying below the escalation threshold. This will ensure that they are never able to reduce their military spending and eventually bankrupting themselves.

    CPEC is anyway an albatross around their necks which will also add to their debt burden.

    • Right, just like the one in Feb 2019 … and then your wet dream ended when you fell off your bed with a dislocated arse and heard about Abhinandan. To date all the hateful horrible Hindu Indians are seen trying to pull something out of their back sides. ?

      • Great comment brother…….very nicely categorically you have mentioned – Indian Hindu. I liked your fake confidence.

        I hope, you didn’t forget that F16. Do you?

      • Lol….last time porkis went to a war, Half of them ran like dogs from Kashmir and rest died and roted in jungles but no body came to collect their dead bodies…???
        Before that well it was a shameful surrender of a salwar kamiz paki army and with in 13 days we ended the war….now ofcourse you hid the F-16 loss and declared the loss after 13 months….we all know what your army is capable of

  41. So what is the problem with that ? If you’re impotent army spending billions and still get caught , beaten like a dog and then handover to RSS Terrorists back , you should spend less budget on those Impotents

  42. Ayesha is known to be fairly biased in her opinion about Pakistan army for unknown, or more appropriately mysterious, reasons.
    If she thinks herself to be a professional defense journalist without any bias, why does not pick the pen on Indian, Burmese and other armies who are depply involved in genocide of innocent people for decades. Will she accept the challenge? Why only Pakistan army? Something is not straight somewhere.

    • Alle aale baccha don’t cry.
      Pakistan is world’s favorite subject….. world don’t know, de committed genocide of 3 million Bangladeshis, de also don’t know Hafiz Sayeed is UN designated terrorist.

      Baloch missing, killings and Pashtuns trouble you must know veer well….so will not elaborate.

      What can we do?

  43. The writer is either a stupid or have some ulterior designs. Tell one country which has cut down its defense budget due to COVID19. Absolutely foolish assumption. The writer is already known for her anti Pakistan views.

    • Do you think, anyone really need to be anti-pakistan. As it’s nothing but a sinking boat (I deliberately avoided ship, as it’s little bigger)

  44. She paints a doomsday scenario designed to be received well by the clapping western audience. She exaggerates even her own negative feelings thoughts and perceptions.

    • You are reacting, similar in a way, when someone says your house exterior paint isn’t good.

      Don’t you think, there is little truth in the article. If not, I doubt how you passed your exams because that needs learning. M-bin-Qasim don’t help in exam.

  45. Useless and baseless article. All the assumptions are out of context and seems to be an outcome of polluted mind of Asisa Siddiqa who is known for her biased and anti Pak Army views for her vested interests.

  46. All rubbish. She is a western funded and sponsored journalist who is hired to write against Pakistan Army. To create rift between Army and Civilian Government is her assigned task.

  47. Pakistan can easiy cut the size of their army to half, as their threat perception is a figment of their imagination.
    Most of their military’s budget is spent on keeping this imagined-threat alive by funding jihadis to create such a desired scenario .

    • I don’t know why Indians with their typical foolish mentality has to comment On everything. They should better concentrate on providing proper latrine facilities to millions of their fellow citizens.

    • Ravi you guys should sale out your expensive long errected fence and buy toilets as the former miserably failed to control jihadis infiltrations.

      • So, you admit to the jihadis infiltration. If you do that, your proxy war machinary is exposed.

        Your potent military don’t hv balls to come across the boarder. Hence, this cheap religion frenzy jihadis.

        Keep sending – answer is death (not jannat) because we dump them in a gutter.

  48. Pakis can easiy cut the size of their army to half, as their threat perception is a figment of their imagination.
    Most of their military’s budget is spent on keeping this imagined-threat alive by funding jihadis to create such a desired scenario .

    • Why you start this first then ? Even are half size of yours Army is still more capable of anything then your Impotent army can do , you can only defeat the defense less Kashmiries , Sikhs, Dalits and Assamese , India belongs Muslim rule , Islamic Emirate of India coming soon

      • Pakistan is going to be destroyed soon and islam also.Literacy and knowledge is biggest enemy of Islam which is simply sixth century savage barbaric war cult devoid of humanity nothing except this.Corona gave death blow to Islam and islamic people got to know that corona spread maximum in muslims and even allah maniac mullahs could not stop closing kaaba to stop spreading of corona and literate muslims also got to know that islam is nothing only bullshit terror cult aimed to destroy humanity and has no significant contribution to mankind or humanity.

      • The author expressed her views. It is totally internal to Pakistan who should perform what role. Usually every government of the day endeavours to pool best brains available to perform certain tasks. Why should this issue result in avoidable spillage of hatred?
        It is a natural desire of any nation to achieve prosperity via education, scientific advances, self-reliance, economic and military strengths.
        There is definitely a good reason and great need and scope for both Pakistan and India to work together with mutual cooperation and to prosper.
        The thing is, that the lost trust has to be rebuilt and the present youth of the both nations have a critical role to play.
        But then, the elders and veterans, besides governments, have to give undistorted and unbiased inputs to their respective youth right from school education.

      • It is totally internal to Pakistan who should perform what role. Usually every government of the day endeavours to pool best brains available to perform certain tasks.
        There is definitely a good reason and great need and scope for both Pakistan and India to work together with mutual cooperation and to prosper.
        The thing is, that the lost trust has to be rebuilt and the present youth of the both nations have a critical role to play.
        But then, they have to be given undistorted and unbiased inputs at all stages of their education and training.

      • Nice dream. Now get up and cross that nullah outside your house and go nowhere, as useless people goes nowhere.

    • And what is the reason for India to have huge Army which has no moral and civilized rules to operate military forces which is evident from their senseless firing on innocent civilian population across LOC with Pakistan. It is your wish to suggest Pakistan what to do. Pakistan is highly capable of doing good for herself. Such gutter like people Aysha Siddiqa will rot in pain by seeing Pakistan prospering under a patriot, truly Pakistani visionary Prime Minister like Imran Khan. We are thankful to Allah the Almighty for getting rid of goof , Nawaz Sharif and all his boot lickers. They be destroyed and ruined. All rascals nothing less. The writer of article will meet her fate Inn Shaa Allah.

      • Shut up victim of ISPR’s useless propoganda.
        Believe me, Indian military is one of the most professional and moral army in the world.

        So, read something more knowledgeable outside your useless media channels. Licking you knee also will help you.

      • And Pakistan is prospering is another joke.

        Oh, sry! Do you mean to say, Pakistan is prospering in terrorist outfits, jihadis network, drugs trade, child sex, reducing literacy rate, domestic voilence against women ( read Surat March).


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