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Poke fun at taali, thaali, diya and mombatti all you want. Modi couldn’t care less

Modi knows who he needs to speak to, who he should toss, who he can address in kind. People accuse him of infantilising his voters, but it’s a winning strategy.

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The wretched coronavirus story overshadows everything else in the news environment, and it is not about to go away any time soon.

But you know what, I am done with it. At least for this week. Give me my old-fashioned politics any time. But then, much of politics, barring the odd barb traded here and there, is also under suspended animation.

Therefore, we seek refuge in politics with a touch of coronavirus. On how Narendra Modi has handled the messaging on the biggest challenge of his public life. Let us begin with the messenger in him.

He has a gift none of his eight predecessors, from Manmohan Singh to Rajiv Gandhi, had: Being able to speak directly and convincingly to a large enough section of Indians who will take his word for gospel, and his order like a papal bull.

He is more than a worthy rival to Indira Gandhi on his ability to read the popular mind, especially that of his voters. No surprise that he has chosen to do all the messaging of his government by himself. He makes a bunch of statements, some platitudes, some shrewd nudges, and the rest then dutifully take over.

Within the hour of his finishing a speech, or even a half-speech like this Friday morning for the Sunday ‘9 minutes at 9 pm’ event, his entire cabinet, top party functionaries, social media warriors, RSS and BJP-linked intellectuals, all start tweeting passages from it.

In fact, after each of his four speeches to us in the coronavirus season, you could collate almost the entire text by just adding up the tweets of these key handles. When he speaks, they echo him, and nothing else. It ensures the ‘purity’ of the message. Everybody speaks in his voice.

That sorted, we come to the message itself, and how it has kept its central thread but changed in nuance. Helped along, of course, by his belief that no matter what he says or does, a critical mass of his people, and his core voters — which is a lot of voters — will believe him anyway. And even if he messes up, as with demonetisation, they will forgive him. Imagine what effect would it have had when he went on air with his Mann Ki Baat last Sunday and apologised to the country’s poor for “inconveniencing them”. Tens of crores of hearts would have melted immediately.

Also read: Why ‘family elder’ Modi, and not aggressive Amit Shah, is govt’s face in Covid-19 fight

Next, he will almost never say what he is going to do for you. Run your mind over his most significant speeches, and definitely the last four: Two addresses to the nation, then Mann Ki Baat, and Friday morning’s short ‘diya jalao’ message. Instead of telling people what he will do for them, he tells them what he wants them to do for themselves, and him.

From Swachh Bharat to withdrawal of LPG subsidy to the better-off, to demonetisation and now Covid-19, through all the other initiatives he has unveiled, he has invariably asked people to do something. Immediately, it makes them feel wanted, and responsible. Who doesn’t enjoy being taken seriously, and that too by such a powerful leader? He’s got the gift of seeking a sacrifice from people and pleasing them, instead of dispensing favours.

In these coronavirus speeches, he has done exactly this. In the first one, he said that he was going to ask them for a few weeks of their lives. But left it there. It was like a little inoculation to sensitise public opinion for what was coming.

He asked for a day’s Janata Curfew, which some of us had noted immediately was like a dry-run for a longer lockdown. He also asked for clapping and cheering for doctors, medical personnel, police and others providing essential services. He spiced it up with the idea of ringing of bells and clanging of thalis. You can laugh at this as much as you wish.

Can you, at the same time, discount that tens of millions across the country did exactly that, and ended up grateful for it? If at all, too many of them overdid it, for loudness as well as time, scaring poor birds and animals. The virus, in any case, isn’t even a fully live being, so it can’t be bothered with noise. Narendra Modi had neither promised, nor delivered anything. The people, if anything, had over-delivered on his call.

There is a pattern to Modi’s ‘apologies’ too. There was one in a speech in Goa when demonetisation had thrown the country into chaos; in a suitably choked voice, he said, give me 50 days. Just 50 days. If any fault is found in my intentions or my actions, I am willing to suffer any punishment given by the country. Of course, who would punish a leader for such ‘humility’?

Demonetisation was a blunder comparable with Mao’s assault on China’s sparrows. But here was such a powerful prime minister taking such a big risk — obviously with good intentions — and asking you to endure a little bit of suffering for his and the nation’s sake.

The Mann Ki Baat apology on coronavirus was more nuanced. He wasn’t saying sorry for a mess he might have created, but for the inconvenience unleashed by such a bold step, ‘to save India from annihilation by corona’. Please note that there wasn’t a mention of the migrant labourers’ exodus and crisis.

So, three lessons: First, Narendra Modi promises you nothing in his messaging. Second, he always asks you to do something for him and, thereby, the nation. And third, that he never regrets anything he has done. Never. Never a word like, I know we could have done this better.

Also read: Modi’s 9-min candle plan Sunday: Needless spectacle or much-needed motivation for Indians?

The fourth lesson is the most important denominator of his style. That he knows who he needs to speak to, who he should toss, and who he can’t ignore but can address in kind.

Translated, this means his critics, the commentariat, the so-called liberal upper crust and elites, will ridicule him for the juvenility of his ideas. There will be hundreds of memes and funny social media mentions about ‘taali and thaali’, ‘diya and mombatti’ and so on. He couldn’t care less. That is not the audience he is addressing.

The other audience he isn’t addressing but can’t ignore is the poor. He gets his majorities because they vote for him. But they do not control the discourse. Plus, the poor are smart, politically irreverential, and more questioning. Why risk it with them? The middle-class voter isn’t any of this and she sets the agenda. If she was more questioning, why would she be out on her ‘balcony’ with a thaali or a candle?

For the poor, Modi’s outreach is through direct and efficient delivery: Cash, LPG, toilets, housing, and there must be more to come. The message is not needed when money can work. His direct delivery of benefits to the poor has been phenomenally better and less leaky than anything in the past.

A criticism we hear, and in fact express often, is that Modi is infantilising India’s people. How else do you describe this taali, thaali, diya, mombatti, go-corona-go and other stuff we feel embarrassed about? But you know what, Modi knows who we are. Or, why would we rush out on the streets with thaalichimtas and bands celebrating the humiliating retreat of corona? We even circulated WhatsApp links believing that this mass clanging would kill the virus. On Friday, an eminent doctor, a former head of the Indian Medical Association no less, spoke some mumbo jumbo about how the diyamombattis would empower our ACE2 receptors to crush coronavirus into chutney.

This obviously went too far for him too. In his next speech, therefore, he made a strong pitch against superstition. In Friday morning’s, he brought in caution on people herding together on balconies and streets, reminding them of the need for social distancing.

Anyone who says he can read Modi’s mind is either a liar (most likely) or an avatar of Einstein. See this from where Modi sits. If I were to see this, here is what I’d say: Oops! These people are infants. But obedient infants. Every now and then, they might go too far in their zeal to obey, but I can caution them.

Modi is winning. Why should he be complaining? Or bothering with usual suspects accusing him of infantilising his voters when they are happy being just that: Obedient infants?

Also read: NRC to GST – How Modi & Amit Shah create Anxiety Raj and still win elections


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  1. Anti-national dacoit congress, its allies leaders, fake dynast family members and paid prestitutes don’t like NaMo or his work because they are anti national anti democratic rogues, more than sixty years,in the garb of democracy, these looters and cheaters practised dynastic rule, and their ass lickers only glorified these dacoits. Namo has started practising people’s democracy and started interacting with people directly, which is difficult to digest for these rogues. So whatever NaMo does in the iñterests of nation, these rogues oppose him. But we the people of India know well that congis can’t see anything beyond corruption. Congis always put their vested interests above national one, but NaMo is putting national iñterests above all. This is the only reason why congis have to mislead màsses, and in return more and more people hate these anti-national anti-Hindu LOOTERS and cheaters.

  2. So true. This country’s people deserve exactly such a leader. Cheers from the USA. We will fight and we will beat the novel coronavirus strain and we will do it without thalis and the melodrama of retarded clowns.

    • Oh, like when your people were clapping and cheering in New York? Lol, the only ones connecting thali, tali, diyas with some “cure” are the usual illiterate selves…never in his speech did he said that it’s supposed to be a cure of some sort, or a win against Covid19. But again, stupid, senseless, hypocrites like you are required for the occasional entertainment. Keep up with the bullshit.
      And oh apply Burnol.

      • Mind your language sir! NY is publishing true numbers and accepting delayed response to covid. What is Modi sharing? He jails true journalists, hides behind astrology and has done NOTHING fur the poor especially during covid. He is the worst dictator the world has had while ruling over the largest democracy. At least Indira Gandhi had the guts to declare an emergency! Modi hides behind his pretentious Hindu cloak while living in luxury and roaming the world. Shane on him!!

  3. This really is a really cheap way of thinking. It’s almost ironical that the writer is criticising the gov for publicity n politics when a single look on the websites homepage would tell you how biased/unbiased The Print really is. The only one point I can agree is that the latest 9pm request is a little overdo ( but not necessarily a bad thing since it’ll be a good thing seeing a soul after being in lockdown for so long albeit from the balcony!)

  4. Thanks SG for thinking that the majority of India is infant. You keep on rattling that Modi blundered here, Modi blundered there, but the fact is that people are seeing how frustrated you and your clan are. Just because you own this portal, doesn’t make you correct. Remain happy in your cocoon.

  5. Mr Shekhar Gupta; As long as there are shameless hacks like you, to rationalise his idiocies, and even eulogise him whenever you can, he will continue to wield enormous almost hypnotical powers over the masses. Do you realise, that all the media & SM criticism of the recent migration tragedy; did lead to at least a “nuanced ..apology”- as you choose to term it. An ego maniac thrives on adulation; and you continue to fan his ego.
    We are old enough to remember your reports that we read with admiration decades ago. I am sorry to say, you now have only one way to go from journalism – OUT.

    • Couldn’t be better! I believe so too! He is a retard and thinks that his biased comment on hon’ble PM and comparing his work to Mao reflects his inclination towards Chinese Communist Party.

  6. Salute to my captain Mr Narendra Modi..and I feel sorry to you people …..Particularly the writer and editor.

    Narendra Modi is dealing with an exceptional crisis. No PM has had to face such a situation that has impacted every part of India and every aspect of life. If a family member is seriously ill we get shaken. Here, his 130 crore people are at risk.
    Some are saying lockdown should’ve been earlier. Some are saying Army should’ve been called. Some are saying intelligence failure while some say you appease. Everyone has retrospective opinions but NONE has to bear the responsibility of 130 cr people. Only he has to

    If the lockdown doesn’t succeed then he gets targeted. If it does still he gets targeted because the economy is hit. If he didn’t call for a lockdown then he would’ve been hounded for lethargy even if it had kept the economy going. He is always at the receiving end.

    You call for a nation of 130 cr to stop work. For the poor to risk going without food. The rich cry their earnings have stopped and their lifestyles thwarted. Middle-class says ‘you’re not doing enough to help us financially.’ Again, primarily criticism.

    A 70-year old man bearing the weight of 130 cr people and expectations many times that without flinching, without digressing, without levelling accusations at other, and without giving excuses. Yes, it is his responsibility, but he too is human. The pressure.

    Despite all that he does with single-minded concentration for the nation, something that is unparalleled in our history, he never once asks for praise. One after the other he’s dealing with India’s core issues, and then to add problems comes the Corona
    This thread is simply my thoughts. I felt that if I were in his shoes I’d be terrified at the daunting problem we are facing. I’d honestly not want to be in his seat. Would you?

    I simply thought of thanking @narendramodi for his alertness, his humility, and his pragmatism ??

    Thoughts penned not by me but express my sentiments totally….. Sure it’s the thought on most Indian citizens right now….I stand with my country and my prime minister….???

    Let’s share on our walls !!

    • How can u be so naive health workers are risking their lives day in and out all he can do is clapping and clanging we need Ppi ventillators adequate testing we are one off the countries with least testing can’t believe people in this country are this lame

  7. Narendra Modi is seeing an opportunity in the present tragedy to make people believe BIZARRE things just because he says them, so that they will get conditioned over time, and believe EVERYTHING that he says. He is trying to break down the reasoning powers of 130 crore Indians so they will never ask him ANY questions about anything he does – – whether he wants to install a Devendra Fadnavis as CM at 6 AM bypassing all Constitutional procedures; whether he wants to enact CAA bypassing Constitution; whether he wants to install a CJI who will give illegal verdicts to protect him. The list is already very long.

  8. Anybody who is on the side of truth would like Modi’s leadership. People know Modi is incorruptible. People know Modi is on the side of right. Those who hate him feel they have lost things that they had assumed their right on them. Most of them either corrupt or politically become irrelevant. It’s well known that even Shekhar Gupta don’t like Modi. The difference between Shekhar and other Modi hater is that Shekhar tries to understand though not always correctly while other Modi haters consider Modi as their enemy. Those who believe in democracy, respect people’s mandate. Those who don’t believe in democracy, criticize people and abuse them as librandus do. Librandus are the worst form of crooks that democracies have so far seen. The irony is that librandus can survive in democracies only. In non-democratic countries like china, librandus can’t even breath. Librandus are parasites on democracies i.e. they suck the blood of democracies.

    • “Bhakti in religion may be a road to the salvation of the soul. But in politics, Bhakti or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation and to eventual dictatorship.” – Dr Ambedkar

  9. All said, Shekhar, it’s burning where it hurts most for guys like you. No need for you to sermonise to the middle class: we don’t want anything from Mr Modi.


  10. Modi always remains busy in extracting trp for any reason. By organising open vdo meet with either different saark heads or different chief ministers, his main motive was to enhance trp among viewers. Problem is that the other parties, including congress, are never try to expose his cleaver approach. Recent toppling of MP govt proved the vulnerability of any congressman or any leader. All so-called mass leaders in congress are more twitter spavy less mass mover. See how tirelessly Mamtadidi working. Have you find a single leader like her?
    If any, rest leaders try to stop the person.
    Peoples are faded up with Modi but who the alternative??

    • Your didi is also working for her TRP. Her party has robbed millions from the poor of Bengal. And now allowing illegal migration she is consolidating her vote bank. She is no saint.
      And you want her to lead the country? GOD help India.

  11. We now have a Prime Minister in Sri Narendra Modi who has opened up several channels of communication with the masses who really matter at the hustings. With the skill of a magician or a puppeteer he can make the teeming millions in our country to dance to his tunes. He might mean well but he clearly knows which side of his bread is buttered and what he has to do to remain in office forever. The microscopic minority who have been seeing through his game right from 2014 are like mere flies that he can swat at will and can make no dent in his fortunes. As Shekhar Gupta has rightly put it scorn, ridicule, lampooning and so on are like water on a duck;s back for someone who knows his electorate like the back of his hand.

  12. A lot of enlightened, educated, literate and otherwise have expressed their curiosity and questioned ( even jeering ) if clapping, clanging utensils, ringing bells, lighting lamps/ lamps/ torches will annihilate the Corona virus.

    I’d like to question them- when labourers lift a heavy weight/ pull the ropes in pulleys together, why do they say ,” Dum laggagey haisshhaa…”

    When boatmen row their boat, why do they say , “hai ho…hai ho…hai ho…”?

    When palanquin bearers carry the palanquin on their shoulders, why do they say, ” haiyya ho…. haiyya ho…”?

    And all this in unison, together….

    Will “….haisshha” lift their weight ?
    Wil “…hai ho…” take their boats ahead ?
    Will ” …haiyyaa ho…” carry their palanquin ?

    Of course not!

    But it helps to be united and work together in rhythmic unison to carry out a task .

    It’s all about solidarity, unity , strength and determination …..

    So please think about it !


  13. I wonder how the previous ” silent prime minister” would have handled this case. God forbid this to happen in any universe!

  14. Though it is true that the ‘Diya Jalao’ call is just an exercise in symbolism, it does serve a purpose. It gives a short-lived, temporary relief from the claustrophobia and boredom of the lockdown. My guess is that majority of the Indians will participate. The criticism mocking the call made by the PM will not be understood and appreciated by the masses. The opposition is in a fix. Modi has snatched the initiative and is in a monopolized limelight. There very little that the opposition can do at this juncture. All the past issues like CAA have become outdated and inconsequential. The collective mind of the entire nation is focused on only one issue . And in this scenario, Modi has no competition.

  15. Authors message is not for the readers or for the masses, more for his masters in Lutyens and the need for them to do something to stay relevant and possibly get an opportunity to loot as before.
    I don’t see any admiration or a recognition from the author for the PM who takes every opportunity to address people unlike near death PM that we had for ten shit long years..
    Wish India free of these pseudos/left leaning sickulars.

  16. use basic science then u will understand dont behave like a alian what i am thinking he is pm okay so use proper words .

  17. Apart from RSS & BJP linked intellectuals, there’s one more kind in the tribe. And that is, Modi-Bashing intellectuals. Need less to elaborate on them. This kind primarily consists of those who’ve become out of business in past 6 /7 years. And rather than causing any damage to their proposed victim, they only end up increasing his popularity further.

  18. Typical Communist way to send a message to the readers. A well written article to influence the readers in favour of their school of thought.
    The Communist school of thought has been rejected by the whole world. It prevails only in countries that are Non Democratic and are suppressed by power where people are not free at all to write such articles.

  19. Pity Shekar portrays such negativity in Modi’s tremendous attempts to keep the morale of nation high. Knows only too well that leaders like Modi are rare and INDIA could not have been more fortunate. Yet, simmering decades old hate for this man, and combined with eternal bias towards, Congress and Lutyen brethren, will bring out more such commentaries from Shekar. It is in such trying times for INDIA, that we need talented journalists to provide impetus to encourage the upkeep the moral of people. Have lived the times of Indira Gandhi to Morarji to Charan Singh to Rajiv Gandhi to Vajpayee to Manmohan (Sonia) and seen it all. This PM has the statesman like qualities and behaves like one. Remain counted, Shekar…lest you get clubbed with the Sardesais of the world.

  20. The nature of the discourse / address is a matter of judgment, a political assessment of what will work with people who press the EVM buttons. However, in a time of war, the substance of governance must remain stellar. That now centres on the medical response to a fire that continues to spread. Ensuring that essential activities for the government are not starved of funds. Just as the poorest Indians are not starved of food.

  21. What makes you think that you are the only learned wise person in India and rest of Indian populace is a mere dumb brains who have no sense of judgement? You are such ignorant fools. Can’t blame you though, you’re just earning your bread and butter because there are more dumb a** like you who think the ideology amd unrest and division you are spreading in the name of being intellectual, its cool.

  22. Even other countries did claps and thalis for their health workers. You are ignoring the boost that the health workers get out of this simple acknowledgement of general public. You are ignoring the positive feeling of being in it together. There are so many young nuclear families, away from their extended family, in distant cities. These moments do make them feel United.

    And why should government be baby sitting people ? Why should people be not taking care of each other?

    What else should the government be doing ?

  23. Shekharji, are you really running short of article ideas that you have to recite Modinama on a lazy Saturday?
    Like him or hate him, Modi is, what he has ever been: a one-man band.
    One problem for the journos, these days is that, the government ‘sources’ have largely dried up. And with that all juicy stories too, as information rarely gets leaked. And to add to the misery of the journos, Modi speaks directly to people, whether through the social media or otherwise.

    • Modi is not a “one-man band”. He has a very large orchestra playing behind him. Modi symbolizes “mediocrity on the mean side”, so he has all the mean-minded medocres supporting him. If Modi symbolized “mediocrity on the lofty side”, which is actually what a REAL LEADER of a developing people should be, because he has to lift people not only in terms of finances but also in terms of sensibility, then he would have been closer to a “one-man band” and would have NEEDED THE ORATORY OF A GREAT MAN. In his present modest frame he is making do will HOLLOW VERBOSITY, at which he is good. But he is doing tremendous harm to the people not only in terms of finances, which we all know, but also in terms of endorsing, even encouraging mean sensibility.

  24. Simple word …simple question to ask…(1).is he trying to polarize the entire masses by testing their mind ?(2) Is it a scientific approach ?(3) Has he (Mr.Modi) got some message from Nagpur at this moment of national crisis just to do the mathmatics of BJP support when his and his party’s scoreboard is nil in respect of governance ? No answer….only playing a joke with the public!!!

  25. Don’t come up with such infantile write-ups insulting to your readers and millions of Indians, who are much smarter than you are.

  26. We have a shortage of masks, ventilators, PPE and other critical medical supplies, but soon we will run short of diyas and mombattis!

  27. I heard a story in my childhood . Don’t know whether it’s true. Initially Indiraji was shy and reluctant to face a crowd or audience. Then Nehruji advised her whenever you face a crowd always think that you are facing a big gathering of cows. Then your shyness and fear will go away.

  28. An article with a negative thread running throughout and anti Modi. Start with the headline. “Poke fun”, “couldn’t care less”, then “juvenility of his ideas”, “infantilising” , “superstision” etc etc. Shekhar Gupta being such a seasoned and experienced journalist must be knowing that Modi’s address was recorded earlier before the labourer exodus began and broadcast to the nation at the scheduled time. But no. Let’s use this against the PM. And demon took place years ago but let’s bring it up also. Why not?
    The article also insults the people by saying Modi is infantilising us meaning we are to be treated as infants and juveniles without the ability to understand, reason or judge, obedient infants to be cautioned as Shekhar Gupta tells the nation . Has it occurred to him that maybe just maybe Modi is trying to unite the nation, raise morale, raising the awareness levels to reduce deaths since he cares unlike so many more parasitical politicians who are interested in their own agendas. He doesn’t take any of their names. Nor does he talk about any community and their backwardness for eg, Tablighi Jamaat and the jihad unleashed by them on the nation.
    Shekhar Gupta should look to Pak media and how they have praised Modi for his leadership qualities in rallying India against this virus. Poorly written article and self defeating. A misuse of free speech.

  29. Only anti-nationals like congressmen, communists and Religious Fundamentals oppose the welfare measures of Modi Govt. Barring them the entire India is behind modiji.

  30. Yiorigior ditto lumbabadhing garrrdu terrikka tarrrrrikkkkaaa phooonsuaglydo dhingarrrhhh dhoooom!……Ho Jaai Corona goom !!

  31. Modi is talking directly to his citizens,, nothing wrong in it.

    And the measures taken by Modi is almost everything is known to every one and he need not repeat them again and again.

    Why does the thePrint think Demonetization was a failure? that is funny. My first hand experience is it destroyed fake currency and black money , resulting in failure of Real estate business which is done using black money.

    All that the people want to know is whether the PM is working for them or not and those who believe PM is working for them will support PM. Those who are opposing PM or opposing for the sake of opposition as their position have become untenable and they end up opposing Modi, irrespective of whatever the action of the GoI.

  32. Time is ruthless and only dictator. Good oreators will come and go, only those.will be remembered as great sons of India who contribute in the upbringing the nation as one single large family and again it will be decided by History an alliance of time and not by foolish masses and political brains.

  33. Shekharji , making the people what he wants is not a good sign of good leadership. I wonder whether PM consults anyone before making such public announcements. Last time he made people to clap, thaali, bang plates (which is not allowed in many Hindu homes, as such a sound is made when 10th day vessels/thali is made to move last grain served to dead soul) etc. PM calls made large number to come out without caring about “Physical Distancing” norms which could have also spread virus in the name way like TJ events whose gathering was less than what we saw on 22 April. This time while asking people to light the sky after switching off all the lights, he has taken care to ask the people not to come out of home. However, again while making an appeal to switch off the lights, he has put the power personnel in a dizzy as they expect disruption and therefor considering load shedding between 20 and 21,10 hrs. This announcement unlike Note bandhi, had no “Gopaniatha” (confidentiality) which late Arun Jaitely used to claim. Obviously, he did not want the suspense to let out before he himself make an announcement. Yet again, it is the citizens who would take the burn when load shedding is observed, it is the old and sick people would suffer. As for his clapping call , all that is now history, it is now slapping of health workers.

  34. लगता की प्रिणट पूरी तरह से सठ्ठीया गया है
    It’s official that print has completely lost it.

  35. People are not being infantile. They have seen through the game of the likes of garibi hatao, division of country men in the name of secularism, dynastic rulers, appeasement, dole to poor in election times and how Nehru family has sacrificed for the country….. The list goes on.
    Then they found out the truth. Of looting the country, rich leaders and poor electorate and they wanted to come out of the shackles.
    Mr Modi was found. A person from the grassroot, decisive, honest and with a distinct vision. Rest is history.

  36. A grudging acceptance of reality but still without accepting the fact as to why people trust MODI.
    Can anyone name one leader who is not an allege thief.
    Shastriji had that image, but unfortunately he was there for a very short time, and then we were back to the Jamvda of power brokers.
    Let us accept that.
    Then we will know why despite any mistakes he may or may not make , he will be forgiven, until a alternative leadership with his impeccable quality emerges.
    Unless the intelligentsia can give constructive suggestion bereft of any personal gains to help him course correct and not abuse him in their THIRD RATE language, they will remain on the pages of the media that is all.

  37. Have a courage to blame all wrong deeds of every one without bias you will be lauded and listened to. If you go on banging only one side for all its wrong doings and allow others to leave unscratched of their wrong doings nobody is bothered about your lofty write ups.

  38. You criticize modiji stronger he stop doing it. people see him as a saviour among all the useless politicians .any ways I am going light a Diya .the more Congress and the gang criticsise more Diya i will light we all know modiji has good intentions. He is secular in real sence others only are secular for namesake.

  39. >>So, three lessons: First, Narendra Modi promises you nothing in his messaging. Second, he always asks you to do something for him and, thereby, the nation. And third, that he never regrets anything he has done. Never. Never a word like, I know we could have done this better. <<
    That is from a populist cookbook. It always works. It is working now.
    The populist leaders- never promise anything – the public presumes it is going to get what it wants.
    The massess, even the educated ones, want a strong leader and then handover their problems to the leader and relax.
    Our education system is didactic and doesn't train you think for yourself. All the MAs,BAs and even the professionals read from the class notes and pass exams. THe populist leader gives those a new set of class notes to cram and regurgitate.
    Why should a leader listen to the intelligentsia- they will find a way to support him/her and when they fallout they will lose their credibility like the fifth column.

  40. Yes, middle class follows what Modi asks because they believe he genuinely cares and works hard for them. They believe that he believes in the people as much they believe in him.

  41. THANK YOU. At last somebody used the right words to describe the “orator” Modi: JUVENILITY, INFANTILISING.

    In fact, he is no “orator” in the strict sense of the word. He is just a good communicator who caters to the lowest common denominator. It shows a shallow mind that appeals to the masses.

    Wonder what will happen to our republic with leaders and people like this.

    THANKS again for putting this in perspective. I am tweeting this.

        • Well said. People have displayed their true strength at the time of National Calamities, during Indo-Pakistan wars, reposed faith on the leaders of that time by contributing their little wealth for the Nation. When Mr. Shastriji called for sacrificing a meal in a week to overcome crisis of foodgrain supplies .Every Indian responded to his appeal. I want to remind Mr. Shekhar Gupta on his own confession of misjudgment on the Modiji’s performance after Modiji won 2nd term. Still, you want to put your own agenda of blaming Modiji for his selfless efforts to overcome the country’s problems. The Media is against Modiji for not entertaining them, pampering them and keeping them on his head. All these years Fourth Estate got more that what they really deseverd by other politicians for their ulterior motives. 12years of Modiji’s Governance in Gujrath taught him how to deal with these people.

        • Dear Shekhar Gupta,

          I have been an on and off reader of your views and perceptions and one thing that always crosses my mind and it has gotten strengthened overtime that you unapologetically sound a darbari each an every time. It is not for the first time you have displayed your imbecility in penning such article it has happened earlier as well.

          Anyways, in the initial days of RSS regime headed by its former pracharak my community viewed the elevation of Modi on the national arena with a great deal of suspicion and we gotten proved right as well. But then Muslims endured all the hardships that came along naturally with a BIGOTED HINDU NATIONALIST as head of the nation which unfortunately is also home to over 200 million Muslims and we still are suffering. We have reached a point where we although are afraid of growing division in the society but at the same time have gotten inured to it as we have perhaps internalised what your above article implies.

          Shekhar you being a seasoned journalist must be aware that Modis come and go what matters is what lasting impact such leaders have on society and in my view Modi has taken India on a path of SELF DESTRUCTION AND YOU MEANWHILE CONTINUE SINGING PAEANS HAILING MODI AS A GREAT MESSIAH WHEREAS THE TRUTH AND YOU MUST ALSO BE AWARE LIES SOMEWHERE ELSE.

          RAAG DARBARI…………

    • And to add we DON’T CARE WHAT THOSE “OBEDIENT INFANTS” think because in this nation of 95 percent bigots and fools nothing cannot be expected more.

      Now, don’t wax eloquence explaining what this nation is all about.

      • So, if Indians oppose your communal agenda, they are bigots and fools? They have chosen a party and a PM after years of being treated like pariahs in their own country.
        Why do you sound the same like those ISIS killers thousands of kilometers away in the sands of Arabia – My way or no other way?
        Convert or be ready for jaziya, Join us or get throats slit?

        • WELT, are you going to blame the whole community for the sins of few (which we condemn always)? And what communal agenda are you talking about? Have you ever heard a single Muslim speaking against the Hindus? If we Indian Muslims speak for our rights and equality, we become ISIS killers in your eyes? Don’t we have the right to speak against injustice in our own country? If we speak against the misdoings of the PM, we are anti-nationals? In a democracy dissent is always allowed. Dissent is not tantamount to anti-national. Here is food for thought for you…

          He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Not, Is a Slave.


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