Monday, June 17, 2024


Indian banks are heading into a trap. High inflation and interest rates are a deadly mix

It is increasingly a good time to deposit money and an increasingly costly affair to take a loan. Banks are finding that their avenues for lending are more curtailed.

Indian mothers spend 9 hrs a week on their young children, Americans 13. State must step in

States need to supplement parental efforts on child development activities, particularly when parents have lower levels of education.

EWS quota will finally destigmatise caste reservation in India

Upper castes have built up narratives saying that quota kills merit and keeps India backward. They have questioned who would be treated by doctors qualified from reserved categories.

Taliban is reaching your living rooms, and YouTubers are helping

After maximizing it's reach on Twitter, the Taliban now has YouTubers to push its narrative. Even Indian creators have started to land at Kabul airport.

SC refused to abolish domestic work for Army Sahayaks. But Agniveer era can end it

While organisational and social changes can still reform the Indian military. preventing the misuse of employees for domestic chores in govt structures remains a tough ask.

EWS judgment fundamental shift from caste. It reshapes affirmative action as anti-poverty

The questions presented in the SFFA and EWS take different constitutional and legal forms but are grounded in similar political concerns.

Gujarat has two faces of Hindutva. Rahul Gandhi is the only political opposition to it

In walking with Prashant Bhushan yesterday, Rahul Gandhi may have forgiven the handmaidens of Hindutva, all too easily and certainly all too early.

Indian space tech should now build small satellites, forge big global partnerships

As luck would have it, India’s domestic policy matrix as well as the international space regulatory scenario are currently aligned with the geopolitical aims.

German Chancellor goes to China, may have played into Xi’s ‘divide and rule’ approach for EU

The German version of ‘European policy on China’ comes down to maintaining economic ties with Beijing while checking US’s power in Europe.

Why PM Modi has reasons to be disappointed with his BJP colleagues

It’s too much to expect from PM Modi, aged 72. He has to run the country. He has to get votes for the BJP. And now he is expected to play arbiter and keep the flock together.

On Camera

NEET is too high-risk for pen-and-paper tests. It needs a fraud-proof online process

Unless the loopholes are fixed in the NEET system, no matter how many culprits are caught and punished, new ones will continue to emerge.

Cash-strapped Karnataka hikes fuel tax by Rs 3/l, could earn Rs 2,500-3,000 cr more per yr

Move to bring down differences in commodity prices with neighbouring states, says government. Oppn, dealers blame it on welfare, Congress's guarantees.

Stryker, predator drones, space, Pannun and Indo-Pacific dominate NSAs Doval & Sullivan’s talks

Two-day visit by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan seen as critical to both countries' focus on convergences in the relationship rather than differences.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.