Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Awareness camps, machines, inspection — how Haryana’s Ambala cut farm fires by 80% in a year

Ambala saw 702 farm fires last year between 15 September and 30 October. This year, figure has fallen to 146. Numbers compare quite favourably with Haryana’s overall figures.

What India’s new climate goals mean, and why they are seen as ‘ambitious’

India’s net-zero emissions by 2070 target made headlines, but experts are more interested in the shorter term goals for 2030, and the impact they might have.

2 in 3 families won’t burn crackers this Diwali, but 53% don’t support ban, says survey

LocalCircles survey shows 42% of households want 'some form of ban' on crackers. Of those who don't plan to burst them, 63% cite air pollution as the reason why.

‘One Sun, One World, One Grid’ — At COP 26, PM Modi calls for global solar power grid

PM Modi said a worldwide grid will enable us to provide clean energy everywhere at all times & increase the viability of solar projects.

India will reach net-zero emissions by 2070, PM Modi says at COP26 as he promises ‘panchamrit’

India had been under pressure from developed states like the US to raise its climate ambitions and commit to a net-zero target by 2050. However, it dug its heels.

G20 falls short on key climate target, leaving it to COP26 to achieve breakthrough

Discussions over the past week produced continuous clashes over both objectives and timelines on climate, and divisions were on display over the date for achieving net zero emissions.

Developed nations presenting $100 bn annual support till 2025 ‘unacceptable’: India at COP26

Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav said developing countries have massively stepped up their climate actions since 2009, but there is no 'matching ambition' from developed nations.

Here’s all you need to know about EU’s carbon border tax and what it means for trade

For far too long, trade and environment regimes have evolved in parallel, and collaboration across the two communities has been unsatisfactory.

Boris Johnson to announce hike in UK’s climate finance at COP26 Summit

At the World Leaders Summit opening ceremony, the UK PM will urge countries to take concrete steps on phasing out coal, accelerate transition to e-vehicles, and halt deforestation.

COP26 ‘last, best hope’ to keep 1.5-degrees-C global warming goal alive, says summit chief

UK minister Alok Sharma, president of COP26, made these comments while formally opening the two-week-long climate change summit in Glasgow Sunday.

On Camera

Sahastra Tal rescue operation was fastest in the state. And that isn’t enough

CM Dhami ordered an inquiry that led to the first-ever FIR against a local adventure tour operator. This reveals the problems with Uttarakhand’s adventure tourism management.

Noida International Airport, Delhi NCR’s 2nd, delayed. To begin operations by April 2025

According to a statement by the airport, commercial operations likely to begin next year 'in view of the current construction status'. It was supposed to commence operations by 2024 end.

India’s 15-yr quest for anti-tank missile: Israeli Spike, DRDO option, back to US for Javelin talks

Recent high-profile visit was of US National Security Adviser this month during which a number of key issues, including military cooperation, was discussed by both sides.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.