Saturday, June 15, 2024

Topic: Wuhan

Modi govt gears up to fight coronavirus, takes stock of masks, gloves, antiviral drugs

Associations of drug-makers have apprised the govt about availability of raw materials to produce antiviral drugs used as first line of treatment for coronavirus.

Death toll in coronavirus touches 259, virus spreads to more than 20 nations

India brought back 324 nationals from Wuhan, the epicentre of the epidemic where now nearly 12,000 people have been infected.

All 324 Indians back from Wuhan test negative for coronavirus, quarantined for observation

Indian nationals brought back from coronavirus-hit Wuhan in China have been put up at two specialised quarantine centres in Manesar and Delhi.

324 Indians reach Delhi on special Air India flight from Wuhan, to be quarantined in Manesar

The plane, which also had five doctors from Ram Manohar Lohia hospital and one paramedic on board to assist the Indians, landed in Delhi at 7:30am.

Air India plane carrying Indians to return from coronavirus-hit Wuhan Saturday

The Indian nationals, mostly students, will be quarantined for 14 days upon their arrival in India.

How China built 2 hospitals in a week to fight coronavirus health emergency

Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals have been built over large tracts of land in Wuhan & will start operating from 3 and 5 February, respectively. 

Air India plane departs for China to bring back Indians from coronavirus-hit Wuhan

Five doctors from the Health Ministry and a paramedical personnel are on-board the flight that left from Delhi. Around 400 Indians are expected to be evacuated from Wuhan.

Coronavirus outbreak declared global health emergency. Here’s what it means

Declaration of global health emergency gives WHO’s director-general powers to give temporary recommendations to countries that include travel advisories & restrictions.

This new coronavirus test can speed patient screening and spread of disease

The test from Swiss drugmaker Roche analyses nucleic acids extracted from patients’ saliva or mucus & compares them against sequences found in coronavirus strains.

‘It’s like house arrest’ — Indians in coronavirus-hit Wuhan desperate to return home

It is mostly foreigners who are left behind in quarantined Wuhan as local residents had travelled out to celebrate Chinese New Year, students tell ThePrint.

On Camera

Modi was set to lose 2024 like Vajpayee in 2004. Here’s what changed

If just 1 out of the 66 people watching the sarkari propaganda had changed their mind, the Supreme Leader would have been the Leader of Opposition today.

India to drive growth in oil demand till 2030, transport fuels main reason

International Energy Agency says India's oil demand will be driven by diesel/gasoil requirements in contrast to the rest of the world, where EV boom will lead to lower demand.

Moscow plays hardball with New Delhi over Indians recruited into Russian military for Ukraine war

About 30 Indian nationals have contacted the Russian embassy in Moscow seeking to return after they found themselves in the frontlines of a war they had not signed up for.

Muslims made their vote count. This time Hindus built a coalition with them

Muslim vote is BJP’s biggest worry. Knives are already out and probing its most critical fault line. Without recovering UP, BJP’s decline threatens to become chronic, and progressive.