Monday, June 17, 2024

Topic: WHO

Final results of US trial reveal remdesivir could shorten recovery time in Covid patients

The results, published in NEJM, come weeks after WHO's Solidarity Trial concluded that remdesivir had little to no effect on hospitalised Covid patients.

Politics hampered WHO’s response to Covid, review panel chief says

The WHO and its members have been scrutinized for their responses to the pandemic that has struck about 47 million people, killing more than 1.2 million & stifling economies worldwide.

WHO chief Tedros under self-quarantine after contact tests positive for Covid

Tedros said he is well, has no symptoms and will work from home for the coming days.

Portable health data, infodemic management — WHO chief scientist lists Covid lessons to learn

In an article in The Hindu, Soumya Swaminathan also writes about the pandemic's impact on women and the lack of available data 'disaggregated by sex and age'.

Gilead questions trial design after WHO says its remdesivir is ineffective against Covid

In a statement issued Thursday, Gilead Sciences noted that Solidarity trial's interim findings on remdesivir have 'not undergone the rigorous review'.

China joins WHO-backed vaccine effort that Trump administration refused to be part of

Beijing Thursday joined the $18 billion Covax initiative that aspires to give lower-income countries the same access to vaccines as wealthier nations.

China has to decide tomorrow if it will share its Covid vaccine with WHO and help the world

Friday is the final day for governments to decide whether to take part in Covax, an initiative that aspires to give lower-income countries the same access to vaccines as rich nations.

7 countries, including Pakistan, can teach India how to fight next pandemic

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros has called on countries to invest in public health in order to prepare ourselves from future pandemics like Covid-19.

UNICEF says it will lead global procurement and supply of Covid-19 vaccines

The vaccine procurement and distribution effort, involving over 170 economies, has the potential to become the world's largest and fastest ever operation of its kind.

Trump changes mind, agrees to fund some WHO programmes despite withdrawal

US will now fund health programs in countries including Libya, Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight Covid-19, polio, flu and other diseases.

On Camera

NEET is too high-risk for pen-and-paper tests. It needs a fraud-proof online process

Unless the loopholes are fixed in the NEET system, no matter how many culprits are caught and punished, new ones will continue to emerge.

Siddaramaiah defends fuel price hike amid protests by BJP — ‘don’t we need money for development?’

BJP alleges the hike will be put towards bankrolling Congress govt's 5 guarantees in Karnataka, while CM Siddaramaiah says hike is to 'increase resource mobilisation, increase income'.

Stryker, predator drones, space, Pannun and Indo-Pacific dominate NSAs Doval & Sullivan’s talks

Two-day visit by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan seen as critical to both countries' focus on convergences in the relationship rather than differences.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.