Monday, September 30, 2024

Topic: Russia

India shouldn’t fall for Putin’s rupees-for-rubles deal despite tempting discount on oil

Such pacts are often short-lived and lack the deep liquidity provided primarily by the dollar. Moreover, India doesn't get much in return for this accommodation and has much to lose.

Russia offers oil to India at steep discounts on direct purchase

Russian oil has been flowing to Asia in greater volumes as buyers across Europe and the U.S. shun supplies, following the invasion of Ukraine. India and China have been the key buyers.

The Hindu Right is turning against the US, but India needs to see reality over rhetoric

Until a few years ago, the Hindu Right was largely pro-US. Now, Joe Biden is seen as antagonistic — if not to India, then to the sort of India that Modi’s supporters want to create.

Defunct ATM cards, food shortages: Not just Ukraine, Indian students in Russia also hit by war

Indian students living in Russia are feeling the pinch of the international sanctions stemming from their host country’s invasion of Ukraine, but most are staying put.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov lands in China on 1st visit since war, ahead of India trip

Lavrov is set to visit India on Thursday to discuss the sale of Russian crude oil to the country and the possibility of a rupee-ruble denominated payment method.

Biden cites ‘pacing challenge’ of China, seeks $813bn for defence spending from Congress

$35-bn hike from last year’s proposed budget is also aimed at dealing with ‘acute threats’ from Russia, and setting aside big sums for R&D, nuclear modernisation, missile defence.

Russia says will ‘radically reduce military activity’ in Ukraine capital Kyiv, Chernihiv

After Tuesday’s in-person talks ended between Russia and Ukraine, Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said there had been ‘intensive consultations’ on several issues.

China reached out to India as it’s facing heat from US on Ukraine. But Wang Yi bungled

War was always a business enterprise for the US, and Ukraine is no different. But it doesn't outweigh the threat of a growing Chinese presence.

Do sanctions work? Lessons from Russia, Iran and US ‘War on Terror’

MNCs are pulling out of Russia, taking their services and jobs with them. People are seeing their livelihoods eroded. But do these measures work?

Who is Yevgeniy Prigozhin — ‘Putin’s chef’ wanted by FBI for election interference

The FBI tweeted a poster of Prigozhin stating that he has 'allegedly conspired to defraud the US' through election interference.

On Camera

No more lip service on UNSC reforms—it’s time to form an implementation roadmap

Most of the UNSC’s failures stem from the use of veto power by the P5. In a world that champions democracy, the UNSC is inherently the most undemocratic entity possible.

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?