Monday, September 30, 2024

Topic: Russia

Off The Cuff with Kishore Mahbubani

In this episode of ThePrint Off The Cuff, Distinguished Fellow Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Kishore Mahbubani, talks to ThePrint Editor-In-Chief Shekhar...

Hope India can influence Russia in discussion to end killings in Ukraine, says Denmark

In Copenhagen on Tuesday – as part of this three-day Europe tour -- Narendra Modi appealed for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine.

In a bid to isolate Russia, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to invite PM Modi to G7 summit

Scholz was undecided on Modi’s invitation until a few weeks ago given the prime minister’s reluctance to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Poland, Bulgaria can withstand Russia’s latest economic blow to cut off gas. Here’s why

Poland and Bulgaria are no longer obedient vassals of Russia. And while they will pay an economic price, wealthy countries around them can help.

Jobs a bigger problem than trade deficit: What India should remember in atmanirbhar push

Want of electronic chips has upset auto sector. Tomorrow, battery production may be hit by shortage of cobalt or lithium. You can’t protect yourself up & down the full value chain.

As Russian church backs Putin’s war, Orthodox Christians in Ukraine & Russia stand divided

Patriarch Kirill, the head bishop of Russian Orthodox Church, has openly supported Putin’s campaign in Ukraine, lending weight to the idea of it being a 'holy war'.

India’s nuclear doctrine not useless. Stay with no-first-use – nukes are not silver bullets

While Russia continues to threaten NATO with its nuclear prowess, India must refrain from doing the same—Chinese aggressors might not know the meaning of restraint.

Russia says it cut natural gas flows to Poland & Bulgaria as they failed to pay in Ruble

European gas prices surged more than 20% on the move and the euro fell to its lowest against the dollar since April 2017.

Bombs & rockets raining down ‘hourly’, Russia launches aggressive campaign in Ukraine’s Donbas

With cities of Kramatorsk and Slovyansk next on agenda, Russia aims to take control of Donbas region by 9 May, the day it celebrates its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

West’s sanctions target the seller, Russia. But now they’ve begun to hurt buyers too

All things considered, might it have been better & cheaper, shed less blood, and avoided a huge refugee problem if Russia had been allowed a buffer zone in Eastern Europe?

On Camera

Tirupati scandal isn’t political or communal. It’s about temple economics

A private temple could make crores by selling better laddus and investing in goshalas and captive production units to control quality.

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?