Friday, June 28, 2024
TopicRodrigo Duterte

Topic: Rodrigo Duterte

Global Pulse: All eyes are on Mohammed bin Salman and his pending meeting with Trump

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is looking for American investments to help diversify the Saudi economy, but the main goal of the visit is to apparently improve Saudi Arabia's image in the West.

Philippines’ extrajudicial killings in war on drugs now under international legal scrutiny

Since the election of President Duterte in the Philippines in May 2016, there has been a state sanctioned crackdown on the drug trade. Police has been accused of actively ordering extrajudicial killings, or ‘rub-outs’. 

ISIS threat to Phillippines President Duterte on Republic Day worries Indian agencies

Ten heads of state are set to attend the celebrations in New Delhi, including Rodrigo Duterte, and agencies are scrambling to bolster security.

Global Pulse: Macron’s on a mission to mentor Trump, Suu Kyi’s falsehoods

Emmanuel Macron is on a mission to push Trump to act in the framework of the multilateral approach.

Global Pulse: China’s Blue Water Naval Ambition

Amid rising tensions in the region, China launched its first indigenously built aircraft carrier, expanding its fleet to two such vessels. China plans for a...

Global Pulse: The French Choice

In France, the choice cannot be starker on May 7th, the final day of voting – between Marine Le Pen who wants to shut...

On Camera

Arabs to Abyssinians, India was once a mercenary magnet—Russia war shows it has turned exporter

From New World Cuban mercenaries to South East Asian combatants, various linguistic groups are represented in the battlefields that divide Russia from Ukraine.

Department of Financial Services chairs review meeting with heads of Public Sector Banks

The meeting was also attended by senior executives of UIDAI, NABARD, SIDBI , Mudra Ltd. CERSAI & NCGTC.

Base price of Rafale agreed upon, fighters for Navy to have India-specific enhancements

Navy team has already visited Ambala air station where IAF has kept one squadron of Rafales to understand commonalities of maintenance that can be pursued.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.