Thursday, June 20, 2024

Topic: Pandemic

Modi govt to come up with second line of health workers to fight rising Covid-19 cases

Govt says it will fast-forward the launch of its online training platform 'iGOT' to take care of training needs of the frontline workers.

Learn to be positive in coronavirus pandemic from this Vietnam war US navy pilot

We have little influence over what governments will do to combat Covid. What we have is the power to think and act in ways that will make the suffering bearable.

Delhi to Kerala — State response to Covid-19 makes it clear India needs a new health policy

The 123-year-old Epidemic Diseases Act isn’t good enough for a pandemic in the Information Age. India must revisit the National Health Bill that wasn’t passed.

From passivity to pandemic: A timeline of Dr WHO’s failure

The WHO’s sluggish, almost reluctant response to the coronavirus crisis raises serious questions about its accountability towards the global community.

Louisiana pastor, arrested once for defying stay-home orders, continues with church service

In an interview to CNN’s Victor Blackwell, the pastor said that the depression & anxiety of living under lockdown is worse than dying of Covid-19.

Is Covid-19 a Chinese weapon or an accident? Either way, world must stop playing in bio labs

China's secrecy, ambitions, and disregard for life or environment are a problem. But so are the weapons-producing labs in US, Russia, France, Japan, North Korea and others.

Aung San Suu Kyi finally joins Facebook — ‘to communicate with people faster’ during pandemic

Myanmar, which shares a border with China, has reported 16 Covid-19 cases so far.

Not using Army during exodus of migrants was an error of judgement. Modi govt will rue it

Deploying Army to help migrants would have shown state governments in poor light but it’s a non-issue when tackling a disaster of this magnitude.

Pakistan launches Corona Relief Tiger Force, gets 90,000 volunteers in two days

The relief force volunteers will distribute food to the poor and create awareness about Covid-19 in areas under lockdown.

50 nations promised cash to fight Covid. Few, like India and Bangladesh, are doing it right

India’s trinity of Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and mobile communications — or JAM — can work wonders if it is used extensively to reform citizen–state engagement.

On Camera

TV anchors are divided on Priyanka Gandhi’s electoral debut. Parivarvaad digs to compliments

Rahul Gandhi finally gave an interview to a TV news channel after giving up his Wayanad seat. There were no awkward questions about dynastic politics.

Unorganised, non-farm sector employs 19% of workforce but accounts for 6% of GDP, shows MoSPI data

With the agriculture sector employing 45% of the workforce but accounting for only 15% of GDP, it confirms that two-thirds of India’s workforce engages in low-productivity work.

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.