Friday, September 27, 2024

Topic: Congress

And the pot told the kettle

There has been a continuing slide into politics of inquiries, where governance is in the back-seat, political debate forgotten & acquisition of power reduced to trying to fix your rivals.

One year on, BJP and Congress still can’t figure out the election result

Opposition is out of Parliament almost permanently, as was the case in the last months of Rajiv Gandhi's government. The two leading parties are not even on talking terms any more.

We need a UPA-NDA bus?

If the BJP's scandalously peevish staying away from VAT was bad, so was the Congress party's disinclination to expand the scope of the launch of the Kashmir bus.

UPA needs an MBA (Coalition)

Congress can legitimately claim it’s been too busy putting the government together, but it cannot carry on by giving an impression that the Left is being excluded, ignored or taken for granted.

When unleaded turns leaded

When ‘polarisation’ is the buzzword in our politics, it will be even more dangerous than communal divide because it will undermine the faith in our system of governance, democracy.

Doing the ‘Right’ thing

A government’s internal stability or strength does not always determine its ability to deal with the world, particularly on issues where there is broader consensus.

The wisdom of fools

When was the last time the Congress thought through its strategy? Even if politicians are stupid, the people aren't. They know who really calls the shots.

The party is brain dead

The Congress is so intellectually overwhelmed by the Dynasty that it is incapable of even thinking, strategising, and functioning as the opposition.

Wise men talking

My Dear Kesriji, I write this to you with the predictable sense of anguish. You'd recall how reluctant I had been to take up this...

The violent aftermath

The pattern of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots was defined by arson and destruction taken over by hoodlums who killed Sikhs, burnt their homes while the police twiddled their thumbs.

On Camera

Dear Bengal govt, don’t steal our memories, land, and clean air by removing trams

Nostalgia, romance, and a love of heritage alone cannot make the beloved trams of Kolkata sustainable. Simple science can. Transport Minister, are you with us still?

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Army gets high-altitude artillery firing range in Arunachal, 2 more to come up in the north

The artillery regiment has incorporated simulators in a big way for various functions like driving & weapons training, especially for Agniveers to get realistic training.

Lesson from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan: if you have no patience, you don’t deserve democracy

Sri Lankan transition was smoothly managed. Check Bangladesh for contrast. They forced their incumbent into exile, installed a mostly unelectable govt of non-political people.