Thursday, June 27, 2024

Topic: BJP

Lok Sabha, 2014

A party will win or lose the next election depending on whether it can dump some of its awful, outdated and politically suicidal basic instinct or not.

Thank god for politics

While the charmed circle mourns the end of the idea of India because of political corruption, incompetence & cynicism, it is exactly our politics that is transforming India in a most remarkable manner now.

That funny Bofors feeling

To those of us old enough to remember, this sentiment is not unfamiliar. We have seen this at least thrice in the past decades.

Common maximum programme

You can see its emerging contours in UP rallies: Leaders moving away from cliche, voters moving to the centre — politics of aspiration slowly edging out politics of grievance.

The Ordinance Factory

The ordinance-mania is back in fashion. The recourse to amending the law or writing fresh legislation is a tempting escape for politicians from constitutional checks and balances.

And the pot told the kettle

There has been a continuing slide into politics of inquiries, where governance is in the back-seat, political debate forgotten & acquisition of power reduced to trying to fix your rivals.

One year on, BJP and Congress still can’t figure out the election result

Opposition is out of Parliament almost permanently, as was the case in the last months of Rajiv Gandhi's government. The two leading parties are not even on talking terms any more.

We need a UPA-NDA bus?

If the BJP's scandalously peevish staying away from VAT was bad, so was the Congress party's disinclination to expand the scope of the launch of the Kashmir bus.

A plane tale from the past

Rao took an incredibly bold decision which the BJP, locked in a bitter electoral battle with him, was suspicious of, but did not make an issue of, in the national interest.

A Bharatiya Janata Pity

Perhaps such is the bitterness at losing power, so powerful the need to live in denial, that BJP has begun to lose its balance at all levels, and, obviously in case of the Naqvi/Naidu types.

On Camera

Arabs to Abyssinians, India was once a mercenary magnet—Russia war shows it has turned exporter

From New World Cuban mercenaries to South East Asian combatants, various linguistic groups are represented in the battlefields that divide Russia from Ukraine.

Department of Financial Services chairs review meeting with heads of Public Sector Banks

The meeting was also attended by senior executives of UIDAI, NABARD, SIDBI , Mudra Ltd. CERSAI & NCGTC.

Base price of Rafale agreed upon, fighters for Navy to have India-specific enhancements

Navy team has already visited Ambala air station where IAF has kept one squadron of Rafales to understand commonalities of maintenance that can be pursued.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.