Sunday, June 23, 2024

Topic: Assam

MGNREGA audit: Low wage rate & delayed payments among the biggest problems

The Common Review Mission on MGNREGA also found that people were unaware that the scheme is supposed to deliver work on demand.

Rohingyas are a ‘serious’ threat, Centre tells Supreme Court

The central government is going to state its final stand on deporting Rohingya refugees in the next hearing on 3 October in the Supreme Court.

Talk Point: Are rhinos ‘overpopulated’ or is their habitat shrinking?

Is the 'overpopulation' of rhinos, lions and leopards a result of successful conservation or due to shrinking habitats and slow relocation drives? We ask  experts.

Five predictable results make for an uncertain 2019

BJP's leadership has earned itself a post-Bihar reprieve, but it hasn't brought them a more convincing nationwide claim in 2019.

Assam’s 35-year saffronisation

RSS changed Assam's political fault line from anti-outsider to anti-migrant to anti-Muslim infiltrator, and simply borrowed leadership from other parties.

When Mary Kom stares down at Narendra Modi

Writings on the wall is a metaphor that emerged from travels across India, particularly, but not necessarily, during elections (for earlier writings, see,...

Gogoi, the only Congressman smiling…

If success in Assam was a determinant of a leader’s ability, Tarun Gogoi is the Congress party’s Narendra Modi. Except, it isn’t in the Congress culture to acknowledge this.

Guiltless in Guwahati

Assam no longer holds the country to ransom by choking oil supplies or by chanting the mantra of anger and alienation. The old story of the state, the guaranteed front page, has disappeared.

On Camera

Delhi dating scene has a lawyer-engineer fatigue. Diversify your right swipes

Navigating dating apps is as risky as trading stocks. It makes sense to spread our assets—school teachers, DJs or public policy nerds; diversity is important.

India’s aviation sector set to boom under Modi 3.0 but ‘emerging duopoly’ could hurt consumers

Sector analysts warn that with Go First expected to remain grounded & SpiceJet struggling, industry is likely to consolidate to just 2-3 player market, hampering competition.

Army hospital commandant says no misuse of disability pension grant. ‘Scrutiny at all levels’

Lt Gen Nilakantan says revised Entitlement Rules & Guide to Medical Officers for pensions had been revised to rationalise disability classification, quantification & granting of disability.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.