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HomeOpinionWhat Imran Khan is doing to Pakistani school textbooks even Zia-ul-Haq didn’t

What Imran Khan is doing to Pakistani school textbooks even Zia-ul-Haq didn’t

The huge volume of religious material the proposed Single National Curriculum contains beats all previous version’s in Pakistan’s history.

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Be prepared, Pakistan! Imran Khan’s government is poised to inflict damage upon this country’s education system in a manner never seen before. Its so-called Single National Curriculum (SNC) hides systemic changes going far deeper than the ones conceived and executed by the extremist regime of Gen Zia-ul-Haq. Implementation is scheduled for 2021.

At first glance a uniform national curriculum is hugely attractive. Some see it striking a lethal blow at the abominable education apartheid that has wracked Pakistan from day one. By the year, a widening gap has separated beneficiaries of elite private education from those crippled by bad public schooling. So what could be better than the rich child and the poor child studying the same subjects from the same books and being judged by the same standards?

But this morally attractive idea has been hijacked, corrupted, mutilated and beaten out of shape by those near-sighted persons now holding Pakistan’s future in their hands, and who, like their boss, kowtow to the madressah establishment. Prime Minister Khan was widely criticised in 2016-17 for making huge grants to madressahs of the late Maulana Samiul Haq, self-professed father of the Taliban who was murdered by an associate in mysterious circumstances.

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As yet only SNC plans for Class I-V are public. But the huge volume of religious material they contain beats all curriculums in Pakistan’s history. A column-by-column comparison with two major madressah systems — Tanzeemul Madaris and Rabtaul Madaris — reveals a shocking fact. Ordinary schools will henceforth impose more rote learning than even these madressahs. Normal schoolteachers being under-equipped religiously, SNC calls for summoning an army of madressah-educated holy men — hafiz’s and qaris — as paid teachers inside schools. How this will affect the general ambiance and the safety of students is an open question.

The push for a uniform national curriculum idea derives from three flawed assumptions:

First: It is false that quality differences between Pakistan’s various education streams stem from pursuing different curricula. When teaching any secular subject such as geography, social studies or science, all streams have to cover the same topics. While details and emphases obviously differ, each must deal with exactly seven continents and water being H2O.

Instead, learning differentials arise because students experience very different teaching methods and are evaluated using entirely different criteria. So, for example, a local examination board will typically ask a mathematics student to name the inventor of logarithms whereas an ‘O’-level student must actually use logarithms to solve some problem. The modern world expects students to reason their way through a question, not parrot facts.

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Second: It is false that a hefty dose of piety will somehow equalise students of Aitchison College and your run-of-the-mill neighbourhood school. The legendary Mahmood and Ayyaz prayed in the same suff (prayer line) and established a commonality without ending their master-slave relationship. Similarly, rich and poor schools will remain worlds apart unless equalised through school infrastructure, well-trained teachers, high quality textbooks and internet access. How the needed resources will be generated is anybody’s guess. Under the PTI, defence is the only sector seeing increases instead of cuts.

Third: It is false that school systems belonging to the modern world can be brought onto the same page as madressahs. Modern education rests squarely upon critical thinking, and success/failure is determined in relation to problem solving and worldly knowledge. Madressah education goals are important but different. They seek a more religiously observant student and a better life after death. Understandably, critical thinking is unwelcome.

While some madressahs now teach secular subjects like English, science and computers, this comes after much arm-twisting. Soon after 9/11, madressahs were spotlighted as terrorist breeding grounds. Musharraf’s government, beholden as it was to America, ordered them to teach secular subjects. Most rejected this outright but others were successfully pressurised. However, madressahs teach secular and religious subjects identically; reasoning is sparse and authoritarianism dominates.

While the new Class I-V SNC document also discusses secular subjects, much of this is pointless tinkering with the minutiae of teaching English, general knowledge, general science, mathematics and social studies. They are not accompanied by plausible plans for how the necessary intellectual or physical resources will be garnered and the plans implemented.

Still bigger changes are around the corner. The Punjab government has made teaching of the Holy Quran compulsory at the college and university level. Without passing the required examination no student will be able to get a BA, BSc, BE, ME, MA, MSc, MPhil, PhD or medical degree. Even the Zia regime did not have such blanket requirements. To get a university teaching job in the 1980s, you had to name all the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and recite some difficult religious passages such as Dua-i-Qunoot. Still, students could get degrees without that. That option is now closed.

Starkly inferior to their counterparts in Iran, India and Bangladesh, Pakistani students perform poorly in all international science and mathematics competitions. Better achievers are invariably from the elite ‘O’-/‘A’-level stream. More worrying is that most students are unable to express themselves coherently and grammatically in any language, whether Urdu or English. They have stopped reading books.

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Significantly, as yet the PTI’s new education regime is mum on how it will advance its goal of closing a huge skill deficit. So poor is the present quality of technical and vocational institutes that private employers must totally retrain the graduates. That’s why private-sector industrial growth is small and entire state enterprises, such as PIA and Pakistan Steel Mills, have collapsed. Pakistan’s space programme flopped but Iran has just put a military satellite into orbit and India is well on the way to Mars.

Empowered by the 18th Amendment, Pakistan’s provinces should vigorously resist the regressive plan being thrust upon the nation by ideologues that have usurped power in Islamabad. Else Pakistan will end up as the laughing stock of South Asia, left behind even by Arab countries. Pakistan’s greatest need — and its single greatest failure — is its tragic failure to impart essential life skills to its citizens. To move ahead, the priority should be to educate rather than score political points.

Pervez Hoodbhoy teaches physics in Lahore and Islamabad. Views are personal.

The article was first published in Dawn.

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  1. Absolutely, the writer is a secular minded stooge, who has no authority to have say what kind of curriculum should be taught in pakistani schools. IK govt should be lauded for a phenomenal step of unifying the educational curriculum in the nation.

  2. Hoodhoy is today’s Kortuglu, he is not truly Secular, he is abbigot and always shows his hatred towards Islam and Islamic education.

  3. The write has no idea what he is writing. However it exposed the thinking outside of Pakistan how scarred people are with the improvement in Pakistan

  4. Being a non Muslim we can feel his interest in Islamophobia. He should leave Pakistan a country created in the name of Muslim Religion.

  5. This writer seems to be a puppet of islamophobists.
    Only by promoting islam we can get rid of our miseries.And l think every step taken in this regard should be fully supported

  6. wow.. seriously Print? never expected this low level of extremist article. who’s running the print now? Yogi? ? I will never trust a single word from print. now.

  7. Pervez hoodbhoy,

    The nation knows IK and you as well. Dont ever try to instill poison in the minds of youth as they wont take it at all.

  8. Mr Hoodbhoy is also extremist of left wing he always oppose the Islamic National values. He is playing in the hand of enimies of Islam and Pakistan.
    If any Islamic or National move is adopted by any ruler he and other like him become anxious.
    For us as a Muslim we must follow Islam for which this country Pakistan was come into being whether this move started by Zia or Imran.

  9. Hoodbhoy is an atheist. He has been Pakistan bashing for too long. The fact is the world has too many academics. There are too many people holding degrees but can do nothing with it. The fact is we need better human beings with compassion and an eye on creating harmony and peace. That is not going to come from academics. We need to spread the field with skills. Unfortunately the Physicists and such like claim an elitism.,many of whom are atheists. We spend billions going into space but human beings are starving on earth. Education on a tertiary level is beyond the reach of most. There is a huge disparity in the wealth gap. All these afflictions of the human self needs to be addressed, therefore a balanced education that can bring to the fore good human beings together with decent education is much needed. Religion that teaches compassion and values are essential

  10. Pakistan has an identity and origin crisis.

    It was carved out of Bharat during partition but Pakistani are taught and almost all of them believe the foundation of it was laid by Mohammad bin qasim.

    He was an Arab rapist, plunderer and murderer who brought mayhem to sindh.

    The current inhabitant of Sindh who look like bharat extoll this Arab fellow and celebrate him knowing fully well he killed, plundered, raped their ancestors.

    They look like bhartiya, eat like bhartiya but call themselves arabs.

  11. Pakistan taking precautionary measures to counter Hindutva Terrorist Ideology , but writer have no Idea what he wrote i think

  12. Pervaz hoodbye and daily Pakistan are openly opposing a system which brings you near Islam and still you are true lover of Islam and his prophet pbuh. You do not need to look for Hippocrates.

  13. I has had proposed one system of education in Pakistan to IK and others, to break through the barrier of many education systems . Core objective was bring it to international level, inculcate thinking from start, and increase flexibility.
    The method to deliver was e-learning with continuous updating of content of every subject at all class levels with recorded lectures to overcome teacher shortage, school building shortage, and e-examination every month and every quarter instead of once a year old exam purely focused on memory mechanism. Concept was delivery over internet where same content would broadcast for different levels from Class 1 to 12,
    It seems this writing is most critical basically against introduction of religious values to the youth and is totally out of place as religious values does not curtain but expands the minds in every society in the world. Don’t forget God’s Devine instructions want you to explore and not contain your minds as was done by all previous systems specifically imported British imported system. We want our generations to explore the universe breaking the old education barriers imposed.
    I can have a open debate with the writer. Bottom line is develop 18000+ lectures with latest content for ALL lectures from language to social studies, mathematics to sciences, including the Islamic teachings, to focus on humanity and equality for all as expected in Islam like other religions.
    Let’s not criticize just for criticism sake.

  14. In science keep the same terminology. Please don’t try to change it. If to acceleration you will give the urdu name of israh and so on. Then you will destroy our students. But if acceleration will remain acceleration, velosity will remain velosity, only then teaching in Mother language will be an advantage. Our urdu medium is so backward because the education adventurer have invented a new term in urdu for every scientific terminology.

  15. Poor and Pro India article. The PM is trying to develop the country and needs the support of his people and the media to spread his progressive movement. Let him be!

  16. The writer has no idea what so ever on education. Comparing 1-5th grade with O-lvls. Totally out of question. 1-5 grades are ment to focus more on morality and character building rather then science. Education is imparted step by step not all at the same time.

  17. The writers seems to be paid by Jews/Christians Looby to humiliate and denigrate the 80% of Population of OUR GREAT MOTHERLAND!

  18. Parveez hoodboy always being the one with the anti state narrative to show the negatives (self proclaimed) he himself is an atomic energy scientist and his words and views perfectly show how illiterate he is at mind. Using good vocabulary doesn’t help parveez half the world can speak that way. Learn to give facts not just fulfil the needs of the RAW officals on who’s payroll you bullshit your own nation. Grow up!

  19. this idiot writer is an extremist himself self propogating the false message that pakistanis perform poor in mathematics

  20. Keep your views to yourself Mr., your article is totally absurd and serves no purpose. By the Grace of Allah Almighty we are heading in the right direction Inn Shaa Allah things will be better day by day, be optimistic don’t be so pessimistic.
    If our priority is Allah Subhan Wa Ta’ala and teachings of Khatim Un Nabieen Mohammed PBUH the worldly education will not be a difficult task I know many brilliant Engineers who started with religious education first and than pursued to engineering and technical education.

  21. The opinion writer himself is poised against Pakistan Imran Khan is brining out the country from the class system to have same curriculum all over the country, writer has no any idea about Pakistan education system, however, his only concern is to spread negative news against Pakistan.

  22. “and recite some difficult religious passages such as Dua-i-Qunoot.”

    Shocking, since when did that became a difficult Dua to memorize/recite? Every Muslim who has ever prayed the ‘Wittar’ prayer during Issha prayers, has to recite it towards the end of the third rukku.

    This gives us a glimpse in to the so-called ‘huge volume of religious material…’ Imran’s govt (in writer’s opinion) is about to introduce in to Pakistani Educational system. This is why, he did not provide much details in to the actual text/changes being introduced but at the same time made it look like the end of this world stuff!

  23. I agree with Karan”s comment. Sorry but Prof. Pervez Hoodhboy has to stop selling himself as the ultimate in everything. Many don’t share his pessimistic and fatalistic views

    There is no society without its share of issues and all solutions are not final or ultimate. Pessimistic’s selling doomsday scenarios are part of the problem and not the solution

  24. “and recite some difficult religious passages such as Dua-i-Qunoot.”

    Shocking, since when did that became a difficult Dua to memorize/recite? Every Muslim who has ever prayed the ‘Wittar’ prayer during Issha prayers, has to recite it towards the end of the third rukku.

    This gives us a glimpse in to the so-called ‘huge volume of religious material…’ Imran’s govt (in writer’s opinion) is about to introduce in to Pakistani Educational system. This is why, he did not provide much details in to the actual text/changes being introduced but at the same time made it look like the end of this world stuff!

  25. The writer is completely bias. He has lack of common sense. May Allah bless Imran khan and Pakistan- from Bangladesh.

  26. No references, an opinionated article rather than one based on facts, no solid comparison chart, bias that’s almost palpable and undermining Madrassa Teachers. Poor journalism at its finest.

  27. Yes, you are damn right. Our whole country is converting into a religious institution. Over 70 years we have been trying how to be more religious every day and all we have seen is deterioration of situation not just on religious fronts but on every other walk of life. Generals are eating the country like a termite and the whole country is becoming a military colony. Religion has failed to change the fate of the country since its inception and wont make it any better going down the road. It has only brought radicalism, sectarian violence, intolerance, talibanization and so called jihadism, We need a different system that actually works for this country we love so much. Otherwise, we are heading towards a chaos that only benefits powerful people.

  28. Typical deplorable and poorly written opinion that shows Hindutva fascists mentality. I feel sad for such sick minded people in India society.

  29. Typical deplorable and poorly written opinion that shows Hindutva fascists mentality. I feel sad for such sick minded people in India, RSS thugs are all over the place and poisoning the society.

  30. Seems like Indian “media” is mostly a mouth piece for hindutva fascists…

    Which is more concerned with Pakistan’s education than Indian’s disastrous education system which already has been comprised by fascism….

  31. Yes. The writer himself is an extremist
    And he is against making Islamic teaching a part of our curriculum.

  32. یہ اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان ہے ہمارا حق بنتا ہے کہ ہم اسے اسلامی تعلیمات کے مطابق چلایے، نہ کہ ہندتوا یا یہودیت کے طرز پر، اور مجھے نہیں لگتا کہ تم اسلام پسند ہوں بلکہ مجھے تو تم انتہا پسند لبرل اور کمیونسٹ لگتے ہو. It is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, we have the right to follow it in Islamic teachings, not in the way of Hinduism or Judaism, and I don’t think you are an Islamist, but I think you are a radical liberal and communist.

  33. Ha… This write up is a piece of shit. Focus on our issues we have within India. We pay more attention to cows then women in India also represent fascists mentality we have.

  34. Pakistan is an Islamic republic. It has all rights to provide madarasa education to its stakeholders. US is a Christian state. All 52 states have their on school education board. Majority of them are dominated by church. Theory if evolution is not taught to students. Even they are told sun revolves around earth. But citizen has no grudge.

  35. Unfortunately Mr. Pervaiz always come up with an opinion excessively declined and refuted by the majority of his readers. His narrative is based on his own anti Islamic agenda.
    Sorry to see publishers giving him space to speak irrelevance .


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