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My camera had ‘evidence’ of Babri Masjid demolition, but it was consigned to bin of history

I know what I saw on 5 December 1992, in Ayodhya. My camera was witness to the rehearsal that was undertaken by the kar sevaks.

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The special CBI court’s verdict in the Babri Masjid demolition case has brought an end to a 28-year-old chapter of my life. I only wish it had been authored differently, and that the end had not left me confused.

As a photojournalist with The Pioneer, I know what I saw on 5 December 1992 in Ayodhya. My Canon (camera) was witness to the rehearsal that was undertaken by the kar sevaks and I had guarded the negatives like my babies, all through the years. I was scared that the slightest of moisture would destroy the negatives wrapped in polythene. My Canon was witness to everything — my pictures proving beyond doubt that the demolition of the Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992 was a calculated, meticulously planned exercise.

I was positive on my ‘negatives’

I remember the stinging slap my wife gave me, on a winter day many years ago, when our house was ransacked by robbers. While she had shed tears for the jewellery that the robbers had taken away, I had rushed in to see whether my negatives were safe. That’s how precious they were to me.

All I am left with now, after years of numerous court appearances, is confusion, questions and the dilemma of how to make sense of my depositions in the court of special CBI judge Surendra Kumar Yadav, and my interactions with him.

Also read: Why Babri Masjid judgment and Hathras gang rape case are examples of inadequate justice

A day before the verdict

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020, a day before the verdict was to be given, I woke up at 3:30 am to catch an early morning flight to Lucknow with ThePrint’s senior assistant editor Ananya Bhardwaj.

We landed in Lucknow, and headed straight to Surendra Yadav’s chambers, only to be told that the chances of getting an interview with him were between slim and non-existent. His security initially refused to even pass on my visiting card to him, telling us he was busy. He doesn’t have the time to even talk to his wife, let alone answer the phone or entertain pesky journalists, we were told. But I persisted and requested his security to at least hand over my visiting card to the judge. Minutes later, we were ushered in.

Happy to see us, Yadav was gracious enough to give us some exclusive time. He told us how he had been burning the midnight oil, studying the voluminous evidence and writing the judgment.

Kar sevaks queue up with hammers and pickaxes on 5 December 1992 | Photo: Praveen Jain

He also surprised me by producing a business card that I had given him about two years ago when I was working with The Indian Express. He took it out of his wallet to show me. I was humbled to know he remembered me.

Also read: Babri case gave me sleepless nights, glad it reached its logical conclusion, judge Yadav says

The judgment day

The next morning, on 30 September — the day the verdict was to be announced — Yadav gave us some more exclusive time as he called us over to his residence, before leaving for court. We met and chatted with his family, who also told us how hard the judge had been working on the case. We were offered ladoos when Yadav learnt it was my birthday. The family, too, wished me well.

I had the opportunity to click a few pictures of him — the candid brief moments as we followed his car on the way to the court. Memories of the time spent in court appearances flooded my mind. Yadav had presided over the hearings when defence lawyers had gone out of their way to discredit and humiliate me. They had called me a fake photographer who was out to make a quick buck. Yadav had been witness to all those moments and my old visiting card in his wallet was, for me, proof of my professional standing. I had felt validated by that one gesture of him. It had filled me with hope. A hope that India would be redeemed of that 6 December stain, when the composite fabric of our country was shredded by a perilous political campaign.

Minutes later, he announced the judgment, dismissing my pictures, among others, by pointing to a lack of evidence, and ruled that the demolition wasn’t planned, acquitting all 32 accused in the case. My work had not passed muster in the eyes of the judge. My negatives, for all their worth, were consigned to the bin of history by the judgment.

Praveen Jain is the National Photo Editor of ThePrint. He had covered the demolition of the Babri Masjid and was a witness in its criminal case. Views are personal.

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  1. Mr/Ms SJ: You pontificate:

    “.. Even though we all know someone destroyed the Masjid, we don’t know who to hold accountable. This is not a failure of justice, it is simply the failure of the prosecution ..”

    Well, you do have a very high opinion of the Indian judiciary and its independence don’t you ? So let us look at some cases:

    Manu Sharma, son of Congress leader Venod Sharma shoots bartender Jessica Lal in 1999. When the case comes up to the Trial Court in 2006, evidence is destroyed, witnesses turn hostile and Sharma walks free. A media outcry later forces the Supreme Court to convict him.

    In 1999, Sanjeev Nanda, scion of the powerful Nanda family drives his BMW over 6 persons, including 3 policemen and kills them. Nanda was acquitted in 1999 but a later retrial awards him 2 years + community service. Again, the evidence was destroyed by Nanda.

    Participated and led the 2002 riots in Naroda Patiya but was not convicted. A Tehelka sting operation (ref: shows him bragging about setting fire to Muslim men, women and children and relishing it. Bajrangi also says that he escaped prosecution because then CM Modi changed judges such that he was let off. Convicted finally in 2012 to life imprisonment, Babu Bajrangi is out on bail.

    A gynaecologist who shredded her Hippocratic oath, Kodnani was one of the many instigators of the violence against Muslims, indeed her own constituents in Naroda Patiya in 2002. Kodnani, despite her bloody credentials, was made Minister of Women and Child Developement by then CM Modi. She was convicted in 2012 and sentenced to life imprisonment. Needless to say, the judge herself received death threats from Hindutva forces. And needless to say, in 2018, with the BJP in power, Dr Kodnani has been acquitted.

    To the above list, I can add Narendra Modi, Jayalalitha, Karunanidhi, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Amit Shah and a host of other powerful and well connected politicians who could NEVER be prosecuted. Witnesses will turn hostile, evidence will vanish and the prosecution will not do its job.

    And people like you will then say:

    “.. This is not a failure of justice, it is simply the failure of the prosecution ..”

    As the noted author Jonathan Swift said:

    “”Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through”

  2. When his ( Praveen) are personal, how Mint ascribed / stamped it as Criminal case.

    This itself shows the Hindu biased mental of the Mint ???

  3. Humey to apno ne loota ..!gairo main kaha dum tha .!apni kashti wahi doobi .!jaha pyar karne walo ka hujoom tha..!

    Ap ko pata hai woh lootery kon hai

    1. Mazhab ke naam pe hindustan ko bantne waley!..
    2. History ko dobara dohrane wale
    3. Insaniyat ke dushman.
    4. Nafrat dilon mein dalne waley.
    5. Apne hi ghar mein aag lagane wale.

    Romain Rolland once said about India:
    If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.

    Hum kahan jarahe hain? Jagoooo

  4. The judicial system needs a clear revamp. It is poor and is not for common man and never will be. If court were to pronounce the judgement when the issue was in budding stage… would have well prevented all the Karsevasa and demolition. It is so poor even after verdict they delayed this judgement.Is Judiciary a piller of democracy ?No.,it is hunging on heaps of dung… a clear loose platform and hence the common man trust is lost.

  5. बंद करो प्रवीण भाई। कब तक तुम उसी पुरानी ठंडी सड़ी कहानी पर वीणा बजाओगे।अब तक इस पर पैसा कमाया, क्या यह पर्याप्त नहीं है।

  6. Why arw there so many who just wants a hindu rashtra rather than a secular one.. Why camt all humans flesh and blood stay together in peace! Why all these negativism n hatred in men’s minds… People are commenting rudely without even reflecting upon it! No thoughts or brain put into it! Just pure primal and soo primitive emotions! So much hatred and vengeance n poison in everyone’s minds… All these will bring our own defeat! Dat day wont be too far!

      • Ms Yamuna Potukuchi:

        Those members of the other community you allude to and who think differently viz. Muslims have moved to Pakistan. And the state they constructed on the basis of Islam broke apart in less than 3 decades with E.Pakistan splitting to become Bangladesh in 1971. The rump that remains – the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – is a failed state that is fighting many internal battles along ethnic, language and sectarian lines.

        History shows that religion is seldom successful in nation-buiding. Pakistan is still unable to define who a Muslim is – an activity they have been trying since 1947. And mind you, Islam is a fairly newish and relatively more codified religion compared to the infinitely more complex and very heterogeneous Hinduism.

        And then you need to answer another question: If Hindus can have a Hindu Rashtra, can’t Sikhs have a Khalistan? Do you expect Sikhs to believe in the RSS nonsense that since Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism are “indic” religions, they will be treated on par with Hindus?
        “A well Wisher” hits the nail on the head when he says:

        “hatred and vengeance n poison in everyone’s minds… All these will bring our own defeat”

        Toying with the secular Constitution will break up India – Pakistan is ample example of the dismal failure of religion in nation building.

  7. This story is so full of “negatives” that it comes across as a positive lie.
    There are pictures(positives from negatives that other photographers developed) showing the head of the pejawar matha Sri VishweswaraThirtha… then a much younger person placating the sevaks not to take to vandalism… in an interview a few years b4 he passed he clearly mentioned that he was called to ayodhya while he was on his way to haridwar… by narasimharao to help with the possibilities of protests in that area…
    Well India and Indians have had enough of this pressure cooker conditions… Mr negative photographer… and your “Print”…
    Newton’s law naturally takes over not artificial pseudo peace mongering…

  8. “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful”.

    So said, Seneca the Younger, ancient Roman philosopher.

    The Babri Masjid / Ram Mandir saga and the importance attached to this soap opera whilst many other more pressing, critical and existential threats confronting India have been brushed under the carpet by the BJP & its Hindutva validates the observation of Seneca the Younger.

    Truly mind-boggling that Indians, even educated ones seem to have forgotten the worsening COVID crisis, Chinese military threats and capture of Indian territory, the looming economic catastrophe, the increase in violent crimes against women, the growing numbers of people who go hungry, the devastated informal economy, farmer suicides and rural distress and so on. Amazing that bigots like Adityanath, Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, Seshadri Chari and other Hindutva ideologues are clearly able to control the masses of Vishwa Guru Bharath through religious nonsense. And even educated Indian fall into this trap and become errand boys for this ideology !

  9. Maybe justice Yadav has been offered a rajya sabha post and later a CM post in UP same like Gogoi of Assam ,hence all the ruckus happened.

  10. There are enormous ancient temple got destroyed lying as proofs in front of eyes no one cares. Why should people care about this negative or pictures

  11. As a good enough to judge photographer & Cinematographer I feel like Indian justice system was already powerless and things like religion is very hard to debate about even in court because our country is a mixed religion country and everyone who is not selfish tries to keep the peace of the people but since not all people are like those good guys you can always expect religious extremists from all religion to try and take advantage of that weak justice system and the weak mindset of the masses also doesn’t matter whether the guy did provide the evidence through his photographs because at that point no lawyer or judge will even consider to talk about such a sensitive case that too with risk on their own head I mean we all know what kind of manipulative, life threatening people are present in our country. Also for everyone I am a Muslim that lives a life of an Atheist practically meaning I don’t believe in the existence of Allah or Gods regardless but have not left the religion because my parents will feel bad about my decision.

  12. MR.JAIN.
    Iwish you maintain this enthusiasm since it pertains.What will be your position when all Jain mandirs alongwith the statues of thirtankaras are destroyed in India .May be you may not be there.But it is sure to happen.Defenitely it will happen as it happened in Afghanistan where the Talibans destroyed world famous Buddha statues in full view of the world.Be a little grateful to Hindus because of whom your community is living for centuries.
    After all it was a dilapidated masjid constructed on a Shiva temple.,There was no loss of life .I would have appreciated if you had covered the mayhem of 6 lakh pundits in Kashmir or the recent demolitions of Hindu temples in Andhra Prafesh.

  13. अयोध्या तो बस झांकी है
    काशी मथुरा के बाद जामा मस्जिद बाकी है

  14. Where was your Abbuu’s camera when Babars were urinating on and soiling up this Holy land of Indians ? All rot in India only.

  15. Where there is Firoun, there will be Musa!

    Every sould shall taste death!

    May Almighty give hidayah to the good people, and let He seal the hearts of the evil.

  16. If Ayodhya verdict was pronounced early demolition incident by kar sevaks would not have happened and by order of the court the encroachment would have been removed.

  17. You were given an audience at his Chamber and at home asper your own words. That is very rare. Any judge at that moment of extreme tense situation would avoid meeting anybody. That is presumed to be a purely private affair. You, alas, failed to keep it a private affair and should have shown the greatness of not publicising the encounter. should the judge have gone your way in delivering a judgement you would like and what you want to convey of Meeting you with your business card? You are trying to influence him for a judgement of your liking?

  18. You’re a certified idiot, Mr. Jain. Lord knows you should be stuck down by lightning! Wonder where you studied journalism (if you have studied at all)? The article reeks of immaturity and novice writing! Goodness, one would think “The Print” is looking for people to work for the sewers! And why would they not? After all, “The Print” seems to have spawned from the sewers too!

    • Mr Nishith Mysore Kumar:

      One notes that whilst you are good at hurling abuse, one also notes that you are incapable of formulating a cogent argument. So pray tell us what is wrong with the article. Facts that dispute the claims of your Godse worshipping Hindutva buddies are hard to swallow perhaps ?

      Quite obvious who is wallowing in the gutters. It is not the author of the article Mr Jain or the Print.

      • What is wrong is that the part about meeting the judge has no relevance to the judgment or this article. Just because the judge entertained you or remembered you, doesn’t mean he will pass the judgment in your favour for your goodwill.

        • “.. meeting the judge has no relevance to the judgment or this article ..”

          On that I fully agree Mr/Ms SJ.

          But it also shows that judges meet people who are parties to a case outside the courts, something that should be a strict NO NO. The independence of Indian judiciary has steadily eroded it is now a secretariat to the ruling party, carrying out the instructions of the ruling party. A glorified kangaroo court.

  19. Praveen Jain , please let go this past of yours and move ahead in life. There is still good opportunities for photo journalism. Gadey murdey kyon ukhadte ho. Write things which might be relevant today. Yeh ghisi piti baat ko lekar bar bar rona band karo. Koi nai baat karo bhai.

  20. Even if it true the opponents Ram Temple at Ayodhya had been trying to deny justice to majority Hindus for last 100 years so there’s nothing wrong. Further it is Hindu rashtra for centuries but was made secular by pseudo secular parties by emotional fraud so it is correction of historical blunders considering what happened to non Hindus who remained in Pakistan after partition. Mathura as well as Kashi temple should be freed at the earliest to correct Historic blunders without harming converted Muslims

    • Mr A S Jorwekar: You pontificate:

      “.. it is correction of historical blunders considering what happened to non Hindus who remained in Pakistan after partition ..”

      Since when did the failing state of Pakistan become the template for India Mr Jorwekar? Duly noted that you are not only a great admirer of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan but also want to turn India into a Hindu Pakistan.

      Pathetic Mr Jorwekar !

  21. Achha story line tha but fake publicity ka koi faida nahi hai. Stop discrimination Stop it get some help before it’s too late. U r not greater than supreme court justice. That masjid was built purpose fully infront of Ram mandir can’t u see are u blind. Accept the fact
    Stop spreading toxic. Have some shame as journalists

  22. Waste of time and energy on a lost cause. Anyway the mosque was old and dilapidated. The Karsevaks just brought down something that existed in their minds. The verdict was too funny though.


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