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HomeOpinionWhy foreign media loves anti-BJP, champagne socialists as columnists

Why foreign media loves anti-BJP, champagne socialists as columnists

Op-eds of The New York Times, The Washington Post, Gulf News, The Guardian and others are mostly written by Modi-hating Indians like Rana Ayyub and Swati Chaturvedi.

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BJP-ruled India has an op-ed shaped global problem. Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, his domestic critics have found new shores to launch their attacks from. These include The Washington Post, The New York Times, Gulf News, The Guardian, and Foreign Affairs, among others.

The problem has only deepened in the Modi government’s second term wherein the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the dilution of Article 370 revoking Jammu and Kashmir’s special status were enacted.

So, why is it that only a certain point of view gets aired in allegedly “liberal” bastions like The New York Times? Or only negative stories about India make it to The Guardian? Why is it that The Washington Post’s standards of proof and fact-checking required for Indian claims of hitting Balakot in Pakistan are never applied in case of its star columnist Rana Ayyub, who has yet to produce a shred of proof for anything she has written so far?

Also read: US politician Tulsi Gabbard calls out Rana Ayyub for tweeting ‘misinformed’ article

The binding factor

The default choice of the Western liberal media is so pronouncedly anti-Modi government that it is easy to dismiss them as writers of fiction in India. It’s not like the Indian press asks author J.K. Rowling to talk about Britain or Maya Angelou the US economy. But the British and American media do ask Booker awardees Aravinda Adiga and Arundhati Roy to comment on India.

The reasons, as usual, are multi-causal and complex.

The Washington Post, for example, is spoilt for choice. Almost all the think tanks are within a 2-km radius of the newspaper’s K Street headquarters in Washington DC. They can seek out op-eds by Jeff Smith at the Heritage Foundation, Ashley Tellis at Carnegie, Dhruva Jaishankar at Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Sameer Lalwani at Stimson Center, Richard Rossow at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – all of whom will be less than a 20-minute walk away. These people are classified as serious experts on topics ranging from the Indian economy to Indian nuclear weapons. Yet, the newspaper’s star interpreter of India is Rana Ayyub. Why?

The answer is simple. Few of those outside the policy circle have heard of Jeff, Ashley, Dhruva, Sameer or Richard. Their precision and nuance are for the technically minded — they can’t and won’t dumb it down to suit the prism of the country club liberals and the enraged masses. Rana Ayyub, on the other hand, will — even the Supreme Court had rejected her book Gujarat Files – Anatomy of a Cover­ Up, which an NGO seeking further probe into Haren Pandya murder case had relied upon, by saying it was “based upon surmises, conjectures, and suppositions”. But as long as Rana Ayyub can bring the clicks to their site, she’ll always be more valuable than any serious analyst.

Also read: In Rana Ayyub, the White West has found its next Arundhati Roy

The working gang of the foreign press

There’s a reason movies do better than documentaries. The state of journalism is such that no one gets as excited by facts as they do by yarns and sharp, polarising opinions. That’s why digital media needs people like Rana Ayyub and Swati Chaturvedi. Many of them have formidable social media following, which always helps bring web traffic.

One test is to see how many of their articles are published in the print version of the newspapers they write for. The second point is the way publications pick columnists, which isn’t driven by the salience or substance of the authors’ arguments. The dirty secret of the publishing trade is that organisations choose someone they are socially and politically compatible with in this age of hyper partisanship.

If you’re a member of the Italian Cultural Centre or the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Delhi or if you are just waltzing by Khan Market, you’ll often find the NYT, WaPo, Guardian, WSJ correspondents hanging out there. Invariably, they are influenced by the likes of Rana Ayyub, Arundhati Roy, and Pankaj Mishra. These foreign journalists don’t want answers; they seek validation of their pre-existing views. Much of this has to do with the social dynamics of Delhi where White people slot themselves into a social strata that would be well outside their station back home — not unlike British cockney colonels who suddenly found themselves catapulted to hunting with maharajas in India.

Also read: You can’t cancel Modi, RSS: Why US-style identity politics won’t help Indian liberals’ fight

Left’s permanent struggle with narrative

The champagne socialists’ unmistakable feature is that once it crowns you as a legitimate voice, it starts promoting you socially and economically as well. The champagne socialist influencers amplify the ‘Left voice’ by sharing articles written by other like-minded authors, so that the ecosystem continues to flourish. This lobby consists of status quoists who now feel dispossessed by the Modi administration and the only tool to fight back is a full-scale narrative hijack. This is where foreign publications and their op-eds come in, fighting the diplomatic war against India in cahoots with the desi Left.

There are two aspects to this narrative hijack — and none seems to be working for the Indian Left. The first is the global hyper partisanship and the near simultaneous collapse of the centre brought on by social media. Be it the US, the UK or India, social media has essentially taken us back to the Athenian Agora period when Socrates was condemned to drink hemlock. There is no room for nuance or building bridges, and the extreme viewpoint invariably seizes the narrative. The second factor further disturbed the Left’s narrative game — the emergence of leaders such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Narendra Modi on the Right. For these leaders, the more extreme the virtue signalling, the easier the election contest, which I have written about earlier. In a way, The New York Times and The Washington Post are ensuring Modi’s re-elections by such strident content — a classic case of the path to hell being paved with good intentions.

Let’s be clear, though. In this day and age, there is no money for serious research. Falling media revenue means that cheaper opinions will always be prioritised over expensive facts. Here, the yarn spinner always wins. The only one who gets carried away by this drama is the gullible public. Media outlets and their agent provocateurs regard this template as a cash cow, while the targeted politicians love it — the more media outlets publish such voices, the more votes they get. It’s a classic win-win situation that suits everyone.

The author is a senior fellow at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. He tweets @iyervval. Views are personal.

This article has been updated to reflect changes about authors who write for foreign media.

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  1. Grreat article! Exactly the reason why so called liberal hyphenated news outlets are losing credibility for so many people. And then they are surprised why so many people do not trust them.

  2. Hello Killi Jolsiya uncle, I am a hindutva supporter and in love with fascism. Adolph and Benito are my biggest heroes and I want oppress minorities like them. I want to establish Brahmanism and Hindu supremacy. I also want the constitution to be replaced by Manusmriti. I want your views on it and also ask your help to complete my ambition. Jai fascistvaad 卐 jai hindutva 卐

  3. Hindutva people are the biggest jokers and clowns this country has ever produced. Whatever nonsense and lies yall spew won’t change my mind. Yall are a scared, slimy and cowardly bunch of people. Constantly complaining about Islamic invasions that happened 400 years ago because yall were too useless to defend yourselves. That’s the hard truth whether yall like it or not. It’s very easy to act tough now when you have the mob and government behind you. And don’t hide behind some made up pre islamic Hindu glory like Vedic aviation unless yall want to start a career in comedy. Hindus are good and peaceful people but hindutva has put their name in the mud by basing its platform on lies and deceit. Call me a jihadi, pakistani whatever lies you want but it’s not gonna erase the truth.

    • My stupid blogger….You have wasted too much time on hindus….Hope u have the will & courage to learn something evil intentions of islamic or muslim invasion of the other communities in India….It’s easy for you to bark against majority hindus in India but look at the arrogant and stupid intentions of muslim minority in india…..Forget about india, after covid19 the world has acknowledged islamic drama globally…..Except u….U seem to be supporter of half boiled egg like Raul Vinci or tukde tukde gang…..I hope u understand…..So better come out of the illusion that india is pro congie…..liberandos like u have been exposed and now have been shown the exit door……

      • In your reply you have used the following :-
        1) attacking your opponent instead of his argument.
        2) giving so many arguments that opponent isn’t able to answer them all.
        3) dismissing your opponent on the basis that he is from a different group of people.
        4) making a totally logical argument into a emotional argument.
        All of these are the ways not used by the wise looking for truth but idiots who are looking out for themselves as these makes the entire argument meaningless which means argument can’t continue in any meaningful direction and while wise people sometimes unintentionally use these ways to win an argument the amount used in this argument suggests that you intentionally used them and thus proven you are a stupid person.

  4. We keep hearing crap like “Nazi”, “fascist” et al. India has absolutely nothing to do with that. That’s entirely on Europe and Christians. India’s history has Islamic invasions and British and Portuguese colonialism, not Nazis. Irrelevant.

  5. kili josiyar (translated : parrot card reader (a la tarot) – has all the time in the world going over(key)board posting against every other post…may be he/she is getting something out of this exercise… 🙂 🙂
    btw there is an old interview (pre 2014) where the swati mentioned in these comments is seen going similarly overboard in her adulation of Mr Modi…almost entreating him to tell the world that he is gonna be the next PM of India…
    it can be safely said for all those who take sides with those who call themselves journalists and create these tirades in western web pages/paper pages that nobody takes them seriously… they come they rant and they go…repeat loop. GDP, Jobs, agrarian discontent, education, poverty …these are just labels that they keep chucking around senselessly… because they have no idea what they are talking about… @ home we have phds in “cinema studies” and “African studies” (whatever these areas of study involve!!! ) complaining loudly that there are no jobs… how in the world can so many students of these sort of studies get jobs ? and when they start talking about GDP… GST… FDI… it is plain they have no idea what they are talking… and there are 🙂 🙂 all over…
    Bro…dude…whoever… we in india have learnt to switch off when we hear the following: 1. narrative…2. the devil is in the details…3. two wrongs do not make it right…4. persecution complex… 5. stop this Whataboutery… 6. get out of your echo chambers… and the list only grows with each SM minute…
    We now live with many people’s ignorance… misinterpretation … some peoples’ award winning indlish literature… ha ha laughable stuff… may be now america and these indians who write for american outlets should give someone(from India that is – bollywood preferably) the Oscar for some sort of movie related action… direction… music… anything… then a billion ears and eyes will start taking this “commentariat” (that’s a new word ready to switch me off) seriously… oh…what a waste of time…

    • Jaya avargale: Romba Romba thanks for the comment and the special attention given to me ! I am flattered !

      I tried very hard to comprehend what message you were trying to get across through your comment. But I must admit that I had to give up – even though I know what GDP, jobs, poverty and so on are. Perhaps I may not have opened as many books as erudite people like you might have. But nonetheless, reading your comment makes me want to cite you:

      “..what a waste of time ..”

      PS: Thanks for explaining my pseudonym to the many gaurakshaks from the “chappathi belt” who probably have been left vigorously scratching the groins trying to make sense of it

  6. Nailed it . But the foreign media is choosing this Islamist and radical left because it’s suits there bias and propaganda and not for getting hits in India

  7. Many Hindutva espousing, gaurakshak supporting, Modi-can-never-be-wrong breed of commenters here assume that since Indian media is largely a paid media, that would apply to media everywhere in the world. And that journalists who write in prestigious publications like the New York Times, The Guardian, The Economist etc. are of the same calibre as “journalists” like Arnab Goswami and his Hindutva spewing ilk. Far from true.

    Facts on the ground create news. Journalists report these facts and attempt to relate it to a relevant context. No smoke without fire that is. As a long time reader of these English language publications as well as many French and Scandinavian publications, I am pretty certain that India’s image is largely created by India’s political class. And often, by their lumpen, violent underbellies. No amount of obsfucating can hide the fact that lynching of Muslims by gaurakshaks and other thuggish organisations allied with the BJP such as Bajrang Dal, Hindu Yuva Vahini, Vishwa Hindu Parishad is a fact in India. It can’t be made to disappear.

    Sometime ago, another illustrious Gujarathi called Morarji Desai proclaimed from every rooftop and every soapbox he could find that he drank his own urine. When he went to the US in the late 70s, the press had a field day reporting about the “Desai cola” – much to the embarrassment of Indians. Then as now, Indians were angry that India’s image was being tarnished by a hostile foreign media. And then as now, the press was merely reporting facts – kinky though they were !
    “Desai cola” has now been replaced by “cow cola” and Gandhian Morarji Desai has been replaced by anything-but-a-Gandhian Narendra Modi. When the PM and the BJP espouse, endorse and evangelise the Savarkarian and Golwalkarian ideology of hate called Hindutva, is it any surprise that the world outside takes notice of this?

    The PM, the BJP, Mr Abhijit Iyer-Mitra and the many commenters who blindly support violent Hindutva need to realise that outside India, in countries and platforms where serious journalism is the norm, there are no Arnab Goswamis to sing praises to the violent, vile ideology called Hindutva. That narrative is not under the PM’s control.

    But facts on the ground are very much under the control of PM Modi. He could have chosen to rein in hate-mongers like Adityanath, Tejaswi Surya, Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, Sadhvi Uma Bharthi and their ill. He could have stopped following murderous gaurakshaks on Twitter. He could have met the families of Muslim men lynched so brutally by the BJP ideology of hate. Alas, the PM chooses not to. So why blame the foreign media?

    • I may be wrong but u come across to me as a beef eating , hinduphobic, Malayali Christian, with heavy bias against hindus culture ,history ,herritage , and violently anti modi , and a selective cherry picker of incidents to suit his / her narrative and a rabid promoter of love jihad , rice bag conversion, terrorism , forced conversion of hindus , and annihilation of BJP RSS workers in Kerala , just because u take it Christianity too seriously and put it above nationalism , and ur religion has made u a frustrated ,mad bigot. Dont worry bro, we know Kerala will turn into a graveyard of hindus like Kashmir in future and u can celebrate a duopoly of Christians and Islamists in Kerala demography in future decades. I can demolish all ur bigoted ,one sided arguments (ramblings) of “Hindutva, golwalker, pm modi, lynching , BJP MPs , Arnab a bad journo” and other stuffs. But 1) I won’t waste my time in convincing a vile, racist , hateful brainwashed, hinduphobic bigot , who puts his religion above nation , reason or logic and loves his country getting tarnished by low IQ ,Liars like Rana ayub whose books gets rejected in SC and openly tweets lies, hate speech against hindus, viruent messages against India’s army majors . 2) Kerala is too small a state, which already is sinking into a hot bed of CATHOLIC ISLAMIC terrorism. In national context too it doesn’t matter much what a bigoted mallu has to spew against India or our pm. So keep ranting on comment section. U DONT MATTER.
      Before insulting hindutva or golwalker, remind urself what sort of lurid , dastardly incidents of rapes taking place in Catholic churches of Kerala followed by the plight of victims being threatened and arm twisted to stay quiet. So clean ur own mess first rapists. Then blabber on hinduism ,which u r too stupid and ill informed to talk about. And about lynchings, MORE HINDUS ARE GETTING LYNCHED BY MUSLIMS IN RECENT MONTHS, but media that u follow won’t report it. Yeah I can rattle off the list of victims in recent years, the latest being Rohit Jaiswl of Bihar being brutally slaughtered by MULLAS inside a new mosques . Couple that with incidents of stone pelting at Mandirs, hindu processions, targetted harassment of hindu girls, hindu households in muslim majority areas ,leading to forceful exodus of hindus in areas like Kairana , Malda etc. Also remember, how muslim cow smugglers have killed numerous cow rakshaks in North india. Ican keep giving specific examples WHERE MUSLIM EXTREMISTS targetted innocent hindu community in a whole range of events and incidents. But since u have brainwashed by one sided news papers u won’t accept.
      Hinduphobes like u don’t Have guts to utter a word against single source tabligis, single handedly responsible for COVID crisis (30% cases) . U r nothing but a scaredy cat pussy when it comes to speaking against”radical islamist” hell bent on fulfilling their dreams of a ghazwa. Finally if u believe Rana ayub ,someone whose book get trashed everywhere, who believes Kahmir is a contested territory, indian army are rapists,kashmiri terrorists are freedom fighters,POK is azaad Kashmir , CAA is anti muzzzlem and unconstitutional, Muslims of Kashmir were short changed by abrogation of Art 370 or Ram Mandir verdict BY SC was a “gift to hindutva mob” , then my friend, u may be indian by birth but really really , u r a obscured clueless uniformed prejudiced “ANTI NATIONAL”

        • Utsab made excellent points about Hindus/BJP workers/RSS workers killed in Kerala and elsewhere. And all you could come up with is a silly remark. Hindus are certainly victims, in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

        • Ha ha ha….Mr.mallu cola….Your kerala’s communists days are numbered….Bjp has entered in kerala and will win this election….And once bjp comes all of you and your jihad lover followers along with the ones joining terrorist organisation lives will be in trouble…..And this must happen to teach jihadi like u a good lesson….

      • Majority of christians in kerala are syrian christians they don’t proselytize or convert anyone by giving material benfits like some proestant denomination doing in other states. And what about rapes and sexual abuse by Saddhu’s, swami and hindu Baba’s. Buddist monks and musilm Imams. So if someone did something bad don’t say everyone are like the bad one. Whatever you written is completely wrong

    • The question is why is the foreign media so fascinated by this violence. And if they are going to be fascinated, at least show the Hindu victims of lynchings and riots. Oh and for Jolsiyar, India never had a very good image in the West. It was mostly poverty, starvation, squalor, injustice, inequality et al. So where is your remark about India losing its positive image coming from? There was no positive image, except among some highly sophisticated writers. India’s image has not taken a hit because of Modi. It’s better now, than ever before.

    • Obviously, that was a very feeble attempt at humor…. It only showed the mindless, lockstep sentiment of the Jihadi Mindset.
      How long are Muslims going to play the victim until they realize that everything bad that is happening to them is of their own doing….BACKWARD IS AS BACKWARD DOES…
      My conclusions after studying the Islamic jihadist doctrines over the years: ——— Allah is not God. Allah is Mohammed’s penis. Mohammed was a slave to his monstrous lusts for unbridled sex, total domination of others, and sadistic bloodletting–primitive urges all produced by his insatiable hormones. Islam demands that every human, without exception, must become a slave of Allah, too, just as the murderous pervert, Mohammed, himself was. As a goal for humanity, nothing could be more ugly, ignoble, or degenerate. Islam is evil to the core and deserves not one scintilla of respect.

    • Cry more Jiahaddi.. Yes, no one expects Mughal(or whatever they were) invaders to give back the wealth they took away from here. There are written and archaeological facts that India had immense wealth at that time and everyone was Indic (but facts do not matter if you’re a pinchure owner) Sikh Gurus were beheaded cause they didn’t want to convert. You can deny all the history you want but it’s evidencial fact. Yes India at that time was never of expansionist attitude so military equipment were not good enough if someone attacked. But today we are aware, this is Hindu (Indic meaning Sikhs, Buddhist, Jains) land. We will restore the utmost holy sites and wont let ISI/ISIS/Al-Jazeera stooges like Rana Ayyub, Arundhuti Roy to succeed.


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