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HomeHealthDelhi anti-CAA protest organiser in quarantine after sister tests positive for COVID-19

Delhi anti-CAA protest organiser in quarantine after sister tests positive for COVID-19

The organiser said he had visited the anti-CAA protest site at Jahangirpuri a couple of times after his sister is believed to have contracted coronavirus.

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New Delhi: One of the organisers of the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protest in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri has undergone a test for COVID-19 after his sister tested positive, ThePrint has learnt. 

The sister is said to have tested positive after her return from Saudi Arabia on 11 March. She had visited the country for the Umrah pilgrimage, which can be performed any time of the year and is not compulsory. Saudi Arabia has banned visits to pilgrimage sites in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak and the sister likely entered the country before the ban kicked in. 

Speaking to ThePrint, the 35-year-old man said he had been to the protest site “a couple of times” after a meeting with his sister on 13 March two days after she returned.

“I didn’t show any symptoms of the disease (at the time), so I went about life as usual,” he added.

The sister tested positive two days after their meeting, he said, and is currently undergoing treatment at Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital.

“After she tested positive, I thought it is my responsibility as an aware citizen to let the doctors know that I got in touch with a coronavirus-positive person,” he said.

He added that he hadn’t been showing any symptoms of coronavirus, but developed a cough on 16 March.

“I developed a mild cough, and I also learnt that my sister has tested positive. So I thought it would be wise to get myself tested,” he said.   

The organiser is currently in quarantine at Delhi’s Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital, where he is awaiting his test results that are likely to come later Thursday.

The sister’s diagnosis couldn’t be independently confirmed in the absence of hospital-wise data for COVID-19 patients. According to health ministry data, 11 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Delhi so far, with two cured and one deceased. The number of cases for the country stood at 169 as of Thursday afternoon.

Also Read: Shaheen Bagh protest must end now. Its returns are diminishing and COVID-19 is a real risk

‘Sister never attended any protest’

The Jahangirpuri anti-CAA protest is one of the many agitations that started around the country in December after Parliament passed the controversial CAA, which introduces a religious ground for refugees seeking Indian citizenship.

The organiser said the protest was still on at Jahangirpuri’s C-Block Eidgah Park. 

“There are about 400-450 people at the protest site, a majority of whom are women,” he added. 

He said his sister had never attended any of the anti-CAA protests.

Also Read: This is how Shaheen Bagh plans to continue its anti-CAA protest despite coronavirus scare


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  1. Ancient India was a Hindu fold . At a time when moguls muslims invaded India they captured beautiful ladies of hindu communities and brutally rapped them . The present days most muslims are the product of those . We have also seen the Bangladeshi women rapped and brutally handled . In muslim countries muslims are also for one and other reasons illtreated and killed. In Kasmir pandits were forcefully ousted and today even after 30 years they are refugees in own country.
    Of these it’s clear that muslims are not tolerant towards non muslims and need precautions .

  2. It is better to corden off this protest site and quarantine them right there.. Cut off supplies to the site..
    It might seem inhuman but in anycase those women seem to consider themselves as super human.
    If they succumb to the virus so be it.
    It’s sad we would have lost a life but the blessing could be there can be a chance if less genetically strong
    but brainless blind protestors born in to Indian soil through them in future…

  3. Its serious reality that Corona Virus took less lives in comparison of People Died due to UP & Delhi Police Brutally On Anti CAA Protesters.

    • Really ? Wake up. Who started Violence in Delhi ? Why Shops painted with No to NRC spared while others were burned down along even Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Vehicles and Homes ? Why the brainless protest going on when everything is clear and has nothing to do with Indian Citizens ? Are you an Illegal Intruder with nefarious design’s ? If not and you ard a Patriotic Indian who loves his Country and wants to live and die here then why your thought process is the same as Illegal Migrants, Mdarsa Chhap Jihadi’s, Criminal Bangla oranti humanity Rohingya Gang’s ?


  5. Beware Jihadis affected by China virus may intrude among general public and cause unmanageable destruction as part of Pakistan sinister designs. Pseudo secularist will take shelter in foreign countries to avoid catching China virus. The Goi must monitor closely the Shaheen Bagh protesters.

  6. What narrow minded comments. In spite of appeal made none other by our PM, Karnataka ruling party MLA had no qualm in gathering 2000 guests for wedding and attended by CM. Yes, it is high time they wind up as many organisers did in South India. But it is no way to comment when our own sadus in Ayodhya are saying god would save devotees when they assemble for Ram Navmi Mela

    • God bless you brother Nagarajan for your inclusive thinking. The India of our dreams lives in in the likes of you. This magnanimity is our energy and succour.
      Long live India. Jai Hind.
      (Md. Israil)

  7. Mr. Gupta, use your devilish brain to reform and live in peace with others. Your channel is remarkably against all the steps of Govt of India, BJP and Hindus in general. Use your brain to dissolve the protests which can become Corona virus thriving ground lateron.

  8. Muslims must repent why they divided this country on religious basis and voted in favor of Muslim League yet no want secular laws. Was that radical group Muslim League a secular party which was the architect of India’s division selling its loyalty to White British? If on religious grounds you have divided this country why are you expecting the law to favor you and let the Non-Muslims suffer in those places which you have converted to Islamic radical states excepting Bangladesh which whose freedom was also crafted by India. 30 lakh Muslims were butchered by Generals from Pakistan. Every day you are abducting minor girls, raping and forcefully converting the Non-Muslims in these 3 filthy countries to Islam. Stop imagining to import the filthy Muslims who created these devilish states to be allowed by Indian government to become citizens and pollute the secular fabric of this nation again. We are Sanathanis and we have voice and choice in every aspect of our lives but you Muslims have a single god and a single doctrine so, stay away from us.

    • It is Unfortunate Many People does not know about much Islam specially the peace process Many People rejected Wuzu but due to Corona Virus Every Hindu and all Non-Muslims perform Wuzu is a kind of Cleaning which protects from Corona Virus attack


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