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HomeGlobal PulseTrump considers ending post-World War II defence pact with Japan

Trump considers ending post-World War II defence pact with Japan

US President Donald Trump, in a tweet, also asked why the US is protecting oil shipping lanes of other countries with ‘zero compensation’, and new US sanctions on Iran.

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Trump thinks defence pact is ‘unequal’

US President Donald Trump has mused to his confidantes about pulling out from the post-World Word II US-Japan Defence Pact.

According to a Bloomberg report, Trump thought the defense pact was unequal. In case Japan was attacked by a third power, the US was obliged to come to its assistance and provide aid. But, if the US was attacked, Japan had no obligation to assist the US, Trump told his officials.

Since the end of the World War II, the US-Japan security alliance has not only been the “bedrock” of their mutual relationship, but it also had a profound impact on Japan’s national psyche.

After the war, Japan outsourced its security to the US and this allowed it to focus on the economy. This culture is deeply entrenched in Japan’s citizenry now.

While the Trump administration has not taken any concrete step to withdraw from the long-standing pact, just the talks of it are likely to make Japan uneasy.

China, Japan should protect their own ships, says Trump

“China gets 91% of its Oil from the Straight, Japan 62%, & many other countries likewise. So why are we protecting the shipping lanes for other countries (many years) for zero compensation. All of these countries should be protecting their own ships on what has always been…a dangerous journey…,” tweeted Donald Trump.

While this could be treated as just an angry tweet by the American President, it underlines the growing reluctance of Washington to sustain the very world order it created after World War II.

Since 1945, there have been two dominant markers of American power in the world. First, the American economy underpins the global economy, and second, through forward military deployments across the globe, the US underpins global security too.

Currently, the US provides security for all the major nine maritime checkpoints, including the Strait of Hormuz and Malacca.

US imposes new sanctions on Iran

Days after Iran shot down a US military drone, the America has now imposed harsher sanctions on Iran. The US has been following a policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran to force it to curb its nuclear program.

Additional pressure from these sanctions is likely to be minimal, reports New York Times. They primarily target financial vehicles set up by European nations and restrict Iranian officials’ access to the international banking system, which are not frequently used by Iran. The US has already cut off all revenues from Iranian oil exports, choking Iran’s economy.

Last year, the US had pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal, which was aimed at restricting Iran’s nuclear capacity in exchange for removing economic sanctions. Without the US in the deal, the remaining nations are struggling to relieve the pressure on Iran’s economy. Iran announced last week that it would soon breach the terms of the deal.

Poland’s judicial reforms violate law, rules EU top court

The European Union’s (EU) top court Monday ruled that Poland broke EU law by making judges retire early.

Poland forced a third of its Supreme Court judges into early retirement as part of the ruling Law and Justice party’s judicial reforms in 2017. The reforms gave politicians sweeping powers of the judiciary.

Judges could apply to stay on past their retirement age, but their applications had to be approved by the country’s president, undermining the rule of law.

Iustitia, the Polish judges’ association, has welcomed the ruling.

Poland’s court was once renowned in Europe for its judicial activism and independence.

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  1. PM Abe broke protocol, met with President elect Trump in New York, one of several incidents which moved the even tempered President Obama to remark, There can be only one President at a time. As a reward, President Trump moved out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. India should not underestimate the problems it will face, especially if he wins a second term.


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