Friday, June 21, 2024
HomeTalk Point

Talk Point

F.R.I.E.N.D.S turns 25: Has the popular sitcom aged well?

The first episode of the popular American sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S hit NBC exactly 25 years ago on 22 September 1994.

Nirmala Sitharaman cuts corporate tax: Why does good economics wait for crisis and panic?

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a range of measures to boost investment and revive growth.

Is Supreme Court being pragmatic by allowing Ayodhya mediation during legal proceedings?

The Supreme Court said Wednesday that it hoped to conclude the day-to-day hearings in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute case by 18 October.

Is Modi govt right in telling SC that women don’t have absolute right to abortion?

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare told the Supreme Court Wednesday that a pregnant woman’s right to abort is not “absolute”.

Is sinking Indian economy beginning to chip away Modi’s larger-than-life image?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi heads to the US this week to meet Donald Trump and global business leaders amid growing worries over economic slowdown.

Adityanath, Khattar want NRC in UP and Haryana: Is India looking at another ‘Partition’?

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced Sunday that his government will “implement the NRC”.

Apple unveils new iPhone 11: Are people spending money to buy the same phone again?

Apple unveiled iPhone 11, iPhone 11 pro & iPhone 11 Pro Max this week. While iPhone 11 is priced at Rs 65,000, the other two models cost nearly Rs 1 lakh.

Is SC justified in not being transparent on judges’ transfer citing institutional interest?

The Supreme Court has said disclosing the collegium’s reason behind transferring judges ‘will not be in the interest of the institution’, but it would ‘if found necessary’.

Why the clamour to ban e-cigarettes in India when cigarettes and beedis are allowed?

The Narendra Modi-led government is likely to bring an ordinance to prohibit the manufacture and sale of e-cigarettes in India.

Nirmala Sitharaman right to point at millennials’ Uber-Ola use and EMI fear for auto slump?

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that the automobile sector, facing its worst slowdown, has been ‘affected by the mindset of millennials’ who don’t want to pay EMIs for a vehicle and prefer Ola and Uber rides.

On Camera

PM’s 100-day agenda may have to jettison core issues for coalition partners

Matters of defence and foreign policy are important, but the new government must address widespread discontent in the country. This begins with investing in the rural sector.

PM’s economic advisor asks if India needs a new poverty line, says multidimensional index not enough

Bibek Debroy, chairman of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, also suggested that analysing inequality at the state level might provide a clearer picture of inequality, as a national estimate could be misleading.

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.