Wednesday, June 26, 2024


B.N. Goswamy brings to life elusive Pahari painter Manaku of Guler

From scarce documents, archives, and works scattered around the world B.N. Goswamy writes about Pahari painter Manaku of Guler, an artist of formidable talent.

A little girl’s tweets from the Syrian war moved the world. Her book is as compelling

‘Dear World’ is the bitter-sweet story of Bana Alabed, who started writing it as a seven-year-old amid the horrors of war in Aleppo, Syria.

‘The Whole Shebang’ review: A light read that repackages age-old stories

Setting off on a conversational tone, the book makes the reader see themselves through the life journey of the author

Manmohan, Sonia, Chidambaram, Sibal, all opposed retrospective tax: Pranab Mukherjee

What foreign investors need is certainty in tax laws and not a tax-free environment, the former President and finance minister argues to justify his controversial tax decision.

Listening for Well-Being: Leadership through moral teachings

The book is part leadership textbook and part musings of an old man with experience in management and government giving lessons on listening. There is...

‘Life in the IAS’ review: a peek into Haryana’s corridors of power

IAS officer Ram Varma’s book is a voyeuristic glimpse into the tribulations forced on the people of Haryana by politicians whom they repeatedly elected. ‘Life in...

‘Lincoln in the Bardo’ is a story of love and loss stuck in limbo

Saunder's novel is set in the Bardo— a liminal space between life and after-life where Abraham Lincoln visits his deceased young son

The Return is a son’s search for his father under Gaddafi’s Libya

The Return by Hisham Matar recounts the author's search for his father, his homeland, and thereby his identity under Gaddafi's rule in Libya.

‘An Unfinished Revolution’ review: shattering stereotypes of Adivasi-Maoist ties

Kishalay Bhattacharjee’s book addresses age-old questions & extracts startling admissions from the Maoist leadership about the degeneration of the movement.

A warrior-scholar’s reflection on national security, strategic culture

AVM Arjun Subramaniam’s book is an inspiration for young officers to delve deeper into issues of security at an intellectual level, beyond physical war-fighting

On Camera

Oropouche virus is rapidly spreading in South America. It can cause large outbreaks

The lack of resources to test and track the OROV virus through comprehensive surveillance systems severely hampers efforts to accurately monitor outbreaks.

Noida International Airport, Delhi NCR’s 2nd, delayed. To begin operations by April 2025

According to a statement by the airport, commercial operations likely to begin next year 'in view of the current construction status'. It was supposed to commence operations by 2024 end.

Amid tensions with China, Philippines says BrahMos a ‘credible defence’

At interaction in Delhi Monday, Ambassador of Philippines also highlighted talks over possibility of high-level delegation visit later this year to mark 75 yrs of diplomatic ties.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.