Monday, September 30, 2024


Assam’s oil well leak failed to create viral visuals like Vizag gas leak did

The oil leak has not resulted in even a fraction of the outrage or news coverage that the killing of the pregnant elephant in Kerala, or Vizag gas leak received.

India needs war cabinets to recover from Covid crisis and put citizens on path to prosperity

Business as usual won't work. India needs war cabinets at all levels that are staffed not just with people from across political parties, but experts too.

Kathmandu crossed red lines. India-Nepal relations are entering a deep freeze

India’s silence is the greatest cause for concern for the future of bilateral relations with Nepal and is creating natural uneasiness in Kathmandu.

Indian brands can’t wake up after lockdown. Decoding hoarders, lamenters, indulgers will help

The Kübler-Ross Model of ‘stages of grief’ can easily be applied to Indian consumers during the pandemic. Brands should know who they are dealing with.

India has a bigger worry than LAC. China now expanding military footprint in Indian Ocean

The Navy needs a strategy of distant power projection. By employing a plan for sustained presence in the Western Pacific, New Delhi can show its resolve to Beijing.

70 yrs on, India’s Tibet dilemma remains. But 4 ways Modi can achieve what Nehru couldn’t

Xi Jinping's China wants to annex the 'five fingers' — Ladakh, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal and Arunachal Pradesh — of its 'right palm', which Mao Zedong had referred to Tibet as.

Why the 18th Amendment has become a cause for irritation for the Pakistani Army

In episode 494 of #CutTheClutter, Shekhar Gupta explains how Imran Khan, despite being the chosen one, is being side-lined by the Pakistani Army.

HBO pulls ‘racist’ Gone with the Wind. Many Bollywood films haven’t aged well either

HBO removes Gone With The Wind amid Black Lives Matter protests, but Bollywood should also reflect on its own history of sexist, racist and homophobic films.

Health Silk Road — How China plans to make BRI essential in Covid-hit South Asia

China's strategic competitors, including India, are trying to contest its public health outreach. But as of now, countries in South Asia do not have an alternative to China.

Kapil Mishra to Payal Rohatgi, India’s new ‘intellectuals’ are dethroning one Guha at a time

The 'neo-intellectuals' have made Indians read more 'history and science' in a year than the likes of Pratap Bhanu Mehta or Arundhati Roy could do in their lifetime.

On Camera

Tirupati scandal isn’t political or communal. It’s about temple economics

A private temple could make crores by selling better laddus and investing in goshalas and captive production units to control quality.

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?