Tuesday, June 25, 2024


BRICS summit has built a bigger club. But new members won’t be just bricks in the wall

If India is admitting new members in BRICS with caution, it's likely because the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is often perceived as China-centric.

‘Modi hatao’ vs ‘Amrit kaal’ — why Opposition will need more than criticism of govt to win in 2024

So far INDIA alliance has focussed on cobbling together some basic arrangements. Next step has to be spelling out why voters should remove Modi & why the Opposition is a better bet.

West Bengal will have its second birthday. Mamata Banerjee has again put BJP on back foot

Thanks to the bitter rivalry between the Centre and state, West Bengal is set to have a birthday bonanza.

Pakistan-Turkey nexus aims to hurt India. Modi’s Greece visit can help tackle it

Greece can be India’s economic gateway to the EU, has the second-largest shipping capacity after China, and needs temporary agricultural labourers. All work in Delhi's favour.

American F-16s had a tough flight to Ukraine – the journey ahead isn’t easy either

How fast Ukraine can be trained for a completely different type of air machine remains to be seen.

I love the Prophet, but I was never taught blasphemy is punishable. Yet Pakistan does it

The recent tragedy in Pakistan’s Faisalabad, where mobs burnt churches and Christian homes over blasphemy allegations, cast an agonising spotlight on the plight of minorities in the country.

1966 IAF bombing during Mizo uprising was to assist Assam Rifles. Stop the nonsense talk

Rajesh Pilot and Suresh Kalmadi weren't inducted into a political party to carry out the bombing in Mizoram. It's a political twist.

BRICS has expanded, can’t continue being anti-US. It’s up to India to balance

BRICS was always considered as a bloc established to counterbalance the West. But the entry of Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE has changed the game.

India needs FDI reform to renew investor confidence now. Don’t wait till after 2024 election

These are not “normal times”. As countries focus on decoupling from China, and de-risking their supply chains, India should present itself as a new market for investors.

Pakistan’s constitution always accommodated the guilty. Now 20 million kids are out of school

Pakistani leaders could not offer any assurance to Jaranwala victims because they know that the next such outrage is just months, if not weeks away.

On Camera

Buses are stuck on third gear in India. It’s time to privatise with London-style GCC model

Using a GCC model, where the state contracts private operators, lowers costs and subsidies. It’s possible to run a high-quality service, as anyone who has used London’s buses will attest.

Noida International Airport, Delhi NCR’s 2nd, delayed. To begin operations by April 2025

According to a statement by the airport, commercial operations likely to begin next year 'in view of the current construction status'. It was supposed to commence operations by 2024 end.

Amid tensions with China, Philippines says BrahMos a ‘credible defence’

At interaction in Delhi Monday, Ambassador of Philippines also highlighted talks over possibility of high-level delegation visit later this year to mark 75 yrs of diplomatic ties.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.