Saturday, June 22, 2024


Tale of 2 Indian fathers — one who stands by his daughter in jail, another who disowned his

Natasha Narwal was arrested for ‘conspiring’ Delhi violence and Amulya Leona for saying ‘Hindustan Zindabad, Pakistan Zindabad’. But how their dads reacted tells a lot about India today.

20 days since soldiers’ death in Galwan, ‘patriot’ Ajay Devgn decides it’s movie material

India’s stand against Chinese aggression is at best foggy, with military talks still underway. But actor-producer Ajay Devgn couldn't wait lest Akshay Kumar claimed the subject.

Millenials love discussing Mercury retrograde on Instagram, but scoff at jyotish predictions

If you’re a millennial and everything is going wrong at work, in love, and in life — it’s probably just Mercury retrograde, which began in June and ends mid-July.

Wearing masks during Covid not just matter of life or death, but your political leanings

In Donald Trump’s America, wearing masks have become the symbol of a raging debate between Liberals and Conservatives about public safety vs individual freedom.

TikTok made rural India into DIY Eklavyas

Chinese apps like TikTok adored every rejected ‘unequal’ Indian. The mainstream elite and privileged people can cry anti-national all they want.

Tired of virtual intimacy, young people are now turning to ‘date drives’

Without restaurants and bars to go to, young people seeking intimacy have turned to their cars — the latest 'it' place to meet a potential love interest.

Modi skips Eid in the line-up of Indian festivals. Act of omission or commission?

In his address to the nation Tuesday, PM Modi mentioned up to twelve upcoming festivals till the end of the year, but failed to mention Eid which is next month.

Google agrees remembering passwords is a pain. But its solution may not fix the problem

It takes many grandmothers and pets to come up with new passwords, but Google still wants users to stop reusing passwords.

Indians are bored in lockdown. CJI Bobde’s Harley Davidson buzz proves that

CJI SA Bobde’s photo with a limited edition Harley Davidson went viral, but it took days for people to care about the custodial killing of Jairaj and Bennix.

Stop cheering police brutality. Citizens like Jayaraj and Bennix pay the price

Most Indians’ concept of justice involves violence. The common desire for the police to teach criminals a lesson feeds into acts of brutality seen in Tamil Nadu.

On Camera

NTA was supposed to rescue exams from ‘Munna Bhais’. Now it’s part of the problem

National Testing Agency’s charter is to assess the 'competence of candidates' for admission and recruitment, but NEET and UGC-NET firestorms have put its own competency in question.

How a provision in trade deal with UAE has led to a surge in India’s gold imports

New Delhi: Indians are once again flocking to gold — both physical and digital — in a bid to hedge against economic uncertainty, high...

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.