Friday, June 28, 2024


Air quality in Delhi dips to ‘severe’ category, AQI crosses 400 mark

Greater Noida is the most polluted with an air quality index of 441, followed by Ghaziabad at 436 and Noida at 425.

India has an air pollution problem — fighting it may lead to more greenhouse gas emissions

The environment ministry in 2015 imposed caps on emissions of toxic gases from power plants, allowing operators two years to retrofit facilities. That deadline has been extended due to financial challenges.

Aarey, smog, wildfires — forests dominate headlines. But what exactly is a forest?

Forests can be defined as areas with a closed canopy of trees without grasses in the understorey. But there’s more to it.

Consumers are forcing alcohol companies to produce ‘greener’ drinks

The alcohol industry has quite the carbon footprint given its reliance on water and wood. So companies are increasingly trying to show they are part of the solution and not the problem.

Why the govt is trying to predict what food security will look like in 2099

The impact of climate change has already affected crop patterns drastically and predictions indicate that production of rice and maize will come down.

Persistent carbon emissions signal global climate goal is out of reach

Carbon emissions declines in the US and Europe this year were offset by increases in the fast-growing economies of China and India.

Top polluter China in focus as UN climate talks begin in Madrid

As climate warnings become more severe, the focus is shifting from creating more green power toward stopping emissions, putting a harsher spotlight on China.

There are more than 7 continents and we are discovering so many now

Perhaps, the best-known example of a lost continent is Zealandia.

Panipat power plant will miss emission norms deadline, but most in Delhi-NCR will too

The Central Pollution Control Board issued a show-cause notice to the power plant, warning that its Unit 7 could be shut down for failing to meet the year-end deadline.

To feed the world by 2050, we will have to build the plants that evolution didn’t

In 2050, we may have almost 10 billion people to feed. And farmland is already degraded by existing agriculture and climate change.

On Camera

Arabs to Abyssinians, India was once a mercenary magnet—Russia war shows it has turned exporter

From New World Cuban mercenaries to South East Asian combatants, various linguistic groups are represented in the battlefields that divide Russia from Ukraine.

Department of Financial Services chairs review meeting with heads of Public Sector Banks

The meeting was also attended by senior executives of UIDAI, NABARD, SIDBI , Mudra Ltd. CERSAI & NCGTC.

Base price of Rafale agreed upon, fighters for Navy to have India-specific enhancements

Navy team has already visited Ambala air station where IAF has kept one squadron of Rafales to understand commonalities of maintenance that can be pursued.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.