Saturday, June 29, 2024

Topic: WHO

WHO team probing Covid origin visits China market where virus ‘jumped from animals to humans’

Coronavirus is believed to have first infected humans at Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Market, where many animals were traded until it was shut down in 2019, when Covid began to spread.

Understanding Biden’s reversal of Trump WHO move — where UN body gets money & how it’s spent

Nearly a year ago, Donald Trump ordered a freeze on US funding to the WHO, a move newly sworn-in US President Joe Biden reversed. Here is why it's significant to the WHO.

Fauci pledges US’ commitment to WHO, says country will join Covax

In a virtual address, infectious-disease chief Anthony Fauci also said the US 'intends to fulfill its financial obligations' to the WHO.

Rift between US & WHO is poised to heal, Biden appointee signals

The US became estranged from the WHO during the pandemic as Trump suggested that the global health agency had coddled China, where the virus emerged.

China is ramping up its vaccine diplomacy as WHO fumes at Western drugmakers

China’s vaccines have received some high-profile endorsements. Indonesian President Joko Widodo received Sinovac shot on live TV, Brazil has begun distributing Sinovac doses.

Community engagement by ASHA workers behind India’s successful Covid response — WHO panel

The independent panel also notes that WHO and China acted slowly to the Covid-19 outbreak. It questions the global health body for not declaring the pandemic earlier.

WHO expert team to fly to Wuhan to probe origins of Covid-19

The much-delayed visit is also taking place when China, which has effectively contained the virus, is experiencing a relapse of the disease in several places in Hebei province.

WHO expert team to visit China on 14 Jan to probe origins of coronavirus

The probe comes almost a year since China locked down Wuhan as an outbreak of pneumonia that started with food market workers in late 2019 spread throughout the city.

China ready for WHO expert team to probe Covid origin, but gives no specific timeline

The exact dates of the WHO expert team's arrival in Wuhan are still unclear, and an investigation into the coronavirus origin is still under negotiation.

WHO issues rare rebuke to China for delaying visit of experts investigating Covid’s origin

Despite months of negotiation & planning, China has not yet finalised permission allowing the WHO-appointed experts to enter the country even as some of them embarked on travel.

On Camera

America, your Natural History museum has a problem. ‘Hall of Asian Peoples’ is a hall of shame

Every day, the New York City’s American Museum of Natural History, a popular school trip destination, exposes children to racist depictions that enable hate crimes against Asian Americans.

Unproductive speculation, rising household debt — SEBI, RBI’s concerns about India’s F&O market

RBI said India’s rising retail participation in the F&O market may pose several challenges, and the stock of household debt is 'comparatively high' in relation to GDP per capita.

Base price of Rafale agreed upon, fighters for Navy to have India-specific enhancements

Navy team has already visited Ambala air station where IAF has kept one squadron of Rafales to understand commonalities of maintenance that can be pursued.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.