Thursday, June 6, 2024
TopicVladimir Putin

Topic: Vladimir Putin

Russia’s war on Ukraine latest: US drone crashes in Black Sea

(Reuters) - March 15 (Reuters) - The U.S. military said a Russian fighter plane clipped the propeller of one its spy drones and made it crash into the Black Sea in the first such direct encounter

Not ruling out Vladimir Putin attending India G20 summit in September, says Kremlin

Putin has yet to travel beyond borders since sending his armed forces into Ukraine in February last year, and missed November’s G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.

Xi Jinping plans to meet Vladimir Putin in Russia as soon as next week, say sources

Plans for a visit come as China has been offering to broker peace in Ukraine, an effort that has been met with scepticism in the West given China's diplomatic support for Russia.

Putin says Russia to deploy Sarmat nuclear missiles

The RS-28 Sarmat liquid-fueled missile, nicknamed 'Satan 2', was first announced by Putin in 2018. The missiles were supposed to have been deployed last year.

‘Russia to emphasis on boosting nuclear forces,’ Putin says on eve of Ukraine war anniversary

Russian President said Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles – a weapon able to carry multiple nuclear warheads – would be deployed this year.

Joe Biden to meet eastern NATO allies after Putin’s suspension of landmark nuclear treaty

At the meeting on Wednesday, the US President plans to reaffirm commitments over their security and discuss support for Ukraine before he returns to Washington.

Putin’s suspension of last nuclear pact with US raises risk of new arms race, say analysts

As per security analysts, it could complicate delicate calculus that underpins mutual deterrence, while also spurring powers like China and India to build their nuclear arsenals.

Putin announces suspension of last nuclear treaty with US, puts new missiles on combat duty

Putin also vowed to continue with the year-long war and told the country's military elite that Russia would 'carefully and consistently resolve the tasks facing us'.

How Russian ‘shadow fleets’ are hindering world’s efforts to help Ukraine

Non-Western-aligned shadow fleets comprise ageing ships that maintain a low profile by sailing without insurance and turning off transmitters.

Why Putin met Doval and how India navigated US to buy Russian oil

PM Modi’s significant reliance on NSA Ajit Doval and their shaping, especially, of India’s neighbourhood policy, seems to have tipped the balance in Russia’s mind.

On Camera

How Israeli intelligence went from excellence in 1967 to catastrophe in 2023

Michael Oren’s ‘Six Days of War’ portrays the former president of Israel, Levi Eshkol, as understated and under-appreciated. The man, however, ensured Israel won the war in just six days.

Sensex closes nearly 4,400 points down on counting day with BJP falling short of 272-seat mark

Infrastructure stocks and those of PSUs were biggest losers, while FMCG stocks remained resilient and even ended higher.

Tele MANAS Cell launched to support Armed Forces’ mental health

24/7 services available in 20 languages for personnel and families.

Modi interviews, gaffe-free Rahul, Amit Shah’s rise — 10 hot takes from 44-day elections

2024 was a one-candidate election. Modi was the only candidate for whom BJP sought votes, and he was the only opponent most of its rivals wanted defeated.