Sunday, June 23, 2024
TopicTobacco industry

Topic: tobacco industry

Government celebrates World No Tobacco Day, promotes new policies

The World No Tobacco Day theme for 2024 emphasises the need for governments and tobacco companies to take strong actions to reduce tobacco use and to promote a smoke-free lifestyle.

Will find ‘pragmatic solutions’ on tobacco rules for streaming firms content, says health ministry

India in May ordered to insert static health warnings during smoking scenes and at least 50 seconds of anti-tobacco disclaimers at start & in middle of each programme.

1.7 lakh tonnes of waste per year — ICMR-AIIMS study calculates environmental toll of tobacco use

The study, ‘The Environmental Burden of Tobacco Products Wastes in India’, was released Tuesday. It was conducted by ICMR's National Institute of Cancer Prevention & Research and AIIMS Jodhpur. 

Govt set to amend tobacco laws to tighten control on evolving products, widen regulatory norms

New Delhi: The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is currently working on bringing in amendments to regulate tobacco products in India, secretary...

Hard-won gutka ban is now under threat. This time from courts

Are pan masala, gutka, zarda, khaini food or tobacco? Indian manufacturers are challenging state bans and courts are the battleground.

India’s vaping ban is failing. Parents, schools, activists unite to corner govt

India's youth is in the grip of banned vape. And the police and judges ask 'what's an e-cigarette'.

Inside story of how billionaires of big-brand pan masala industry got around an ad ban

Despite ban on advertisement and sale of pan masala and gutka, the industry's biggest brands and barons have thrived by using IPL, fancy commercials and Bollywood stars.

SubscriberWrites: Facebook controversy of 2021 is a throwback to the Big Tobacco fiasco of the 90s

Subscribers write back with their views on the most urgent issues of the day.

Study claiming smoking prevents Covid taken down, researchers linked with tobacco industry

Study published in European Respiratory Journal in July 2020 joined a series of studies that generated a worldwide flurry of interest, but last month the journal published a retraction.

Tobacco killed 500,000 Americans in 2020 — same as the pandemic

A potential solution to tobacco-related deaths is a corporate ‘death penalty’.

On Camera

Delhi dating scene has a lawyer-engineer fatigue. Diversify your right swipes

Navigating dating apps is as risky as trading stocks. It makes sense to spread our assets—school teachers, DJs or public policy nerds; diversity is important.

India’s aviation sector set to boom under Modi 3.0 but ‘emerging duopoly’ could hurt consumers

Sector analysts warn that with Go First expected to remain grounded & SpiceJet struggling, industry is likely to consolidate to just 2-3 player market, hampering competition.

Army hospital commandant says no misuse of disability pension grant. ‘Scrutiny at all levels’

Lt Gen Nilakantan says revised Entitlement Rules & Guide to Medical Officers for pensions had been revised to rationalise disability classification, quantification & granting of disability.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.