Friday, July 5, 2024
TopicSection 41 of CrpC

Topic: Section 41 of CrpC

India’s arrest laws leave much room for interpretation. It needs clarification by courts

All ambiguity in section 41 of the CrPC can only be clarified in future by a court verdict. Till then common sense and literal interpretation may be at odds not so infrequently.

On Camera

Arvind Subramanian on India having missed its chance to rationalise GST rates — ‘moment has passed’

Speaking at an event, the former CEA says he no longer thinks fuel & electricity should be included in GST and added that India has only now, 7 yrs later, reached pre-GST revenue levels.

India’s defence industry logs record growth in FY 2023-24

Value of defence production soars 16.7% from previous fiscal year to Rs 1,26,887 crore.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.