Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Topic: Russia

NASA images show Russia’s failed Luna-25 mission left 10m-wide crater on moon

Russia said a special interdepartmental commission had been formed to probe the loss of Luna-25 craft. Russia’s first moon mission in 47 years, failed on 19 August.

UN Secretary General sends Russia proposal to revive Black Sea grain deal

The Black Sea grain deal was intended to combat a global food crisis that the United Nations said had been worsened by Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year.

Kremlin says Wagner boss Prigozhin’s plane may have been downed intentionally

The comment was made by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, making it the first explicit acknowledgement that Prigozhin may have been assassinated.

SubscriberWrites: Russia-Ukraine conflict getting more complex: Is Russia dependent on India?

India has a special primacy in the conflict, as Ukraine’s president seeks India’s help with implementing the 'Ten Point Peace Plan.'

Global public opinion of India is positive, finds new Pew survey of 23 countries

Indians view US more positively than adults in most other surveyed countries, but a majority also support Putin. Surveyed countries include US, Israel, Italy, UK, South Korea.

‘Nothing terrible’: Russia plays down moon landing failure, says space programme will continue

Luna-25, Russia's first lunar mission since 1976, crashed into the Moon on 19 August after a failed orbital manoeuvre, in what has been seen abroad as a major blow to the Russian space program.

Russia security agency charges ex-employee of US consulate with spying, reports TASS

According to FSB reports, the suspect, Robert Shonov, was accused of collecting information on the war in Ukraine and other issues for Washington.

How a poisoner’s handbook helped Vladimir Putin rise to absolute power

Throughout Putin's political career, dozens of powerful rivals have died—in circumstances far too opaque for Russian authorities to even trouble themselves with the pretence of an investigation.

Raid on Crimea, gains in southeast — latest developments in Ukraine’s counteroffensive

Ukrainian intelligence units together with the navy landed on the western side of Russia-occupied Crimea to strike at Russian military assets there, reports AP

‘An absolute lie’ — Russia refutes accusations that it killed Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin

Russian investigators have opened a probe into what happened, but have not yet said what they suspect caused the plane to suddenly fall from the sky northwest of Moscow.

On Camera

Incompetent leaders sent Kargil soldiers to their deaths. Where is the accountability?

As India prepares to commemorate its Kargil victory, it’s long past time to assign responsibility for the many failures of leadership responsible for hundreds of soldier deaths in 1999.

Unorganised, non-farm sector employs 19% of workforce but accounts for 6% of GDP, shows MoSPI data

With the agriculture sector employing 45% of the workforce but accounting for only 15% of GDP, it confirms that two-thirds of India’s workforce engages in low-productivity work.

Amit Shah lauds ITBP’s heroic rescue op in Himachal

The American citizen had lost his life while paragliding in an accident. His body was recovered by the ITBP team and handed over to the local authorities for further investigation.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.