How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?
Following Manipur Security Adviser Kuldiep Singh's claim last week, Army in a now-deleted post had said that the claims 'have very serious security implications'.
Sui Khar says that Arakan Army being strong cannot be reason for ethnic outfit or Mizoram govt to choose what to do, downplays concerns of Myanmar conflict spilling into Lawngtlai.
The two boys, aged 15 and 16, were taken captive by CDF-Hualngoram cadres last Sunday. They were also allegedly thrashed and tortured for ‘attacking’ a member of the resistance group.
The violence has intensified as fighting between Myanmar's ruling junta and the Arakan Army, a powerful ethnic militia drawn from the Buddhist majority.
NIA probe found 'conspiracy by Myanmar insurgents along with associates in Mizoram', and that consignment was supplied by a Guwahati-based explosives firm.
Myanmar Hindu Union & India for Myanmar urged Indian govt to reassess ties with military govt, alleged Hindu leaders often find themselves under surveillance in neighbouring country.
Four witnesses, activists, and a diplomat described drone attacks on Monday that struck down families waiting to cross the border into neighbouring Bangladesh.
In recent years, Balochistan has seen new democratic movements. While Pakistan Army may not welcome another insurgency, this is preferable to mass challenges to its authority.
Karnataka’s liabilities have increased from 23.97 percent of GSDP in 2022-23 to 24.91 percent in 2025-26, the state's medium-term fiscal plan has shown.
It is fashionable to curse Rajiv Gandhi for Bofors and more, but the truth is that 1985-89 was the only period in our history when weapons acquisitions were proactive and futuristic.
I think the author misses symptoms for causes. An authoritarian regime is usually propelled by a justification for its authoritarianism. External threats is a good justification as in the case of North Korea that coupled with deification of the ruler. In general the religion that has doctrines that demand obedience against which is the threat of hell is better suited to force people in to getting led. This is generally true of Abrahamic religions and Islam in particular. So given the right environment such as a power hungry military, Islam lends itself to justify dictatorial environments. The first Islamic governments in Arabia were similar, justification of rule by new elites on the basis of religion rather than inherited rule of old kings. But it is swapping one dictator for the other. Islam or any religion does not kill a form of government. It yields better to certain forms of governments than others. Religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism where individual progress through Moksha etc is paramount, the individualism leads to a more democractic set up because the individual is allowed to pursue their truth.
Current author probably like many other Indians are fond of US / Western Democracy. No mention of Western Liberal Democracy – which is run basically by DEEP STATE , definitely not by the people – USA is a classical example. How much and why it is better than TURKISH DEMOCRACY – for many of us difficult to fathom. I recall the famous quotation of US President Jimmy Carter – US has been in peace for only 16 years out of 242 years. US liberal democracy has killed most number of innocent people in human history in our planet. Committed genocides more than any dictator all dictators taken together. This essay probably wants to prove that Hindus are better than muslims or we should take inspiration from American brand of democracy. This essay would probably please the Americans !!!
You have very conveniently avoided Hinduism. What’s happening right now in India you don’t see any problem and even if you’re forced to write you wear kids gloves or turn saffron blind. Talking about Buddhism, you forget how it was wiped out of India. Same thing happened with Jainism. Why suddenly Bangladesh has become biggest oppression for Indian journalists. Because Hindus are targeted? But when this happens in India you forget about RSS and fascist ideology and Modi’s background. I am not defending Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar but it would fair if put India among these countries.
Shekhar sahab, your mask has fallen
Lame argument. Check out how many Islamic countries are democratic. No point in quoting the exceptions that prove the rule. Democracy is incompatible with Islam and Communism. As for whether Sri Lanka is a democracy, the jury is still out. Finally socialism and secularism was installed in the Indian constitution by an illegal government. What the constitution framers did in 1947/48 by refusing to insert these words was progressive. Since then India has only constitutionally regressed.
I think the author misses symptoms for causes. An authoritarian regime is usually propelled by a justification for its authoritarianism. External threats is a good justification as in the case of North Korea that coupled with deification of the ruler. In general the religion that has doctrines that demand obedience against which is the threat of hell is better suited to force people in to getting led. This is generally true of Abrahamic religions and Islam in particular. So given the right environment such as a power hungry military, Islam lends itself to justify dictatorial environments. The first Islamic governments in Arabia were similar, justification of rule by new elites on the basis of religion rather than inherited rule of old kings. But it is swapping one dictator for the other. Islam or any religion does not kill a form of government. It yields better to certain forms of governments than others. Religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism where individual progress through Moksha etc is paramount, the individualism leads to a more democractic set up because the individual is allowed to pursue their truth.
Current author probably like many other Indians are fond of US / Western Democracy. No mention of Western Liberal Democracy – which is run basically by DEEP STATE , definitely not by the people – USA is a classical example. How much and why it is better than TURKISH DEMOCRACY – for many of us difficult to fathom. I recall the famous quotation of US President Jimmy Carter – US has been in peace for only 16 years out of 242 years. US liberal democracy has killed most number of innocent people in human history in our planet. Committed genocides more than any dictator all dictators taken together. This essay probably wants to prove that Hindus are better than muslims or we should take inspiration from American brand of democracy. This essay would probably please the Americans !!!
Is this discussion relevant? This obsession of democracy vs religious setting with your summarisation is a flight of imagery with no substance.
You have lost your sense of balance and time for you to take a complete break … from writing. Try farming😄
Muslims are a curse to the world.
Mr. Shekhar Gupta has become an apologist for Islam and it’s misdeeds.
Within two decades India will also join the list based on infiltration of hindutva into army
You have very conveniently avoided Hinduism. What’s happening right now in India you don’t see any problem and even if you’re forced to write you wear kids gloves or turn saffron blind. Talking about Buddhism, you forget how it was wiped out of India. Same thing happened with Jainism. Why suddenly Bangladesh has become biggest oppression for Indian journalists. Because Hindus are targeted? But when this happens in India you forget about RSS and fascist ideology and Modi’s background. I am not defending Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar but it would fair if put India among these countries.
Shekhar sahab, your mask has fallen
Lame argument. Check out how many Islamic countries are democratic. No point in quoting the exceptions that prove the rule. Democracy is incompatible with Islam and Communism. As for whether Sri Lanka is a democracy, the jury is still out. Finally socialism and secularism was installed in the Indian constitution by an illegal government. What the constitution framers did in 1947/48 by refusing to insert these words was progressive. Since then India has only constitutionally regressed.