Sunday, September 1, 2024
TopicIndian Institute of Tropical Meterology

Topic: Indian Institute of Tropical Meterology

Damage from Wayanad-like disasters can be minimised if agencies coordinate—Vigyan Yuva awardee Roxy Koll

Koll, awarded Vigyan Yuva in 'Earth Sciences’, says rainfall and landslide forecasts must be connected. He also emphasises the importance of a robust early warning system for India.

On Camera

Chinese, Laos officials are shielding East Asian crime empires. Time to act now

For criminal cartels of all kinds, the casino cities on China’s peripheries offer security and immunity. In Kings Romans Casino, prison-like dormitories house the cyber-slaves.

Discarded privatisation plans? Number of operating public sector companies rises by 20 since 2014

While CPSE closures have tripled, new companies are coming up too. With profits & dividends being balanced by low disinvestment proceeds, question is whether govt’s strategic shift is working.

Security beefed up in Jammu region ahead of polls but attacks since 2021 point to pattern

Since 2021, security forces have lost over 52 personnel to firefights with terrorists in Jammu region. Analysis shows terrorists have managed to operate and move with ease.

PM Modi wants US to protect Hindus in Bangladesh. Hasina’s debacle must not be India’s

Bangladesh has dumped Sheikh Hasina. Are we dumping Bangladesh in turn? We can’t choose our neighbours. But you know what, we can choose to be the kind of neighbour we want to be.