Sunday, September 29, 2024

Topic: Congress

Constant Congressman

Arjun Singh, Rajiv Gandhi’s most trusted political lieutenant, is too layered and fascinating a political figure to describe in one article. But of his more interesting personality aspects is how seriously he took the media.

Lok Sabha, 2014

A party will win or lose the next election depending on whether it can dump some of its awful, outdated and politically suicidal basic instinct or not.

Thank god for politics

While the charmed circle mourns the end of the idea of India because of political corruption, incompetence & cynicism, it is exactly our politics that is transforming India in a most remarkable manner now.

The ides of February

UPA 2 has been cursed by its own inbuilt contradictions and conflicting ambitions, and for once the allies take no blame for this.

There are two Congresses

The larger argument is not about the political resurrection of a long-demised individual, but about whose achievements the Congress party of today goes to the voter with.

UPA’s meteoric fall

When it comes to political and strategic intellect, the Congress is blessed with an embarrassment of riches.

1984, one lesson

Brilliance of the idea of National Security Guard lay in the fact that you could use might & resources of armed forces in an internal situation without exposing the Army as an institution.

No silence, please

A major problem of the Congress-led UPA-II government is its inability to talk to the people, either to explain its actions or create public opinion to back policy decisions it intends to take.

The idea of Indira

Mrs Gandhi was no doctrinaire figure, with all her wisdom or ideas inherited from her father. She changed and evolved, often for the better, sometimes not quite so

Remember, don’t forget

Leaders who have won the mandate, Sonia, Manmohan Singh, Rahul, would do well to remember a tough lesson of 1984: trust your instinct, do not flinch from change & a legacy of success is yours.

On Camera

Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination underlines Israel’s military supremacy. Will it win peace?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no intention of being drawn into another attritional war with Hezbollah. His commanders they are unlikely to win.

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?