Monday, September 30, 2024

Topic: China

India has interests on both sides of US-China divide. Cold War holds clues for path ahead

India’s strategic balance is weighted towards the West and its economic balance is towards China. But it needs more to build a multipolar world order.

G7 infra plan a lifeline developing nations can’t ignore but first crack this code, like BRI

Silk roads are getting bumpier but Beijing will maximise its pursuit of global leadership as long as it perceives that Washington seeks to deny it any.

‘Blacklisted’ — Family fights to meet China democracy activist in jail for 20 years

Wang Bingzhang, convicted on charges of terrorism in a closed trial, has been living in solitary confinement for the past two decades without access to the internet or a telephone.

Chinese leadership touring ‘democratic’ Hong Kong, Pakistan. There’s a message for mainland

Beijing ensured that no one could spoil its celebration in Hong Kong. But US and its G7 allies' $600 billion plan to counter BRI won't make Xi happy.

Days of soft power are over. Defence is the new diplomacy tool for India around the world

As India focuses on more bilateral and multilateral military exercises, it's pushing for hard power when it comes to striking defence deals.

What does the world think of China? Pew survey says 68% in 19 nations not Beijing fans

About 79% of respondents think China’s human rights policies are a ‘serious problem’, but majority in 'over half the countries surveyed' thought relations between their nation & China were good.

NATO summit: Finland and Sweden closer to joining, China in focus

The G-7 nations made proposals to limit Putin's energy revenue by lowering oil and gas prices. Further, pressure was put on Beijing of a larger military alliance in the Asia-Pacific.

What Jack Ma’s increasing public appearances tell about China’s changing stance on businesses

The easing of the tech crackdown signifies that Xi is trying to make space for other political ideas, including the revival pro-market approach.

If India and China were friends, Asia would be more developed. But they are not

In ‘Wartime’, Rajiv Dogra writes about a frail India-China relationship where internal crises leave us vulnerable in front of a war-ready adversary.

Chinese officials will have a secret meeting with Xi. The big problem? Tesla cars on street

BRICS summit was an opportunity for China to present its accommodating side, but Xi Jinping pushed his rhetoric on countering the ‘Western-led international order’.

On Camera

Tirupati controversy shows temples can’t run as public sector units. They must be privatised

A private temple could make crores by selling better laddus and investing in goshalas and captive production units to control quality.

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Air Marshal A.P. Singh takes over as IAF chief, task cut out

Air Chief Marshal Singh took over from incumbent V.R. Chaudhari Monday afternoon. His top priority will be strengthening the fighting capability of the IAF, it is learnt.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?