Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Topic: China

China begins ‘unprecedented’ military exercise around Taiwan after Nancy Pelosi’s unannounced visit

China’s warning to Pelosi not to visit the self-ruled island, which it considers its own, fell on deaf ears as the US pushed forward its agenda on ‘democracy and human rights’.

Resolve crisis of students back from China & Ukraine mid-course, House panel tells MEA 

Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs says it is 'deeply concerned' as students have neither been able to return to China & Ukraine nor complete their training in India.

‘Joint blockade’, live-fire drills — how China is retaliating after Pelosi’s Taiwan visit

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Tuesday became first high-ranking US official to visit Taipei in 25 years, after which China launched swathe of military exercises in zones around Taiwan.

Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan with a burden of course-correction — ‘US has lost China’

The failure at turning the People’s Republic of China into a ‘liberal democracy’ has brought back the long shadow of the Cold War and US’ entrenchment in Asia.

Irked by Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei, China bans import of Taiwanese food products

Beijing has also announced economic sanctions and import bans on several Taiwanese companies producing pastries, baked goods and sweets.

Why Maldives’ Nasheed vs Solih is trouble. Delhi doesn’t want to rock the boat in Indian Ocean

Delhi knows China’s favourite politician in Maldives will benefit if the political chaos spreads. Keeping the Indian Ocean democratic is a priority.

Talk of Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit has China on edge. PLA ‘preparing for war’

The People’s Liberation Army has announced a live fire exercise off the coast of Taiwan as a show of force ahead of Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit.

BJP is remodelling India as a one-party state. And there’s a striking resemblance to China

Modern China gave the world capitalism without democracy. Now India looks set to give the world a one-party state in a multi-party polity.

Taiwan off the itinerary, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi begins Asia tour

This comes after a week of heightened US-China tensions and Chinese President Xi Jinping's warning to US President Joe Biden to not ‘play with fire’ over Taiwan.

Navy monitoring Chinese research vessel headed for Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port

The Yuan Wang 5 is a space-tracking ship used to monitor satellites, rockets and intercontinental ballistic missile launches. Exact purpose of its visit to Hambantota unclear.

On Camera

Tirupati controversy shows temples can’t run as public sector units. They must be privatised

A private temple could make crores by selling better laddus and investing in goshalas and captive production units to control quality.

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Indian envoy in Oman dons Army combat print for photo ops, sparks controversy

Ambassador Amit Narang wore combat uniform at closing ceremony of India-Oman joint military exercise. Only serving personnel can wear service uniforms, say veterans.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?