Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Topic: China

India among countries doing little or nothing to stop bribing of foreign officials

Transparency International examined China, India, Hong Kong & Singapore for the first time for its report on foreign bribery.

As Nepal taunts India, Delhi loses another friendly neighbour

For the moment, with its limited resources, Delhi seems to be playing a defensive game even as it protects its interests.

Facing dollar squeeze, Indian companies turn to Japan for Samurai loans

Top Indian firms are turning to Samurai loans, lured by Japan’s near-record low interest rates and easier availability of funds.

India scolds Nepal for pulling out of regional military exercises in Pune

Nepali officials say PM Oli’s decision to withdraw from the BIMSTEC military exercises is to reduce dependence on India and expand ties with China.

China gets closer to its dream of a blue-water navy with rapid expansion of African base

From laser-dazzling US pilots to the construction of a new navy pier, the country has done a lot at its Djibouti base in Africa over the last year.

Alibaba’s co-founder Jack Ma on leadership: Intelligent people need a fool to lead them

The billionaire who has dispensed Yoda-like wisdom over the years has become a role model in China.    

India and Pakistan silent on China’s horrific Muslim ‘re-education’ camps

Uyghur Muslims are reportedly being forced to consume pork and alcohol in China's camps as world remains silent

The big 2+2 talks takeaway: China has brought India and US much closer

US vows to bring India into NSG, turn blind eye to Delhi building Iran port & buying Russian missiles. In turn, it wants India to up defence purchases.

China is set to get a new, supersonic unmanned aircraft that can spy on India

China has been feverishly focused on its UAV programme over the last one decade and may have overtaken the US in this area.

Trump’s face cannot stop America’s receding economic power from shifting to Asia

His lack of attendance at Asia-Pacific summits reflects a trend that has been building for years.

On Camera

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Compete, coexist, confront & contest: Army chief General Dwivedi says on dealing with China

Referring to current situation, General Upendra Dwivedi says it is stable but not normal; instead, sensitive. He adds the diplomatic side can only come up with certain options.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?