Friday, June 21, 2024
TopicBloomberg Opinion

Topic: Bloomberg Opinion

Donald Trump can threaten not to leave White House, but he will need a lot of help

Trump would need the collusion of thousands of people in the government — from poll officials to state legislators to members of Congress — to claim election fraud.

China is building bridges to Africa’s future leaders as US is closing doors to them

More than 20% of current African leaders studied in US, including leaders of Ethiopia, Ghana & Kenya. These countries are some of the closest economic & security partners of US.

How much worse can things get? That question itself may be a good sign

We are entering a new era of crises — in politics & biomedicine, with climate and energy, and about how we spend our time. But the truth is that progress is never going to be easy.

It’s dumb to bash the WTO (Listen up, Trump)

Trump says WTO has been bad for the US, but economists generally believe that trade and its expansion post-World War 2 has produced large net benefits for the US & the world.

American journalists should stop cleaning up after Biden’s boo-boos

Whenever the Democratic President nominee Joe Biden makes a political mess, he is blessed with people, many of them not in his employ, who will clean it up for him.

In TikTok sale, Microsoft is no loser and oracle no winner

Despite Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison’s backing for Trump, there’s no guarantee the separation of TikTok from ByteDance will be clean enough to pass White House muster. 

How the world can fight back the fear of a coronavirus vaccine

Research says convenience, complacency and confidence are the three sources of hesitancy that will make people reluctant to take Covid vaccines.

Of course, Trump couldn’t resist Bob Woodward. And he’s been undone by his own words again

Trump spent nine hours across 18 interviews with Woodward for his new book, 'Rage', which has also spurred lots of finger-pointing in the White House.

Delay of AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine could be painful but it’s responsible

The AstraZeneca Plc paused the trial of its leading candidate, developed with Oxford University, to study a volunteer's illness. This pause shows the system is working as it should.

Shinzo Abe’s legacy in Japan goes far beyond Abenomics

Abe's biggest accomplishment wasn't the resuscitation of Japan’s economy but beginning the transformation of a nation many observers thought would never allow itself to change.

On Camera

PM’s 100-day agenda may have to jettison core issues for coalition partners

Matters of defence and foreign policy are important, but the new government must address widespread discontent in the country. This begins with investing in the rural sector.

PM’s economic advisor asks if India needs a new poverty line, says multidimensional index not enough

Bibek Debroy, chairman of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, also suggested that analysing inequality at the state level might provide a clearer picture of inequality, as a national estimate could be misleading.

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.