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HomeOpinionIn Rana Ayyub, the White West has found its next Arundhati Roy

In Rana Ayyub, the White West has found its next Arundhati Roy

Investigative journalist Rana Ayyub is the story and the storyteller of Modi's new India.

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What is it with gullible White people and brown women in distress? Every few years, the Western world seeks out, creates and builds bard of brown world’s pain. First it was Arundhati Roy, now it is Rana Ayyub. The recent New Yorker article titled Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi’s India is proof that Rana Ayyub is the new articulator of Indian pain – and the White Western world is listening and taking notes.

For the New Yorker writer Dexter Filkins, Rana Ayyub’s life is the story of new India. In fact, she is both the story and the storyteller.

“As a Muslim from Mumbai, she has lived on the country’s sectarian divide her whole life,” Filkins writes. From her ‘infectious warmth’ to her ‘disorienting speed’, he sees Kashmir in the article entirely through the eyes of Rana Ayyub in a carefully curated trip.

From speaking at international human rights conventions to investigative journalist awards to UN mention of concerns about her safety – Rana Ayyub must be saved. Because India must be saved.

Until recently, this mantle was worn by Arundhati Roy, who spoke for the marginalised and the process of dispossession. She was the interpreter of Indian maladies and spoke against the nuclear test, mining mafia, large dams and the Hindutva raj. And the West feted her with articles, op-eds and awards.

Also read: For women in the press like Rana Ayyub, it’s scarily easy for online threats to turn physical

Fodder for the West’s White saviour

But why do Western chroniclers need regional heroes from the developing world for their stories of injustice? Latent White supremacy? Or something more benign like what Rudyard Kipling called “White man’s burden”? Or something deeper perhaps – the need to make one’s otherwise unremarkable life meaningful. But at the centre of it all, it is the saviour complex.

Some of us go to the movies and watch Avatar, where a retired injured marine called Jake Sully finds meaning in life by helping Neytiri and her forest-dwelling, hunting-gathering, ‘native savages’ liberate their planet from evil miners. Others write similar stuff for the New Yorker.

We have a long list of such powerful and exceptional women in the subcontinent, women who have been able to flatter the White saviour mindset and made them useful – a Malala Yousafzai, who condemns everything except human rights abuses by the Pakistani state; an Arundhati Roy whose knowledge of anthropology is about the same as a Big Boss contestant’s; a Phoolan Devi – the “Robin Hood of India”.

They are South Asia’s La Malinche as Doña Marina – Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés’ interpreter – was called. And the White saviour – a writer, a filmmaker or gatekeeper of global human rights discourse – is always the explorer of the new worlds shining light on dark corners of abuse across the planet.

Also read: In South Asia, bravery has a different meaning

Ayyub makes things happen in Kashmir

For Dexter Filkins, the India story began with the Mumbai riots in 1993. As did Rana Ayyub’s.

“The Ayyubs, accustomed to a middle-class existence, found their lives transformed… Mumbai had been transformed, too. When she enrolled in a predominantly Hindu school nearby, her classmates called her landya, an anti-Muslim slur. “That is the first time I ever really thought about my identity,” she said. “Our entire neighborhood — our friends — were going to kill us.””

But it was Gujarat 2002 riots that “made me realize that what happened in Mumbai was not an aberration,” Ayyub tells Filkins.

In Kashmir, Ayyub very easily helps Filkins duck the security’s watchful eye at the airport as she “hustled me past” the desk called “Registration for Foreigners” and “making sure I kept my head down”. This was just two weeks after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government had on 5 August ended the special status that the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed under Article 370. This was when the airport and the Kashmir Valley were teeming with police, paramilitary and intelligence officers. A little hard to believe, but Rana Ayyub can make things happen, apparently.

The White disdain for local governments is apparent in the very first paragraph of the New Yorker article. “The change in Kashmir upended more than half a century of careful politics,” writes Dexter Filkins. That this “careful” politics led to the insurgency, ethnic cleansing, waves of terrorism and rise of violent mobs seems lost on him.

He writes: “Modi and his allies have squeezed, bullied, and smothered the press into endorsing what they call the “New India.”” Yes, you see, brown native savages are all cowards and it needs the White saviour to save them from their oppressors. Of course, Indian journalists who have been covering Kashmir for more than 40 years are all wrong; it requires a White hero to parachute in for a week and bring out the real picture.

Some of the claims made in the article – like the assertion of “thirty gunshot victims” in the hospital – is never substantiated through pictures, despite Ayyub and Filkins having a photographer (Avani Rai) travelling with them. More importantly, these 30 victims are not mentioned as having been seen by the protagonists. Given Rana Ayyub’s record of never substantiating anything, this is of course par for the course.

Also read: A definitive list of people that India can really do without

Her unchecked, meteoric rise

Rana Ayyub is a curious facilitator for Dexter Filkin’s idea of Kashmir. Her self-published Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover Up was a huge bestseller. But nobody has heard the audio tapes it is based on. It hasn’t been put out in public domain or submitted for legal scrutiny – on the ground that the government agencies or investigators have to ask for it first.

Rana Ayyub’s sudden, meteoric rise in the eyes of the West over the past two-three years is mysterious. As far as Arundhati Roy is concerned, she was a fiction-writer who didn’t need recordings or photos. She used her talent as a rhetorician to turn herself into a public intellectual.

In Kashmir, Dexter Filkins’ sutradhar (host, narrator) Rana Ayyub is a feisty journalist with a heart of gold and a deadly premonition.

He writes: “Ayyub said goodbye to Fehmeeda, promising to return with medicine for her kidneys. (A few weeks later, she did.) We were both gripped by a sense of foreboding, that we were witnessing the start of something that would last many years. “I feel this as a Muslim,” Ayyub said. “It’s happening everywhere in India.”

“We rode in silence for a while. I suggested that maybe it was time for her to leave India — that Muslims didn’t have a future there. But Ayyub was going through a notebook. “I’m not leaving,” she said. “I have to stay. I’m going to write all this down and tell everyone what happened.””

The West is listening. Let’s hope it starts asking for some proof, too – for a change.

The author is a senior fellow at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. He tweets @iyervval. Views are personal. 

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  1. Rana Ayyub is a chronic liar. Her selective journalism and misrepresentation of facts are very obvious and known to a large number of Indian social media users. Her coverage of the Delhi riots has been in consonance with this character. She is thoroughly trolled on social media, and it should stay like that. I can see her soon getting into legal trouble if she keeps writing the cr@p she does.

  2. After reading the New Yorker article, I wanted to read a sharp, objective analysis of it. This could have been it. However launching an argument from a narrow plunge point of race and gender shuts the door to a more cogent argument, because where do you go after that? I am concluding there was no argument, or else The Print has punishing deadlines for its contributors and won’t give them time to build one.

  3. What is it with Indian men who are clearly miffed at not being in the spotlight? Especially by the so-disdained ‘White West’? Haha. That is all this piece sounds like 🙂 Weak.

  4. Although marked as opinion, I find this piece extremely disingenuous. Ayyub’s only fault is that she cares about speaking truth to power. If the New Yorker has published a biased piece, as the author is claiming, then it’s perhaps a reflection of the impotent press in India that cannot or will not report on the important matters while ceding to advertiser demands.

    A journalist who has not lived in India his whole life might not be able to capture the intricacies of the Kashmir issue. But it is an indisputable fact that India has made no effort to find a solution to the political quagmire in Kashmir. Especially the Modi administration. If terrorism still exists, Indian politicians have a big role to play in sowing division over the years and creating a breeding ground for terrorists. Let’s not go blaming the New Yorker for taking an interest when the core problem lies at home.

    Reporters are routinely silenced in India for reporting on important issues and the garbage published in the mainstream press in just as bad as this op-ed piece. It is no surprise that India’s press freedom ranks at the very bottom and that reflects in the health of the democracy.

    This opinion piece does not tackle any inaccuracies of the New Yorker article. Instead, the author resorts to demeaning both Filkins and Ayyub. In the piece, Filkins mentions several cases of journalists being sent death threats and, in some extreme cases, murdered. Does Mr. Mitra need proof of those as well? Does he choose to ignore them for some reason?

    It seems that the author here is upset that the New Yorker came down to India to report on a sensitive issue. Perhaps the contention should be to empower the Indian press to do better. Perhaps Indian journalists should stand together with their colleagues and demand clarification from the government and refute owners of newspapers. But everyone is worried about their bottom line. Including Mr. Mitra. It’s a shame to see a fellow of a “non-partisan” public policy institute write such a disgraceful piece. But such is the case in India. When the facts don’t support your worldview, resort to slander. Do better, Mr. Mitra.

    • Sergio Manilla is an ill informed person. Kashmir is not problem as far as India is concerned. It is a problem created for India by muslims and their god fathers in the west. As far as ran ayyub like islamists and Hinduphobe is concerned she has exposed her poisonous mind many times so she is a known enemy. When Newyork times tries to play with fire we know the game. Indian journalists are of two kind one who think they are ELITIST and more powerful than the state backed by foreigners and others who are are true to the country and report truth. Rana Ayyub is a LANDE no doubt about it.

  5. Hindutva forces are taking a reactionary stand to rewrite history of political chauvinism and appeasement perpetrated by earlier secular regimes .Both are extremely derogatory to Indian commoner . He/she are systematically succumbing to vote bank politics spread through the rhetoric of Hindu Muslim divide in the Indian state . Interference is the key to invade privacy when threatened by fundamentalists . Usurping land in name of Pundits , giving costly contracts for development with kickbacks , controlling apple ,walnut and saffron trade . And finishing their unique identity so they are forced to westernise is the hidden agenda…. The whites stand to gain .

  6. Thanks Mr Abhijit Mitra for exposing the terrible journalistic standards of publications like the New Yorker.

    I read the article which you refer to…..
    Shockingly slanted, propaganda piece to say the least. Well done for the expose.

  7. This article may appear provocative at first but the author has indeed caught the vein of an influential element in what shapes western opinion. Agent Provocateurs are like prized cage fighters for legions of opinion makers in the so called newspapers of record and television studios. Recently we see more of them performing in front of US Congressional committees as well. Scary tales of the darkness enveloping India are laid out with meticulous details and incidents, all tied together so conveniently to fit their narrative. Of course they have a prescription for us as well. (Just as they had a prescription for Iraq, Libya, Syria etc.). Though India must never be deaf and blind to constructive advise from friendly nations who have India’s best interests at heart most of the mainstream views that exist in the West about India are terribly off kilter.

    • There is much to gain from writing drivel in the Western press. Ayyub may be one in a zillion journalists abroad churning out crap in an industrial manner, but she is now a big brand back home, courtesy articles such as this one written by Iyer-Mitra. Plus there is more money.

  8. why devide th world into white-liberals and brown-non-liberals? the fact is that these two women have won the respect of millions of Indians as well as non-indians, what ever their colour. better write about how Modi is prostrting himself in front of illiberals liek Trump and now bojo.

    • Well Republican Party and BJP are same kind of parties who hate the schemers like congress, communists, islamists and such parties in UK and US.

  9. I would concur with the theme of this article. There is a certain ‘gullibility’ in the West, coupled with a sense of moral ‘superiority’ and a constant desire to find ‘their underdog’ in other countries. Often this leads them to forget to ask for evidence of far reaching claims, often embellished and even invented. Another case in point is Mehboob Mufi’s daughter appearing in NY Times & BBC claiming they India Army is kidnapping and torturing children in Kashmir. These ‘respectable’ outlets repeated her wild allegations with no proof.

  10. Your first sentence lays bare your world-view.

    “gullible White people and brown women in distress”

    So, no matter that Filkins is a highly respected journalist who has traveled the length and breadth of this region and the middle east and has written critical pieces on India, the US and islamic countries. No…, he is apparently gullible with no prior and independent view.

    Rana Ayyub has taken on Amit Shah and Modi, making convincing enough arguments. But whatever your take on politics, it is undeniable that she fearlessly reports the situation as she sees it and stands by it, without institutional support and in spite of very real threats to life and limb. But no, …. she is apparently a brown woman in distress. It is richly ironic that a coward like you (who could not stand by his views after a stint in jail) is condescending towards someone who has far more guts than you can imagine.

    • The very fact that she is allowed to report in the way she does, without any facts in her statements, is the testament of the strength of democracy in India, which people like her and you always like to demonize. It is not China or many other middle-eastern countries where the reporters have vanished despite having proven facts. What does that say to your world-view ?

    • Hah….taking on the liberal pseuds in India, rather then getting silently co-opted shows real guts. Bravo, Mr Iyer!
      Not join the likes of Pankaj Mishra and his scurrilous prose in NYT — anything for 30 pieces of silver. Mishraji sure knew which side his toast was buttered. And you are no better.

  11. It is highly disappointing to read this piece from Mr. Abhijeet. Rather than finding any factual inaccuracies in the article, his only anguish is that Ms. Ayub managed to get Mr. Dexter past indian security forces, well that’s journalism Mr. Abhijeet, a noble profession that would seem alien to you and your pro-govt friends in the Media.
    Any criticism of the continued lockdown in Kashmir is countered with a false equivalence of ‘ Kashmiri Pandit Genocide’. Please let us know the measures that your govt has taken to alleviate the pain of the Pandits. While the genocide should be condemned in the strongest words, this current lockdown is no answer to the ill-conceived decision to abrogate article 370. For God’s sake, the state has been in lockdown for more than 120 days now…have some humanity….

  12. It is amazing that the only argument against any counter narrative by so called liberals is – this person is right wing, fundamentalist, misogynist, hindu, ultra-nationalist, nativists, fascists, castist.
    They do not realize that they portray themselves as the same bigoted logic-less individuals that they are arguing against. Provide counter logic instead of lazy rhetorics. You cannot force trust on people. You got to win trust by solid propositions!

  13. The White savior complex is increasingly exported to India because they are getting irrelevant in the West and others like China don’t care!

  14. There are n number of journalists who write highly critical pieces in the West on their own PMs, Presidents and even Royalty. Who cares. No one. Everyone manages the press, engages with it. The press can drag BoJos and Corbyns to the podium and ask questions that have not been shared with them. And they are expected to answer. It is not a one way communication like in the Indian subcontinent. The ways of dealing with press are different here. There is nothing to be sensitive about Rana or Mishra or XYZ. They found their space and taking the liberty offered to them to write. It is like Priyanka Chopra who found her heaven in the West. The Indian press can do similar recruiting of a Chinese, a Britisher or an American ready to write like her on their country’s establishment. How about starting with some black journalist from America?

  15. The likes of Ayyub and Roy thrive because of the Indian liberal/secular cabal. Their all pervasive networks are put to good use to champion such “journalists” as the sole authentic voice of India. Remember Mr. Noam Chomsky’s “concern” about the JNU episode? And it basically boils down to a competitive shouting match between the likes of Roy and Ayyub. The more you abuse and denigrate the nation and its society, the more feted and celebrated you are. Why? Because the Westerner wishes to hear exactly just that. They are least interested in the dramatic improvement in the sanitation scenario across the nation due to the SBA. What they are interested in rather is whether the numbers quoted by the govt are precise or not. Not for once would they acknowledge that the mission has indeed made a significant impact.
    It clearly pays to be a member of this cabal. Why? Because then one can avail of the networks to further one’s career. If you do research which concludes that Aurangzeb was generous towards Sikhs/Hindus and impartial/unbiased in administering the Mughal empire you can easily hope for a post-doctoral fellowship at esteemed US/UK universities which are populated mostly by the likes of Mr. Chomsky. However, if your research points in any other direction, you can be sure of your applications getting rejected. Does not matter whether your research was based on historical facts and evidences and perfectly cogent arguments.

  16. His previous articles in the Print are all of the same kind.- very supportive of the present regime. And generally heavily biased. With a name that indicates his caste of which he is obviously proud, I imagine he stands for an India with caste privileges which is why he inveighs against Roy. Rather than argue about the statements these writers make he blames the Saviour complex of the West .. As one of the previous commenters said, the Western public is hardly concerned about India and the literary guilds can hardly be part of White establishment .

  17. Yes, surprise,surprise.
    Somebody still brave enough to speak the truth in King Modi’s raj,and that too a woman.How dare she?
    Let us call her names and shut her up.

  18. Ran a Ayyub is fearless journalist, just doing her job.
    I am wondering why Print has given space to such a Bigot & Racial Moitra to write.

  19. And the Hindu right has found its next punching bag. The fact is that Rana is respected by a whole lot of people in India, as well as abroad, for her gutsy journalism. It is only godi-media and its beneficiaries that love to hate her.

  20. Selling your country to the highest bidder, usually from the West, is quite common among self certified liberals and selective secularists of India. So it is not at all surprising that Rana Ayyub has chosen the well trodden path. The fact that she is a Muslim, who has benefited from a secular education, gives her a leg up.

    • You mean to say Feku is the only authority to sell India lock stock and barrel? Is India is the ancestral property of Feku? And what anybody can sell the way Feku is selling to Ambanis, Adanis and to his cronies? Wake up Mr Blind bhakt don’t pretend all is well!

  21. With views so pre determined what is this author doing in IPC S which is supposed to be a think tank? What do you say about Madi Sharma the international business broker who brought a group of convenient people from EUROPE

  22. The premise of this thinly-veiled misogynist rant against two of India’s most gifted writers is so ridiculous that one can hardly believe that anyone would take it seriously: Iyer-Mitra suggests that violence, communal discrimination, casteism, and all other ills in India are simply a fiction created by women writers to sell to a racist white western audience. As if the daily news reports in every paper and news channel in India reporting these events were somehow also dreamed up by the women that Iyer-Mitra so despises.

    What is disturbing is that there is a rapidly increasing number of people in India that are ready to believe such ridiculous, chauvinist nonsense– and this is exactly the trend that writers like Ayyub and Roy have been struggling against. The straw man of western racism is an easy foil for nativists and crypto-fascists like Iyer-Mitra to use to dismiss all the violence and ugliness of their own society. Yes, it should be painfully obvious to EVERYONE that white racism exists and colours how many white people see India and societies like it. Yet how can that possibly negate the existence off all sorts of violence–including caste-based, gender-based, class-based, religion-based– that we read and hear about every day in India?

    At least we can all laugh at Iyer-Mitra’s less-than-concealed jealousy of these two women writers, the fame and respect of which he can never hope to achieve writing this type of bilge.

  23. Lol.. Abhijit Iyer-Mitra (senior fellow at the Peace and Conflict Studies) is just sad that he (inspite of trying so hard to solve peace and conflict) isn’t heard by the Americans or the Westerners (whatever that means anyway) that he basically had to write a whole article whining about why Rana (like Arundhati) is being heard and spoken to, by the same Americans (and Westerners), that have the oh-so-stupid Savior Complex, part-bitching-part-wallowing, whom he loathes so much and whose opinions clearly doesn’t matter to him (and Modi’s India). Classic Cis-Het let-us-bitch-about-women-for-cheap-thrills syndrome. I just pray that at least one American would read this article (probably without the Savior Complex) and masturbate to left-liberal-bashing, probably on a Jordan Peterson poster.

  24. Mr. Aiyar-Mitra says he believes the reason the west is critical of the Indian government is that “… at the centre of it all, it is the saviour complex.”
    Let me reassure him that no-one in the west is trying any such thing as it is quite obviously impossible to save India now from its embrace of fascism and fundamentalist religious hysteria.
    As the two recent rape cases indicate, there is no law and order anymore either.
    His other complaint, is that Indian journalists’ reporting from Kashmir for the last forty years are not seen as reliable. If the government had nothing to hide there, why have they banned journalists from the west ?
    According to Journalists Without Borders, India is one of the most dangerous countries to be an honest journalist.

    • So “WHITE” COOPER is telling india what is fascism and what is fundamentalism when they themselves have done genocide of their own indigenous people even today they have voted for Trump and all West Asia facing innumerable death so that white people would have their own cake … India doesn’t need certificate from anyone Specially White Parasites that thrives on other’s blood …

      We know that their is ”BLACK TRUTH HIDING BENEATH WHITE SKIN”… And please don’t tryto be Global Police …. Get lost … Preach this someone else Indian don’t give two hoot about u and we shall do what is best for our society and Culture and future …

      • Yes,shoot the messenger when you don’t like the message.
        White or black, doesn’t matter …..respond to his argument ….that is if you can come up with anything coherent apart from hate…
        Truth always prevails…..Satyameva jayate…Jai Hind.

    • Everybody loves and underdog isn’t it ?
      Before 9/11 there was hardly any conscience about definition of terrorism. India , a complex multi ethnic democracy had been under threat from cross border terrorism when the west liberal media called them all sort of glamorous names like rebels n dissidents or militants.

      Thanks for your concern , but we are good!
      We have one of the most credible electoral systems in the world that franchises 20% of the world population.
      We havent written a blank check to the BJP as it’s evident in the recent provincial elections around the country .

      Just cos trump won , nobody’s calling US citizens fascist.
      About the crime rates including rapes … You may check the statistics and see India is still better of than most celebrated western democracies .
      Just cos an incident becomes a major news and people does mobilise against it , don’t use it as a stick to beat us with .

    • Er. excuse me Mr. Cooper, we don’t need you to save India from Fascism, and we don’t certainly care whether you think it is possible or not possible. We extricated ourselves from centuries of Muslim and White man’s rule, only to be ruled by the Congress dynasty for decades more. The Hindus of India are living in an apartheid state where the so-called ‘minoriy’ of muslims is forced become a vote-bank at the mercy of their Muslim leaders. It took a Narendra Modi to remove the horrific Triple Talak bill. It’s pathetic really that you white folks can believe any LIE so long as it’s coming from a brown muslim woman. Pathetic.

  25. Your assumption that white people even care about what goes on in India is coming from your own self hatred! The woman wrote a truthful story about what the Modi government did in Kashmir and Hindutva do not like the truth. The other reason you are blaming the West is a woman has spoken her mind and your misogyny kicks in. How can a woman tell a group of men they are wrong. Believe me if any other country locked down an entire state the UN would be screaming!

    • misogyny?
      We have had a woman prime minister within 20 years of our forming of the republic.

      One sided presentation of facts is nothing short of yellow journalism.

    • British scum did subvert India’s education system to create brown sahibs. We have only now elected a non-congress non-dynastic non-bootlicking Govt. Rana Ayub is nothing but a liar, peddling lies and hindu hatred. You can take your white man’s opinion and stuff it.

    • Mr Steven, We have survived countless invasions, colonization, terrorism, famine, war. Your statement shows you are the typical western or western fed individual who thinks in binaries. You are not capable of understanding the complexities of India. Start thinking beyond these pet ‘misogyny’-‘bigot’ binaries to explain everything about India. It is insulting for Indians who has good reason to believe that Rana Ayyub is hypocritical opportunist. Stop branding everyone in one broad brush. The same way you do not want to be treated as the ‘white savior’ binary. Please keep your savior romanticism away for a moment and step back to think deeper. Read Rana’s twitter posts to see if there is continuos bias in her statements, find out what evidence she produced to back her claims, think if her statements will stand to logic and scrutiny, think why most Indians do not believe her. We are more intelligent than you think to form our own opinions and to filter truth from fake. Mr Steven, your motivation might be sincere I like to believe, but you can be wrong in your assessment of data.

    • One neutral question – How exactly you you deduced whatever Rana Ayub said is all true ? Or all the bad rantings about India is always true? Do you know anything good happening in India or you read only the newspapers publishing bad news about India?

  26. For 70 years, we fed and bred internal enemies like the Thapars and the Habibs. We fed and bred a snake pit called JNU. We fed and bred urban naxals because it suited the politics of a family. We fed and bred corrupt journalists and jurists. The result is the Ayyubs and the Barkhas. Of course, the West is always ready to pounce on us with the help of our internal enemies, they want nothing short of destroying our civilization.

  27. This seems to be such a great counter narrative.. in fact THE narrative it should be. While what Rana wrote and tells now, may well be true, but we must not make “assumed and assigned heroes” on both sides of the debate. Every argument must be questioned and weighed through proofs, whichever side it may be. And the idea of White saviour has been something we need to be careful about, because browns have been prone to seeking validation from whites for too long .

  28. Rana Ayyub is a front for anti Hindu forces. It’s time for NIA to investigate her funding and connections with anti India forces.

  29. All 35 tigers poached by organized gangs like bahelias or pardhis? Is this the figure of tiger hunting where body parts were taken away by the organized loaches for smuggling or it is this simply includes illegal killing or huting of tigers by means like electrocution, poisoning etc by local people where body parts are usually not taken away or used for balck magic etc unlike the organized gangs, as described in the article.

  30. As we know how anti she is against modi, what you expect from her. People of India are living in peace when comes to religion. Rest general issues are faced by every one irrespective of religion, that’s normal in India.

  31. A cunningly contrived article by a typical brahmanic rascal. As members of India’s ruling castes, such charlatans fancy themselves as custodians of India; the only point of their intellectual life is to somehow justify the cruelty and crimes of the ruling Hindu-right forces.

    • When dumbo doesn’t have any argument they jumped on the so called caste maniac.. If u r so inferior complexified about caste that’s your problem … Come out of it and talk sense that’s why in India nobody care about your tribe who just vomit Caste , so called Brahmanism BS irrespective of Issues … What a typical frustrated chu***a who couldn’t argue and failed miserably on fact and peddled nonsense all the time …

  32. They speak for the minorities, persecuted, wronged and the oppressed. You are the complete opposite — one who vilifies, spews venom against and acts as a mouthpiece of horrible Hindutva propaganda against minorities and persecuted. So you are never going to be a darling of either the white Western democracies or the persecuted and oppressed. You are going to get a pat on the back from the Hindutva organizations though.

    • In a 1995 judgment, the Supreme Court of India ruled that “Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism … it is a fallacy and an error of law to proceed on the assumption … that the use of words Hindutva or Hinduism per se depicts an attitude hostile to all persons practising any religion other than the Hindu religion … It may well be that these words are used in a speech to promote secularism or to emphasise the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos, or to criticise the policy of any political party as discriminatory or intolerant.”… HINDUTVA IS WAY OF LIFE … enough said don’t know what you White or Buffon had learnt from froud sources it is “NOT ANY IDEOLOGY” it’s just a terminology to define What qualities a HINDU must possess … NOW GET LOST … WE DON’T NEED ANY CERTIFICATE ….

      • I am a Kashmiri and know fascist Hindutva quite well. Supreme Court is just facilitating the rise of a fascist Hindutva state with its recent judgments, so it is just another arm of the executive for us. Just out of concern, please don’t scream, you might suffer from brain haemorrhage. And yes, use autocorrect next time, your spellings are horrible.

        • Lol, fascist? Do you know meaning of it. Nobody is fascist except followers of arabic religion and followers of vatican religions.

  33. I am commanded by His Majesty Allah The Exalted and Glorious ruler of the Universal Empire/Heavenly Goverment to ‘ Proclaim Reformation A New Law’. the advises/Instructions/Laws of Holy Quran [Final Heavenly revelation superseding past partial revelations] and teachings of Prophet Muhammad [Final Prophet superseding past Prophets] are Sources for true reform of India, as all other sources eventually Fail.[If you look at the endless saga of Rapes in India,endless saga of corruption in India,]

  34. Why do you think Modi government in Gujarat did not ask for audio tapes for this so far?

    Is law and order not a state subject?

    Why will they care about proof?

    Rana ayyub has been shouting about all this from a long time.

  35. The screaming title and theme of Iyer-Mitra’s article are unreasonably hostile to Ayyub and Filkins. Rather than attack the factual flaws in their writing, theprint has (uncharacteristically) allowed the writer to choose a screaming title that heads the racially-tinged piece. I found this ultra-nationalist journalism rather misplaced in the normal style of theprint. In fact, theprint has been quietly crusading against it. Filkins and Ayyub both have reputations in journalism, however much we may dislike the two. Those creds should be respected, not smeared, just because Ayyub facilitated at some risk the Kashmir visit of a (heaven-forbid) WHITE profe4ssional colleague, they don’t become villains. They just went to the valley to have a first-hand look at the prevailing situation in Kashmir. If what Filkins reported was fake news, call him out on that but leave out the colour of his skin.

  36. The author of this story is a well-known Tamil Bambban supremacist who wept like a child to escape from Odisha after being jailed for denigrating its culture. BTW, the Uzebkis are also looking for him for urinating on the grave of its national hero Taimur Lang.

  37. Arundhati Roy or Rana Ayyub have found the saviour in the country which has the worst reputation of human right violations be it Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or any other part of the world. ….


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