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How many of your colleagues used Ayurveda to treat Covid, IMA asks Harsh Vardhan

Questioning the health minister’s move to promote alternative medicines for Covid patients, IMA says he is ‘inflicting a fraud on nation & gullible patients by calling placebos as drugs’.

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New Delhi: The Indian Medical Association (IMA) Thursday questioned Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan’s move to promote alternative medicines and yoga for Covid-19 patients. 

Vardhan had released a document Tuesday, prescribing protocol for Covid prevention and treatment of asymptomatic as well as mild cases based on ayurveda and yoga.

The protocol promotes use of ashwagandhaguduchipippali, Ayush 64 tablets in different doses, and yoga to prevent Covid, treat mild symptoms and for post-Covid self-care.

In a press release issued by IMA’s national president Rajan Sharma and secretary general R.V. Asokan, the association asked the minister five questions and sought his response to them.

Some of these questions were —‘How many of his ministerial colleagues have so far got treated under AYUSH protocols?’; and ‘What is stopping him from handing over Covid care and control to the AYUSH ministry (from his own health ministry?’

The association, which is the apex lobby of 3.5 lakh doctors in the country, demanded that “the Union health minister should come clean” on the questions. 

“If not, he is inflicting a fraud on the nation and gullible patients by calling placebos as drugs,” it said. Placebo is a dummy pill.

ThePrint reached a health ministry spokesperson for a comment on the matter via email and text message, but there was no response until the time of publishing this report.

Also read: Need more studies to test Ayurveda on severe Covid patients, AYUSH staff say in new paper

‘Measure AYUSH treatment on two scientific parameters’

The minister, the IMA said, has “arranged impressive names of institutions to support his prescription” of yoga, and AYUSH therapies and medicines.

It said Vardhan promotes alternative medicine by admitting that “these are based on empirical evidence, which means that the evidence is anecdotal and based on individual subjective experiences”.

The association pointed out that the minister “himself relegates AYUSH as history rather than current by saying Ayurveda has contributed to foundation of modern medicine”. 

The IMA clarified that science “demands” two things. 

First, as listed in the release, is “reproducibility of a claim elsewhere in non-conflict situations”. 

Replication of the claim is one of the “key ways scientists build confidence in the scientific merit of results”. When the result from one study is found to be consistent by another study, it is more likely to represent a reliable claim to new knowledge, according to the US-based The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Another important scientific parameter mentioned by the IMA is “double-blind control studies”, which is one the most respectable methods of clinical trial as it prevents bias in checking the efficacy of the treatment.

The 5 questions

The IMA asked five questions to Vardhan. “IMA prefers the following posers to the Union Health Minister who happens to be a modern medicine doctor,” it mentioned.

It questioned the minister if there is satisfactory evidence regarding the claims made from AYUSH studies done on Covid patients based on the two scientific requirements. 

It further asked if those evidences are “weak or moderate or strong”, while adding that the evidence should be in public domain and available for scientific scrutiny. 

The association also asked if all those who support claims of efficacy of AYUSH-based medicines and therapies are “prepared to subject themselves as volunteers to an independent prospective double-blind control study in prevention and treatment of Covid.

It also asked Vardhan that “how many of his ministerial colleagues have so far made the informed choice of getting treated under these (AYUSH) protocols?”

Lastly, it asked: “What is stopping him from handing over Covid care and control to the AYUSH ministry?” 

Also read: Yoga, AYUSH medicines, community support — govt releases guidelines for post-Covid care


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  1. IMA should make better use of their Association responsibilities in asking their doctor community and hospital managements in reducing charges for treatment / hospitalisation for covid treatment. This pandemic is a good opportunity for IMA to represent a noble profession by offering as much free service as possible to poorer patients in this country. While many modern medicine doctors have died, IMA should work further on reducing costs of Covid treatment. Offer free service for poor Covid patients from private sector hospitals. If it is already being done then IMA must highlight and must reinforce it until pandemic is over to gain respect of poor patients in the system of modern medicine.

    Poorer people in our country are obviously taking free Siddha or cheaper alternate medicine as it does not cost them much unlike modern medicine. Even if there is no scientific evidence available yet that the treatment in these systems can effectively cure Covid.

  2. Dr Asokan of IMA should intervene in his home state Tamilnadu first. Is the state government asking allopathic doctors to prescribe siddha medicines? Are allopathic doctors prescribing siddha medicines there? if so IMA must suspend their license to practice modern medicine in Tamilnadu. For such allopathic doctors their education in modern medicine and license to practise evidence based medicine was not worth it – they can go back to practising fully faith based medicine instead.

  3. Modernisation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a national priority in China and is backed by financial support from the CCP. There is a huge amount of research being done in China on TCM and in collaboration with Western countries to generate good scientific evidence for TCM.

    The trouble with Ayurvedic preparations is that there is not enough scientific research based on high standard clinical trials. Also whatever research has been done so far and made available there is no single definitive clinical trial that demonstrates solid evidence.

    You need lots of funding to do proper research to generate scientific evidence from ayurveda. It is indeed a government problem. As it is government invests less in public health and education as compared to the military and running the government itself. Until then expect ayurvedic practitioners to believe in their preparations based on their actual practice that Ayurveda truly works while Allopathy will say there is no scientific evidence.

  4. Mr Akash: You claim:

    ” .. If someone says that ayurveda is not capable enough to treat moderate symptomatic patients, either u r ignorant, or u r a fool that u can’t see them as an effective mode of treatment ..”

    If your claim had been true, then the world would have come flocking to the Ayurvedic treatment centres whenever “moderate symptomatic patients” had the disease and been cured. That has not happened, has it ? Fact is, the world and most Indians dismiss these claims from AYUSH as hocus-pocus and quack medicine. These are the desperate attempts of a bumbling, bungling BJP government to explain away its massive failures in healthcare in general and in its response to this pandemic in particular. Aided and abetted by its large army of useful saffron idiots who firmly believe that the Vishwaguru has all the answers to the world’s problems.

    You go on to bray:

    “.. Steam inhalation was indicated in ayush guidelines, kaadha and ayush64 have been so effective ..”

    Let me restrict myself to Ayush64, the drug touted as a COVID cure.

    A rigorous analysis of the clinical trials that preceded the launch of this miracle cure was highly flawed. Before COVID struck earlier this year, Ayush64 was prescribed for Influenza Like Illnesses (ILI). However, after COVID made its presence felt, Ayush64 was re-purposed and prescribed for COVID, following a highly questionable clinical trial. Subsequent research has unearthed flaws in these trials and the exaggerated claims about AYUSH64 in COVID treatment.

    I cite from the paper: “Influenza like illness related clinical trial on AYUSH-64 requires cautious interpretation” by Pandey* et al, available at ref:

    “.. on careful analyses, we find that the interpretations arrived at in this study need caution because of limitations in the design of clinical trial and analysis of the results. Here, we raise scientific concerns and urge authors to reconsider their findings in the light of the challenges .. when the trial was conducted, modern medicines viz., “acetaminophen, antihistaminic and cough syrup as per the standard guidelines” were co-prescribed [4]. This co-intervention of modern medicine constitutes a critical departure from the recorded intervention at CTRI database. By not adhering to AYUSH-64 alone as originally decided, the entire objective of scientific exercise becomes flawed, and inferences therefrom equivocal.

    Because allopathic drugs were co-administered without an appropriate modification in the methodology capable of discerning the comparative effect, there is no way one can find out the proportionate effect of AYUSH-64 in the intervened condition. Thus, the claims of efficacy attributed to AYUSH-64 by Gundeti et al. have become scientifically untenable since it is not possible to identify the drug that actually cured or brought relief to patients ..”

    In layman’s terms, when AYUSH64 was prescribed, ordinary allopathic drugs such as cough syrups and anti-histamines were also given to patients along with Ayush64. Thus the recovery seen cannot be solely ascribed to Ayush64.

    This sordid saga shows that history and journalism are not the only casualties of the BJP’s attempts to rewrite and reframe the worldview of Indians through a Hindutva prism. Science and medicine have also become fertile ground for the propagation of pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo. The PM boasted (ref: of India’s successes in plastic surgery citing the ability of ancient Indian surgeons to graft an elephant’s head to a man’s torso; Captain Anand Bodas claimed that at the 2015 Indian Science Congress (ref: that ancient Indians had inter-planetary space vehicles propelled by ghee and cow dung; Researcher Kannan Krishnan claiming at the 2019 Indian Science Congress that Einstein & Newton were wrong (ref: and that gravitational waves would be renamed NaMo waves and many other nuggets. Another interesting piece of research by Junagadh Agricultural university (ref: claims that cows piss gold !!

    Now, we have this pseudo-scientific nonsense being extended to medicine and healthcare – a dangerous thing to say the least. Lives are at stake and yet the BJP and its saffron jingoists shy from nothing when it comes to promoting dangerous claptrap.

    Sad, but true.

    *This paper debunks an earlier paper by Gundeti et al claiming that AYUSH64 could cure COVID. That paper is available at:

    • people who do know how to read a scientific paper will assert that it is big pharma business promoting allopathic doctors to publish fake statements about our ancient medicine system.

      • Mr Ganapathy: Thank you for the reply.

        Undoubtedly, big pharmaceutical companies are not exactly paragons of virtue. They are focussed on delivering returns to their shareholders and not to society per se. Thus, there is little R&D into diseases of the Third World such as malaria, snakebite, sleeping sickness etc. etc.

        Pharma companies are also into lobbying policy makers into providing them with favourable terms, something that is rife in the US. The nexus between hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and lobby firms has resulted in overall poor health outcomes in the USA. Whilst the rich get excellent care, the poor, the unemployed and the undere,ployed do badly. And this despite the fact that the US spends 18% of GDP on healthcare, ref: France, which spends 11.2% of GDP on healthcare does much better than the USA. A good mixture of private and public providers, strong government regulation and low levels of corruption ensure that healthcare outcomes are much better in France and in most parts of Western Europe.

        The point I am trying to make is that governments ought to recognise that the private sector in all parts of the world aims for profit maximisation. The role of government then would be to:

        1: Regulate the private sector more effectively to thwart price gouging and monopolistic behaviour.
        2. Improve the quality of public sector offerings

        But what we see in India is the government doing neither of these 2 things. Instead, the government has simply abdicated and asks the poor to buy Baba Ramdev’s gomutra or cow dung based products. Cheap they may be but drugs they are not. Meanwhile, since the poor in India vastly outnumber the rich, small purchases of cheap Ramdev concoctions have actually made this saffron businessman and BJP financier into a billionaire. Not very different from the real pharmaceutical companies of the West either !

        • Most research on pharmaceutical drugs happens in the private sector in developed ountries. That is the sad truth. Government research institutes research diseases and biology but private sector focusses on drugs research. If government over-regulates, innovation can get stifled in pharmaceuticals. The cost of modern medicine is too high in USA. It is more so if you are suffering a rare or not so common disease. Luckily in India we have generics and government keeps prices of drugs under strict control. Even with strict control the cost of modern medicine is completely out of reach of India’s poor.

  5. Lest we forget – Billionaire and Gomutra magnate Baba Ramdev has developed a drug called CORONIL that he claims will get rid of COVID 19 !

    According to this charlatan, CORONIL, a cinnamon based concoction was tested on people who were COVIS positive and tests showed:

    – After 3 days of CORONIL consumption, 69% tested negative for COVID
    – After 7 days, 100% tested negative for COVID.

    One wonders why Donald Trump was not given this miracle cure !

    In any case, the AYUSH guys were caught napping and tried to stop the sale of this questionable product. But then, the billionaire Baba is an important financial contributor to the BJP coffers and after some initial hiccups, he got his way. Today, Baba Ramdev sells his “SWASARI CORONIL KIT” for Rs 545, see ref: Needless to say, the text also says: “Tested & Verified medicine from PATANJALI Research Institute”

    As Niccolo Machiavelli, the Renaissance political philosopher once said:

    “One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived”

    That seems to apply also to educated Indians – their jingoism makes them swallow anything that has a saffron tint to it – including piss and bullshit.

  6. Mr R Anand:

    You claim:

    “.. Death rate is low and recovery rate is high in our country because of Indian system of medicines ..”

    is the surest sign of an unscientific, jingoistic, fact averse brain at work. Clearly, you do not understand cause and effect and simply blurt out undocumented gibberish that does not withstand close scrutiny.

    But you are not alone in displaying saffron jingoism when it comes to explaining Corona virus related deaths and the availability of miracle cures from the Vishwaguru’s AYUSH ministry. Most sane people would call it Ministry of Mumbo-jumbo but that I guess is another debate.

    So let me dissect your dumb claims.

    I use 3 reliable sources for my analysis and have provided references to all of them at the end of my comment::

    It is true that India has only about 34 fatalities/million. Johns Hopkins University (JHU) figures for October show 43.6/million. Additionally, the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) which shows deaths/100 confirmed cases is low – just 1.5 deaths / 100 infected.

    But these figures in themselves are highly misleading as all the 3 sources I refer to confirm. Explanations that shed more light are :

    1: There is massive under-reporting in India. I guess for political reasons and in order not to show the Modi government in a bad light, there is significant underreporting of COVID deaths, see ref: Underreporting is particularly true in Gujarat, the state the PM hails from.
    2: Other countries that India can be compared do better than India. Pakistan has a better mortality rate of 28 deaths/million whilst Bangladesh has 22 deaths/million. Indeed, India was only doing better than Afghanistan in August. But today i.e. Oct 10, 2020, India is doing worse than Afghanistan. In terms of deaths 7 million, India stands at 43,6 whilst Afghanistan stands at 39,6. See JHU figures please.

    You claim that the low Indian mortality is due to Indian medicines. Now are Afghans, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis also taking traditional Indian medicines Mr R. Anand?

    3: A better way of counting COVID deaths so as to make international data comparable is to collect what is called as “excess mortality”. In this method, the deaths in say 3 month period in 2019 is compared to deaths for the same 3 month period in 2020 when the virus is in full swing. Indeed, many researchers and epidemiologists have petitioned the Modi government to release excess death statistics. Needless to say, the government will not do that.

    4: Demographics: India’s population is young and has immunity, perhaps from being exposed to other viruses. This might also account for the low levels of deaths reported. You see that benefit in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan as well where the Mortality Rate is low.

    Ayurveda and other AYUSH paradigms are utterly worthless in diagnosing and for that matter treating severely ill patients to recover. As the IMA says, these are placebos at best and most people who have the resources will seek Allopathic treatments – as Amit Shah and playback singer S.P.Balasubramanian (RIP) did.

    It is time that the government provided proper, affordable or free healthcare to citizens. Instead, even after 7 decades of independence, we have a 2 tier system where the relatively richer Indians seek and obtain good Allopathic care whilst the vast majority are relegated to AYUSH endorsed quacks.

    1: Johns Hopkins University’s CoronaVirus Resource Center. Arguably one of the most reliable sources for collating global Corona virus related information. Article cited: Mortality Analysis Ref:
    2: The Health Foundation, a UK based Research & Policy Institute. Article Cited “Understanding excess mortality: What is the fairest way to compare COVID-19 deaths internationally? Ref:
    3: BBC “Coronavirus: How many Covid-19 deaths is India missing?. Ref:

    • You hit the nail on the head. Government is not able to provide affordable allopathic medical care to the urban poor people and rural areas. There are not enough allopathic doctors and allopathic hospitals in rural areas so government is just shirking responsiblity and denying scientific healthcare to it’s poorest and remotest people.

      • Thanks for the pithy but very apt reply Mr Viswa:

        The sad truth is that whilst India can boast of sending spacecraft such as Mangalyaan to Mars and Chandrayaan to the moon, basic health care is unavailable to most Indians. The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) which measures not only deaths/1000 live births but also captures a host of other socio-economic indices of development is at an abysmal 34 deaths /1000 live births for the whole country*.

        It is necessary to put IMR of 34 into context. Norway has an IMR of 2.1; China 9.29 and Pakistan 57,2. Within India, Kerala has an IMR of 7 and Gujarat, or shall we say Vibrant Gujarat’s IMR is 30. Madhya Pradesh is the worst performer at an abysmal IMR of 47.

        My point here is that it is possible to deliver reasonably good healthcare to the people and Kerala has set an example that must be replicated elsewhere in India. I think it all boils down to political will and the people of the state holding their elected leaders to account as Keralites have always done. The relative success of Kerala in holding down COVID infection rates is another example of this approach.

        But what one sees here in the comments to this article is a mixture of jingoism and excessive cultural pride in some imagined past glory of India. Hence, when Ayurveda and other approaches are touted by the BJP government as a “patriotic” way to get rid of COVID, bhakths lap it up eagerly. And in doing so, they completely ignore the fact that BJP top brass themselves eschew AYUSH, opting instead for state of the art Allopathic care. Thus, rather than hold the BJP government responsible and accountable for healthcare outcomes, they give it a “get-out-of-jail” card. Exactly as they did when PM Modi unleashed his harebrained demonetisation stunt in November 2016.

        India spends an abysmal 1.28% of GDP on healthcare. In contrast, China spends 6.57% and Norway** spends 10.2%. The massive demand for healthcare and the non-existent and abysmal government healthcare has resulted in the mushrooming of an unregulated, price gouging, and often unethical private sector supply of healthcare. Whilst previous governments must be faulted for the abysmal quality of government healthcare, the BJP must be faulted for having a laissez-faire approach to healthcare. The latter approach has resulted in 2 distinct market segments – one for the rich who get private care and one for the poor who get Baba Ramdev’s gomutra and other questionable concoctions, endorsed by AYUSH.

        Incidentally, gomutra magnate Ramdev has become a billionaire, peddling stuff that is banned in most Western countries. And his CORONIL miracle cure for COVID is still being sold at the Patanjali website – despite the BJP government asking him to stop selling it.

        * NITI Aayog, Infant Mortality Rate, ref:
        ** Statista, ref:

  7. So sad to see that people are either anti-allopath, or anti-ayurveda,we all know that both of them are doing their best in treat patients.
    If someone says that ayurveda is not capable enough to treat moderate symptomatic patients, either u r ignorant, or u r a fool that u can’t see them as an effective mode of treatment.
    Steam inhalation was indicated in ayush guidelines, kaadha and ayush64 have been so effective, if ur not accepting it.. i dnt know wt can make you believe it, lol.

    On the other hand, believing in ayurveda should not make u anti-allopath.
    They are effective too, and they are fraud too..
    We r seeing lots of guesses and lots of frauds in modern also.. but no one is trying to oppose.. infact we should indeed try to make a collective move to fight against covid..
    I dnt see any ayurvedic institute opposing allopathic decisions. On the other hand, why are they so afraid?

    Moreover most of the guys shouting here doesn’t know the basics of ayurveda,and still supporting and opposing it.
    I have studied it for 3 years, on 1st year i found it unrelatable but after that when you get inside it u find everything related in it..
    If something is not justified in your terms doesnt mean its wrong. If u think m even 10% right.. pls try to underdtand other’s point of veiws too.. by others i mean professional.. not jhola chaps who doesn’t own any degree and call themselves ayurvedacharya.. a professional that has atleast a BAMS degree..

  8. So sad to see that people are either anti-allopath, or anti-ayurveda,we all know that both of them are doing their best in treat patients.
    If someone says that ayurveda is not capable enough to treat moderate symptomatic patients, either u r ignorant, or u r a fool that u can’t see them as an effective mode of treatment.
    Steam inhalation was indicated in ayush guidelines, kaadha and ayush64 have been so effective, if ur not accepting it.. i dnt know wt can make you believe it, lol.

    On the other hand, believing in ayurveda should not make u anti-allopath.
    They are effective too, and they are fraud too..
    We r seeing lots of guesses and lots of frauds in modern also.. but no one is trying to oppose.. infact we should indeed try to make a collective move to fight against covid..
    I dnt see any ayurvedic institute opposing allopathic decisions. On the other hand, why are they so afraid?

  9. I’m wondering if you or someone close to you gets infected, which form of treatment would you choose? Ayurveda (to my sorrow) does not have clinical trials to support therapy, I really wish it did. For covid 19, there is no established cure and that is a fact.
    For everyone who is accusing doctors of minting money due to covid, please hold the government responsible for not improving health care in the six months from when the pandemic was declared. Forgive my language but we are not bloody fools who are risking our lives everyday treating patients, we are at greater risk than you who are sitting comparing risk and benefits of allopathy or ayurveda. Wear a mask, stay at home, maintain some distance and eat healthy and hope that you aren’t wondering what treatment to follow.
    For all those who think doctors are out to loot you, we have enough on our plate with trying not to get infected or infecting our families.

  10. Ridiculuous. IMA is under pressure that the doctors i mean so called doctors will not be abel to loot people as they are doing now.The doctors in India , I don’t blame all. When the doctors and scientists are unable to control the epidemicas of today , i don’t understand what is the problem with IMA in allowing Ayush .42 am

    A big fraud by MNC pharma lobby thru’ their slave barking dogs of IMA on Indian public

    IMA fears AYUSH and it is for this reason it is getting jealous and speaking such rubbish words against the most reliable system of Medicine called-AYUSH. IMA cannot save the lives of the people who are dying of COVID and when AYUSH is doing good on it,IMA is unnecessarily asking stupid questions whose answers were thrown on their mouths by evidence based scientific researches of AYUSH.
    My earnest request to the IMA,to please learn AYUSH before speaking about it.

    Dear HArshvardhan sir, Please don’t yield to IMA pressure .

    • Mr Susheel

      There is no Ayurvedic treatment for Covid. And no, I am not saying that the Allopathic systems have a solution at hand either. But, you want to wager on which system will come up with a vaccine ?

      Another thing, when a patient does get Covid, he gets into breathing difficulties, multiple organ failures, reduced immunity and many other complex physiological situations for which Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy etc. offer no solutions. These systems lack a vital aspect of medical treatment- surgical interventions and the use of technologies such as ventilators, dialysis machines etc. No wonder, everyone who can afford it resorts to and prefers Allopathic medicine for care. Did Amit Shah go for Ayurveda when he contracted ÇOVID?

      Ministers like Harsh Vardhan are Hindutva politicians peddling mumbo jumbo to fool people like you by appealing to the saffron jingoist lying dormant in you. Just as that other charlatan Baba Ramdev claimed a few months ago that Patanjali had discovered a cure for COVID. As far as I know, Amit Shah did not opt for the Patanjali piss – he went to AIIMS.

    • Evidence based scientific research on coronavirus by Ayush? Please share it. Let scientists examine it and comment.

      Making claims and releasing to media before scientists have examined the evidence means Ayush ministry is doing marketing. I myself don’t like the high costs of modern medical treatment and know that there is greed in some allopathic doctors and big pharma, they surely can’t be forgiven for that.

      Let’s face it : Ayush ministry is focussing on making Ayush popular but not doing enough to make it scientifically acceptable.

  11. Will someone answer IMA’s questions? All ayurveda supporters are trying their best to change the subject.

    Another question. Why are all of Dr. HArshvardhan’s colleagues making a beeline to AIIMS. Why are they not treating themselves at home to Ayush Ministry’s remedies. It looks like a case of AIIMS for the top people and home remedies for the poor.

    • r u any docior or an IMA person . People are dying here waiting for vaccine and you are asking to answer . If you are a doctor, sorry to say the days of looting people will be closed shortly .

      • Mr Susheel:

        You do not answer the pertinent question raised by Mr Raj above. Why the hell do all BJP Ministers who prescribe AYUSH nonsense for the citizens of India themselves choose allopathic medicine? After all, despite all the advice of Harsh Vardhan and the brilliant pharmaceutical prowess of Patanjali & Baba Ramdev others, Amit Shah went to AAIMS. Had his situation worsened, he would have sought treatment in the West.

        Health care for the poor is simply non-existent. Despite 70 odd years of independence, no comprehensive health care solutions have emerged to cater to the needs of Indians. That is something I will fault all previous governments as well as the present one for. But to the credit of previous governments, they did not peddle mumbo-jumbo backed by a Ministry , something the BJP has done. And this nonsense which at best can be described as placebos and at worst toxins is hyped and encouraged in the name of nationalism, India’s heritage and what not. And sadly, people lap up this bullshit. After all, Vishwaguru non-akhand Bharat is always right.

      • Why are you waiting for vaccine?
        Ayush is superior to modern medicine isn’t it? Our ancestors had the solutions for everything is it not?
        Let’s keep taking our proven concoctions and sugar pills. They are proven better than vaccines. We are Viswaguru, we are the most superior and scientific race.
        Modern medical science is a fraud money-making machine. Ayush systems are a tribute to our nation’s great past. We had cures for TB, cholera, polio, diabetes, cancer, flu, smallpox, chickenpox, hepatitis, heart disease, etc. even before those White savages woke up from the Dark Ages and came up with their stupid physics and chemistry .

        • Outstanding comment Mr Simon !

          I only hope and pray that this great trust in everything the “Vishwaguru” produces and in the ancient wisdom that only the Vishwaguru had does not lead to situations whereby Indians, like Pakistanis start refusing small pox vaccines, BCG shots for newborn infants and so on. This Hindutva fuelled jingoism will soon get the nation there.

    • Well said Mr Raj !

      Mind boggling that this saffron jingoism is so easily lapped up, even by the educated. And they willingly give short shrift to the fact even the most ardent political backers of Hindutva seek out allopathic treatments when they are in trouble. After all when Amit Shah got Covid, he did not seek Ayurvedic treatment did he ?

      • Even the AYush Minister Shri Naik underwent hospitalisation and plasma therapy.
        Let us Indians understand facts and not ignorantly label “English” medicine as inferior to Ayurveda or siddha. Just because modern medicine came from the West we should not ridicule it with our medicine nationalism. The benefits of science should be made available for everyone. If modern medicine is expensive it is government’s job to ensure affordable allopathic healthcare. If modern medicine can research ayurvedic herbs and find why the herbs work scientifically then isolate the molecule that is what the government should be investing in. Maybe the herbs do work or maybe they do not work at all but facts should come from scientific evidence and then patients will have medicine that has been proved by science.

        However science has already rejected homeopathy.

        • Thanks for the response and hats-off to an outstanding comment Mr Vinayak !

          You introduce a new term that I shall add to my arsenal “medical nationalism”. Thank you for that too Sir !

          But the real words of wisdom in your post are :

          “.. benefits of science should be made available for everyone. If modern medicine is expensive it is government’s job to ensure affordable allopathic healthcare ..”

          But what one sees in India today is the rank opposite. The benefits of science and modern medicine reach the rich and certainly India’s brown colonisers i.e. the political class. And the ruling political class tells the rest that would have to make do with Baba Ramdev’s shitty shit and urine based concoctions. Of course, consuming AYUSH based junk or Baba Ramdev’s brews is indeed encouraged as a form of saffron nationalism. And bhakths lap it up eagerly, never bothering to hold their elected politicians answerable for this dismal state of affairs. To them, a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is far more important than things like healthcare, education, defence etc.

          You rightly point to the need to do clinical trials under strictly controlled conditions and the results need to be published in internationally acclaimed, peer-reviewed journals. Alas, this does not take place with these AYUSh products. Baba Ramdev did no such thing when he launched CORONIL as a cure for COVID 19. But his close affiliations with the BJP enable him to get away with this sort of criminal behaviour.

          Meanwhile, every BJP politician who gets ill checks into an allopathic hospital, even as he asks the masses to stick to AYUSH.

          As the noted American anthropologist Margaret Mead (1901-78) said:

          “What people say, what people do and what they say they do are entirely different things !”

  12. Good questions.
    But not only for this Covid situation, because vaccine is a long way off. For the entire medical field.
    Sure, many Ayurvedic medicines work because our ancestors did notice which herbs worked for certain medicines. But if allopathy is really so useless, then as the doctors said all the ministers should undergo only ayurvedic treatment whether it is cancer, or heart attack or appendix.

  13. IMA preaches Nepotism in the field medicine. Death rate is low and recovery rate is high in our country because of Indian system of medicines. Not because of allopaths

    • Such statements are not based on evidence.
      We need more data.
      There is not enough data on people who died. Did they die due to their comorbidities or because of Covid.
      How many of those who recovered did so because of Ayush medicines or because of their natural immunity or because they had just a mild infection which got resolved on it’s own? The truth lies in analysing data scientifically. Unfortunately that level of data is not available hence the pandemic gives an opportunity for scamming cures and remedies.

      • Mr Vinayak: Please see my response to Mr R.Anand where the issues you raise are discussed. Do also check out my response to Mr Akaash and the poor quality of clinical trials being done for AYUSH products.

  14. These Allopathy doctors are making people fools by lagging vaccine exploration process and false claiming ayurvedic science is not suitable. I live in a sub urban region…we are using public transport system for our day to day travel inspite of this only one person was affected from covid here (that’s most pobably because he had undergone rapid test)….. This is because we mostly intake Ayurvedic Home Made Kashaya ( tonic/syrup) . Even in COVID Hospitals infecteds are being given cold/ fever pills.. that’s it and they are snatching lakhs together hard earned money from people

    • If what you say is true, then the whole world would have started taking Ayurvedic treatments to beat the COVID crisis – one of the world’s deadliest pandemics. And then, what prevents you from patenting and then publishing the chemical composition of this miracle drug that you call “Ayurvedic Home Made Kashaya” ? You can surely become a billionaire if you do so Mr Ashwini !

      Since you are unlikely to do that, one must conclude that you are simply bullshitting.

  15. Next time these so called leaders get sick send them to AYUSH care not AIIMS and other allopathy centres…. Let them put their feet where their mouth is

  16. there is a sensibility required… He is talking about prevention and post covid care. i doubt the intentions of association mentioned.. and anyway- you guys run the press to only publish against Government/ BJP…

  17. Myself and my family members and a large number of my friends have been using ayurvedic medicines since March, 2020 just to prevent the infection and enhance immunity. I believe most of the people have been using ayurvedic protocol to keep themselves away from infection during pendemic. It is helpful.

    • Exactly my view too Mr VP Saxena.

      These saffron hypocrites peddle this AYUSH mumbo-jumbo for the masses whilst themselves choosing top class allopathic care in some of the best hospitals in India and in the West. But the truly sad thing is that this mumbo-jumbo is sold as a patriotic solution and bhakths fall for that it lock, stock and barrel. Just take a look at the comments from the many who write back complementing this Harsh Vardhan joker – not any more a doctor but a useful idiot for the Hindutva tribe.

      But then, the decline of science has been ushered in by no less a man than PM Modi. And it was the PM who said that ancient Indians could perform cosmetic surgery since they could graft an elephant’s head to a man’s torso …

      Scientific temper is in over-abundance in India !!!

  18. Looks like IMA is upset with that ppl are going back to Ayurveda.. IMA should talk of how to treat ppl in economical way rather than downgrade Ayurveda

    • Mr Mohan Nikam: Sadly, or perhpas predictably, the medical profession, like every other profession follows the laws of economics. When there is more demand than supply, prices go up – as simple as that.

      And no, I am absolutely not endorsing that satte of affairs. But when the government is unable or unwilling to properly regulate the healthcare industry, this is a fairly predictable and expected state of affairs. You see that happening in the USA as well where the forces of supply and demand largely determine who gets care or not.

      In India, most students wish to become Allopathic doctors and most patients want Allopathic treatment for their ailments – even though they may supplement it through home remedies or various Ayurvedic treatments. Thus, a man injured in a traffic accident is taken to the nearest Allopathic hospital and not an Ayurvedic “doctor”. Likewise, if some gets a heart attack, he is taken to the nearest Allopathic hospital. There are no Ayurvedic vaccines, ventilators or anti-viral drugs. The vaccines administered to newly born kids are all Allopathic inventions.

      Yes, there is wisdom in traditional medical knowledge and that must be codified and the molecular mechanisms at work must be understood. But as things stand, Ayurveda is more a “wellness” type of system than a comprehensive system of medicine like Allopathy with diagnostic, surgical, post-operative and other components. For instance, if you have a kidney problem and need dialysis, Ayurveda has no solution for that.

      That people are resorting to Ayurveda is merely a reaction to the fact that the vast majority of Indians have been proced out of the healthcare market and they will seek help from sources that they may have shunned in the past. As they say, a “drowning man clutches at straws”.

      AYUSH is merely Modi’s way of acknowledging that the BJP cannot provide healthcare to the masses with its private sector based approach to medicine where price determines access. At the same time, the BJP has been utterly unable to reform the public sector care either with most people avoiding government hospitals like the plague. Hence, it is not the IMA but the BJP government that should step in and prevent this escalation of prices.

  19. This is a question of bread & butter for IMA hence by hook or crook they will see to it except allopathy nothing is practised.

  20. My abiding image of Dr Harsh Vardhan is of his shelling green peas at home, for the evening dish of mattar paneer. Every wife would love to have such a considerate husband. However, Indians in a time of pandemic, would have higher expectations from their Health Minister.

  21. If you wish to live buy there medicines else they will not allow you to live, you .may may not consume.them , get treated.the way you like ayurveda ,unani etc but please buy there medicines and pay hefty consultation charges else consider yourself in danger zone they will do a ything to recover there cost.

  22. Please don’t underestimate the most ancient wisdom of the medicine of our own country . It’s truly amazing when we use all systems of medicine together to help patients. Let’s go beyond our fears and lack of knowledge to truly embrace every scientific system of medicine without an ego to truly help every patient in front of us whose life we have to save. I’m a practicing surgeon who had an accidental injury from the scalpel during surgery and got the Hepatitis B infection my patient had. I was battling for my life on the death bed and only Ayurveda could save my life. All the education I had was of no use to me when I needed it the most and I had no other option other than to turn to Ayurveda where I experienced a miracle in terms of recovery and clearing the virus. I know Dr. Harshvardhan to be a great doctor and a humble wonderful human being with immense wisdom. If he can be convinced through proper scientific data on something which can help people he studies it and then decides if it can help. Old fear based paradigms have failed and newer successful treatments which bring together all of the above is the only way. Dr Harshvardhan is 100% honest and highly competent as an open minded evolved doctor and am proud to have him as the health minister at this time. We should be proud of him that he has had the courage to be a great minister by bringing protocols which work even if some people don’t have the wisdom yet to understand it.Please please let’s stop this unnecessary noise over nothing and embrace everything that can save lives. Every life matters. Jai Hind

    • Dr Aruna Viswanathan:

      You pontificate:

      “.. I know Dr. Harshvardhan to be a great doctor ..”

      Well, here is the eminent “doctor” who tweets nonsense such as:

      “Jawaharlal Nehru’sGotra was ‘Dattatreya’ because he was Brahmin.His sons would have inherited hisGotra. Indira Jican’t transfer her father’s Gotra to her son.ThusRajivGandhi being son of a Parsi (Feroz Gandhi)can’t have Dattatreya Gotra.Let @RahulGandhi present his true identity”

      Mind boggling that educated persons like you would trust this saffron pseudo-scientist and de facto quack.

      • Repeating a historic reality, however inappropriate it may sound today, is not quackery. Quackery is when an educated (or uneducated) person calls a person a pseudo-scientist because the person tweeted something you did not like, because the person is assumed to be associated with a color (how does color even matter here?).

        • Mr Nitin: Thanks for the response.

          According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a quack is:

          “an ignorant, misinformed, or dishonest practitioner of medicine”
          See ref:

          When Mr Harsh Vardhan peddles pseudo-scientific claptrap as medicine, he fits the definition of a quack. He willingly sets aside his own education to pander to his saffron Hindutva ideology when he touts AYUSH junk as cures for COVID 19.

          Additionally, throughout his political career, Mr Harsh Vardhan has not behaved like Dr Harsh Vardhan but like a bigoted charlatan spewing caste based rubbish rather than science based facts. As a man of science and an educated man, he should have desisted from tweeting silly caste analyses of Rahul Gandhi but attacked the latter’s politics or ideology.

          But then Harsh Vardhan, like his illustrious BJP colleague from Gujarat Dr Mayaben Kodnani of Godhra and Naroda Patiya infamy is a tool of the forces of Hindutva rather than a servant of the people. Not surprising at all.

          But truly surprising is the large number of useful idiots who rally to the support of this quack.

      • What is wrong in this. Don’t you know all this ?. So called Gandhi family has politicised dharma and gotra for their benefit.

    • Well said Arunaji!
      It is fantastic that the ministry in spite of the pressure from some allopathic doctors and some blind followers of ‘only allopathy’ doctrine, went ahead and acknowledged the role of specific alternative medicines and yoga.

      • All you people are out of their minds. Ayurveda was and is a science of wellness. This is to stay healthy and well. It has many compendia but does not have any herbs which are anti-bacterial or anti-viral for internal use. Neem etc are good for external use and Ashwagandha is great of general wellness including reducing stress on the bod and the mind. If itwas anti viral, the millions of people who have died from small pos, chicken pox and measles will not have done so. The IMA is not biased. Please shut up and let science take its course.

        • Excellent comment Mr Jangid !

          None of the BJP bigwigs and Ministers seek Ayurvedic treatmenst when they become seriously ill. Of course, that does not prevent them from dishing out this AYUSH bullshit to pacify the millions who cannot afford treatment in proper hospitals.

          Hindutva has been used to justify crazy economics, rewrite history, thrash minorities, shape India’s foreign policy and so on. And Hindutva has now entered medicine too …

    • Mam, hats off to you, being a an allopath it requires courage and determination to publicly accept that Ayurveda works. May god bless you.

    • Madam your cure experience is completely subjective regarding Hep B.
      Even if I take your claim as proof, note that
      Science is based on objectivity and cure rates across a wide statistical sample and strict studies. Medical science cannot recommend medicine with subjective or anecdotal evidence. You must know this as you are educated in modern medical science.

      Note many people clear Hepatitis B without any medication. Only scientific evidence can tell if there is a good antiviral from Ayurveda for Hep B.

    • Dr Aruna, all the medical science education you had was of no use to you? You seem to be as scientific as a person who has never studied science. Care to explain whom you went to and what your treatment was? Can you document it as evidence in one of your own indian medical science journals?

    • If ayush is soo good why are they trying to copy allopathic mode of treatment? Which means they are mot satisfied with theirown mode of treatment. Till now they followed ayurveda suddenly why this urge to practice modern medicine. Allopathics are nit asking permission to do massage, oil bath or any dharas coz they are satisfied with their treatment protocol. Ayush is trying to prove themselves wrong by urging to practice modern medicine. Even surgeries ?? Recent surgeries are done with most equipped modern techniques and chemical antiseptic methods . How come ayurveda support such mode of treatment ? It is completely againist their mode of treatment. Even willing to do dental procedure? Then why mbbs nd bds courses are offered in India. Very pathetic. Govt should find some other ways to develope Indian culture. This is not the way. Govt is making fun of those Students who worked hard to get top ranks to secure mbbs nd bds seats. Mbbs ppl had to undergo a lots of pressure to pass their exams. If this is not serious why are they not even allowed to carry their frst yr subjects lyk other medical branches. This is not fun. If comparing knowledge even ot nurses should be given permission to do surgeries. Our country will always remain in this 3rd class list. No wonder!!!0

  23. Agar tym.saab gai ki Toilet pe ke, ashwagangha kha ke, kadha pe ke theek ho jaogee too inlogo billion dollars ki dawai kya tumhara papa kharedenge, jo usnee billions dollars expend kaar diye wo recover kaha se hoonge, isliye ayerved se theek ho jao per inlogo ki dawai kharedo nahi to ye jeena nahi denge.

  24. आयुर्वेद काम कैसा करता है ये पता भी नहीं ये ima वाले ज्ञान बाटने लगे … पहले भारतीय शास्त्र पढ़ो .. प्लॅसिबो नहीं है आयुर्वेद … पूरा पढ़ो … आयुर्वेद शास्त्र प्रकृति पुरुष सिद्धांत पे है ,दोष धातु मल सिद्धांत पे है … ये सिम्पटोमैटिक नहीं

  25. Hilarious ! Those who tried to treat Covid 19 with maleria medicines and paracetamol are saying that alternative therapies are placebo? If they aren’t just satisfied after depleting people’s long term saving then scare everyone with your random research results to declare corona as airborne. Probably, they’ll be able to sell air as well. Oops, I forgot that they already sell a component of air – Oxygen!
    If treatments are going to heal the patient then patients have full right to choose their therapies. Who are they to narrow down a patient’s scope of treatment?
    And by the way, many research show placebos work wonders when patients believe in them and don’t even need so called modern drugs.

    • Paracetamol is only for managing symptoms. It cannot kill a virus.
      HCQ was repurposed because of the urgency of the pandemic. There was no scientific evidence that it could control infection due to the coronavirus. However theoretically it was felt that this drug could stop viral replication or block entry of the virus into cells.

      Bottom line is medical science (modern medicine) does not make any claims without scientific evidence.

      Medical science clearly knows that there are not many drugs in its arsenal for viruses. For that matter no system of medicine can convincingly demonstrate how we can eliminate viruses in the body. Viruses are smart things and they continuously evolve strategies to infect the host and avoid immune system surveillance . Medical science understand this well but ayush doesn’t. Because ayush is ancient medicine and was evolved when physics chemistry was not existent.

      • Brilliant answer Mr Guruprasad !

        As you succinctly put it:

        “.. medical science (modern medicine) does not make any claims without scientific evidence ..”

        And then you have BJP financier Baba Ramdev who claims that his CORONIL product can fix COVID 19. And gets to sell the bloody product to gullible Indians with hardly a question being raised by the Health Ministry.

        But then, I guess it is an act of sedition to question that charlatan and his outfit.

  26. The IMA clarified that science “demands” two things. First, as listed in the release, is “reproducibility of a claim elsewhere in non-conflict situations”.
    Replication of the claim is one of the “key ways scientists build confidence in the scientific merit of results”

    Dear IMA, lets apply this scientific principle to the novel coronavirus and Covid19. The claim is that sickness (fever, breathlessness, headache, cough etc. etc.) is being caused by the novel coronavirus. But this claim itself is not reproducible. One person with coronavirus has only fever. Another no symptoms. Another only cough. Yet another no symptoms. Where is the reproducibility? You are unable to reproduce the claim.

    As India’s premier medical agency, you are supposed to apply scientific principles whenever another agency (WHO in this case) claims some discovery. And agree or disagree with the claim. And advise our central and state government’s accordingly. Focus your energies on your core competencies and not in analyzing other treatment approaches where you have no expertise. If you apply the scientific principles you talk of diligently to the coronavirus, it would be clear that people have been taken for a ride, and you have been blind and mute spectators, failing your duty.

    • Madam, symptoms vary between people. It depends on parts of body infected and a person’ immunity. Maybe also the viral load. What is unscientific about this?

      With varying symptoms, people test positive for Covid. You must know that many viral infections can all cause same symptoms only tests reveal which microorganism caused the infection. That is scientific medical diagnosis.

      • One, that’s an experimental drug. Second, it was a cocktail of 2 different drugs; one of them not being a Covid medicine. So, you don’t really know which one worked. Not everyone can afford what Trump got. Don’t believe me? Look no further than Shekhar Gupta’s “Cut the clutter”.

  27. If health ministry really trust AYUSH, all COVID treatment should be handed over to AYUSH Ministry, it will also help in restoring normal functioning of hospitals.
    Do they really want that? Lets see.

  28. China has used herbal medicine with success , then why not Ayurveda.IMA is fuming now as the doctors and hospitals who are looting people now could stop, as it is people are drinking Kadha to prevent infections, Ayurveda is surely a safe and cheap alternative

  29. The people who are treated with ayurveda and siddha 100 percent got cured . Whereas there are many deaths in English medicine. This proves ayush is good at treating and managing corona.

    • 100 per cent? What a troll you are!! Firstly print asked if his party member are also preferring ayush protocol to fight covid-19. Then he ignored to say anything. Why? because they all went to AIIMS or any other such hospital. Well the people who died due to covid-19, most of them had other health issues as well. I am not saying ayurvedic is fail. It may help in boosting your immune, along with your other diet which helps your immune system. Similarly there are other medicine for boosting immune system. If you are healthy then your body will fight covid-19 if you get treatment on time. But ayurvedic medicine is not a cure to covid-19 as it is spread by those dumb minister for votes. Currently It is all upto the immune system. Whereas the medicine which is still under process is supposed to prevent the covid-19 and cure you from it.

    • What scientific evidence you have.
      Provide it, be open and transparent.
      Don’t think readers of the Print are total fools with no scientific background.

      You are just marketing Ayurveda and Siddha.

  30. Modern allopathy is highly dependent on chemistry and physics. Govt must encourage and ensure strategic percolation of modern science into the already enriched domain of ayurveda. Ayurveda need not always to be presented in the envelop of nationalism. In order to show actual spine IMA must strategise an implementable public policy to address the problem associated withthe availability and most importantly asscssibility of health care facilities.aurvedic medicines will definitly eclipse the modern medicine as far as preventive public and personal health care is concern-however the importance and glory of allopathy in critical and emergency care will not be discounted in acknowledging it unless being tense about unsatitable commission dynamics in the supply chain of so called modern medicine.

  31. Absolutely right questions posed. Promoting these Ayush regimens as preventive or treatment options gives a false sense of security to the layman, who will then be inclined to disregard personal safety/hygiene/ social distancing guidelines; under the false impression that he/she is protected from Covid by having consumed these Ayush medicines.

  32. Government should establish research institutions to verify the curative effects of Ayurvedic medicine for Covid infection.
    Research on Natural Products Chemistry has revealed that the compounds isolated from natural products have structures similar to the curative allopathic medicines.
    If this sustainable efforts are implemented, then India can show a new pathway.

  33. Aurved sure is the future of medicine. Lot of new research. Doctors are using aurvedic things themselves for treatment, post surgery process.
    Additionally for things like mederate BP and suger ..aurvedic is the ONLY best treatment.. tell me one person who does not take aurvedic treatment.

  34. Yes those saying efficiency of ayurveda, they must test it on themselves , cow piss and cow dung seriously ??

      • What reasoning? None of the modern medicines have worked either. Paracetamol is a fever drug; not a Covid drug. Modern medicine is treating the symptoms and not the disease per se. Still, people are being dosed with these medicines, aren’t they?

        • Mr Tushar: Your Gomutra selling friend Baba Ramdev has produced a drug called Coronil. he claims that it can cure COVID in 7 days. Would you suggest that when someone gets COVID Mr Tushar?

    • Science is not Indian or Western. Stop “medicine nationalism” please.

      Science is universal does not belong to any country race or religion and it is the Scientific method that humans have gradually improved over centuries to explore and understand Nature and the universe. Even if Ayurveda has some possible cures let it be investigated and confirmed by science. Until then those cures should be considered only as claims as per science.

  35. Ayurveda medicines are not proven for efficacy in labs They are established thro experience. Millions of people across India practice yoga pranayama and consume health foods – ayurvedic prescriptions and their faith is what proves the efficacy of Ayurveda. Nobody not even the govt claims that Ayurveda and Yoga can provide complete cure. They have only stated that these can prevent Covid and keep it at bay.

  36. We at our home, are taking preventive measures mostly by consuming only Aturvedic products. Allopathy tablets like Dolo is used only of therw is high fever. The IMA can keep its arrogance to itself as there is every proof that only a combination of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Siddha Medicines and Allopathy are keeping the middle class Indian alive.

    • Nonsense. I am not taking any ayush medicine and I have not got any Covid symptoms. I am alive because I have taken precautions. That is what most people are doing. Can’t say that ayush is keeping Indians alive. Kuchh bhi.

  37. TamilNadu siddha treatment is documented treated more than 1000 patients now !! Can you please check and publish news about it. Also show to IMA.

    • Mr Ashok: Care to tell the world where it is documented? Did the patients recover ? And then, if it was so bloody effective why don’t rich people like SP Balasubramanim and others choose Siddha over Allopathy ?

      After all, if Siddha is the answer, why not have the treatments peer reviewed and puiblished? That would prove that India is indeed a “Vishwa guru” right ?

  38. Medical professionals are making a kill using covid situation in private hospitals..where was this IMA on professional ethics of Doctors.. Alternative Medicine also can isn’t western system but native system which prevailed hundreds of years prior to allopathy. So stop doing business and behave true to the oath and do service. People respect covid warriors.. Let these people own up the more than 1 lakh deaths as their efficiency. There is no vaccine but they are claiming to give treatment on permutations. first stop pharma collusion business and save patients from side effects. Jai Hind.

    • Have you any idea how many doctors have died? There was a pathologist who was seven months pregnant and she died due to covid. Who is taking responsibility for those deaths?
      Each death is a tragedy, a life lost. Maybe, just maybe if we had been better prepared we might not have the infection or death rate we have right now.
      Accountability should be from policy makers. Do you know how much the Budget allocates for health?

  39. One should remember that allopathic medicines are extracts too in concentrated form. They didn’t arrive from sky. Chinese where coronavirus has originated claimed in many articles that they used traditional medicine along with modern medicine to treat the virus. Isn’t it time to look out to work hand in hand and save lives than criticism. It is not unknown that hospitals milk patients for their benefits. If one starts recording all the cases, probably a phD can be completed in statistics. It is time for modern day medicine to recognise ayurveda and work hand in hand. For that matter is there any guarenteed treatment in modern day medicine for the novel coronavirus??

    • Allopathic medicines are molecules, not extracts or concoctions. Ayurvedic medicines are whole herbs and therefore many many chemicals and molecules are in the ayurvedic medicines.

      Even if the source medicine in allopathic was from plants, it will be the molecule that has been researched to work for that medical problem.

      Allopathy is based on chemistry and the whole body is a chemical process. We are made of biomolecules.

      Viruses are made of bio molecules too.

      There is no guarantee in any system of medicine for killing viruses in cells. If such medicines existed, modern medicine would have identified the molecule and made a synthetic drug out of it. Sorry, viruses are too complex for us to conquer with the level of medical knowledge we have at this point. Also each type of virus is different. There is no one mechanism to eliminate all types of vruses.

  40. As reported, in Chennai 50% percent of those tested had “antibody”, i. e., they got exposed at one stage but without knowing. They never took allopathic treatment, but every one was taking natural precautionsike kabasura water, Ginger, pepper, thulsi etc.

    • Antibodies are formed because of exposure to the coronavirus. The virus is spreading in the community and many are getting exposed with small viral loads. By taking kabasura water, Ginger, pepper, thulsi etc. the body simply cannot biochemically generate coronavirus 2 specific antibodies from B cells. It is the B cell specific viral antibody that is detected in the antibody diagnostic test.

      Medical science is evidence based. Science does not work on subjective claims.

  41. What?, Home minister got admitted in a private allopathic hospital and then to AIIMS, after criticism from Indians, which ever ybody knows. He never got admitted in Patanjali for covid???????

  42. Comments without complete knowledge about anything shows how mature or immature people are! (who ever it is).’vinashakale vipareetha budhi ‘

  43. Political leaders never practice what they preach. They go to five star corporate hospitals for medical treatment including going to abroad to survive.

  44. They have to safeguard their interest more (call it monopoly exploitation) by defending their fort. It is not out if any interest on the new prescription or any national interest. IMA is the most corrupt professional body. When even counties like USA adopted integrated medicine, in India, we still follow divisions as if they belong to different castes and communities. Sad.


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