Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Why Hagibis, Japan’s worst typhoon in 60 years, turned the sky purple before wreaking havoc

Typhoon Hagibis, which made landfall Saturday, has killed at least 10 people and affected nearly six million in Japan.

In a single week, 3 giant strides made towards detecting and curing cancer

Teams from Glasgow & Belfast make progress in detecting brain & prostate cancers, while one from Queensland may have found a cure for all cancers.

Space Activities Bill, meant to boost private role, will create confusion instead

The draft Space Activities Bill, which might be presented in the winter session of Parliament, leaves crucial newspace facets unconsidered.

2019 Chemistry Nobel awarded for work in development of lithium-ion battery

The Chemistry Nobel was awarded to Americans John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Japanese Akira Yoshino.

NASA’s Curiosity rover finds ancient salt-rich lakes that could’ve supported life on Mars

The 150 km-wide Gale Crater on Mars has deposits of sulphate salts. This discovery could help understand how Mars became the dry and cold planet it is today.

Bengaluru gets one-of-a-kind science festival with crowd-sourced items, quiz & a band

The exhibit displays a 3-D exhibition of the periodic table, elements in their true forms and has interactive events centred around the theme.

The 3 Physics Nobel Prize winners who transformed our understanding of the universe

The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded with one half to James Peebles and the other half jointly to Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz.

Saturn overtakes Jupiter with 82 moons — now has more than any other planet

Carnegie Institute has asked people to suggest names for the 20 new moons. Suggestions can be tweeted to @SaturnLunacy with #NameSaturnsMoons.

Medicine Nobel awarded for study on how human cells sense and adapt to oxygen levels

The findings by scientists William G. Kaelin Jr, Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, and Gregg L. Semenza are relevant to nearly all bodily functions and mechanisms.

What Earth’s changing climate can teach us about altering the surface of Mars

Controlling the UV and infra-red radiation is a pressing issue on Earth. But it also presents a challenge for those who dream of colonising Mars.

On Camera

Indian industry in Bangladesh is staring at a void. New Delhi must give line of credit to Dhaka

For New Delhi, SAFTA and CEPA will be critical. Such frameworks could institutionalise economic ties with Bangladesh, making them resilient to political disruptions.

Even as SEBI lays down new curbs on F&O market, discount brokerages are changing business models

SEBI Tuesday unveiled rules to curtail retail participation in derivatives market. Options premia to be collected upfront from options buyer effective 1 Feb 2025.

‘No drone bombs or infiltration’, Army Chief says ‘battle of narratives’ must be controlled in Manipur

Chief of Army Staff General Upendra Dwivedi says the Manipur conflict was triggered by a rumour and that the situation may be ‘stable today, but it is tense’.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?