Friday, July 5, 2024


Congress is beating an old drum with Brahmin candidates in UP, lacks strategy

Congress is a 'coalition of extremes' — Muslims, Brahmins, and Dalits. But look at the gaps that its ticket distribution in UP polls reveals.

Why are doctors issuing ‘green’ prescriptions? Because mental health needs more than medicine

Covid-19 has fuelled a parallel mental health pandemic. Doctors in Canada, New Zealand and Japan have a new treatment for anxiety and depression.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine likely to create a refugee crisis that rivals 1945

According to the European Commission, about 120,000 Ukrainians have fled their homes. While 1-5 million civilians could flee westward and into the EU in the coming weeks and months.

Imran Khan Russia visit was more about reducing ties with US – Pakistan’s looking East now

A popular understanding in Pakistan is that its first prime minister, Liaquat Khan, made a mistake by accepting America’s invitation before Moscow’s.

Pakistan sees foreign hand in all. But everyone knows who is behind missing Baloch students

Hafeez Baloch was forcibly disappeared weeks ago by armed men. And yet, the investigation-free and evidence-free conclusion never changes.

The fog of war is spreading at high speed through social media

Ukrainian cities have become hashtags on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and messaging apps like Telegram, offering dozens of opportunities for purveyors of false information.

RamLeela to Gangubai — Bhansali brings back the white. It’ll boss fashion in 2022

Gangubai’s outfits in the film, often white on white, stand out not just for looking gracious, but also for being wearable.

Russia is under a memory spell. It’s why Putin can’t give up on Ukraine

From oral accounts to high literature, baptism to brutality, Russia's memories of Ukraine drive a policy in 2022 that modern systems can't get.

Counterview: Urging Centre to take over Auroville a call for serious overreach of State power

There have been internal and external tensions at Auroville. But resolving these can't be done through violent actions and top-down imposition by the State.

From ban to brand, Indian govt now champions mahua liquor. But Chhattisgarh isn’t cashing in

In a dramatic move, the Indian government adopted a positive attitude towards the indigenous tribal produce mahua. But Bijapur’s finest is yet to become a brand.

On Camera

Rahul Gandhi ignorantly linked ‘abhay mudra’ to Islam in speech. Abrahamic religions are complex

If we want to focus on the symbol of the hand specifically as part of Islamic culture, it does exist among Middle Eastern Muslims and is called Hamsa in Hebrew and Khamsa in Arabic.

Water stress inevitable, what steel & coal sectors can do to avoid looming crisis

11 of 15 major river basins in India to experience water stress by 2025. India’s major power grids depend on 14 major river basins, all of which are under ‘high water stress’.

India set to carry out trials for US-made Stryker combat vehicles in Ladakh & deserts

Army is looking to procure about 530 infantry combat vehicles to re-equip several mechanised infantry battalions. Talks between India & US are at an advanced stage, it is learnt.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.