Saturday, July 6, 2024
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Global Pulse

GLOBAL PULSE: Martial law upheld in the Philippines, Qatar ups gas output and Mexican painter Jose Luis Cuevas dead

PHILIPPINES SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS MARTIAL LAW The Supreme Court of the Philippines overwhelmingly decided Tuesday to uphold President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of martial law in Mindanao

GLOBAL PULSE: The Jewish diaspora is angry with Netanyahu, Assad’s face is on a new currency note and some Iranians are loving Trump

NETANYAHU’S ORTHODOX POLITICS ANGERS  JEWISH DIASPORA Benjamin Netanyahu yielded to pressure from his ultra-Orthodox coalition partners and suspended a plan to provide a better space for...

GLOBAL PULSE: Trump’s latest tweet controversy, Qatar’s sanctions deadline extended and sex education in taxis

DONALD TRUMP TAKES DOWN CNN WITH A MEME If there was any doubt about Donald Trump being the most unique head of state there is...

GLOBAL PULSE: Deposed Saudi prince is home alone, Trump’s travel ban couldn’t have prevented terror attacks, and Macron’s telling portrait.

DEPOSED SAUDI PRINCE IS HOME ALONE The recently deposed crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Nayef, has been barred from leaving the kingdom and confined to his palace. 

GLOBAL PULSE: NATO raises defence spending, sexual abuse charge against Vatican cardinal and socks-and-ties politics

NATO UPS SEPNDING IN RESPONSE TO TRUMP NATO allies of the United States plan to boost their defence spending by 4.3 per cent this year in...

GLOBAL PULSE: Britons in EU worry about Brexit-sacrifice, push Pakistan without pushing it toward China, and sing national anthem with fervour in the Philippines

BRITONS IN EU DON’T WANT TO BE BREXIT-SACRIFICE British citizens settled in Europe have expressed concern that Theresa May is willing to sacrifice some of...

GLOBAL PULSE: Trump gets back parts of his travel ban, what the Qatar blockade is about and why ‘real men’ die earlier

DONALD TRUMP WINS ON IMMIGRATION BAN TILL OCTOBER There have been two versions of a ban on Muslims entering the US. Both were struck down...

GLOBAL PULSE: Macron turns protectionist, China’s Orwellian crackdown in Xinjiang and Israeli women won’t have to give up their seats

MACRON WANTS PROTECTION Newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron wants to revive an old French ambition, namely to protect French companies from cross-border takeovers on the grounds of “vital strategic interests”.

GLOBAL PULSE: Trump’s new idea for his wall, palace coup at Uber and how cars stolen in the UK are turning up in Thailand

TRUMP'S NEW IDEA FOR HIS WALL He's been promising it since before he became president. Work's not started on it yet because the other nation...

GLOBAL PULSE: Saudi Arabia gets a new crown prince, climate change could make flights bumpier and Daniel Day Lewis quits

Dawn raid by ISIS-linked militants in Philippines  An estimated 40 fighters from the Islamic State-linked Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) raided a school in Philippines...

On Camera

Arvind Subramanian on India having missed its chance to rationalise GST rates — ‘moment has passed’

Speaking at an event, the former CEA says he no longer thinks fuel & electricity should be included in GST and added that India has only now, 7 yrs later, reached pre-GST revenue levels.

Record 16.7% growth in defence production in a year — PSUs contribute 79.2% & private sector 20.8%

Ministry of Defence claims 60 percent rise in indigenous defence production in past 5 yrs, attributing it to policy reforms and soaring defence exports.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.